Disclaimer:  I don't own gundam wing, but it would be so cool if I did huh, oh well I can always dream.  I'd like to thank those who have helped me with this story, by being patient and encouraging me along.  Thank you Hang N. and Raichuu and all of you who have read Unexpected.



Chapter five:


"Mmm..." Duo rolled over.  He opened his eyes to see...an empty bed.  'Shit!' He bolted out of bed.  "Where did she go?!  And how?"  He scanned the entire room.  The windows were locked, the alarms hadn't gone off or he would have heard them.  She was still in the house probably.  The door was closed, showed no sign of ever being opened.  Yet the cuffs were lying right there on the bed.  She was gone.  "Oh man they are going to kill me!"  He grabbed his braid trying to think.  He ran to the restroom to see if she was there.  Typical girl, right?  She'd want a shower...wouldn't she?  He threw open the door.  No one. 

'I am so dead.'  Duo sighed.  This was not going to be a good day at all.  He sat down on the bed, leaning on his knees.  'Weird.'  "I actually miss her..."

"Should I be flattered?"

Duo whirled around.  "You!  I thought you left?" 

Karen was on the other side leaning against the bedpost, staring into space.  One leg bent, her arm draped over, the other stretched.  "I should have...." Her hair was loose, and brushed.  She still wore her uniform except for the jacket, which was tied around her waist.  The only thing covering her breasts were the bandages enclosing them.

Duo's eyes roamed over her.  She took no notice.  Didn't care.  Then it hit him.  "How did you get out of the cuffs?"  She smirked.  "That was easy."  Reaching into her hair she pulled out a bobby pin the one that had been used to keep her hair up.  "I was trained quite well ya' know. So tell me Duo, what were you planning on doing with me?"

Duo looked surprised.  "You're our prisoner.  Seems you're not as smart as you look or act huh?"  Karen glanced his way.  "Actually I am.  See Duo, I am a prisoner obvious the cuffs proved it, that and the fact that I am still alive.  Although you miss a couple of little details; I belong to a gang that sets out to kill you and everyone here, including Relena.  I was caught by gundams, I tried to escape, I managed to piss off the worst person with an attitude problem I have ever seen, and I am in your room with out cuffs.  All possible reasons I should be six feet under.  I could have left, you know, but I want to know why am I alive, so answer." 

Flabbergasted his mouth moved but no words came out.  'How the hell did she come up with that?  Ok, I guess I did underestimated her.'  She glared at him, perfect Heero imitation but her form was different.  Almost like...  'Scary, she reminds me of...nah can't be.'  "Wufei said that we are to keep you here until further information is found about what is going on."


"Hey! You okay?" Duo peered over the side of the bed.  Karen stared back at him blankly and pale.  'Could he have guessed?  No, he doesn't know.  There's no way he can know, no possible way, there were no facts left.  I destroyed everything! He couldn't know, He can't know!!!!! Yet he's the one that kept me alive! Oh man...'


Karen snapped out of her thoughts.  Duo was looking at her worried but with amusement and confusion in his eyes.  She had to be careful.  'Hopefully he didn't notice why I fell.'  Karen moved and sat on the floor under Duo.  He loomed over her and looked at her upside down.  "So, why the fall?"  "None of your business."  Karen closed her eyes and pretended to meditate.  "You know you look like Wufei."  Karen opened her eyes annoyed, a slight blush in her cheeks.  Duo started to laugh.  "Urk!"  Duo was flipped over by Karen who had lashed out and taken hold of him by his neck. 

Duo rubbed his neck, "And just as ruthless."  Karen growled, "Stop comparing me to everyone you know, you don't know me and you never will.  Now answer my question."

"I did, remember.  I told you that we need more information."

"Such as."

"Sheesh attitude, what are you on your days?"

Karen slapped him.  "Don't even think that!" 

"Admit it. You're hiding something."  Duo stopped her hand just as it almost hit him again.  "Ha!"  His hand closed over it and he moved closer.  "So what are you hiding hmm?"  Karen flushed, "Damn you."  Duo chuckled.  He stood up and pulled her to her feet.  "You need to get ready."  She pulled away, "I'm not your child or even related to you.  You can't order me around." 

Duo pulled her back, "Actually I can.  See you're in my care."  Karen death glared him.  "Now go get ready because breakfast will start soon and then we will all have to have a little chat, okay?  Get going."  He lightly shoved her to the restroom.  She refused to move.  "Stubborn aren't you?"  Karen turned to him, "Did it ever occur to you that I don't have any clothes here or that it would seem weird to anyone passing, say anyone from a specific gang, would happen to glance in the window and see my military outfit, surrounded by gundams.  You may have not killed me but they will with out a second thought."

