Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or its characters.  So don't sue.  If I owned even a small part of the series, do you honestly think I would be writing a fanfic?  This is strictly for entertainment purposes, and I promise I am not going to make so much as a penny off of this story.  Yada Yada Yada.  So this is Chapter three.  Read, Review, and Enjoy!

Small Recap: Relena's birthday gift to Hilde turned out to be a magical amulet.  The two girls accidentally made a wish the night before, while Hilde was wearing the amulet.  Now, Relena and Heero have switched bodies, and Hilde and Duo have switched bodies.  The four decided to keep their predicament a secret from the others, per Heero's advice.  Now, they must pretend to be each other for two whole days.  Can they do it?   

A Weekend to Remember

Chapter Three: Beauty Lessons


After breakfast had been eaten and the kitchen cleaned up, everyone went to the living room to relax.  Wufei had demanded a rematch with Trowa inchess.  So the two of them were at the table playing another endless game.  Quatre was playing a song on the piano, and Dorothy and Catharine were talking quietly.  Then, there were four others who were desperately trying to play their new roles.  Heero decided his safest bet was to read a book.  So he was on the couch reading a book he found in their library called The Odyssey.  Relena, on the other hand, trying her best to play a convincing Heero, decided to sit quietly to watch the chess match.  She was bored to tears, but she was doing a great job not showing it.  Hilde thought about watching the chess match, too, but quickly changed her mind, when she saw the look Wufei gave her.  She knew then Duo was probably on shaky ground with Wufei, so she decided to stay clear.
'Ok, that's out.  Now what?  If I was Duo, and I am, what would I want to do?  Let's see.  There is food, Deathscythe, playing practical jokes, sports.  Sports!  That's it!  Basketball.'  She left the living room, and came back about two minutes later with the basketball from her closet. 
Duo, who was trying not to fall asleep on the couch from sheer boredom, saw Hilde come back with a basketball tucked under her arm.  His face lit up.
Relena got excited too, when she saw Hilde with the basketball.  She loved to play.  Sometimes, her and Hilde would play one-on-one outside, when their hectic schedules permitted some free time.  Hilde winked at Duo and Relena.  Then she motioned for the two of them and anyone else that wanted to play to follow her.  Everyone, except Trowa and Wufei, got up to follow Hilde outside to the basketball goal.

Outside five minutes later:

"Ok everyone, since the teams with be uneven we will need to make them as fair as possible.  Any suggestions?"  Hilde asked.
"I think it should be a battle of the sexes.  Girls against the guys."  Dorothy suggested.
"Are you sure you want to do that?" Hilde asked.
"Yeah.  I think it will make it more fun.  And the losers have to cook supper."  Dorothy said and glared toward Quatre, Relena, and Hilde as she said it.
"Alright, you're on."  Quatre said enthusiastically surprising everyone.  "Hey, there is nothing wrong with friendly competition."  He said defensively.
"This could prove interesting."  Duo whispered to Heero.  Heero only nodded his response.
Quatre looked at Heero.  "Miss Relena, I didn't know you could play basketball."
Heero was actually at a loss of words, but Hilde came to his rescue.  "Don't count her out Quatre.  Many times I've come over to find her and Hilde outside playing one-on-one.  You may be surprised because they are both actually pretty good."  Hilde smirked and mentally patted herself on the back at her own compliment to herself and Relena. 
"Wow, I had no idea."
Duo looked at Heero again and began rubbing his hands together.  "This really is going to be fun."  Heero smirked ready for the game to begin.
A few minutes later the teams were ready.  Quatre, Relena, and Hilde on Team One, and Duo, Heero, Catharine, and Dorothy on Team Two.  The two teams were ready to square off.  Since Team Two had an extra person, Catharine volunteered to be the one to throw the ball in the air to start the game off.
Both Duo and Hilde stepped forward.  Catharine held the ball between them.  She looked from Duo to Hilde and cracked a smile.  'They look so serious facing off the each other.  I guess this really will become a battle of the sexes.'  Duo was grinning wickedly, and Hilde had a mischievous gleam in her now violet eyes. 
Catharine lowered her hand to throw the ball up then...
Honk. Honk.
She stopped mid throw.  "What in the world?  Who could that be?"
