Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or any of its characters, so please do not sue me. I do own anything you would care to have. However, I do own the character I invented for this story, and you are more than welcome to use her for one of your stories. Just please ask my permission before hand O.K. All right enough said on with the fic.


Chapter 2


A lone figure stood outside under her balcony. She was right above him looking up at the sky. At first glance, someone would think she was enjoying a carefree night. However, Heero could see that the expression on Relena's face was one of despair. It has been almost a year since the last time he saw her and she still was as beautiful as he remembered her. 'Stop it Yuy,' he thought. 'You must not let yourself get distracted from your mission.' After he saw her walk into her room, he made his move. It was easy enough for him to climb the wall. He was the 'Perfect Soldier' after all. Once he was on the balcony, he tried to slide the door open. Locked. Oh well, no big deal. He easily picked the lock, but secretly he was proud of her for once remembering to lock the door. When he was about to open the door, he stopped. He noticed how quickly she stood up from her vanity. 'Man, something must really be bothering her. Maybe I shouldn't be here. No I've come this far. Now I must complete what I came here to do.' He quietly eased into the room as she unceremoniously threw herself onto the bed.

"I wonder where he is, and what he's doing?" He heard her say.

'Whom could she possibly mean? Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. Maybe I should just leave, and let her be with her life. I could only make things worse.'

"Maybe he found the answer to true happiness in life. Yeah right! But if he did I wish he would share it with the rest of us. God knows I could use some guidance to find the truth about what makes life worthwhile." She said to herself.

'Whom in the world is she talking about? It couldn't possibly be . . . me. Could it? No, don't be delusional Yuy. Everyone knows I'm the last person who will ever find happiness. I do not even know where I am supposed to be, or what I should be doing. I'm a soldier whose main mission is over. How could someone like me possibly help others find a happy life, when I cannot even find one myself?'

"Damn it! Listen to me. There I go again. Thinking about myself, when I have a much bigger responsibility to the people of Earth and the Colonies. Ugh, what the hell is wrong with me."

'Maybe I should speak up. It's not right for me to sit here and listen.' "You can't help the problems of other people until you resolve your own." He finally spoke.


'Man, I didn't mean to scare her. Smooth move Yuy."

After she calmed down, she spoke, "Heero?"

"Hello Relena"

"Hello Heero, how long have you been there?"

"Long enough."

"Oh, so you heard all of my ranting, huh."

"It wasn't my intention. I would have let you know I was here earlier, but you looked like you needed to vent."


"You know as long as I have known you, you have always put everyone before yourself. That is your problem because now you want a life of your own, and you are not sure how to go about getting it."

'Woah, where did that come from.' He thought to himself.

"You didn't become some philosophical prophet on me while you were away, did you?"


"Then what brought on the sudden change in you?"

"No change. I have always thought to live a good life one must act on his or her emotions. And right now your emotions are telling you to build a happier life for yourself. It's that simple."

"Oh I see what you are saying, but you know just as well as me that it's not that simple!"

Turning to leave he said, "I'll leave you to think more, and I promise I won't listen any further."



"Please don't leave yet."


"Uuummmm. . .Because. . .Uummmm . . .Why did you. . .I mean . . .What made you decide to come here after all this time Heero?"

'Good question even I'm not totally sure of that answer. Why did I come back? I went away to find myself, and I am still somewhat lost myself. Maybe I should follow my own advice further. I do act of my emotions, but I always think with my head and not my heart. Maybe the old lady was right.'


A week ago:

Heero is walking through the park. He is completely lost in his thoughts and minding his own business, when someone interrupted his train of thought. "My goodness sonny you look like you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders," said an old lady sitting on a bench feeding bird seeds to the pigeons. She had her hair pulled on top of her head in a bun, and she had beautiful blue-green eyes. Her eyes reminded him of Relena. For an old lady, she looked pretty well for her age. Someone could tell by looking at her that she must have been very attractive in her youth.

"My name is not Sonny. It's Heero," he said in his usual uncaring voice.

"Well Heero. Why don't you take a load off and have a seat?" She patted a spot on the bench she was sitting on. "You can tell old Aunt Boo what's bothering you. You know sometimes it helps to speak what is on your mind."

"Aunt Boo?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

She chuckled, "Yes that's my name. Well at least that is what everyone calls me. Boo is short for Beulah. My middle name is Ann, if you prefer to call me that." Heero only starred at her for a few moments. 'Well I guess it couldn't hurt to talk to her. Besides she's just a harmless old lady.' Then he sat down next to her on the park bench. "So what is bothering you my dear boy."

