Deadly Intentions: Chapter 3


"Hello?" answered Relena.

"Ah, Relena are you busy?"

"Who is this Hilde?"


"Hilde, I'm sort of busy at the moment. I need to go over some papers that are -

"You need a ten minute break anyway. So, I was wondering if you would like to come shopping with Catherine and me this Thursday."

"Well, actually I can't because you see I have lots and lots of paperwork to go over and-

(Meanwhile Noin is in the room and listening on the conversation) "And you don't have to worry about it because your brother can take over for one day while you go out", interrupted Noin.

"Hello Noin", said Hilde.

"Well hello there too Hilde"

"No I can't, I must do this. It's my responsibility", Relena said.

"Now, you don't have to worry about a thing Relena. I think you need to get out anyway and this is the perfect opportunity. Go out and have fun with your friends, give yourself a little bit of space", Noin said.

"I suppose your right".

"Of course I am. Oh and Hilde, give my regards to Duo".

"I will and see you Thursday then Relena".


"Hey Heero buddy! Didn't expect to hear from you so soon . . . then again since it's concerning Relena, well . . . oh nevermind. So anything new?" asked Duo.

"I called to inform you that I have notified everyone else what's going on and to meet this Thursday. I expect you told Hilde to get Relena out of the house?" asked Heero.

"Yeah, yeah, I did. She said that her, Catherine, and Lena are going shopping. Anyhow, why don't you want Relena to know about this."

"Because she would be distracted away from her work with this new threat."

"Ah, and will you be protecting her from the shadows?"


"So, I'm assuming that we're all meeting this Thursday at the Sanc Kingdom and inform Zechs while Lena is away, right?"


"So when you're flight arrives want me to give you a lift to the Sanc Kingdom?"

"I don't need your help Duo. All I ask is for you to protect her until I arrive".

Once again Duo was left staring at nothing but a blank screen. "As always it seems that the

"Great Independent Suicide Boy Heero" never needs any help".


A Week Later at the Mall (Thursday) . . .

"Come on Relena, let's go to the other store", said Hilde. Relena didn't answer. "Hello Relena? Earth to RELENA!"

"What?" answered Relena.

"What is wrong with you. It seems that you're distracted or something", said Catherine.

"Well, it's just that I'm worried about all the paperwork that needs to be done, I have a huge meeting next month, I don't know how -

"Enough Relena. You're here to clear you're mind.. You don't need to be worrying about all the work you have to do." interrupted Hilde.

"Besides how do you expect to relax and enjoy yourself when you're worrying about all the work you have to do?" asked Catherine.

"I suppose I should relax."

"Well that's settled, now, how about going into that store", pointed Hilde.


Meanwhile at the Sanc Kingdom . . .

"Noin, I don't know how you talked me into this", said Milliardo as he signed a paper and moved on to the next.

"Zechs what does it matter? I just think that Relena needs some time to relax and enjoy herself", Noin said.

"She can relax and enjoy herself here. Why does she have to go out?"

"I meant away from this place. How would you like it if you were here doing nothing but

working day and night?"

"You do have a point there."

"I almost forgot the reason I came here, we have some visitors."

"Oh? Who are they?" Zechs asked as he signed another paper and move on to the next.

"Well, why don't you come down and see for yourself?"

"Obviously I don't have the time for surprises."

"They're the former Gundam pilots".

"What? What are they doing here?"

"I don't know but Heero said he has something very important to discuss with you".

"Yuy's here as well? I'll see myself what Yuy wants".