Everyone looked to see a black jeep coming down the very long drive way.  Relena and Hilde stared bewildered because they had no idea who it could be.  However, as the jeep got closer, Relena could see that Sally was the one driving and Noin was with her.   She was so excited to see her sister-in-law she almost forgot her predicament.  But she was quick to remind herself and reverted back to Heero mood by the time Sally parked the jeep and the two ladies were walking towards the group.
"I can't believe it.  We finally made it.  Relena, why do you and Hilde have to live so far from civilization?"  Noin teased.
Everyone laughed at Noin's joke.  Relena then nudged Heero, and pleaded with her eyes for him to greet them like she would.  He nodded and walked forward.
"Noin, Sally, I'm so glad to see you." 
Relena was pleased.  He did alright considering he was not good with pleasantries, but he could of at least shown a little more enthusiasm.  After all, she has not seen either woman in weeks. 'Oh well, beggars can't be choosers.'  She thought.
Noin walked over and gave Heero and big sisterly hug.  Duo had to suppress the urge to laugh.  Heero was not big on displaying any emotions much less giving someone a hug with others around to see.  But Heero handled it all with stride.
"I'm sorry we missed your birthday party yesterday, Hilde, but we knew everyone was staying the weekend so we wanted to come here for today."  Noin said.
"Thank you.  I'm so glad you came."  Duo said remembering he was Hilde.
"We are glad we could make it too because we couldn't wait to surprise you with our gift."  Noin said.
"Oh, you didn't have to get me anything."  He said, but on the inside, 'I get to open Hilde's present.  I get to open Hilde's present.'
"Nonsense.  It's your birthday."  Noin said.
"Well, ok.  What did you get me!?"  Duo asked now very curious and excited.
"Actually your gift is kind of for more than just you."  Sally said.
"Oh, come on tell me the suspense is killing me." 

Sally and Noin giggled.
"Oh, alright."  Noin said.  "You, me, and the rest of the ladies present are going to spend a relaxing day at the salon.  Mine and Sally's treat."
Duo's mouth dropped open.  Heero tried to look unaffected, but inside he was reeling.  Dorothy and Catharine were jumping up and down for joy, and Relena and Hilde were very nearly failing in their attempts not to laugh.  The looks on Duo and Heero's faces were priceless.
Thankfully Duo was quick to recover from his initial shock.  "Thanks.  I don't know what to say."
"Don't mention it.  I overheard you say a couple weeks ago that you wanted to try the salon that just opened in town.  I knew then what to get you for your birthday, and Sally agreed." 
"And we figured we could all use a girl's day and get pampered while we are at it."  Sally said.
Duo managed a smile.  "It sounds great.  When do we go?"
"As soon as you four ladies are ready?"  Sally answered.
"Our scheduled appointment is in less than an hour."  Noin said.
"Great!  I'm gonna go change.  I'll be back in a jiff."  Catharine said very excited.
"Me too!"   Dorothy announced.
Both girls practically bounced off.
"I guess we need to go change too.  Come on He...uh...Relena."  Duo said.
"Wow Noin, Sally, that was a great gift to give the girls."  Quatre said.
"It's no problem, besides, we thought you boys might enjoy an afternoon without us girls cramping your style." Sally said.
"That was thoughtful of you.  Oh!  Where's Milliardo?"  Relena said.
"Thanks. Uh...Milliardo had meetings all day today, so he couldn't make it."  Noin answered.
"Oh, that's too bad.  Well, tell him we all said hi next time you see him.  Will you?" 
"Sure Heero."  Noin replied very confused.  She was wondering why Heero would care about Zechs or actually call him Milliardo for that matter.
"Oh!  How silly of us.  Won't you two ladies please come inside?"  Hilde said.
All five went inside and went into the living room were Trowa and Wufei were.  The endless game was still under way and neither one looked to be a victor yet.
Wufei looked up, when he heard them enter. 'When did they get here?'  He thought.
"Sumimasen yatsus (1), but do you think you could take a break long enough to greet our new guests?" Hilde asked.
"Sure.  Hello Noin, Sally."  Trowa replied.
"Konnichi wa on'nas (2), glad you could finally make it."  Wufei said suppressing his urge to grin because he knew that remark would tick both women off, especially Sally.
"Hello Trowa.  It's good to see you again."  Sally said sweetly.  "And hello to you too, Wufei."  She said through gritted teeth.
"How have you boys been?  It has been a while."  Noin asked.
