Disclaimer: Here we are again. At the beginning of a fic, where I explain why I don't own the g-boys. I thought it would be nice if I presented a nice, organized list of reasons for this phenomena. So, here goes:

If I owned the g-boys, I wouldn't be making this list anyway. Ditto.

So you see, I think I have explained myself quite succinctly.


A special thanks to everyone who reviewed part one! I had an enormous writers block before I read all the reviews. Please review at bluefire_7@yahoo.com


Twice in a Lifetime


by Bluefire

Chapter 2

Relena tossed again. And for about the fifth time that night, found herself staring up at a bland titanium ceiling that looked as though it had been scoured with disinfectant every day of it's being. Everything in this shuttle was so sterile, so. . . rigid. And she was stuck here. With nothing to do, either.

She turned again, onto her left side this time, facing the wall. She hadn't slept hardly a wink since arriving here. Bags were forming beneath her turquoise eyes and lines were creasing her once smooth face. If this was what two days here did to her, what would happen if she had to stay much longer?

It wasn't the shuttle engines constant humming that kept her awake, or the way Duo sometimes paced up and down the corridor that connected all the rooms. It was Heero. He had been avoiding her since their last encounter, and no matter how she tried, he seemed to have taken up the ways of a hermit in her presence. Those cold eyes. . .

Onto her right side. Nothing seemed to be letting her sleep. She was tempted to try the sleeping pills Duo had chugged down earlier. Then again, the hyperactive boy seemed to need it if he was ever to get any sleep. He went nonstop all the time, talking and moving in whatever way he deemed necessary to release all the extra energy he had.

" 'Jousan?" The familiar shape of Duo appeared in the open doorway, braid swinging softly in rhythm with the ship. "You awake?"

She sat up, brushing back her tousled blond hair. "Yep. Why aren't you in bed?" She must've been more tired than she thought, because she could feel traces of oncoming sleep lingering in her eyes. She stifled a yawn as the braided boy leaned against the steel doorframe.

He shrugged, crossing his arms across his chest. "Heero 'an me were working on some modifications to the shuttle. I was just wondering if, ya' know, since you were awake and all, maybe you'd want to come see this."

If her eyes had held any sleep before, they held none now. "See what, Duo?"

"You'll see when you get there," he grinned, and even though it was dark, she could see the way his eyes glinted with uneasiness.

She should have known right then that something was about to happen.

* * *

It all seemed fairly normal as Duo led her to the front of the ship, a new experience seeing as that Heero wouldn't allow her anywhere near the cockpit before, and he chattered about nothing as they walked along sterile hallways. Their footsteps made a soft tapping over the engines purr, a soothing sound, in its own way. Duo's eyes glinted like a Cheshire cat's and his priest outfit only added to the effect.

Heero was the closest she had ever seen him to being surprised when Duo practically dragged her to a seat behind his co-pilot chair and kept right on talking. Heero let out a tiny grunt and turned back to whatever he was doing with the control panels; something complicated by the looks of it. A lot of buttons and joysticks Relena had no idea how to use, or for that matter, what they were.

He let out a little grunt, one she had heard several times before, and was alarmed to realize she was strangely accustomed to it. She settled down into the firm grey leather of the chair, letting it mold around the curves of her body. Duo's prattling seemingly bounced off her ears, hardly a word penetrating the fog that surrounded her thoughts at the moment. Why was Heero being so indifferent now, after all the things he had said? Had he lied, kidnapped her for some other reason?

'Fool,' she chided herself mentally. 'You shouldn't have believed him so easily. The man kidnapped you for God's sake! You're too trusting, Relena, too gullibal. He hung you out to dry like a mess of trout, and you willingly took the bait in the first place. You shouldn't--'

" 'Jousan?" Duo's wide violet eyes put a halt to the furouisly paced train of her thoughts. "You okay?" He was standing over her, gaze unwavering, and even Heero bothered to glance back for a brief moment.