Disclaimer: Gundam Wing is not mine.  I don't own the characters.  The story alone is mine, but not the characters.  I would also like to thank those that inspired me to write this fanfic and have kept me going.  Some parts may sound like parts from other stories, so if I do so in order to make my fic better, I will place credit to the original writers.  Thanks.   




"Oh God, someone help me please!"

"Where are you?"

"Someone help!"

"I can't find you!" A girl shouted as she ran down the dark hall.  She needed to find the person that neededhelp.  Screams echoed off the walls, she stopped confused. "Where are you?" she shouted.

"Help!" The voice screamed back.

'Damn! Which way?' She looked around wildly trying to place the voice's direction.

"Please, help me!"

She ran further passing doors, opening them at random.

"Karen! Help!" The voice cried desperately, "Karen!"

'Damn!' The girl thought.  "Which way?"  She shouted.


Karen turned as a shadow loomed over her.  Her eyes widen and she stifled a scream.  She backed against the wall as the figure reached towards her.

"Expect the unexpected, my girl." The shadow cackled, getting closer.

'I'm gonna die!' Karen thought as she stared at the foreboding shadowy figure.



*Gasp* Karen sat upright in her bed, panting.  Sweating she got up and headed for the restroom.  After slashing water on her face, she spoke to her reflection.  "It was a dream," she mumbled as water dripped off her face. "It felt so real." As she continued looking into the mirror, she wondered what it meant. She didn't understand.  Not knowing what else to do, she quickly dried off her face and went back to bed.