Hey all! I just wanted to say that I do not own GW, and I make NO MONEY from this fic! The story line IS MINE.. and the Poem belongs to me! :) I wrote it! :) It's called, "Refuge"



By Caliko


~~Lost upon the winds of chaos

Riding the whirlpools of chance

Take my hand, seize my fear

Show me the way to the promised lands~~


Heero Yuy walked across the busy intersection, blending in with the crowd. The war was over, the gundams destroyed. Peace finally ruled the land. But where did that leave him? A dinosaur before he was seventeen years old?

He couldn't accept that! He fought so hard, sacrificed everything for peace! Yet.. he had none. He felt... fragile, as if his very existence were tenuous, dependent on the good will of strangers.

No mother welcomed him home, no father said that he was proud. All he was trained for was slaughter! How would he exist? The world was too soft for the monster he was.

Relena - her name whispered into his mind, smothering his denials. He was barely aware of the direction his subconscious took him. Feeling as if he were being watched, he looked up.

He was in front of the Government building, and Relena stood upon the stairs. She stared at him, and he caught the hunger in her gaze before she looked away, embarrassed.

Slowly, she stepped down to him. Her lovely blond hair reached her waist, tied back in a simple pink bow. Her white suit had embroidery on its lapels, pale pink that matched the ribbon in her hair. The skirt was tailored,
adding the illusion of length to her youthful body.

But... it was her eyes that captured him. Clear blue crystals that seemed to hint of Utopia. She reached the pilot, holding her hand out to caress his face. Instinctively, he reached for it, kissing the palm as he drowned in her eyes.

"Heero..." her voice rushed over his senses, breathy whispers caressing his skin. "I missed you..."

She looked around her, finally realizing that they were not alone. "Come with me..." she asked, leading him to the limo.

"I don't think so, Relena. I.. can't."

He thought to pull away, but she held him there with a look.

"Please, at least.. have lunch with me."

He followed her into the car, powerless to refuse her, as the door closed softly behind him.

"Where have you been?" She asked him, hurt in her voice.

"Here, there... did some security work for a few companies..." He lied

"Oh... Then, you're doing all right?"

"Yeah... Once I got used to not having to fight...."

His smile felt wrong on his lips as he met her gaze. He would do what he had to so that she wouldn't worry, but the lie still felt wrong.

He waited for her to say something, but she was looking out the window. Following her gaze, he saw that they had come to a rather isolated area of the city. It had received heavy damage in the last incident, and the mayor had scheduled it for demolition.

"Relena?" He asked, wondering what she was thinking.

"Heero... we're not supposed to stop here..." She said, quietly under her breath.

His eyes snapped to hers, and he nonchalantly removed the gun from the holster at his back. Slowly, he gave her the weapon, telling her to hold onto it as a last resort. Even if he didn't believe that she would use it, he felt better knowing that she had the option. He drew his main weapon out of its shoulder holster, keeping it hidden in the folds of his coat.

The door opened quickly, and Heero launched himself through it, taking down the driver. Shots rang metallic thuds against the pavement.

Heero slammed the hand down onto the concrete, and the weapon dropped from the driver's hand. Quickly, he used his pistol as a bludgeon, sending the would be assassin into the darkness of the unconsciousness.

The motorcycle guard finally caught up, and took the man into custody. Heero looked at the minister of peace, only now realizing that she wasn't surprised.

"How long has this been going on?" He asked, as she lowered her gaze.

She shrugged, acting unconcerned.

"There is always someone out there seeking power. A lot of them think killing me is the first step."

"This has happened before?" He was incredulous, and more than a little hurt. Why didn't she contact him? The other pilots knew where he was!

"Once or twice. This was the closest they had ever been, however."

"Why didn't you call me?" He asked, his tone accusing.

"Why did you say that you were alright?"

"I am all right!"

"Liar. You can pull that icy blanket around your eyes all you want, Yuy... I can still read them."

He stalked off, ignoring her grasping hand.

Arriving home, he packed his things together and headed for Relena's mansion.

::::Like it or not, she's stuck with me! Imagine not telling me that she's been targeted! I thought she trusted me more than that!:::::

~~Why should she? Did you ever tell her that you loved her? Did you ever say, 'Relena.. I live to keep you safe?' No. You've been wandering around for months, with no direction except AWAY from her... and yet you still expected her to come running to you?~~

:::She deserved better than me! I'll only end up destroying her!:::

~~You've been telling yourself that for so long... You are actually starting to believe it. Just.. shut up and offer your services... I bet she accepts!~~

He smiled, suddenly realizing that he was holding a conversation with himself. Still... he had a point!

Arriving at the security shack, he was surprised to see the guard sleeping.

::::Well, he's going to be the first one fired...:::: he thought, walking up to the house.


~~Lay your lust upon my shoulder

Your love deep within my heart

Your touch is warm onto my skin

As your essence guides my path~~


She was standing in the living room, facing the fire. Jeans and a sweater replaced the suit, and her hair hung loose. He could tell the exact moment in which she sensed him, as her entire body stiffened and drew itself together.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, not bothering to turn around.

"What I always do when you need me."

He placed the suitcase down, and walked up to her. Placing his hands upon her shoulders, he turned her around to face him. Relena's eyes were clenched shut, trying to stop the escaping tears from falling down her face.

"Heero.. I can't do this anymore. I didn't call you for a reason! Damn you! I refuse to play cat and mouse! If you're here to protect me, then tell me why!"

"You're good for the peace, Ms. Darlian."

"If that's your only reason, then get out. I have enough guards!" She pulled away, swearing that THIS time.. she'll get the grand exit. Of course, she hadn't counted on him being just as stubborn as she was! Once again, she was facing him, her pack pressed against the nearest wall.

