Past, Present and Future

Chapter Two-> Thoughts

By Calypso

AN: Hey again! Sup? YEA!! I'm gonna start my second chapter now, hope you enjoy this one too. Oh yea, I kinda changed how the g-boys past lives were... hehe... sorry.

Oh yea, there's a new character, he's for Cathy... hehe... name: Richard... don't ask...

Richard and Quatre are cousins... * cough cough *...SOME OCCness, in some characters, not by much though... not yet... hehe

Bold = flashback or dream

Italic = thoughts or thinking

Italic and Underline = conscious speaking




Heero's P.O.V

I sat there on the bench beside the basketball court watching as my teammates continue on with the game. Looking at my watch, I noted that it was only seven in the morning. Shaking my head slightly, beads of sweat and water flew of my moss green hair. Looking around, I reached casually for a water bottle, and practically consumed all of its contents, before jumping back into the game. Running down the court, Wufei quickly came to block me as I gave the signal to Duo, gracefully sidestepped Wufei's moves, and scored a three-pointer. Trowa, being the quickest, stole the ball, ran back down to the other side of the court, and tossed it to Quatre, as Duo tackled him to the ground. I turned my attention to watch Quatre toss the ball neatly into the basket, then neatly toss it to Wufei, who was currently being blocked by Richard. The teams were Richard, Duo and I, and Trowa, Wufei and Quatre. The reason that Richard, Duo and I were together was because we worked well together, and vice versa. Trowa, Wufei and Quatre equaled to what Richard, Duo and I was. Besides, if Richard or Duo were with Wufei... the consequences for Dou and Rich weren't good...

Whistling towards Duo, I ran forwards, grabbed the ball as he passed it, did a lay-up and scored another goal. "Good shot Heero buddy!" I heard Duo yell out to me. Nodding towards him, I signaled towards Quatre, who was currently making his way towards our net, replying to the signal, Duo rushed forward, who was also followed by Richard. The game continued for another hour or two, before the others got tired. I joined the others lying on the grass, beneath a big apple tree, which gave us the much needed shade, and stared up into oblivion. We were all shirtless, but that didn't bother us. Although it was... hmmm.... 9:30 in the morning, it was steaming out here.

Lying back down onto the soft grass, I thought back to who my friends were.  Duo Maxwell... oh boy, was that a long story. Hmm... where DID I meet the braided-baka?

Oh yea... I was at a church when I meet him. My parents just died, and it was there at the Maxwell Church that I meet him. At first I detested him. I saw how happy he was, and how everything seemed to go so well with him. I was around eight I think. The day after my parents died, I sat crying on the streets. As he came up to me, I noticed the small braid he had. It was tied neatly, and he wore all black, except for the priest's collar, that was white. Sitting down beside me, he asked why I was crying. I told him, and he told me that that was the same reason he was at the church. I then looked up and say tears coming from his eyes. From that day, my mentor, Dr. J, let me visit the church. I learned that Duo was a mischievous little boy, who kept his braid in memory of the past and present.

Smiling slightly at this, I closed my eyes and thought about how I met Trowa and Wufei.  Hn... I remember that I was in the church go in and bug Sister Helen. Sit here until she comes out, okay?" Being little and not with Duo, playing some childish game to stop boredom from eloping us, when Sister Helen ran into the church carrying two injured boys our age into the infirmery. Duo and my little boy interests perked up, and we ran towards the infirmary, only to be stopped by Father Maxell's gentle chiding's. "Now, now boys, don't wanting a yelling, we agreed, though it was rather reluctantly. An hour later, Sister Helen came out, holding two little boys by their hands. Whispering in her angelic voice, she told them they were going to stay at the church for a while, and we were to befriend them. Sure enough, even WITH Duo's antics to Wufei, we were still great friends. Trowa was like me, silent yet wise; he's probably the wiser one though. I was and am the strongest and smartest, although I don't boast about it. Trowa's hair was positioned to the side of his face, covering half of his face. Wufei, in my opinion, talks a lot about justice, and how women are weak. He calls them onna, which is funny. Wufei only calls a woman by her name, if thinks she is strong and true. He probably learned these ideals from his parents... probably the dad.

Opening my eyes, I lifted myself so that I was positioned on my elbows, and stared at all my friends. My gaze ended up on Quatre and Richard, who in turn looked up and smiled at me. Smiling my half smile back at them, I returned to my former position on the grass.  Closing my eyes once again, my thoughts returned... Six months later, another little boy came to our church. He arrived crying and a little bruised up, as if he fell down several times. Sister Helen led the little blonde boy into the infirmary, like Trowa and Wufei, and without even looking at one another's faces, we ran to the infirmary. Waiting patiently outside, we quickly made friends with the little boy, whose name was Quatre. He was a kind and generous boy, but when made mad... uh... that's not good. Our friendship changed greatly when a week later, his father located him at the Maxwell church, and came to take him home. It was then that we realized that Quatre was probably lost, and not abandoned like the rest of us.   Quatres' dad turned out to be really rich, and not to mention very generous. Being very grateful, he gave the church A LOT of money, and agreed to take us ALL home with him, seeing that we were now GREAT friends. When we arrived at the Winners' house...or mansion, we were given new clothes, and Dr. J agreed for me to stay with them. We were taken to school and graduated with honors, now we attend the same university and share a dorm. Funny how we all met. Later, we met Richard. As Q-mans cousin, (As Duo so fondly calls Quatre), he visits a lot, it happened to be visiting time when we arrived. Like the rest of us, we quickly became friends. Richards more ambitious and daring than Quatre, but he's still kind-hearted.

