Disclaimer:  I don't own Gundam Wing, and I'm sad to say that I never will.  *whines*  It's not fair.  Why can't I have even a small piece of it? *sniff*


A Weekend to Remember

Chapter Twelve:  Chaos Ensues


Relena sighed in relief as she glanced around the ballroom.  So far so good, but she knew they weren't out of the woods yet.  They'd only been at the fundraiser for a couple hours, therefore, they had the rest of the night ahead of them.  She silently prayed for the continuation of their current luck.  Meaning their luck after Quatre got rid of Ambassador Dinmont.

They had met with Lady Une, and it turned out that there were not any changes made in security measures.  And as Heero might say, 'All systems were running and functional.'

Duo and Hilde, for all intents and purposes, looked to be having a wonderful time on the dance floor.  Quatre and Catherine appeared to be enjoying a conversation with their host, Ambassador Cleveland, and a few others.  Dorothy looked to be entertaining a few guests all on her own, while Sally stayed by the front entrance monitoring everyone who entered.  Which left her personal bodyguards . . . err . . . that's to say Heero's personal bodyguards, herself included, standing at a discrete distance and never letting their guard down.

Okay.  So Heero, despite the fact of their reversed roles, seemed more alert.  What could she do about it though?  It's not like she'd gone through any type of training to prepare herself for this.  Sure, she could spot a gun and look out for anyone suspicious.  However, the truth of the matter remained that she was in over her head, and she knew Heero was too.  They really should not have come.  Maybe she should have gotten Heero to fake a sudden stomach virus.

Relena shook her head.  No, that would not have worked.  Everyone knew she came to this shit come hell or high water.

She glanced at Heero to see how he was holding up.  He seemed to be fairing pretty well.  Of course, it might have something to do with the fact that she has been scaring off any would-be dance partners.  Thank God she quickly mastered the Yuy death glare because it was proving to be an excellent weapon.  She was beginning to really appreciate it.  Maybe she should have mastered it a long time ago.  It would have saved her many enormous headaches.  She wanted to laugh every time a delegate walked in their general direction boasting a seemingly confident air.  Then turn a distinct shade lighter in complexion and quickly bolt in the opposite direction once they saw the look she was giving them.  Heero also seemed tempted to crack a smile every time it happened. 

"Humph, weaklings."  Wufei snorted as he watched another scared delegate scurry away.

Relena smirked as she also watched the delegate turn tail and run, but of course all good things must come to an end.  She mentally cursed their special brand of luck as a sudden transmission came through her earpiece. 

"Agent Yuy.  Come in, Yuy."  It was Une's voice.

Relena resisted the urge to panic.  'Oh shit.'  But, she somehow maintained Heero's emotionless expression and ever-present monotone as she spoke into her wrist communicator.  "Yes?"

"There's a disturbance in the northern sector of the perimeter.  I want you and Agent Barton to check it out.  Report back in ten."

Relena, despite her best efforts, slightly paled.  "Roger that."  She said with an air of confidence she did not feel.  She turned toward Trowa.  "Let's go.  We're needed in the northern sector."  Trowa nodded.  She then faced Wufei and Brian.  "Stay here." 

Wufei grunted and nodded his approval while Brian merely smiled and gave an optimistic, "No prob."

After Relena and Trowa walked away, Wufei spoke into his wrist communicator.  "There was a disturbance.  Yuy and Barton went to check it out.  Stay alert.  I'll report back with details as given.  Chang, out."  He then heard three clear 'affirmatives' from Quatre, Duo, and Sally.  Now all they could do was wait and hope for the best.


Relena's heart was racing as she and Trowa slowly crept around the back of the building.  'Focus Dorlain, you can do this.  You've seen Heero do this hundreds of times.  How hard can it be?' 

Yeah, really, how hard could it be?  It's not like her stomach was about to leap out of her throat, and it's not like her gun would slip out of her hand at any given moment because of her nervous and sweaty palms.  Nope, none of that was really happening.  So, this was going to prove to be a breeze. 

Okay.  So, she really wanted nothing more than to run in the opposite direction.  But, how could she?  People were depending on her, and she could not fail them.  Failure was not an option.  Uh oh.  She really was Heero, if she was going to start having those kinds of thoughts. 