"Yes, it has been a while.  Everything has been busy, but otherwise alright.  It's nice to have a relaxing weekend for a change."  Trowa answered.  "How have you ladies been lately?"
"Life is great.  It just gets frustrating every now and then."  Sally said as she glared at Wufei.  "Who's winning?  It looks to be a very interesting game.  Mind if we sit and watch, while we wait for the others to finish getting ready?"
"Nobody is winning at the moment on'na.  And you can watch as long as you don't cause any distractions like that baka Maxwell."  Wufei said.
Hilde heard his comment, but decided better than to reply back.  So she just kept her mouth shut. 
Everyone in the living room watched the game until the others came back downstairs.  About 15 minutes later everyone was ready, so Noin announced it was time to leave.  All six of them squeezed into Sally's jeep and headed to town.  Hilde and Relena watched them drive away from the living room window.
"Do you think they will do alright?"  Relena asked.
"Sure, they've overcome worse obstacles than this.  They'll be fine."  Hilde answered.
"I guess you're right.  I would love to be a fly on the wall to see their reactions the entire time."
"Me too."
The two women laughed and walked toward the fireplace to talk because neither one was interested in the chess game any longer.


At Marie's Beauty Salon (3):

Everyone walked into the salon, and a woman, who looked to be in her early thirties, immediately greeted them.  She had short black hair and green eyes.  She was short and slim, and she had a pleasant smile, which radiated her good nature.  The women immediately recognized Noin and Sally.
"Bonjour (4), Madame Lucrezia and Madame Sally it is good to see you again.  I'm so glad you could make it." The woman said with a French accent evident in her voice.
"Bonjour, Madame Marie it is good to see you too."  Noin said.
"Bonjour, well we finally made it for our appointment."  Sally said.
"I know, all you young ladies are our midi (5) appointment.  Well, let's get started shall we."
"Yes, we are ready."  Catharine replied was great enthusiasm. 
"Well, who wants to go first?  Oh, I know, who is the birthday girl?  She will be first."
"That would be me."  Duo said as he stepped forward.
Marie walked over to Duo.  She lifted his chin with her hand and turned his head from side to side.  "Ah, my aren't you lovely, but by the time we are done with you, you are going to look and feel like a princess."
Duo could only vaguely smile at the response.
"I think I'll get Anna to see to you."  She turned around then called out the girl's name.  "Anna."  A young woman, who look to be about twenty, walked over to their group.
"Yes ma'am, may a help you?"  She asked Marie.
"Oui (6), my dear."  Marie put her arm around Duo's shoulders and said, "These are our special guests for today, and this is the birthday girl.  I want you to tend to her."
"Yes ma'am it would by my pleasure."  She looked at Duo and said, "Please follow me."
Duo smiled and followed.  'Hey she's kinda cute.  Maybe this won't be so bad after all.' He thought to himself.
Marie turned back toward the rest of the group.  "Ok, let's see.  Who's next?"  She said and then she looked straight at Heero.  "Ah, you, my dear, can go next.  I think I'll let Mark tend to you.  I'm sorry, I did not get your name, may I ask what it is?"
"Relena."  Heero answered.
Marie smiled and said, "That is a lovely name."  She then turned around to call out the name.  "Mark."
A man who looked to be in his late twenties walked over toward the group.  "Yes, ma'am."
"This is Relena, and she is one of our special guests.  Will you see to her?"
"Ooh!  I would love too."  He looked at Heero.  "Oh my!  You are just absolutely gorgeous.  We are going to have so much fun."  He walked up to Heero and offered Heero his arm.  Heero very reluctantly placed a hand on Mark's arm, so he could be led away to get Relena's hair done. (A.N.  I don't know if this helps you visualize Mark any better, but I'm trying to portray him like Martin Short's character as Franc the wedding coordinator in Father of the Bride.)(7)
"Well Miss. Relena today is your lucky day because I am going to make you the most beautiful lady in the world.  Don't get me more wrong you already look fabulous, but by the time I get done with you, you are going to be absolutely stunning." 
When they got to a chair in front of a mirror, Mark motioned by Heero to sit.  Mark then stared intently.  While he was concentrating to get some ideas, he put a finger up to his chin and rested his elbow on his other hand.
"Let's see.  Now, before we get started, do you have anything in particular you want done?"  Mark asked.
