The Kids of the Gundam Pilots

By: CatWomen88

*Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or it's characters. They belong to Sunrise and Sotsu Agency.

*A.N. I just wanted to remind everyone that Duo Maxwell will be called Maxwell through out the story, while his son will be called Duo. Also, Relena will be called Lena through out the story, while her daughter will be called Si, Siberia, or Relena through out the story. Also I'm going to pretend that Trieze didn't die in GW.


Chapter 5

The next day at 9:30am, sure enough the doorbell rang.

Si thought as she was looking out the living room window at who was at the door, "He wasn't kidding they are here. How about that for once in his life, his family and him are actually on time."

Jay ran from the dining room and answered the door. He was shocked at who was standing at the door, he couldn't believe it. So he called to his parents and they came to the door to greet who ever it was and was real shocked to find Howard, his son Trevor and his grandson Henry. Lena told them to come in and have a seat. They still had 30 minutes until the training was going to begin. The gundams were stored in a secret lab, which was located underground. The training was going to take place at an old base that was used during the war for mobile suit practice. The base was located about 30 miles away from the Sank kingdom. Everyone was going to meet at the Sank Kingdom and go from there. The kids were going to fly the gundams while everyone else drove.

"It's good to see you Howard." Quatre said.

Maxwell replied, "Yeah, long time no see."

"We didn't know you were coming." Noin responded.

Howard answered, "Well we wanted to help out."

Within the next 30 minutes everyone showed up.

"Come on follow me." Lady Une told everyone.

Everyone followed Lady Une to the secret lab where the gundams were. When she opened the doors the kids were shocked at what they saw before them. There they were, the gundams.

"Wow. Look at them. They're huge." Angela said.

Duo responded, "I never thought they were that big. Awesome."
"Come on you guys. Its time to get going." Si told them as she headed toward the gundam she would fly, which is Wing 0.

Everyone headed toward the gundams that they would fly and got into the cockpit.

"Look at all these controls." Jay responded.

Shang replied, "Yeah, at least they're labeled."

"Thank goodness for that." Alexia answered.

Si asked, "That's enough chit chat. Is everyone on line?"

"Yes." Everyone replied.

Si responded, "Then lets go."

"Gosh Si for someone who was so pissed, when we found out that we were going to fly the gundams you're sure in a hurry." Mariemaia replied.

Si answered, "I was never pissed about flying the gundams. I was mad at the fact that they lied. Besides the peace of the colonies as well as earth depends on us and I'm not going to lose peace. So come on and let's go."

"I'm with you cous. Let's go." Alex told Si.

Someone opened a door right above the gundams that lead to the outside. Then the platform that the gundams were on began to rise. Soon they were above ground.

"Do you guys know where to go?" Maxwell asked.

Alan answered, "Of course we do. See ya there."

Then the gundams took off toward that base.

40 minutes later everyone was at the base.

"What took you guys so long? We've been waiting here for about 25 minutes." Alexia said.

Dorothy answered, "It took some of us while to leave."

"It's time to start the training. Kids stay in the gundams. Everyone else follow me." Lady Une replied.

Everyone followed Lady Une to the control room.

When everyone got to the control room the tests began. First off they separated Alex and Si from the rest of the group just in case they couldn't handle the zero system. Then they sent about 12 mobile dolls out after the others to see what they could do. Everyone seemed to be doing fine. Si and Alex hadn't started practicing yet. They were going to practice later. For now they were watching.

"Look at that. They look like they've done this before." Alex said.

Si replied, "Yeah, well as far I know none of us have done this before. It helps that all the controls are labeled."

"Yeah. I hope I can handle the zero system." Alex responded.

Si answered, "You can handle it. I know you can."

"You're not worried?" Alex asked.

Si replied, "Of course I am, but I just keep telling myself that I can do it."

Before they knew it the others had defeated the mobile dolls and now it was their turn. So Alex and Si took off to the battleground while the others came over to where they just were.

When they got to the battleground Lady Une told them to activate the zero system. Alex hesitated before he activated it, but he finally did. Si just went right on ahead and activated it. So the tests began, but this time instead of 12 mobile dolls being sent out, there were 20.

"Hey this isn't fair. You only sent 12 out last time. Why are you sending out more for us?" Alex asked.

Heero answered, "If you can handle the zero system then 20 mobile dolls will be nothing to you. You should be able to defeat them in a matter of minutes."

"I'm using this system for the first time. Do you actually expect me to conquer it that soon?" Alex asked.

Milliardo replied, "You can do it. Just believe in yourself. I'll admit it took Heero and I awhile to learn, but I know you can do it now. You don't have that long to conquer it any way. The threat of peace is getting greater by the day."

"Alright. Come on Si let's conquer this system." Alex said.

Si responded, "Yeah let's."

So the test began. The mobile dolls attacked them. Everything seemed to be going fine. They seemed to be able to handle the system that was until Alex froze and started to scream no.

Alex screamed, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!"

"Alex what's wrong? Come on help me we only have 8 left and I can't handle them all on my own." Si asked.

Alex didn't say anything. His gundam just stood there while he continued to scream.

"Come on Alex. You can conquer this system." Si said.

All the sudden the cockpit of his gundam opened up and he stumbled out. At this time his gundam had gone from standing to kneeling on one knee. He fell from his gundam and landed on the floor in front of it.

"ALEX!!" Si screamed.

Then she saw a mobile doll headed towards him so she took off and destroyed that mobile doll. She had her gundam pick Alex up and hold him. After she picked him up she noticed all the mobile dolls had surrounded them and we going to soot at her, so she screamed for them to stop.

"STOP. Please Stop!" Si screamed.

The mobile dolls shot at Si or so she thought. Si opened her eyes and looked around. She saw that all the mobile dolls weren't moving and all she heard was her father's voice.

" Si are you ok? Answer me! Siberia Relena Yuy answer me?" Heero asked sounding real worried.

When Si heard her father say her full name she knew something was wrong, but she couldn't figure out what.

Si answered, "I'm ok. What happened?"



To be continued....

What will happen next... What happened? Was someone not able to handle the system? If so who was it? In order to find out read the next chapter of The Kids of the Gundam Pilots.

If you think that either Alex or Si couldn't handle the system, which do you think couldn't handle it? Or do you maybe think that both of them couldn't? If you would like to send me your opinion on this question then go right on ahead. I know it's kind of confusing but it will all be cleared up in the next chapter.


If you wish to send me a review please feel free. I would love to know what you think of the story so far. If I get a lot of good reviews then I will continue the story.

Thanks for reading