'Alright, Relena girl, just one step at a time, you can do it.  You've successfully executed Heero mode all weekend by maneuvering out of basic situations.  Now, all you have to do is apply your knowledge to his strength and reflexes.  So calm your nerves and focus, damnit.'

Trowa once again noticed how Heero seemed edgier than usual.  The normally emotionless man was now jumping at the slightest sound and whipping his head in every direction.   This did not look good.  If the perfect soldier couldn't keep his wits about him, then what kind of disaster could that lead to?  He didn't want to think about it, and he wasn't going to let a disaster happen this night or any other. 

The sudden noise that could clearly be heard from above put both of them instantly on full alert. 

Relena quickly scrambled behind the nearest tree trunk for cover without making a sound.  She mentally sighed in short relief.  Heero's reflexes were still working for her, but now what was she supposed to do. 

Trowa, meanwhile, found his own means of cover and the two of them silently waited for their new enemy to appear.

Relena saw movement in the tree directly in front of her.  Her heart momentarily stopped beating.  This was the moment of truth.  She wasn't about to let anyone hurt her loved ones.  She sharpened her gaze onto her target and waited.  'Come out, you bastard.'


Relena blinked in shock.  'No, it couldn't be a . . .'

"Meow."  Another whimpering cry was heard.

She shook her head in astonishment.  'Of all the things it could have been.'  She thought as she watched the feline's tail sway to and fro triggering one of the motion detectors set around the building.

Relena suddenly glared at the little beast.  That thing nearly gave her a heart attack. 

Trowa came up quietly behind Relena.  "I'll get it."  He whispered.  Then he performed one of the most graceful flips she'd ever seen to effortlessly grab the little kitten and land quiet as a mouse back on the ground.

Relena blinked a few more times.  'Wow.  I wish I could do that.'

Trowa shook his head as he looked at the bewildered expression on Heero's face.  Something wasn't right.  Heero was never this responsive to anything.  Also, Trowa had never in his life seen his friend jump out of nervousness. 

Trowa sighed and handed Relena the kitten.  "Here.  Take him somewhere for safekeeping.  I'll make one final check then head back in."

Relena sharpened her gaze on the man standing in front of her.  He knew something was up, which made her refocus her perfect soldier façade.  "Hn.  Why?"

"Your best place tonight is back inside guarding Relena.  Go.  I'll be fine"

"It's not wise.  This . . ." She held up the little bundle with one hand.  " . . . Could have been a momentary distraction.  Something scared it enough to make it run up that tree."

"Look no offense, but you're not yourself tonight and you don't need to be out here."

Relena glared at him.  Damn it all.  She knew he was right, but what could she do?  Heero would never give up so easily.  However, it was futile to protest further, and they were wasting time. 

But apparently she didn't have to decide.  Trowa made up her mind for her.  "This is Barton.  Come in.  Over."

'Damnit.'  Who'd have thought Trowa had a manipulative streak in him or that he would not hesitate to stand up to Heero. 

"This is Une.  Report.  Over." 

"The motion detectors were triggered by a small animal stuck in a tree.  Heero is returning now with our disturbance to make sure it doesn't happen again, but I'm going to make a final round of the perimeter.  Send Chang to the northeast sector.  I'll meet him there.  Over."

"Roger that.  Report back again in ten.  Over.

"Roger that.  Over and out."

Relena glared harder at Trowa.  She'd just been usurped, and it wasn't that good of a feeling.  Plus, she knew Heero was going to be very ticked off when he found out about this and that was not setting too well either.

She then watched as Trowa slighted smirked at her.  "Go."  He said then stealthily disappeared around the corner, leaving her alone with her new little friend.  She looked down at the kitten, which was contently situated in the crook of her arm.  It innocently looked up at her and purred.  She glared at it since there was no one else around at the moment for her to vent her frustrations to.   Besides, what was she suppose to do with the little fur ball anyway?


Heero cringed as his latest dance partner once again stepped on his foot.  This had to be the gravest injustice of all.  He could not take much more of this.  'Come on Yuy, you can do this.  It can't be too much longer now.'  He glanced at the wall clock across the room.  It only read 10:35. 'Damnit.  Life is just not fair.'