"Good. Good." Mark said enthusiastically as he waved his hands in the air then clapped them together.  "Fabulous!  We are going to have so much fun."
Heero leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.  'Please someone shoot me now and end this.'  He pleaded to himself.  'Why me? I think I must have seriously offended someone in a former life.'
Half an hour later, everyone present was being attended to in the salon.  Heero, Duo, and Dorothy were getting their hair cut and styled.  Noin and Sally were getting a manicure, and Catharine was enjoying a pedicure.  The salon was not that big so they were able to gossip while they were being pampered.
"Wow!  This is wonderful.  Noin, Sally this was a great idea.  We need to do this more often."  Catharine said.
"Yes, next time though it can be my treat."  Dorothy said.
"That's really nice of you, Dorothy." Sally said.
"It's no big deal.  I like doing things like this."
"Really?" Sally asked.
"Yes.  Why wouldn't I?"
"Oh, no reason really.  You just never really struck me as the type who likes to do this sort of thing that often."
"Honestly, I never really used to think about it.  I mean like spending time with good friends.  Actually, I did not have any friends after my father died.  Now that I do, I realize what I was missing out on.  I guess I've changed more than I thought."
"Yes you have.  Especially over the last few months I've noticed a lot of changes in both you and Trowa.  You two have changed each other." Catharine said.
Dorothy glared at Catharine.  Then Catharine realized what she said and quickly covered her hand over her mouth.  Both of their eyes looked like they were about ready to pop out of their head.
"Wait a minute.  Is there something that the two of you know, that you want to tell the rest of us?"  Sally asked.
"Well the cat is out the bag now."  Dorothy said and glared at Catharine as if to say, 'thanks a lot.'  Catharine could only return a pleading look and mouth, 'I'm sorry.'
"What cat and what bag?"  Duo asked wanting answers since he was now very curious.
"I guess the best way to go about this is to just come out and say it.  So here it goes."  Dorothy said then took a deep breath.  "Trowa and I have been together for the past three months."
"What!"  Everyone shouted except Catharine and Heero.  Catharine didn't scream because she already knew, and Heero, well let's just say, he did enough screaming earlier that morning to last him a lifetime.  Besides, as far as he was concerned nothing could surprise him more than the shock he awoke to that morning.
"How?, When?, Where?"  Duo stammered out in total confusion.
"It's a long story, which I don't feel like giving all the details of right now, so I'll just say that we meet again a couple months ago.  I was staying on L3 for the summer and Trowa's circus also came to L3.  I decided to go see the show.  After I saw him and Catharine perform, I went to go talk to him.  We only talked for a few minutes then I left.  A couple days later I saw him again.  The next I knew we were seeing more of each other, and now he is my boyfriend." Dorothy finished with a smile.
"Hey, you left all the good stuff out."  Noin said.
"Well, I prefer to have a little mystery in life."  Dorothy said with a mischievous smile.
"Wait a minute.  I just thought of something."  Duo said.  "If you and Trowa are a couple, why did you two sleep in separate rooms?"
"We didn't.  I slept in his room."
"You mean to tell me Relena's room was empty all night."
"You mean I could have gotten me some last night!  We had to share a room with two other people, and the room next to us was empty the whole time."
"Hilde!  What in the world is the matter with you?  You almost sound like Duo.  The whole damn thing was your idea, so you don't have any reason to be offended.  You were the one on a mission."  Dorothy scolded.
"But I...I"
"What is all this talk about a mission?"  Heero asked.
"Oh...um...that's right.  You weren't supposed to know."  Dorothy said stunned at her own words.
"Haha... At least now I know I'm not the only one who is good at sticking her foot in her mouth."  Catharine laughed.
"This isn't supposed to be funny Cathy."  Dorothy scolded.
"I want to know what is going on."  Heero demanded.
"Well, why don't you ask Hilde it was her idea?" 
Duo got a surprised look on his face.  At first he was unsure how to handle the situation, but then he got an idea.  "Maybe it would be better coming from you, Dorothy.  After all, you are the one who brought up the mission, not me."
"Alright fine."  Dorothy turned to face Heero.  "Relena, it is nothing bad.  We just wanted to see you and Heero finally get together.  So Cathy and me agreed to help Hilde accomplish that goal.  That's all."
