Disclaimer: I've just taken over Sunrise Asahi and now own all the Gundam Wing paraphernalia. However, until they officially hand over control to me, we'll all have to make do with these fics. *sighs sadly.* So you can't sue me or try to strangle me just yet! Here's


Saber's Kiss Chapter Nine


PAIN! FEAR! TERROR! Chaotic emotions wrecked havoc in his mind, and he choked, refusing to scream. It hurt...but he was a Gundam pilot. He could handle it. If only it weren't for that darkness. Why can't I see anything? What's going on? Blindly, he lunged towards any lead out of the insanity that drove into his mind, but every rope seemed to turn into a venomous viper, spitting and hissing, or just dropped off into nowhere. Where is this? I have to be strong...

Someone hovered at the edge of the shadows, whispers from a familiar voice with an unfamiliar overlay of anxiety. He had heard this voice before...had heard it many times. In it's own way, it was as cherished as his own life...if only he could remember...

Who are you?

Hush... sleep...

No! I need to...

Sleep Quatre...Cold fingers brushed against his forehead, a welcome change from the heat that seemed to permeate his whole body. He shuddered, twisting into the touch, wanting the firm tactile contact almost as much as he welcomed the coolness it brought. When she was there, he felt safer, more secure...she showed no signs of wanting to leave, smoothing a wet cloth against his face and murmuring soft, nonsensical words.

Sleep. You'll be fine. I'm here. You don't have to be worried. He smiled, withdrawing from his semiconscious state back into fitful slumber. The nightmares didn't seem so bad anymore as a single beam of light seemed to reach out to envelop him. Protecting him, gently drawing him back into the cradle of the living...


Dorothy watched, heart twisting, as Quatre cried out from the dreams his fever brought. She soothed his brow awkwardly, cursing the strange emotions coursing through her. They shouldn't be there. She wasn't supposed to feel this...she had made sure she wouldn't feel this. She had made sure to always act cordial, always act with carefully distanced warmth. So when did fire spring where only an ember had glowed before? Dorothy sighed. She was so confused, but confusion had no place in her life. Quatre was a friend and nothing more than that; she wouldn't risk their relationship by telling him about her feelings.

"Doll-child!" Chris's shadow loomed at the door, and Dorothy turned around, fingers instinctively curling around the hilt of her purloined saber before she saw who he was. "Time t'get workin'!" Dorothy nodded, rising reluctantly to her feet. With a final glance at Quatre she turned to Tor. He tipped his head back and looked into her eyes, cold and determined as she brushed the oily locks of hair out of her face.

"Take care of him, Tor. My trust is not given easily and if you hurt him..."

"No one betrays a Cat'lonia's trust an' lives t'tell bout it. Aye, I know that, Doll-child. Y'g'wan an' work now. I'll make sure he don't get worse." Dorothy looked into his unwavering face before nodding once curtly, spinnng on her heel to stalk out of the small quarters. The sun was shining harshly down on her face, almost blinding as the light refracted off the metals to bounce every which way in a white glare. Dorothy looked around her; the loathing for this abominable place had only grown, festering deep within her every passing day. She narrowed her eyes furiously before setting to work with a vengeance, savagely tossing the rocks into uneven piles before gesturing Siara to move it out.

Every day they stayed was a smaller and smaller possibility of rescue and sooner or later, Luir would recognize that. In that case, she and Quatre became expendable...something she didnít want to see happen. We've got to get out of here, but at the same time, how will I be able to justify to Miss Releena my leaving these people? She unloaded another pile of rock. Impossible. I am a soldier...not a savior. That is the job of the Gundam pilots. I follow the orders given to me...but there are no orders. Damn you Yuy, are you going to fail on your first mission ever?!

There was no answer of course, not that an answer was expected. A cynical smile curved Dorothy's lips as she twirled a chunk of Gundanium in her fingers, ignoring the new lacerations that appeared on her fingers. "Well, I assume this means I will have to deal with this myself." Blood dripped from her hand, blazing with crimson promise before falling to the dust.

The first drop spilled from her fingers, touching the dirt as it slowly seeped into the earth, a perfect circle that slowly turned auburn in the sweltering air. A sudden memory came to mind. A man standing trial for the crimes he had committed against the Romefellar foundation had been tried, not by a military court, but by Soldier's Law. When one was tried by the Law and found guilty, the victims of the crime chose the punishment...it was usually a very painful punishment as well. Mentally, she recited the Oath, changing it slightly to fit her situation as she watched the blood as it welled on her fingers, bleeding profusely.

By blood you are accused. First, for the bonds you have broken. The cherished bonds to your fellow man, the bonds you hold to the community in which you live, and the bonds placed upon you from your conception.

A second drop followed the first.

By blood you are tried, tried for your crimes. The crime of cruelty for your own gain, the crime of indifference to the death you met out to man, the crime of the agony you burden upon the one who holds my heart.

Frozen eyes narrowed, following the last drop to the ground. It splashed against the uneven terrain, breaking into smaller droplets that glistened individually as they glared defiantly back up at her.