He dejectedly sighed and continued to ignore his latest dance partner's insistent prattle.  He quickly learned that if you slightly nodded your head every so often and smiled then they thought you were intently listening to their every word.  The morons.

He was slowly coming to his wits end.  Not only was he being forced to dance with every available bachelor in the room, but also if one more of them stepped on his foot or decided it was a good idea to let their hand venture below his waist one more time, then he was going to deck them.  Protocol be damned. 

Once he was back in his rightful body, he was going to take great relish in beating the crap out of each and every one of them if they even thought to come near Relena again.  He'd now met them all, and he never forgets a face.   There was going to be hell to pay.

He heard the song come to an end and decided to make a break for it while he still had a chance.  Just let them try and find him once he got off this dance floor. 

Heero quickly stepped away from the delegate and turned to make a quick get away only to smash into the rock hard chest of his next adversary.

'Damnit.  Now what?' 

He gently rubbed his now throbbing nose since it was squished for the second time that day then slowly glanced up.  His eyes almost popped out of his head and he quickly forgot about his sore appendage when he saw whom he'd be dancing with next.

"Hey, Relena.  May I have the honor of the next dance?"

It was Brian.


Duo took a surveillance of the room, as he stood alone.  Since Hilde was currently off to the side talking with some guy from one of the colonies. 

He hated these functions, but he understood their importance and why he and the others needed to be here.  However, that didn't mean he had to like it.  He was too bored for words.  Nothing exciting ever happens at these things.  Well, there used to be the occasional assassin attempt on one delegate or the other for whatever reason, but ever since the Mariemaia coup d'état ended things got very quiet.  Then after he and the others started working full-time for the Preventers, things really got quiet.  All of this peace and quiet was a good thing, but that didn't give him much to do at these get-togethers.  And now that Heero was in Relena's body, he really didn't have much of a job to do tonight. 

Oh, what he wouldn't do to have a little bit of excitement.  Maybe someone could slip on a banana peel or something.  Yeah, that could be funny, but unfortunately there wasn't a banana peel within a forty-mile radius.

Duo sighed in boredom and tried not to yawn.  He looked back at Hilde.  She'd finally gotten rid of the man she was talking to and now she was walking back his way.

When she got to him, she placed her arm around his shoulders.  "How ya doin' beautiful?"

He narrowed his gaze at her.  "Should I take that as a complement or a shameless attempt at self-promotion?"

She grinned mischievously.  "Take it how you want."


Hilde laughed.  "Sorry, sweetie, I really didn't come back over here to pester you.  I was going to get some punch and wanted to know if you wanted any."

Duo's face softened.  "Sure."  He then slightly smirked.  "But, if you by any chance find any vodka lying around, I wouldn't protest if it just happened to end up in my drink."

Hilde rolled her eyes.  "Yeah.  I just happen to keep a ready supply in my back pocket."

"You do?"  He looked hopeful.

"No, you baka.  It's called being sarcastic."

"I know that, baka, I was just trying to be optimistic.  Sheesh."  Hilde rolled her eyes again then walked away to get their punch. 

Once Hilde was gone, Duo saw three of his co-workers walking towards him.  At first he want to greet them in his normal fashion, but then he remembered he wasn't himself.  He was Hilde.  That's when another thought occurred to him.  'How do they know Hilde and what do they want?'

"Hello, Miss. Schbeiker, how are you this lovely evening?"  His name was Brad Ridge and his office at HQ was the one directly across from Duo's.  You couldn't mistake the man for anyone else.  He had a cocky smile and bright red hair, which were very hard to miss.

"Just fine."  Duo grudgingly answered.

"That's good to hear."  Replied one of the other two men.  His name was Bill Woods and Duo knew he was Brad's field partner whenever the two were sent out on Preventer missions.

"It's so nice to see you again, Miss."  The final man spoke up.  His name was Shawn Coultier, and Duo remembered him as one of the head engineers on the new Preventer jets. (1)

Still, the main question remained.  What did these three want with his Hilde? 