Duo sighed.  She had him there and he couldn't lend her his clothes.  Wouldn't fit her.  "Fine."  He moved to the other side of the room.  Karen watched intently.  He pressed a button and Sally appeared on Vid-cam.  "Yes Duo?"  "Sally, could you send up some clothes for her to change in?"  "Of course.  What size is she?" 

Duo turned to her.  He sized her up then looked back at the screen.  "I'd say around Relena's, just don't tell Heero that."  "I know.  I won't.  Alright I'll go borrow some clothes and take them right up."  He nodded and turned off the screen. 

"Aren't you happy." Karen sarcastically snapped. Duo crossed his arms and leaned against the desk, "Very."  Karen summed him up; broad shoulders, couple of inches taller than her, fast reflexes, underestimated probably by others, with a very confident attitude.  "Baka." Duo just laughed. 

-Knock, Knock-

Sally walked in followed by Relena, Heero, and...Wufei.  Duo was naturally surprised.  Sally walked up to Karen and gave her the clothes.  She took them frowning and looked at the group.  Relena, her eyes were sad and red, from crying.  Heero was indifferent but on guard. Wufei, he looked intently at her.  His eyes boring into her soul, she blushed at his intent stare.  Which caused Wufei to raise an eyebrow and look closer.  He went up to her, past Sally.  Karen took a step back. 

For each step Wufei took she took one back.  He stopped, confusion written in his face.  The others looked on wondering what was going on.  Duo leaned in towards Heero, "Doesn't she seem like she's afraid of Wufei?" Heero nodded.  Wufei had resumed walking up to her.  Karen was now backed up against the wall near the restroom door.  He stood mere inches from her.  Studying her.  He reached out with his hand and touched her cheek.  Karen watched him intently, her breath quickening.  "Wufei..." She gasped her eyes widening.  Sharply she glanced at Wufei.  He gazed at her surprised.  She hadn't meant to say that out loud!  The others were shocked, well Sally was growling. 

Karen wrenched herself away and rushed into the restroom locking the door behind her.  Duo stood still wondering.  As for Sally she turned her heel and walked out of the room muttering about a short hussy.  Heero and Relena watched her go.  Then they left also.  Wufei was still standing where Karen had left him.  He was staring at the door.  "So...what's with you and the girl?" Duo questioned.  "I...nothing."  Wufei took one last look at the door and left.  Duo moved out of the way.  'Weird.'  He went up to the door.  "Karen?" 

"Go away!" came the muffled reply.

"Aw come on.  You have to eat."

"I'm not hungry!"

"Are you dressed at least?"

"Why do you care?"

Duo sighed.  He turned the knob sure enough it was locked.  He reached into his jacket, pulling out some tools.  After awhile he opened the door. 'Man I hope she's dressed.'  He found her sitting in the shower stall, hugging her knees still in uniform.  "Hey." Duo said softly.  ­Sob-  'She's crying?'  Duo was dumbfounded.  This girl was a natural spitfire and here she was crying her heart out.  Why?  "Are you ok?"  "You wouldn't understand."  Duo got down on his knees.  "Try me."  Karen cried harder and threw herself into his arms.  Duo taken by surprise was thrown back a bit.  He hugged her while she let everything out. 




Quatre awoke to see Sally fuming at the end of the room.  She was looking at some charts.  He tried to sit up.  "Sally..." She rushed over and helped him.  Propping him up against some pillows. "Quatre, you really shouldn't exert yourself."  He chuckled softly.  "I'm fine.  When can I leave?"  "In a couple of more days, now if you rest up it could be shorter.  Say tomorrow..." She teasingly added.  "Really?"  Laughing she nodded.  "That's great!  I want to meet the girl that was caught.  Karen."

At her name Sally bristled.  "Well you shouldn't worry about her.  Seems that she can take care of herself."  She walked back to her charts.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, what ever would give you that idea."

Quatre studied her, "You seem mad.  Is it about Wufei?"

Sally growled scaring him.  "Wufei, knows what he is doing although I never thought him capable of touching a girl let alone walk up to one with interest."

Quatre started laughing.  "I do believe you're jealous.  What happened?"

Sally began to tell him everything though she denied the jealous part. 



Trowa kept himself busy fixing up breakfast.  Everyone had probably fallen asleep late and he wanted to do something.  Pretty soon the smell of eggs, bacon, coffee, toast, and pancakes wafted through the rooms.  Relena waltzed in and helped set the table.  Heero on the other hand had gone to his room and was on his laptop again.  He was curious about Karen, deciding to do some research he set up using 'Danny' as his source.  Took him awhile to break through the codes but he came up with what he was looking for.


Danny Torres: 18 year old male, parents dead and unknown.  Trained gundam pilot, soldier, and fighter.  Began training at a young age.  Injuries include a broken leg, fractured arm, cracked ribs, trauma, herniated disk, concussion, cuts, bruises, fire burns, electric burns, loss of blood, stab wounds, bullet wounds, etc.  Top rank: the best on the force. 