"See it isn't anything bad."  Duo said trying to soften Heero's mood because he knew Heero did not like to know he was definitely part of a set up.  However, Heero did not react to this particular bit of information the way Duo thought he would.  Heero actually started to laugh.
"Relena, what is so funny."  Catharine asked.
"I think she's finally cracked."  Dorothy observed.
"Yeah.  Maybe her stress finally gotten to her."  Sally said.
Suddenly Heero stopped laughing and stared at each one of them.
"Relena, are you OK?"  Duo asked concerned.
"Yeah, never better.  I just find it amusing you guys went to such lengths to set us up, and the main thing it accomplished was to destroy a night of passion for Duo."
Everyone began laughing except for Duo, who was less than amused.  "I don't see why that is so funny." 
"Oh come off it Hilde.  You, yourself, are the one who said Duo could be a good boy for one night."  Dorothy said.
"I did?"  He asked innocently.
"Yes, you did.  My God, this whole thing was your idea and you are acting as if you don't know anything about it."  Catharine said.
"She's right.  You were the one who caught them two constantly trying to catch glimpses of one another, and then declared you were on a mission."  Dorothy put in.
"I...I" Duo was so at a loss of words.  'Hilde did all that.  I had no idea.  What a woman.  But damnit she should have told me.  I could of made it more fun.'
"Well let me set the record straight for all of you."  Heero said interrupting Duo's thoughts.  "I'm only going to say this once, so all of you listencarefully.  We do not need your help.  Relena and I can handle this on our own, so don't..."
"Don't you mean to say Heero and I, and what do you mean it only accomplished to destroy a night of passion for Duo.  Didn't anything else happen?  Relena, for some reason you are even starting to sound like Heero.  Are you sure you're OK?"  Catharine asked.
"Yes, I'm fine, I did say Heero and I, and last night is none your business."  Heero scolded starting to grow frustrated.
"She was just curious.  You don't have to have a cow, and by the way she's right you did say Heero and I.  I heard it too."  Dorothy said in Catharine's defense.
"Well...whatever, that is beside the point.  The point is that 'we' can handle our private lives on our own.  Thanks anyway, but your help is not needed."  Heero said trying to end the conversation.  'What is wrong with me?  I'm a woman fore one day, and already I am arguing over something petty.  Why me?  Maybe, I can wake up any minute now and it will all have been a bad dream.'  Heero closed his eyes then reopened them only to find he was still in the salon surrounded by a bunch of gossiping women and Mark.  'Please someone a least knock me out until it is all over.  Please be merciful for once in my life.  Let me experience something painless.'
No such luck because soon after that thought crossed his mind, Mark spoke up interrupting his thoughts.
"Here we are."  Mark turned Heero's chair around so he could look in the mirror.  Heero had to admit the new hairstyle looked good.  Not that he was good at determining the most fashionable hair dos.  His own hair refused to do anything except stand on end, but this look was becoming of Relena.  Her hair was cut to where it now fell about five inches below her shoulders, and he layered it a little bit in the front.  Even though he was no expert, Heero had to admit it looked good.  Then another thought occurred to him, 'Now that Relena's hair is done all I have to do is wait for everyone else to finish and we can leave.  Things are starting to look up.'
"Well, what do you think?  Do you like it?"  Mark asked.
Heero actually managed one of Relena's pretty smiles then nodded his response.
"Good!  Oh, I'm so excited that you like it." 
Heero stood up and was going to walk over to the waiting area, but...
"Fabulous.  You're ready for your manicure I see."
'Manicure.  I don't want any damn manicure.  All I want to do is go back to the house and forget I came here.'  Heero thought to himself, but instead he said, "No, thank you.  I don't need a manicure.  I'll just wait for everyone else over there."
"But you must.  It has already been paid for, and besides, you'll enjoy it."  That said Mark lead Heero away toward one of the manicure tables and began working on Relena's already pretty nails.
'This can't get much worse.  What next?'
As if reading his thoughts, Sally leaned over from the manicure table next to him to catch his attention.  "Ssspt Hey Relena."  She whispered.
"Yes."  Heero answered not bothering to look at Sally or to whisper either.
"Don't take it so hard about them trying to set you and Heero up.  They meant well."  She said no longer trying to whisper since he was not going to.
"I know they meant well.  It is just I prefer to rely on my own instincts not for someone else to guide me."
