Well, I'm back! This is the start of what might be a songfic series, I don't know. You tell me. I altered the song lyrics to 'Learning To Live Again' only a little, but not a lot. There are names in the song that don't fit with the story but I felt that it would ruin the song and the effect if I changed that part, so the names 'Debbie' and 'Charley' are in the song but you should just think of them as 'placeholders', like the zeros in math problems. N'wayz, on with the story!

Disclaimer: I DON'T own Gundam Wing, and I DON'T own the song 'Learning To Live Again'. The former belongs to Sunrise, Bandai, and probably a few others I don't know about and the latter belongs to Garth Brooks.

Learning to Live

By Angel of Death



20 year-old Heero Yuy's eyelids fluttered open but quickly shut against the bright fluorescent. When he finally opened his eyes, he saw above him a young man who looked about his age with a yard-long braid and bright violet eyes that were clouded over with concern. Relief cleared the violet eyes and the man smiled slightly.

"How do ya feel, Heero?" he asked gently. Heero's Prussian blue eyes took on a confused look.

"Who's Heero?" he asked, puzzled. The man standing over him looked at him, surprised.

"What do ya mean, 'who's Heero?'" he asked, starting to look worried again.

"The doctor said that this might happen, Duo. We'll just have to deal with it." said another young man with blonde hair and fair skin. The blonde man walked over and put a comforting hand on Duo's shoulder, seeing that he looked like he was about to collapse.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, Quatre." Duo said, tears threatening to spill out of his eyes. Quatre also looked like he was about to cry as he tried bravely not to. Heero was sympathetic toward the two men, even though he didn't know them.

"I'm sorry to intrude, but would you mind telling me who you are?" he asked, his eyes full of innocent sincerity. This was too much for Duo and Quatre to handle, and they both fell onto their knees sobbing. Heero tried to reach out to them, but took his hand back, realizing that he couldn't help them if he didn't know why they were so sad. Is my name Heero? Wait a minute, I don't even know who I am! Do they know me? Am I the reason they're crying? Thoughts raced through his head at the speed of light but they were interrupted when a black-haired man in a white doctor's coat. He took one look at the two sobbing men on the floor and the other two sitting in chairs in the corner of the room and surmised that his patient must have the amnesia he had expected. He cleared his throat but before he could speak he found himself looking into a pair of very sad violet eyes.

"You can get rid of his amnesia, right Doc?" Duo asked with a hopeful expression on his face. It broke the doctor's heart, looking into Duo's pleading orbs but he slipped into his indifferent role and readied himself to crush Duo's last hopes.

"There's nothing we can do to bring his memory back. I'm sorry." he said, softening at the heart-wrenching expression on Duo's face. "But there may still be a chance of getting his memory back, even if it's unlikely." the doctor said, trying to cheer Duo up.

"What can bring his memory back, Doctor?" inquired a raven-haired man with stern onyx eyes, stepping forward from his previous position against the wall.

"If his greatest wish were to come true(AN:I know that sounds a little crazy but it makes for a really good romantic scene later ^_^)." the doctor replied and, sensing the man's doubt, elaborated.

"I don't really know how to explain it, Wufei, but that's what we've found to happen. Like I said, it's unlikely because we don't know what his greatest wish was and it would most likely be an impossible dream, like most wishes are." the doctor said, shrugging hopelessly. Wufei looked at him for a moment before walking back and leaning against the wall again. Duo stepped forward, his face still tear-streaked.

"We'd like to have him out of here as soon as possible, Doc." he said, his voice stronger than it had been. The doctor sighed.

"Very well, he should be out of critical condition in two weeks and he can leave the hospital then." he said, leaving the sad group of men. Duo turned to talk to his amnesiac friend but shut his mouth with a small smile when he saw that Heero was sleeping peacefully.

"We'll get your memory back, buddy. And I think I might know how . . ." Duo whispered, taking up residence in the chair beside his best friend's bed.

