*Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or it's characters. They belong to Sunrise and Sotsu Agency.


*A.N. I changed my mind and decided to change something: Instead of having Relena called Lena through out the story she will now be called Relena again through out the rest of the story. I just wanted to remind everyone that Duo Maxwell will be called Maxwell through out the story, while his son will be called Duo. Also I'm going to pretend that Trieze didn't die in GW.



Chapter 7


"Captain, this fax just came for you." Private Jackson said.

The Captain of Black Lightening replied, "Thanks a lot private. Dismissed."

"Captain, is that from the colony?" Lieutenant Peters asked.

The Captain answered, "Yes."

"Well what does it say?" Lt. Peters asked.

The Captain replied, "It says they are ready whenever we are to declare war on the earth and the colonies."

"Shall we go ahead and tell them to declare war?" Lt. Peters questioned.

The Captain responded, "No. Not yet."

"Why? I don't understand?" Lt. Peres asked.

The Captain answered, "You see we need two people first before we can declare war."

"Who?" Lt. Peters questioned.

The Captain replied, "I want the gundam pilots that killed my father and almost killed my grandfather to pay.

"How?" Lt. Peters questioned.

The Captain responded, "It's really quite simple, since they took one of the most important people in my life away from me, I'm going to take one of the most important people in their lives away from them."

"Which gundam pilots killed your father?" Lt. Peters questioned.

The Captain replied, "Really only one gundam pilot killed my father, but the other one just stood there and watched him do it. Those pilots were Heero Yuy and Duo Maxwell."

"So who are you going to take from them, their wives?" Lt. Peters asked.

The Captain responded, "No, I'm not going to take their wives, I'm going to take something a little more valuable then that. I'm going to take their children, Maxwell's son Duo and Heero's daughter Siberia. That's right I'm going to take the future leader of the Sank Kingdom."

"Well unfortunately she won't be able to lead the Sank Kingdom because after this war the Sank Kingdom will be completely destroyed." Lt. Peters said.





Meanwhile back at the base everyone was still looking for the missing kids. Relena, Noin, Catherine, and Dorothy had returned from shopping. (A.N. I just wanted to remind everyone that Relena will now be called Relena through out the story instead of Lena.)

"So where do you think they are?" Relena asked.

Milliardo answered, "I don't know."

"Where who are?" Shang asked as he and Mariemaia walked up to the others.

Trieze turned toward them and asked, "Where have you two been? We have been searching all over the place for you."

"We decided to see a movie and go out for lunch. Then we decided to take a walk. What's going on?" Mariemaia replied.

Sally replied, "Oh nothing just that we can't seem to find Alexia, Si, or Duo."

"We just saw Alexia. She was in one of the rooms watching T.V." Mariemaia said.

Noin asked, "What about Si and Duo? Have you seen them?"

"No we haven't, but I bet we know where you can find them." Shang responded.

Hilde asked, "Where do you think they are?"

"They are probably outside by the lake sitting under one of the trees." Shang answered.

Maxwell said, "I'll give everyone one guess as to what they are doing."

"I hope you're not implying that your son and my daughter are making out under a tree." Heero told Maxwell giving him the famous Yuy death glare.

Maxwell feeling a little uneasy because of the glare Heero was giving him replied, "Why that's exactly what I'm implying. I mean I wouldn't put it past them. They have been caught making out before on numerous occasions."

"Well I think we should leave them alone for now. I'm sure when they are done sitting out under that tree, they will return. Besides it's not like they are in any danger out there." Hilde said.

Relena replied, "I agree with Hilde."

"Now that we know where everyone is why don't we all go rest and meet back here at about 7:30pm for dinner. Is that ok with everyone?" Lady Une asked.

Everyone agreed and they all went their separate ways.





Black Lightening Head Quarters:


"Captain, when do you want us to go ahead with your plan of kidnapping the kids?" Lt. Peters asked.

The Captain answered, "Right away. I bet the former gundam pilots already know about us wanting to declare war and have probably left the Sank Kingdom."

