Just Because

By Sarah Bose. Copyrighted by Sarah Bose- 2002

I hereby state that I do not own any of the Gundam Wing Characters, but do declare that I love Duo Maxwell. ^_^ Please just enjoy my story. P.S : Sorry, but I donít know much Japanese or too much about everyone, but Iíll do my best to make it an enjoyable story.


Part 1


The end of the gun was pointed at Duo, the holder, Heero Yuy, was sent to kill him. There was nothing he could do, they were strict orders from his command.

Duo stared at the end of the barrel, his mouth dry and face flushed. He was afraid, he had always been scared of death. Tears formed in his eyes as he held back from crying.


"Whatís wrong Duo?" Heero replied solemnly, but a bit of anger showed in his face. "Youíre the God of death arenít you? You should be welcoming thisÖ." Heero pulled the trigger a bit, but stopped at the look on Duoís face.

"HeeroÖ..you donít want to do thisÖ.." Duo said, his voice quivering as he slowly lifted his hand and placed it on top of the barrel.

After looking at Duo for a few minutes, he let the gun fall to the floor, but the angle he dropped it made it go off and the bullet hit Duo with such force that he fell onto his back.

"Duo?!?!" Heero yelled as he ran over and kneeled down next to him, lifting him to a halfway sitting position, holding him in his arms.

Duo wasnít hurt severely, but he was in shock; the bullet hit him near the shoulder just about three inches from his heart. And he was, of course, over reacting.


"I see the lightÖ.Its welcoming meÖ..Take care of Hilde for meÖ."

Heero gave him a "Oh my god Baka! Youíre such a freak!" looks then shook him harshly. "Duo!! Snap out of it!!! Its only your shoulder!!!"

Duo looked at Heero and gave him a scared smile. "..I knew thatÖ.."

With Duo everything was life-threatening. He just doesnít know how to handle the life death situations.

After Duo passed out from emotional stress, Heero walked out the door to go find Quatre; Leaving his blood stained gun lying on the tile floor.




"So you shot him?" Quatre asked wrapping Duoís shoulder as he sat motionless in his chair.

"I didnít shoot him!" Heero replied aggravated. " I dropped the gun and it went off!"

" But didnít your command tell you to kill him?" Wufei said walking into the room with Trowa.

"Screw my command! Theyíre a bunch of self-serving Bastards! I donít know why I left you guys to be with them to begin with!" Heero yelled angrily slamming his fist into the wall.

"Calm down Heero.." Quatre soothed as he tied the end of Duoís bandages. "No one was severely hurt, we forgive you."

Quatre was always the peacemaker of the five boys. He doesnít like fighting, especially when its between themselves. Quatre cries at the sight of war, yet he still feels the need to help.

Trowa rolled his eyes and sat down. "Maybe if Duo wasnít such a baby we wouldnít have so many problems." He said folding his arms across his chest stubbornly.

Duo had been sitting in his chair in the dark corner of the room listening to them, staring at the floor absentmindedly. So many things were going through his mind, so many different feelings. He felt ashamed for acting so childish over a mere gunshot wound to the shoulder. The God of Death?? Afraid?? It was too dishonorable for his tastesÖ.but after he thought a minute he realized it couldnít have been helped, though the Shinigami was known for taking many peopleís lives, he just couldnít bear the fact of losing his own.

Heero looked at Duo Sadly, he felt really bad about shooting him, even if he didnít really pull the trigger.

Duo stood up and walked out of the room, he didnít say anything, nor did he look at any of his fellow pilots. He knew he had to pull himself together and being with them wouldnít help.

They all watched him leave and as Quatre went to go give him a pep talk he was welcomed with a harsh "no" on the cheek by Heeroís hand which sent him into a sitting position on the ground, he was surprised, but he understood.

"Let him be aloneÖ" The soldier said sitting in Duoís chair. "He wouldnít talk to you anyway."