Heero was slightly impressed, more for the fact that Danny was really a girl.  The injuries were a shock.  She looked perfectly fine.  Scrolling down useless information of Danny/Karen winning her rank number, when she was presented to new members.  'This girl was very much respected but it seems she was also closely watched.  During the war that we were in she was locked up in massive training.  If she's the best why hasn't she tried to escape before?'  Suddenly something caught his eye.  TOP SECRET.  He tried to break the code but couldn't.  It took a fingerprint that was required to unlock the file.  He'd have to find out whose.  'What could it be?  The girl probably knows...' He printed out the information and shut down.  He needed more time but right now he had to go see about breakfast or they would come and get him.  He knew who would be sent too, Relena.  He didn't want her to see this just yet.  The others would see it first.


*          *          *          *    


At the breakfast table everyone was present except Duo, the girl and of course Quatre.  Relena picked at her food, Heero ate silently while Sally coaxed Relena to eat something.  She wasn't hungry.  She wanted to be with Karen, help her remember her or at least start over and build back what they had.  She numbly chewed on her food under careful eye of everyone including Duo who had just walked in.  Duo served himself a good helping ignoring the stares he got.  He ate quickly, thanked Trowa, and left.  'Strange Duo normally eats two or three helpings.' Sally grew worried. 

All the gundams stood up and followed him.  Duo walked straight into the gym.  He took off his jacket and shirt and began to beat the crap out of the punching bag.  The thing was actually moving as if it were a swing.  It would swing towards Duo who'd punch it back and the cord would yank then send it back at him.  Duo's braid flapped as he put in more speed.  Then he stopped, caught the bag and dropped to do push ups. 

"Heero, do you think he knows something?"

He nodded.  They watched quietly.  They had never seen Duo in the gym much less do a workout.  They failed to notice the person hiding in the shadows gazing miserably.  Duo noticed.  Standing he wiped the sweat from his forehead and motioned the person in.  The g-boys backed up so they wouldn't be seen.  The person stepped out of the shadows slowly.  At first they thought it was Relena.  The clothes and hairstyle led them to believe that.  She was wearing an aquamarine dress and heels.  Her hair was down, reaching a little past her waist.  She walked up to Duo.  "Wait a sec.  She has black hair." Whispered Trowa. 

"Do you feel better?" Duo asked her.  She nodded sadly.  "But?"

"But I feel sorry for dragging you into this.  I should have kept it to myself."

"It's ok.  How did the dress fit you?"

"Well it's a little tight but ok."


The girl laughed.  "I think I grew a bit from the last time we shared clothes."

Duo growled looking past her.  The boys knew they had been spotted.  The girl whirled around...Karen!  The boys stepped out into the gym Heero leading.  Karen braced herself.  Duo pushed past her a bit.  "Didn't know you were the eavesdropping type guys." 

"We want to know what's going on."

"It's time Duo." With that Heero left.

Wufei left but glanced over his shoulder.  Duo glared daring him to say something.  Karen just stood emotionless. 

"Well are you ready to get interviewed Karen?" Duo asked.  She nodded then smiled "But maybe you should take a bath first."  Duo started laughing, "Yeah remember you don't have to answer anything that you don't want to yet."  Sighing she replied, "It's ok but I'll wait until you're there because you need to hear it also."  "But..."  "No Duo I didn't tell you all of it.  Trust me there is more, much more than just how my parents died and how I went into Death Strike."  He nodded. "Go."  He watched her leave following Trowa who was waiting outside.  'How much more does she have to tell?'




"Come on Quatre they guys are going to start questioning Karen."

He nodded and with help got into the wheelchair.  Sally pushed him towards the living room.  Where Wufei was drawing the curtains.  Heero and Trowa were standing to the sides of Karen, and Relena was sitting in front of her.  Quatre smiled at everyone then summed up Karen.  She was smaller than the guys but her strength matched theirs.  It seemed to just vibrate into the air.  She nodded a greeting to him and he in return.  "Sally, please put me next to the armchair."  Sally nodded but wondered why he would want to be so close to Karen. 

Just then Duo entered.  He took the chair on the other side of her.  Karen was now sitting side by side with Quatre and Duo.  Heero stayed standing behind Relena.  Trowa sat down next to Wufei and Sally.  "Alright lets begin but first the girls have to leave."

"What!?" exclaimed the girls. "Why?"

"Because this isn't the time for you to hear this.  Especially you, Relena, you couldn't take it."

"Heero..." Relena started warningly.

"Let them stay."  All heads turned to Karen.  "They have as much right."  Heero challenged Karen.  She challenged him right back.  "The girls stay."  Heero frowned.