Duo smiled and sweetly replied.  "May, I help you gentlemen with something?" It took every once of will power he possessed to keep himself from gagging at his own sickening display.

All three of them flirtatiously smiled at him and Brad even had the gall to look slightly offended by Duo's question. 

Brad placed a hand over his heart and feigned a minor attack.  "Why, Hilde, I'm wounded.  You don't remember lil' old me?"

Duo raised an eyebrow.  'This fool could not be serious.'

Brad looked at Duo's expression and decided it was his job to be bearer of enlightenment.  He shook his head and sighed in mock frustration and placed his arm around Duo's shoulders.  "Well, it has been a while.  It's been what . . ." He thought for a second then glanced at Bill and Shawn to make sure he was calculating the allotted time in his head correctly.  " . . . over five years?"  Both friends nodded an affirmative.  "Haven't seen you since right before you left OZ, but I can't believe you don't remember the first guy who ever taught you how to shoot a gun or taught ya how to kiss for that matter."

'No way!'  Duo's eyes widened in complete shock and he began sputtering incoherently.   "Y . . . you . . . and . . . and . . ."

"See!  I told you guys she'd remember me.  No one forgets this handsome face."

Both his friends rolled their eyes, and Duo glared at him as he suddenly overcame his initial shock.

Brad laughed to himself when he saw everyone's reaction to his little joke.  "Okay.  Geez.  Everyone's a critic."  He then looked down at Duo and smiled playfully.  "So, what do you say, milady, may I have the next dance?"

'Ah.  Hell no.  Why do these sort of things always end up happening to me?'  So, now how was he supposed to get out of this mess?  It's not like he could say, nope sorry I'm not really a woman.  

Duo knew his face had to be portraying his emotions.  He was about to panic.  He didn't want to dance.  He hated dancing period, and he really didn't want to dance with someone who thought he was Hilde. 

"Well . . ." Duo started to answer.

"She couldn't possibly dance with you next, ya baka, because I've already claimed the next dance."  Bill cut in to say.

'Oh shit.' Duo really wanted to panic now.  This could not be good.

"I beg to differ, my ignorant friend, but her next dance is with me."  Shawn now spoke up as well.

"You have both gone crazy.  I asked her first.  Didn't I, Hil?"  Brad defensively replied.

Duo slowly backed out of Brad's grasp and stared at each man in turn.  He then glanced heavenward.  'Why me?'


Hilde grumbled as she walked back with her and Duo's punch.  'Of all the luck.'  She once again looked at the now visible punch stain on the sleeve of her tux.  'Figures.  I knew I couldn't go the whole night without spilling something on me.  I just had to go get punch, didn't I?' She sighed.  'Well, at least it's a black tux and not that visible.'

When she got back to where she'd find Duo, she noticed three men standing around him.  'I wonder what that's all about.'  As she got closer, she recognized one of the three men.  'Is that Brad?'  She squinted and tried to stare harder.

Her eyes widened.  It was Brad.  'Well, I be darn, what's he doing here?'

Then she saw one of the other two men gently take Duo's hand and lightly kiss it.  Her eyes bugged out even further.  She needed to get over there fast. 

But, just she was about to dart over there to Duo's rescue something stopped her. 

She felt someone gently grab hold of her forearm and pull her back.  Hilde gave a frustrated moan and turned to see who could want her at a time like this.

Her frustration immediately turned to anger the moment she saw who it was. 

"Hey Duo.  Why'd you run off like that?"

It was the little redhead from earlier that morning.  Then Hilde fumingly watched as the little trollop tightly wrapped both her arms around her forearm and laid her head on her shoulder.

At that moment, it did not look like she'd be helping Duo anytime soon.


Heero groaned.  He did not want to be here anymore.  He wanted to go home.  But no, he was stuck on this damn dance floor dancing with every smock that thought they were worthy enough to do so.  Now, here he was dancing with the last person he wanted to see at the moment. 

"I know I shouldn't have asked you to dance, Relena, but I really needed to talk to you."  Brian spoke interrupting Heero's quiet reverie.

"Huh?"  Heero asked slightly startled out of his thoughts.