"That makes sense.  And I think I would have to agree with you.  I like being in control of my own destiny.  I believe our fate is what we make it, and nobody, not even our closest friends, can determine it for us.  Besides, that is how it happened for Wufei and me.  We kind of just naturally came together.  One day we realized we wanted to be more than just work partners."
She suddenly had Heero's full attention.  He jerked his head around to face Sally.  He was so surprised he never even thought to hide the shocked look on his face.  Duo, who was not sitting far away, also heard Sally's comment.
"What the hell?  When did you and Wufei get together?  How did I miss something like that?"  Duo nearly shouted.
"Well, we have been together for about a month now, and the reason you missed it Hilde is because we chose not to tell anyone yet." 
"But why would you say something now?"  Duo asked.
"Well, I was only trying to point out to Relena that her and Heero can succeed in getting together on their own without help from anyone else.  Wufei and I did it on our own, you and Duo did it on your own, as did Trowa and Dorothy, so them two can do it too."
"This is just too much.  I feel like I have been on Mars for the past six months.  First I find out that Trowa and Dorothy have been dating one another for three months, then I find that you and Wufei have been more than just partners for over a month, the next thing you are going to tell me is that Quatre and Catharine have been secretly dating each other as well."  It really was almost too much for the Deathscythe pilot to handle because he felt like his head started to spin.  He put his hands up to his head to steady himself.  When the room came back into focus, he looked over toward Catharine and saw her grinning from ear to ear.
"What?!  You mean I was right.  You and Quatre are going out too."  Duo practically shouted.
"Calm down Hilde.  No, we are not technically going out."  Catharine said, but then she decided to finish her statement with, "yet." 
"What do you mean, 'yet'."
"Well, he took me out to dinner a couple nights ago, which is considered a date, but he still is not my boyfriend, if that is what you are wondering."
"Man, just call me Rip Van Wrinkle because I know I had to have been asleep to miss all of this."  Duo said.
"No, you weren't asleep Hilde.  Don't be so melodramatic."  Sally said.
"But how could you all keep such secrets from me for so long?"  Duo whined.
"We were not trying to deceive anyone.  We were just waiting for the right time to tell everyone."  Dorothy said in her and Trowa's defense.
"But, why did you have to wait so long to say anything?"
At this point in the conversation, Heero was trying his best to tune everything and everyone out.  He had to mentally resist the urge to bang his head against the manicure table.   He instead chose just to close his eyes and get lost in his own thoughts.  'I don't know how much more of this I can take.  No, I can do this.  I am Heero Yuy, Gundam pilot.  I have survived many missions that no one else would have had a chance to survive.  I can certainly get through this, but damnit I have never been around this much chatter in all of my life.  Isn't it time to go back to Relena's home yet?  There is no place like home.  There is no place like home.  There is no place like home.'
Suddenly Noin's voice interrupted his thoughts.  "Well since everyone else has confessed their secrets.  I guess I can tell mine too."
Heero looked over toward Noin bracing himself for whatever news she had to tell and hoping it would stop everyone's chatter and Duo's whining.
"I was going to wait and say something later in front of everyone, but now seems to be a good a time as any."
"What is it Noin?"  Catharine asked now very curious.
"Well."  Noin said then she looked directly at Heero.  "I'm pregnant.  Relena, you are going to be an aunt."

~~~To Be Continued~~~

(1) Excuse me guys
(2) Hello women
(3) It is a make believe salon.  I thought of the name myself.  It's original don't you think. ^_^.  If there is a salon with this same name somewhere out there, I'm sorry.  Please, don't think that I'm trying to steal your business's name.
(4) Hello
(5) Noon
(6) Yes
(7) I'm not good at writing out any kind of accent, but I'm sure everyone gets the idea.  Marie speaks with a French accent and Mark speaks with an accent similar to Franc in Father of the Bride.
Hi Everyone!
I would like to thank everyone who reviewed my other two chapters.  It felt good to know all of you read and enjoyed my story.  I promise to use as much of my free time as I can to write the next chapters of my story. It will be a little difficult b/w my internship and everything else in life to find the time, but I promise to do my best.  I have a lot more that I want to do with this story, and I hope everyone will stick with it until the end.  Well, this is the end of Chapter Three.  I hope everyone liked it.  Please review.  I like reviews.  Ok, I guess this is adios for now.  Parting is such sweet sorrow.  