"Honestly I'm not sure."

"Sure you do. So get it out. You'll feel better."

"Well you see I'm not sure who I really am anymore. All my life I have gone through some form of training. Before I was trained to become a Gundam pilot, an assassin raised me. Now the world and space are at peace. Don't get me wrong I am glad for the peace. It is what the others and I fought for. But now there is no longer a reason to fight. So where do I go from here?"

"Life is full of changes, my boy, some good some bad, but that is what makes life worthwhile. You take in the good and the bad, and you learn from both. It is horrible what you and so many others had to sacrifice for the rest of us, but I have a feeling it made you a strong person and somehow you will figure out what your heart has been trying to tell you."

"How do I listen to my heart? All of my life I've been trained to use my head and to fight battles. How does one change a way of life they have always known?"

"Not all battles are blood battles. Most of them happen right inside of you. Am I right?" His only response was a grunt, which caused Aunt Boo to giggle. "I'll take that as a yes. Heero battles do not need to be fought alone either. If I recall correctly, you and the other Gundam pilots fought most of the war by yourselves. However, once the five of you united, you Gundam pilots became a mighty force. Each one of you made your own contribution to the team." The more the old lady continued to speak the harder it was for Heero to keep an impassive mask on his face. His eyes kept getting bigger and bigger.

"Quatre was a good strategist and the heart of the team. Wufei had a strong sense of integrity and justice. Trowa had an unwavering loyalty. Duo may have been a joker half the time, but many times he proved to be a very worthy soldier and friend, in a way he became to soul of the team. And you Heero, were the strength of the team. You were the one others looked to for guidance and courage." By now Heero's eyes were about to pop out of his head 'How does she know all of this?' But she still continued, "Together you five boys gave the people of Earth and Space hope. Hope for peace and a new future, and you did it by working together. Not alone."

Finally finding his voice to speak he asked, "How do you know all of this?"

"Let's just say I have friends in high places." She said to answer his question. "The point I'm trying to make is that not all of life's battles can be won alone. I know there is someone out there for you Heero who is willing and able to help you find the man you want to become."

"This is getting too weird. How can you possibly know all about my life, when I just met you a few moments ago?"

"Ah, so I was right again. You do care for a special someone." Her comment actually made him blush slightly. "You know everybody needs somebody, Heero, and she needs you just as much as you need her."

'This is too strange. I think it is about time for me to make an exit.' He stood up and looking down at Aunt Boo. "I'm sorry Ma'am I really must be going." Then started to walk away, but he was stopped, when she called out to him.

"Heero! Wait!" He stopped, but he did not turn around to look at her.

"Yes?" He asked.

"One last thing before you go." He did not respond so she continued. "Remember to always be true to your heart, if you listen to it you will understand." Confused, Heero turned around to ask her exactly what she meant, but she was gone. The park bench was empty. There were only leaves blowing in the autumn wind. It was like she was never there and the past few minutes never happened. Heero looked around to see where she could have gone, but it was like she vanished into thin air. Even the pigeons were gone. Then he saw a man walking toward his direction. Heero decided to stop the man and ask if he saw anything. "Sir, Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure thing what's on your mind?" The man asked.

"Did you happen to see what happened to the little old lady who was sitting on that bench a few minutes ago?"

"Sorry I didn't see any little old lady. You're the only one I saw."