END PROLOGUE~~~1YEAR LATER (9:00 p.m.)***

Heero ran out to the backyard of his and Duo's new house, hot on the heels of the braided culprit who had in his custody Heero's new laptop. Heero hid a smile as he ran full speed to catch up with his best friend, calling out his still-trademark threat.

"I'm gonna kill you, Duo!" Duo grinned, running even faster and thinking, I guess some things just never change. But he stopped short when he heard the doorbell ring.

"That must be them!" he called to Heero, handing him his laptop and running full speed back to the house. Heero turned around as well but didn't hurry to the door. He was still a bit anti-social and wasn't very good at getting to know new people and one of the people he was about to meet was a complete stranger. Come on, you can do it. he told himself firmly, walking purposefully over to where Duo was greeting the people who'd just arrived.


"I burned my hand and I cut my face

Heaven knows how long it's been

Since I've felt so out of place

Wondering if I fit in . . ."


Heero stopped at the doorway to the foyer, thought for a moment, then changed direction and dashed up the stairs behind him. He ran into his room and changed from his usual green tank-top and black shorts into a spotless white T-shirt and black jeans. Duo may not care about first impressions but I do. he thought, running back down stairs, taking a deep breath, and walking into the foyer.


"Debbie and Charley said they'd be here by nine

And Deb said she might bring a friend

Just my luck, they're right on time

So here I go again . . ."


Heero stepped up beside Duo, a smile on his face, ready to greet the visitors. Duo turned to him, grinning like he always did when they had company.

"Hilde and her friend are here, and they suggested that we go to that Mexican café down the road for dinner." he said, looking at his friend expectantly.

"Okay." Heero said agreeably, turning his gaze to Hilde and her friend. He was going to say 'hi' but was immediately speechless when he saw who Hilde had brought with her. The girl extended her hand, smiling.

"Hello, I'm Relena Peacecraft. What's your name?" she asked warmly. Heero reached out and shook her hand wordlessly before coming to himself.

"Heero Yuy. It's a pleasure." he said, letting go and backing up to stand beside Duo. As Hilde, Relena, and Duo chatted, Heero examined Relena. She looks familiar for some reason. And she looks like she was crying. I wonder why . . . But his thoughts were interrupted when Duo addressed him.

"Well, let's go eat! I'm starving!" he said enthusiastically, reaching for his jacket. Heero rolled his eyes.

"You're always hungry, Duo." he said, reaching for his jacket as well. They went outside to Duo's black convertible, hopped in, and drove down the road.


"But I'm gonna smile my best smile

And I'm gonna laugh like it's goin' outta style

Look into her eyes and pray that she don't see

That learning to live again is killin' me . . ."


When they reached the café, Heero got out and opened the door for everyone. As she walked in, Relena smiled and nodded her thanks, making Heero smile as well as he walked in and let the door close. They were lead to a four-person table near a window and Duo, Hilde, and Relena immediately picked up their previous conversation. Heero listened, not really knowing what to say. They were talking about times from 5 years ago and he couldn't remember what had happened to him that far back. Duo had told him that he had amnesia and that there was only a minor chance of him getting his memory back. But he was jerked out of his wandering thoughts when Relena said something.


"Little café, table for four

But there's just conversation for three

I like the way she let me get the door

And I wonder what she thinks of me . . ."


"Yeah, I remember one time when Heero--" she stopped short when she realized what she'd said and everyone fell silent. Now, instead of looking like she had been crying, she looked like she was about to cry. Hilde leaned over and whispered something in her ear. Relena whispered something back and so on. Heero, having very somewhat exceptional hearing, heard clips of what Hilde was saying.

"I know it's been hard on you but I know you can get through dinner. No, he's not the same person but now you have a chance at what you didn't have before! No, he's not exactly the way he used to be but--so what if--I know but--now what would he think if you left, huh? Good, do you want me to come with you? Okay."

Hilde and Relena got up and made their way to the Ladies' bathroom, Hilde saying that they needed a moment but they'd be right back. Heero and Duo sat in silence, Heero wanting to ask his friend what was troubling Relena but knowing that he wouldn't tell him since it obviously involved the past that he didn't remember. Duo reached over and patted Heero's shoulder.