"You're good for me, Relena!" his eyes weren't hiding anything now, as if desperation caused them to be honest.

She smiled, touched his cheek, and said, "Then stay with me."

Her lips were soft against his as he desperately took what she offered. He needed to be closer to her, to feel her warmth embraced into his body. He had held himself back for almost three long years... No more. Finally, he was staking his claim.

"Hey, Miss Relena!" Duo's voice carried into the room ahead of him. His steps rang on the marbled tile, then stopped suddenly in the doorway. They looked up, into his shocked face. "Err... Hey, Heero ol' buddy! I'll just leave you two alone now, ok?"

Grinning, he backed up and started to close the door.

"Hey, Duo!" Heero called...

"Yeah?" The braided head peeked back in...

"Go scare the guard at the driveway. He was asleep when I got here."

"You know... things just seem more fun when you're around!" the 02 pilot grinned wider before he left to accomplish his mission.


~~Look for me, past my blindness,

Keep my feet from the rocky edge

Grab my hand when I stumble

And lead me home...~~


Two Months Later:

"Heero, don't be an idiot! I'll be fine!"

Relena finished closing the suitcase, and turned to face the bed. Her lover lay in the folds of the blanket, flushed with fever. She needed to be in L4 to meet with Quatre that day, and she needed to keep Heero home in bed. The man had bronchitis, and still, he wanted to follow her.

"I'm going with you.. hold on... help me pack a bag."

Stubbornly, he once again tried to get out of bed, only to have her push him back. Gasping for breath, all he managed to do was glare into her amused face.

"If I can knock you down... what good are you? Next time, stay out of the rain!"

Defeated, he groaned, then insisted that she get Wufei or Trowa to guard her.

"Make sure Duo goes home.. Hilde is going to pop any day now."

"I already sent him, and I wouldn't let Hilde hear you describe it like that..."

She leaned over, hugging him before she kissed his cheek and left.

~~Lay upon the feather bed,

Your arms around my soul

Wrap yourself in my compassion,

As it's blanket comforts our pain~~


He was asleep, his arms hugging her pillow as his subconscious inhaled her scent. She smiled. It was good to know that she wasn't the only one who had trouble sleeping alone!

She changed into her nightgown and climbed under the covers. Wrestling her pillow from his possession, she was about to settle in when his arms surrounded her waist.

"Miss me?" He asked, nuzzling into her hair. His voice was still raspy from the bronchitis.

"Hmmm... I don't think I slept more than five hours all week." She could feel his lips quirking against her neck.

"Did everything go alright?"

"Oh, it all went according to schedule. Quatre's people has the contracts for the mineral rights, and Tara Layton's colony has the export rights."

"Well, at least that's over!"

"Hmmm... and I'm home, away from all the publicity hubbub."

"Ahhhh... Poor Relena.." he teased, "I think someone could use a vacation."

"Don't tempt me. The world will fall apart if I left."

"Probably will, so why don't we teach them to appreciate you?"

"Where were you thinking?" Intrigued, she turned around to face him.

"Somewhere completely private...." His eyes danced, warning her. "Oh?? And where would we find that?"

"Right here, My Lady... right here..."

:::Five days of being without her were too long.::: He thought, showing her how much she had been missed.

~~Outside the storm rages on

Pushing against your shield

Chaos moves to invade our peace

But your strength will not yield.~~

"Miss Darlian! Is it true that you are living with Mr. Yuy without the benefit of marriage?"

A young reporter broke through the blockade and followed her up the steps. Heero stepped in front of the reporter, blocking his access.

"Today's topic is the mineral rights for the asteroid L5983. Miss Darlian does not discuss her private life."

The man snickered, commenting, "How about you? Would you like to say something?"

Disgusted, Heero pushed him away, stepping around the tabloid reporter. "He' s not allowed inside..." he informed the guard.

~~You are my refuge, my last escape

Shielding me from their watchful eyes

Soothing the torment from my mind

You lead me to quiet....~~


::::Marriage...marriage.. marriage:::

That night, the word played within his mind, and he realized that he liked the idea. Nothing had ever felt this right before! Looking over at the desk where Relena stood reading paperwork, he made up his mind.

"Relena, I'll be back soon. How long until you're done?"

"Heero, I wish I could say right now, but I have at least three hours of work here. Do you want to meet me home?"

He quickly thought about what he would need to buy, and nodded. "If you don' t mind, Princess."

The pilot didn't wait for her answer, but left in a rush, not even bothering to kiss her goodbye! Relena, not sure if she was amused or insulted, shook her head in bemusement and went back to her work.


That night, she walked into their bedroom, expecting to find Heero in the shower, or laying down watching TV. Instead, He greeted her at the door. His lean body was dressed in blue silk poet's shirt and snug linen pants. He looked as if he had stepped out of another time period as he bowed deep in front of her.

"My lady? If I may.." He motioned towards the table set with her favorite china and crystal.

:::Hmmm...this is sweet! Is it Valentines day? No...that was last month...:::

"Heero! This is wonderful! You went to so much trouble!"

"You're worth it. Relena... I wanted to ask you something..."

"What? You know I would do anything for you!"

"Sshhh! don't make promises until you know what I'm asking." He teased.

Kneeling in front of her, he took her hand into his and kissed the palm. She was staring deeply into her eyes, oblivious to everything, when she felt the cool metal band go around her finger...

"Will you marry me?"




Stretching forth in our imagination,
there lies a path to greatness.
Besides it lay the road of mediocrity.
Which path shall you take?
Travel with me, on the path of greatness
Stretch out your dreams
and pull them into reality.
Head not the safe road,
the one that tempts you with stabilty
What use is living without risk?