Totally baffled Heero could barely respond, but he managed to say "Thank you, Mister" before he walked off. The whole way back to his car all he could think was, 'What in the world just happened?'

~~~End Flashback~~~

"Heero snap out of it. Are you alright?" Relena asked with concern etched all over her face. Heero then realized he had been just standing there, and he had not even answered her question. He could not even remember what she asked him a few moments ago.

"Oh I'm sorry Relena. What did you say again?"

"I asked what made you decide to come back after being gone for so long?"

Heero let out the breath he did not realize he was holding. "Well to be completely honest I'm not sure. Someone, not too long ago, said I should learn to listen to my heart, and my mission to do just that led me here. Now I don't know what I'm suppose to do."

"It sounds like we both could use a shoulder to lean on." She said as she raised her hand to Heero's face. He closed his eyes and leaned his face closer into her hand, accepting her display of affection.

"Relena." He whispered her name as he reopened his eyes, only to see her eyes filling up with tears that refused to spill. Then before he could second-guess himself, he did something he thought he would not be able to do again. He reached over and pulled her into his embrace. His arms circled around her and pressed her against his chest. Her arms very soon found their way around his waist and pulled him closer to her. They stayed that way until Heero felt Relena shaking. It took him a few moments to realize she was crying. He could not believe it. The strongest woman he has ever known - the woman who stared Death in the face almost as many times as him, and the one who worked day and night to keep the peace he and the others fought for - was crying in his arms. 'I guess the old lady really was right because I realize now that I do need her and she needs me too.' He then picked her up and carried her toward the bed. He sat down and placed her in his lap, where he continued to hold her. After a few minutes passed, she stopped crying and looked up at Heero.

"Heero, please stay. Don't leave." She pleaded looking into his eyes.

He placed his hand behind her head, put it back against his chest, and then rested his chin on top of her head. "Don't worry. I am not going anywhere right now."

"No, you don't understand. I mean please don't leave me again. You left without even saying good-bye, and I did not know where you were or if you were all right. I know you can take care of yourself, but that does not mean I am not going to worry about you. Plus, my world is miserable. It is lonely without you in it. I need you in my life Heero. Please don't leave me again." She raised her head from his chest and looked at him. He looked like he wanted to cry too. His eyes had a glazed look, but no tears fell down his face.

'How can I prove to her that I'm not going anywhere?' Suddenly the answer came to him as he leaned in and lightly kissed her lips. At first his action surprised her, but then she relaxed and returned his kiss. When he felt her return his kiss, he decided to deepen it. Soon they were both floating on a cloud of pleasure that neither wanted to get off of. The kiss broke when Heero realized the two of them needed to come up for air sooner or later. He pulled away reluctantly, but he loved the look he saw in her eyes. It was pure pleasure and love. Now he knew the old lady was right, 'Everybody needs somebody.' He leaned over to whisper in her ear, "I promise I am not going anywhere ever." Relena smiled and she through her arms around his neck. This time she kissed him. It was a kiss that possessed all her love and joy, and Heero returned her kisses ten fold. Relena broke the kiss suddenly and stood up. She took Heero by the hand and led him around to the other side of the bed. She crawled under the covers then lightly patted the spot next to her. Heero removed his shoes, socks, and shirt, then crawled into bed next to her. They wrapped their arms around each other and held one another for the rest of the night. It did not take long for them to finally fall asleep. For the first time in years both of them had a peaceful sleep. Finally, two lost souls found in each other the reason for living.

**** A lone figure stood outside under the balcony. A little old lady with blue-green eyes and long gray hair smiled because she knew two people would finally find peace within themselves. "A life is what you make of it. Heero and Relena you have a chance for a wonderful future together, so make it a happy one." Suddenly a pair of wings appeared behind her. The wings started to flap, and then she flew off into the night. She once again disappeared without a trace. All that remained were leaves blowing in the autumn wind. The wind began to blow a little harder, and if someone listened very closely they could hear the wind cry out a single phrase. "Listen to your heart and you will understand."


~~~The End~~~


Yea! I finally finished. I'm sorry it took so long for me to write this chapter, but I have a really good excuse. I developed a case of writer's block for this story. I wanted this chapter to be from Heero's POV, and it was hard for me to try to get into his head. It became a huge brain strain for me, so I took a little break from this story to start another one. However, it got the point to where I knew I could not leave my readers hanging for very much longer. So after a lot of my own soul searching and a lot of helpful advice from my cousin, I finally sat down and made myself write the rest of my story. I hope everyone likes my story. However, I wouldn't know because no one has told me what he or she thinks about it. Even if I only got one review, I would be happy. At least I would know somebody read it. I am thinking about writing an Epilogue to Reflection. If you want to know what happens to Heero and Relena next let me know, and I'll continue the story. Well I gotta go for now. Thanks for reading, but please review. My email address is carebearbr77@earthlink.net.

Bye! Carebear

P.S. Oh I almost forgot to give credit where credit is due. In case anyone is wondering, two lines in this story came from other movies. The line "Listen to your heart and you will understand" came from the movie Pocahontas, and the line about being "True to your heart" is from Mulan. Yes, I picked lines off of Disney movies for Anime characters. I love Disney and Anime. In fact, I love all animation. Besides, I felt that both lines were good advice, and they really helped with my story.