Just Because

By Sarah Bose. Copyrighted by Sarah Bose- 2002


This is my second chapter to Just because. I hope you enjoy it. And thereís a cliffhanger at the end, so youíll have to wait for the next installment to find out what happens next!! ^_^ Enjoy!


Part 2

Duo sat outside on the dewy grass, he let himself fall onto his back and winced as he hit the ground. His violet eyes fell upon the stars, the beautiful stars, they seemed like they were calling to him, saying hello; trying to persuade him to tell them his secrets and feelings once more like he had done so many other times. They wanted to comfort him once more. He wanted so badly to hold on in his arms, hold it to his tired and battle worn body, and feel the warmth. He longed for freedom, to live a life, not to be held back by his fellow pilots. But, of course, Duo would never leave them, he knew he couldnít, they were his group, his clan, the people heíd spent nearly all of his life with they were his friends, they did almost everything together, and Duo didnít want to be alone. If he didnít have people around him his mind would be on his own problems. Those deep dark secrets of his past that he shared with no one and protectively made sure no one got a hold of.

Suddenly a gunshot brought him out of his thoughts and he snapped back into reality.

He looked around frantically getting to his feet, then he bolted to the side as another bullet went flying by. "Heero!!!!" He yelled scared as someone reached out from the darkness, grabbed his ankle and pulled his foot out from under him.

Duo hit the ground hard and yelled out as he struggled to get free from the attacker that jumped onto his stomach, holding him down.

Once he heard the second gunshot Heero was out of his seat and out the door. ëDuoís in troubleÖ..he needs my help!í he thought to himself as he ran down the hallway of Quatreís mid-suburban summer house; and behind him, wondering what was going on, were the other three.

The person who was struggling to get Duo still so that they could shoot him was wearing all black clothes, with a mask that had a place cut out for eyes. The personís eyes, Duo noticed, were a beautiful shade of gray, almost a white silver, and they held him; once he looked at those eyes, he quit moving.

The person held the gun to Duoís head, and for the first time, he wasnít scared; he stared into those silver eyes, as if dreaming, he could see the stars he loved so much in those eyes, and he felt at peace for the first time in his life.

"Silver" (Which is what weíll call him for now..) stared at him. ëWhat the hell???í He thought. ëwhy isnít he scared???í

Out of nowhere Heero lunged at Silver, knocking him off of Duo. Then he sat on Silverís stomach, holding him by the neck angrily. "Who the hell are you?!?!" Heero demanded.

Silver went to pull the trigger to shoot Heero, but he realized that his gun was missing and a few cuss words later he looked to see Heero holding in front of his face. He was immediately taken with fear.

"I want some answers!! Now!!" Heero yelled ready to shove the gun in Silverís mouth and pull the trigger.

Silver gulped. No one had ever used his own gun against him.

The braided boy was bewildered. He got to his feet and Quatre walked over to him. "You okay Duo?" The light blonde asked.

"Yeah, Iím alright." Duo Replied walking over to Silver and Heero.

Heero was looking down at Silver with a death glare, he wanted to kill him. "Answer me!!" He replied threatening Silver with the gun.

You could just barely see Silverís smile underneath his mask as his eyes twinkled. He had a secret the others didnít know, and he was happy.

"What are you smiling about??" Heero replied angrily.

Silver laughed as he pulled off his mask to reveal long light blue hair and his silver eyes glowed with excitement.

"HEíS A GIRL!!" Duo choked, taken aback.

Heero looked at her speechless, she was beautiful. ëHeeroÖyou have Relena, snap out of it!í He thought to himself as he shook his head to get back his train of thought.

"Thatís correctÖ.Duo Maxwell.." She said, her voice soft and threatening.

The God of Death was stunned, a girl had nearly ended his life.

The girl laughed evilly, then she pushed Heero off and stood up. "Prepare to fight for your lives Heero Yuy and Duo MaxwellÖ" Then she gave them one last smile and disappeared back into the darkness before Heero could catch her.

"Oi, Heero, who was that?!?" Duo asked scratching his head.

"I dunnoÖ" Heero replied picking something up off the ground, looking it over carefully, Then slips it into his back pocket as he walks back towards the house. " Looks like my command is trying to kill us DuoÖ"






OOOOHHH!!!!!! Cliffhanger!!!! ^_^ wait for the next episode of "Just because"!!!

(And just to tell you, its called "Just Because" wellÖbecause its just one of those stories where anything can happenÖ.okay, its because I couldnít think off anything elseÖ ^_^ hope that doesnít ruin your enjoyment.)