Looking up, I raised my arm, and glanced at my watch, it read 10 o'clock.  Reaching over me, I grabbed the first water bottle my hand reached for, and sprayed it over my head, then into my mouth. Water droplets slide down my chest, (AN: * drool * ... hehe... opps * cough cough *) as I sat up, looking around at the park. Morning walkers walked by, and either nodded at us or smiled a hi. We nodded back, only because of the familiar faces. It was a regular routine to play basketball in the morning; it seems to raise our energy up a level. Later we would then head of towards the local McDonalds.

Standing up, I picked up the discarded basketball, and head for the courts once again. As soon as I walked only ten feet, the expected "Hey, where in the world are you going?" from Duo came. Sticking my arm to the right, I twirled the basketball on my pointer finger. Getting the point, Duo just said the usual, "What ever man,"



Duo's P.O.V


As I lay there on the grass I look into the sky, not knowing what to think. From my position on my back, I can see the clouds in the blue sky. I try to think of shapes or some sort of creature, but that's all past. I then think of when I was younger, and how all of us little guys thought of impossible, now possible things.

Raising into a half upright position, I see Heero walking towards the basketball courts once again. Curiosity and stupidity hit me at once and I asked, "Hey, where in the world are you going?" As expected no response, he only stuck out his right arm and twirled the basketball on his pointer finger. He should talk more, he's never gonna get a girl this way... Muttering out loud I called out, "What ever man."

Sitting up fully, I grabbed a water bottle, and gulped down the few sips that there were. Looking at the now empty bottle, I looked at the garbage can fifteen feet away, and then looked at Rich, (Richard), who was also looking between the garbage can and Duo.

"Five bucks say you can't get it into the can." Richard bet.

Hmmm... always did like a bet... hehe... "You're on." I replied, sticking out my hand.

Behind the two, three groans could be heard, and Wufei's clear, "Baka's"

Both Richard and I turned, as if planned and said in an innocently annoying voice, "Whh~aatt?" A 'humph' from Wufei was heard, as we both turned and snickered.

"Ready to lose?"

"On the contra, you my friend are going to lose five bucks to SHINIGAMI!!"

"Yea, yea, just shot already,"

"Wait will you, the God of Death has to have his space you know."

"Okay, okay," Richard raised his hands, palms outwards, as if trying to defend himself.

Standing up, I made my final adjustments, and gave a big breath of fresh air.

"Remember, it has to go INTO the can or-"

"Yea, yea, whatever." Standing up to my fullest, I noticed that from the corner of my eyes, Wufei, Trowa, Quatre, and even Heero stopped shooting hoops and stared at me. It was unnerving, but I calmed myself. Okay Duo, you can do this, you ain't losing your food yum... get a grip on yourself... you're the God of Death after all.  I took another breath of fresh air, as I heard Richard's taunting voice, "What?! Is the God of Death afraid of losing his money?" Snickering could be heard, but I chose to ignore it...




On three, I let go of the now empty water bottle, and let it fly into the air. Everything seemed like slow motion right now. I watched in excitement as the bottle flew closer and closer towards its goal... then it reached the rim, rolling around it... circling it for like the fifth time... then it traveled its way into to the hole... just as it was about to fall in...


A little boy and his dog collided into the trashcan, knocking the whole thing over, not to mention set the bottle into a crash course landing to the floor.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled in horror, not wanting to believe what just happened, "No...." I whimpered again, this time like a mistreated dog.

"YEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Richard screamed. "Pay up! You owe me five bucks!"

"NOOOOOOO!!!!" I whined

"YEEEESSSS!!!!!" Richard claimed.

Unwillingly, I took out my wallet, and roughly grabbed a five-dollar bill out, and handed it to Rich, who greedily took it. "Awww man, that's one less course today..." I whined.

Chuckling, Quatre slapped my back and said, "Don't worry Duo, I'll buy you another course meal."

"Really? YYYEEEESSSSS!!!!!! Thanks Q-man, YOU THE MAN!!!"  I started to jump up and down, but Trowa placed a hand on my other shoulder and shook his head at me, while I just grinned sheepishly at him, "Sorry man, just excited."

"QUATRE!!!!! WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY???? You're ruining my moment in glory, damnit Quatre, WHY!!!!" now Richard started complaining to his cousin, and Quatre only replied, "I'll buy you one too..." Making Richard shut up immediately.

As this continued, I watched as Heero jogged up to us, still dribbling the basketball in his left hand. Man, is he left-handed too? My thoughts stopped as my stomach made a rather... loud and rude noise. "Hehe... can we go eat now?"

"Yea, sure why not."

Walking down the paths to the main street, I casually threw my arm around Trowa's left shoulder, and asked in a WAY to innocent way, "Sooooo... how was your date with the beautiful Midii Une?" I saw everyone's ears perk up, maybe all but Heero's, but hey, he's an exception. I looked at Trowa, who was now gulping, and managed to get out one word, "I..."

Everyone, "I...?"

"It was great?"

"Now, now Trowa, you know we want more info. Might as well spit it out." Richard said evilly, a new glint in his blue eyes, as he too wrapped an arm around Trowa's right shoulder.

Gulping again, Trowa sighed, and started from the beginning, "Well, it was...




AN: ummmm....... How was this chapter? Not to good eh? Yea, anyways, could you please comment on this, thanx. I promise more action for the next chapter, and I want a slow relationship for HY and RP... starting from the whole arguing thing.

* cough cough * I promise the next chapter will be better... hehe...