Brian just smiled and decided to continue.  "It was the only thing I could think of at the time.  I've been trying to take different assignments that would allow me to have a word with you in private, but Une turned down every request that I had saying Heero was the best man for the job.  She's right ya know he is the best one to put as captain of your personal guard.   I've always had your safety as my top concern in asking for those assignments, but I had an ulterior motif as well."  He stopped, sighed, and tried to think of the best way to continue. 

Heero blinked confused.  What was this idiot trying to say, and why was he so desperate to talk to Relena?  A part of him wanted to admit it was none of his business, but another part of him wanted the truth.  Besides, how could he stop him from speaking, as far as Brian or anyone else was concerned he was Relena.

Brian sighed.  "I've been wanting to make amends with how we left things between us."

Heero head instantly shot up at that comment.  'What the hell?'

Brian continued to talk without noticing the shock clearly plastered all over Heero's face.  "Sure, we ended our relationship on good terms, but I've notice a sense of uneasiness has developed between us since that night last spring."

'Night!  What night?  What the hell is he talking about?'  Heero inwardly seethed.  This imbecile and Relena were once together.  Why wasn't he ever told of this?  Why didn't she tell him? 

"At first, I thought everything would work itself out in time, but nothing has changed.  I don't like this wall we've built up, Relena, and I'd really like to be a better friend to you if you'll let me."

Heero took a few deep breaths trying desperately not to let jealously blind his better judgment. He was tempted to punch Brian and tell him to stay the hell away from Relena.  However, not only would that ruin everything, but Relena would never forgive him.  Plus, the idiot actually looked sincere.  So, how in the world was he supposed to handle this situation?  Heero hung his head in defeat.  This weekend just kept getting better and better.


Relena walked back into the ballroom after putting her new friend in a safe place.  She couldn't necessarily bring him in here, and she wasn't about to leave him outside either.  So, she got one of the palace guards to catsit for her for the rest of the night.  She smirked.  The look of uneasiness on the man's face when she gave him the Yuy death glare and warned him not to loose the little kitten was priceless.

She scanned the room looked for any sign of Heero and silently prayed that he faired well during her absence.  Everything still looked to be in place.  No major disasters had occurred yet.  That was a good sign, right?

She finally caught a glimpse of him in the middle of the dance floor.  'Uh oh.  This does not look promising.'  She knew he could probably handle himself out there, but she still cringed at the thought of how many times his feet had been stepped on already.  Her feet hurt just thinking about it.

Relena headed in his direction hoping to relieve him, but she stopped dead in her tracks when she noticed the person Heero was dancing with.

'Oh shit.'  That was all she could think of at that moment especially when she caught the look of sincere concern on Brian's face and the look of irritation on Heero's. 

A small fear crept up her spine.  She had a distinct feeling that she probably wouldn't live long enough to make it back into her regular body.

She groaned.  What else could go wrong?

~~~To Be Continued~~~

(1) All the above mentioned OC names; Lt. Brian Summers, Brad Ridge, Bill Woods, and Shawn Coultier are not modeled after real people.  Personally, I do not know anyone that goes by those names.  If there are people out there with those names, please don't take offense.

Well, that's all for chapter 12.  Thank you everyone who's reviewed this fic your patience and kind words are always appreciated.  ^_^

Well, I hate to say this but this is the last update until the end of the semester.  I'm sorry that I didn't get to finish this fic, and I hate leaving it where it is.  I really do.  I originally wanted to add more to this chapter, but now I don't think it would have fit.  Plus, I ran out of time.  I have to get back to my schoolwork.  I think I've taken a long enough break from it.  *sigh*

I don't know when the next chapter will be out, and I'm not going make any predictions on when I think it will be because every time I do that I end up missing the due date.  Then I feel guilty and like I've let a lot of people down for not keeping my end of the bargain.  So this time I am not announcing any promised dates.

*hangs head* So, this is my last update until summer break.  Please understand and I'll do my best to make it up to everyone when I'm back.

Also, please never think for a minute that I'm quitting this fic.  This fic is my baby.  I've worked on it too long to ever give up on it.  I will finish it.

Thanks again for the wonderful comments and reviews.  I'll be back in a few months.

Love ya lots,