*Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or it's characters. They belong to Sunrise and Sotsu Agency.

*A.N. I just wanted to remind everyone that Duo Maxwell will be called Maxwell through out the story, while his son will be called Duo. Also, Relena will be called Lena through out the story, while her daughter will be called Si, Siberia, or Relena through out the story. Also I'm going to pretend that Trieze didn't die in GW.


Chapter 4

"They were the heroes that you told us about?" Angela asked.

Dorothy replied, "Yes. They are."

"Wow, who'd ever thought we are the kids of the gundam pilots." Duo said.

Sally replied, "Are you mad?"

"It's a little hard to believe." Jay replied

Wufei asked, "Well are any of you mad."

"This came as a shock, just give us some time." Alexia answered.

Lena said, "Si, sweetie. You've been awfully quite. What do you think."

"You lied to us." Siberia said pushing off the wall.

Lena replied, "We did it for your own good."
"Our own good, please! You didn't do it for our own good, you did it for yourselves." Siberia raised her voice.

Heero said, "Don't take that tone of voice with you mother young lady."

"Considering the circumstances you have no right to tell me what to do. You lost that right when you lied to me. You promised me you would never lie to me, or anyone else. You broke your promise. You've been braking your promise. So why should I listen to you?" Siberia replied sounding real angry.

Milliardo replied, "Cause he's your father."

"You should talk dad. You lied to me too after you promised you wouldn't. As a matter of fact you all made the same promise to each of us, and you all broke them. If you can't keep a promise then don't make it. I don't see why you didn't just tell us the truth." Alex responded.

Quatre answered, "We were only trying to protect you."

"Oh please! I think Si is right. You weren't trying to protect us. You were only trying to protect yourselves. Why should we believe you any way? I mean who knows what else you lied to us about." Shang replied.

Jay said, "Come on you guys. I'll agree with you that this was a huge shock, but at least they are telling us now, instead of never telling us and lying to us for the rest of our lives. Besides it's not like this lie hurt us in any way."

"Yeah you guys. Jay's right. Look they need us. We should be honored that we are going to get to fly the gundams." Mariemaia added.

Angela responded, "Well I'm in. I mean they wouldn't be telling us this, and asking us to fly the gundams if they didn't really need our help. Something must really be wrong in order for them to tell us the truth. Let's here what they have to say. So why do you need us to fly the gundams?"

"Une why don't you explain." Trieze said.

Lady Une was saying before she was interrupted, "There has is a new rebellious group called the Black Lightening. They live on the colony LX68907. We believe that they are going to declare war on Earth and possibly the other colonies as well. That's not all. Some of the Black Lightening bases are here on earth. We believe that they formed their group here on earth and then moved to the colony after it was built. I know that information is irrelevant, but..."

"So basically you want us to do what you did when you were the pilots and that is destroy the bases and try to stop this new threat before anything happens to earth or the colonies. Am I correct?" Alan interrupted.

Milliardo replied, "Yes you are. Now we will give you the location of the bases here on earth. There will be two gundams per base. Remember all you really have to do is go blow up the hanger with the gundams in it. Now only one of you will go in and set up the explosives. The other will be on look out and back up. Got it?"

Everyone nodded.

"I'm pretty sure that everyone except Si, Alan, Jay and Alex, know which are their gundams. So I'll clear it up for Alan and Alex..." Milliardo was saying.

Alan cut him off, "I don't want the gundam with the zero system."

"Well never mind. I guess now you both know which gundam you will be flying." Noin replied.

"Alex, Shang, Si are you three ok about flying the gundams? I mean you were pretty mad at us when we told you." Lady Une asked.

Si replied, "I don't know about the others, but I never had a problem with the fact that I was going to fly one of the gundams, just the fact that you never told us. I'll fly."

"That goes for me too." Shang said.

Alex replied, "Same here."

"So which one is mine dad?" Si asked.

Heero said, "Si, Wing 0 is all yours."

"I go just one question. That so called virtual reality game..." Si was asking until she was cut off.

Heero interrupted, "Yes that was a program with the zero system installed. I had to see which one of you could control it just in case anything like this ever happened."

"So when do we start our missions?" Angela asked.

Lady Une replied, "Tomorrow and the next day you all will practice using the gundams. The day after that if we feel you can handle it, then you may start."

"Well if we are going to start tomorrow then we better get some sleep." Alexia said.

Sally replied, "You're right, so I suggest you all go to bed. Cause Tomorrow morning promptly at 10 am you are coming with us."

Everyone went up stairs. It was obvious that they were going to all spend the night.

Si went into her just in time to hear the phone ring. It was about 12:35am and she wanted to go to bed, but she answered the phone anyway.

Si said answering the phone, "Hello."

"So you're going to pilot one of the gundams huh." the voice on the other end responded.

Si asked, "How are you? Long time no hear. It's about time you called. How did you know I am going to pilot a gundam?"

"My grandfather told me. He helped out your Uncle, dad and everyone else when they were the pilots. He did the repairs." The voice answered.

Si asked, "So what's your grandfather up to now?"

"Well my dad, him and I are coming to earth tomorrow. We're going to help you all out by repairing your gundams in case you ever need it. I just wanted to call and let you know. My grandfather wants to surprise the others. So please don't tell them." The voice responded.

Si replied, "No prob. I won't tell. Look I've got to get some sleep. I guess I'll see you tomorrow. What time will you'll be here?"

"We'll be there promptly at 9:30am. Bye." The voice answered.

Si replied, "Bye. See ya at 9:30am."

Then Si hung up the phone.

"I can't wait to see him tomorrow. It's been a long time since I last saw him. It was about 4 years ago when he left with his dad, mom and granddad. He was 20 then. He should be about 24 now. He was like an older brother to me. Always looking out for me and everyone else. It'll sure be great to see him. Well I better get some sleep. I've got a long day ahead of me." Si thought.



To be continued....

What will happen next... Who was Si talking to on the phone? Who is his granddad? How will the training go? How about the Zero system? Will Si and Alex be able to handle it? In order to find out read the next chapter of The Kids of the Gundam Pilots.


If you wish to send me a review please feel free. I would love to know what you think of the story so far. If I get a lot of good reviews then I will continue the story.

Thanks for reading