By blood, you stand condemned. Condemned once, condemned a thousand times, for the blood you force from me. My body, my hands. With this blood, I reclaim what is mine, my hands, my touch, my soul. You stand condemned, and may it be by my hands that you fall!

Dorothy smiled savagely, throwing the rock into the cart with unnecessary force. It clattered noisily as it hit against the steel sides, the walls indenting slightly from the force of the blow. "Mr. Luir...what I said was true the first time. You are a dead man."


"Where are they?" Releena turned anxious blue eyes on her lover. "Heero, where is Dorothy? She should have reported in by now...shouldn't she have?" Heero watched silently as Releena paced frantically back and forth in front of her desk, worrying her hair restlessly. Her face was drawn up in furrowed lines and she had taken to carrying a portable vidphone just in case any new developments came up.

"Where is she, Heero?" Releena asked, glancing at the corner in which Heero had been leaning against the wall, "Heero?" Where he had once been was only the creamy color of her wall, bathed in shadows. She sighed, half in exasperation, half in worry. "Why do you always do that, Heero?"


Silently, a pair of Prussian blue eyes stared sightlessly at the stars. My mission...no, my life...is dedicated to protecting Releena. I swore to never leave her side again. But Quatre is a... a friend...isn't he?

"Hey, Heero, what the hell are ya doing, freezing your ass off up here?" A mischievous face popped into sight followed by a braid and a black-clad body. "Damn, you would just have to take the highest roof in the whole Sanq kingdom, now wouldn't you?" Heero didn't respond, watching as Duo brushed himself and carelessly sprawl on the rooftop. "So, wussup?"

"Dorothy hasn't reported."

Duo nodded, "Yeah. Heard about that. It's driving 'jousan nuts, so she's cracking down on the Preventors." Heero didn't say anything, just silently acknowledged that fact with a brusque nod. "So Heero old buddy...whatcha gonna do 'bout it?"


Duo raised a brow at the apathetic Japanese pilot, tossing his braid over his shoulder. "O-kay...that's not the answer I expected." Duo scratched his head, "Or...maybe I shouldn't be surprised. What's holding you back from blazing after them with the big guns, Heero?"


Duo cringed. "Oh yeah, 'jousan. Forgot about that..."

"Hn." The two boys sat silently on the roof of the Peacecraft mansion, staring into the space that had been their birthplace.

"It's beautiful, isn't it Heero? You'd never see the moon like this in space..." There was a half grin on the young American's face. "Not that you'd ever bother to look, eh?"

Heero glanced at Duo's cheerful countenance. How can he laugh, after all he's been through? Is he even more foolish than we all believed him to be? "What are you planning to do, Duo?"

Duo shrugged, pure Shinigami evilness twinkling in his violet eyes, "What else?? Go up there and kick some ass, Shinigami style!" Duo laughed, falling on his back, his hands tucked behind his head as he watched the stars streak across the sky, "Blow up a few factories...show 'em how the God of Death works."

"I thought the God of Death had hung up his scythe."**

"Well...lets just say he makes exceptions when it comes to friends." Duo smirked, "Besides, Hilde's coming along for the ride too. Tried to get her to stay at home, but she said something about not becoming the perfect little housewife just because we lived together." Heero smiled very slightly before the mask of indifference settled once again across his features.

"Heero," There was a sudden seriousness in Duo's voice as he glanced at the Zero pilot, "Talk to ojousan about it. The mission, I mean. I think you're underestimating her again." Heero 's brow rose in a question, but Duo was already standing up, his usual cocky grin plastered to his face. "Well...I'll be seein' you, old buddy! Wish me luck! Not that the God of Death needs it or anything..." Heero snorted as Duo jumped off his perch on the roof.

A few seconds later, there was a crash and a well rounded curse. "Damn, who put the trashcans here?! It wasn't here the last time I climbed this stupid roof! I'm gonna have to talk to ojousan about this...stupid trashcans..."



 Author's note: did I spell ojousan right? I'm not quite sure, since I'm not Japanese and I don't really know Japanese. So, that's it in a nutshell kids! Yeah, I know the tone's been pretty serious up to now, but I couldn't resist the trashcan thing. It was just screaming to me "MAKE HIM JUMP! MAKE HIM JUMP!"

Duo: *smelling of trash* Why do you always pick on me?!

Sable: "smiling innocently* Cuz I love you.

Duo: You coulda fooled me!

Sable: Without you, my fics would be long and boring. Your suffering adds an element of tension relief in them.

Duo: *sarcastically* Gee, thanks. But if you remember, Trowa's the clown around here!

Trowa: ...

Sable: Nah! He's a sad clown. You're always happy! *hugs Duo, then steps back as the stink hits her* go take a shower Duo. You stink.

Duo: *stalking towards the restrooms* It's your fault anyway!

*Sable smiles, then waves at her readers* I'm done with this part of the fic! Thank you all for making me feel warm and fuzzy when you bother to review! *dances happily* Yep, finished with this part. So, is perfect-soldier-boy going, or is his first responsibility to Releena-sama first? Heh heh, only the author knows *mysterious smile*. I luv y'guys! Your reviews make my day, so R&R please it!


** something that Duo said in Ch. VIII of Winter's parting while he was trying to convince Heero to go back to Releena.