"What makes you say that?" Lt. Peters questioned.

The Captain replied, "These are the former gundam pilots we're talking about, don't underestimate what they can do just because they are older. For now we have to assume that they know."

"What are your orders Captain?" Lt. Peters asked.

The Captain responded, "I'm going to send out various troops to different parts of the Sank Kingdom and around the Sank Kingdom. I doubt they left the Kingdom, but they could have. If they did leave the kingdom then they probably didn't go far. I'll also send a troop to the palace just in case they didn't leave."

"I'll go tell the troops to get ready and leave." Lt. Peters said.

The Captain answered, "Wait Lt. Peters. I want to talk to you. Private Daniels here can do that. Dismissed Private."

"Yes sir Captain. I'll go do that right now." Private Daniels said and left.

Lt. Peters looked sort of shocked and asked, "What do you want to talk to me about Captain?"

"Look Lt. Peters I want you to lead one of these troops. I want your group to check out an old base that's only about 30 miles away from the Sank Kingdom." The Captain replied.

Lt. Peters questioned, "Why this particular base?"

"This base was used during the war for mobile suit practice. It's supposed to be a secret base. No one is suppose to know the location except for the soldiers that fought for pacifism. The way I found out about it is because my grandfather's friend told him about it during the war. My grandfather's friend was a traitor. He was put there to find out information. Anyway, my grandfather told me about this base." The Captain answered.

Lt. Peters asked, "Why do you think they would go there?"

"I believe the gundam pilots know about this base and they also know that no one is suppose to know about the base since it's so secretive. So why wouldn't they go there to train their kids to fly the gundams. Look, let's just say I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach that they might just be there. Now go and check it out. Here is where it is located. Dismissed." The Captain replied.

Lt. Peters saluted the Captain and said, "Yes sir."




Back at the old secret base:


"It's such a beautiful day. Don't you think so?" Duo asked Si as he held her in his arms.

Si replied, "Totally. I love sitting under this tree with you holding me in your arms. I could stay out here all night like this. Can't you just imagine what the lake might look like in the moonlight?"

"I guess we'll have to stay out here until night to see what it looks like." Duo responded with a grin on his face.




A few hours later a few miles away from the old base:


"What did you and the others see Private Waters?" Lt. Peters asked.

Private Waters answered, "The base is there just like you said. I didn't see anything, but one of my men said they saw two people sitting out in the back. They told me that the two people we sitting under a tree, laughing."

"Who told you this Private?" Lt. Peters questioned.

Private Waters replied, "Well Private Carlson told me."

"Private Carlson, did you get a good look at the two people?" Lt. Peters asked.

Private Carlson responded, "I believe so. They we young. One girl and one guy. The guy had a long braid and the girl had long dark brown hair pulled back in a ponytail. That's all I saw."

"Lets go. I want to see who these two people are."

Then they left to go to the base.


When they got there Private Carlson took Lt. Peters to the place where he saw the two people.

"Can we get closer?" Lt. Peters asked.

Private Carlson started to say, "Yes. Follow me. It should only be us two that go, if more people go then..."

"I understand. Everyone stay here Private Carlson and I are going to check these two people out. We'll be back soon."

They proceeded to the bushes, which were closer to the couple. In these bushes Lt. Peters was able to see the two people clear enough to identify them.

"This plan will be a lot easier then I thought." Lt. Peters whispered.

Private Carlson asked in a low voice, "What do you mean Lt."

"Our kidnapping plan will be very easy because the two people sitting under that tree, just so happen to be the two people we were sent here to kidnap." Lt. Peters replied.

Private Carlson questioned, "You those two people are Duo Maxwell Jr. and Siberia Yuy?"

"That's correct Private." Lt. Peters said with a bid grin on his face.


To be continued....


What will happen next... Will the kidnapping plan be successful? If so then what does the captain of Black Lightening have in store for them? In order to find out read the next chapter ofThe Kids of the Gundam Pilots.


If you wish to send me a review please feel free. I would love to know what you think of the story so far.