"You're doin' fine, buddy." he said, smiling. Heero nodded in acknowledgement, silently thanking him for trying to comfort him. When Hilde and Relena returned, Relena looked as if the incident had never happened and smiled as she reached out to Heero.

"Dance with me?" she asked. Surprised but pleased, Heero nodded and got up, taking her hand and walking with her to the dance floor. As they started to dance, Heero listened closely and found that the song held some familiarity to him. He suddenly had a picture of a 15-year-old girl with sandy-blonde hair and aquamarine eyes dancing with a boy the same age with unruly, dark-brown hair and Prussian-blue eyes dancing, a tower falling, the boy saving the girl, then flying away in a robot of some sort. He shook his head thinking, Are these . . . memories?


"Debbie just whispered, 'You're doin' fine'

And I wish that I felt the same

She's asked me to dance, now her hand's in mine

Don't think I'll ever forget her name . . ."


The song ended and Heero and Relena returned to the table to find that Duo had moved to where he was next to Hilde. Heero could tell that he was trying hard not to grin but he couldn't figure out why. Oh well. he thought, sitting down beside Relena, who had also just sat down. The conversation started up again but this time, Heero joined in. As they talked, Heero realized that he felt much more comfortable and relaxed than he had since he came home from the hospital. He also noted that he was starting to like Relena's company. Very much.


"And I'm gonna smile my best smile

And I'm gonna laugh like it's goin' outta style

Look into her eyes and pray that she don't see

This learning to live again is killin' me . . ."


The four friends walked out of the café and into the slightly chilly night. Hilde was the first to speak.

"Relena and I are in opposite directions from here and we don't have a car, here or at your house. We took a taxi to get here." she said to Heero and Duo. Duo tried to hide a grin as he offered a solution.

"Heero can drive 'Lena home and I'll ride with you in a taxi." he said. Heero looked like he was about to object when Duo gave him a 'don't-be-stupid-and-pass-up-the-chance-to-be-alone-with-your-obvious-crush' look while ushering Hilde over to the phone booth and throwing Heero the car keys. Heero caught them and, offering his arm to Relena, led her to the car.


"Now here we are, 'neath her porch light

And I say, 'What a great time it's been'

A kiss on the cheek, a whispered 'Goodnight'

And I say, 'Can I see you again?'"


Heero and Relena arrived at Relena's hotel, which was very homey since it had a "front porch" and porch swings on the side. They got out of the car and walked over there, for Relena's room was on the ground floor and the quickest way to get to it was through the side door. When they reached the door, they turned to face each other, neither really knowing what to say.

"I had a lot of fun this evening." Heero said.

"Me, too. You're a wonderful dancer." Relena replied, looking as if she were remembering something from a long time ago, with a wistful expression on her face. She closed her eyes, shook her head, and opened them again, the wistful look gone, replaced by a somewhat-happy one. She leaned over and kissed his cheek softly, then turned around and reached for the doorknob.

"Can we get together again sometime? I mean, you, me, Duo, and Hilde." Heero asked after snapping out of his momentarily trance-like state. Relena turned back around and looked at him.


"And she just smiles her best smile

And she laughs like it's goin' outta style

Looks into my eyes and says, 'We'll see . . .'

Oh, this learning to live again is killin' me . . ."


Slowly, Relena's mouth turned up in an amused smile. Then, she began to laugh. The laughing turned into a fit of almost-hysterical giggles. When her laughing had finally subsided, she looked at Heero with tears of merriment in her eyes. She met his gaze for a moment before replying.

"We'll see." she said, waved a happy "goodbye", and went into the hotel. For a moment, Heero felt very sad, like he was losing something in his heart. He shook his head, to clear it, and walked back to the car, his thoughts on the beautiful girl he'd just met that somehow seemed so familiar.


"God, this learning to live again is killin' me . . ."


The End~~~To Be Continued (maybe, tell me if you think I should)