Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or any of its characters blah, blah, blah.  You can't sue me because I do not have any money.  I'm poor.  Yes, I do have a job, but I work for free that is why it is called an internship.  We all pay our dues to one day be able to pursue our dream jobs, and now it is my turn.  I hope everyone liked the other three chapters, but now here is chapter four.  I hope you like it.  Ok, I'll shut up now, so read and enjoy.

A Weekend to Remember

Chapter four:  Mechanical Difficulties



It was almost over, and they were going home.   The only problem was that now he had to survive the car ride back to the house.  Heero could not wait to get back to Relena's house.  He had just spent the longest hours of his life in a day spa for women.  It was a total nightmare.  Once everyone revealed his or her little secrets, it was nonstop chatter.  Even the shock of Noin's big announcement only managed to shut them all up for about thirty seconds.  From that moment on, it had not ceased to end.  All he heard were phrases like:
"Oh, Wufei is such a softy and a romantic once I get him alone." and  "Trowa is really an affectionate lover.  He never ceases to amaze me." and  "Oh, Quatre is just the sweetest and cutest guy I've ever known.  Do you think he likes me too?"
It was enough to drive a sane man crazy.  Ugh, even now they were still going at it.  The only difference was now it was worse because he was trapped inside a jeep with nowhere to go.  And to add insult to injury, he was in the back seat wedged between Dorothy and Catherine with Duo lying across the three of them.  He was literally stuck with nowhere to turn.  The icing on the cake, which just made it so much better, was the fact that Duo seemed to love every minute of this misery.  He was simply lying there with a huge grin on his face, looking like a Cheshire Cat.  Knowing Duo, he was probably thinking of all the possible jokes he would pull on each of the guys.  Heero could almost feel pity for what was about to come to Trowa, Quatre, and Wufei, but right now all he could think about was his own misery.  'Are we there yet?'


Meanwhile back at the house:

While Duo, Heero and the girls were gone, Hilde and Relena did their best to keep busy.   Hilde decided to go work on Duo's truck, which never seemed to make it anywhere without breaking down at least once.  So since Duo seemed incapable of keeping it in decent working order himself, Hilde decided she would give it a try, and she asked Relena to help her.   At first, Relena gave Hilde a look that asked her if she was crazy, but Hilde assured Relena all she had to do was help out with the little things.  After the first few hours of playing gofer for Hilde, Relena decided to point out to her that Heero would not be pleasantly taking orders from Duo.  Heero would either be working on some other part of the truck that needed fixing, or he would be leaving Duo to fix his own truck and finding something else mechanical or technical to fix. If one of the guys walked in to see any thing different, they would know something was up.  The problem was that Relena was not an expert with all the new technology.  She knew how to work with it, but not how to fix it.  And she definitely did not know a damn thing about mechanics.  As far as she was concerned mechanics were for the birds.  So Hilde suggested that Relena just get under the truck and pretend she was working under it.  Hilde said she could really fix most of the rest by herself anyway.  Plus, if Relena got under the truck it would make her appear busy in case any the guys happened to walk in.
So now here she was an hour later lying on the cold concrete under a beat up Chevy truck in her own garage trying to create the illusion she was Heero helping Duo fix his truck.
"Relena!  Hello!  Anybody alive under there?  Damnit Relena, you didn't fall asleep under there did you?  Hello!  McFly, Anybody home?"  Hilde yelled.
"Huh?  What?  Where am...?"  Relena said groggily because something noisy kept shouting her name and messing up the great dream she was having.  It involved a hot tub, strawberries, chocolate and Heero - four of her favorite things.  But something was trying to destroy her beautiful visions.
"Hey!  Did you fall asleep on me down there?"
"Huh?  Oh no, I'm awake.  I'm up.  Ouch. Shit!"  Relena said jumping awake with a start and then hit her head because she forgot she was under a truck. "Damnit Hilde!  Why did you make me do that?  She yelled.
"Hey, it is not my fault your dumbass fell asleep under a truck."
"I just never realized waking up could be so painful," she said while rubbing her forehead.
"I would have thought hitting your head would cause little to no pain at all considering Heero has such a hard head.  According to Duo, every time he fell out of his Gundam during the war he landed on his head.  So either his head has gotten softer over the years or it all has sometime to do with mind over matter.  If the latter is the case then that means you're a wuss."  Hilde said with a smirk but Relena could not see it since she was still under the truck.
"I'm not a wuss.  I just have a low tolerance for pain.  Heero has just gotten used to dealing with it over the years, and I have not."  Relena said defensively.
"I guess you're right.  Landing on one's head more than once can make one numb to pain."  Hilde said as if she was processing the information.  "But shouldn't some of that rub off on you.  I mean you are in his body."
"Actually, my head had already started to feel better, but all of your questions are starting to give me another headache."
"Oh, sorry.  But aren't you used to answering questions.  After all, you are still the Vice Foreign Minister."
"Technically I'm only Vice Foreign Minister part-time.  And yes, I am used to being bombarded with questions, but for some reason Heero's head is not taking it too well and it is causing a headache."
"Oh, that's too funny.  The once perfect soldier can laugh in the face of physical pain, but his body cringes at the thought of too much social interaction."
"You know your observation does explain a lot."
"See!  I told you I was a genius.  Hey!  I just thought of something."
"Oh no, here we go, and I'm sure the fact the she's in Duo's body does not help much."  Relena mumbled to herself.
"I heard that."  Hilde shouted above her.
"Oops hehe, sorry Hil."
"I guess I can look past it."  Hilde said in a teasing tone.  "Well anyway back to what I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted.  I was going to ask, if it was possible for each of us to pick up the other's traits?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, think about it.  Heero has a high tolerance for pain and a low tolerance for socializing, while you have a high tolerance for socializing and a low tolerance for pain.  Do you think it is possible for some of your traits to rub off on Heero while he is in your body and vice versa?"
"I don't know.  I hadn't really thought about that."
"I guess we'll find out when all of this is over, won't we?"
"Yeah, I guess so."
"Ok!  That's enough of that.  All this talk involving possibilities, assumptions, and theories concerning our predicament is causing too much strain on the brain."
"For once I think I am prone to agree with you."
"Hey, I didn't ask for any comments from the peanut gallery."
"But you know I only speak the truth."
"Oh brother."  Hilde mumbled.  "Hey, while you are down there, why don't you make yourself useful?"
"And just what exactly am I suppose to do?"
"Help me change the oil."
"Um. Hello. This is me we are talking about, the one who is only pretending to know what they are doing."
"It is not that hard.  Any baka could do it.  Take Duo for instance.  He can do it with no problem."
Hilde heard a few more grumbles from under the truck then, "Alright, what do you need me to do?"
"See I knew you would come around."
"Just tell me what to do already."
"Alright, alright sheesh."  Hilde said.  "Move more towards the driver's side of the truck."
"Done."  Relena announced.
"Ok, now look for the oil bin.  It looks kinda like the bottom of an old timey sink with a screw on the left side.  Do you see it?  It is behind the front wheel axle."
"Um...  What is a front wheel axle?"
Hilde rolled her eyes.  "Oh come on you've got be to kidding me.  You've got to at least know what the front wheel axle is."
"Sorry to disappoint you, buddy, but surprisingly I know very little about cars."  Relena said sarcastically.  "Especially considering my first car was a stinking pink LIMO!"
"Chill.  I was only messing with you.  I didn't mean to bring out the Heero side of you."  Hilde said apologetically.  "A wheel axle is the long bar that has a tire attached to each side.  Now, do you see what I am talking about?"
"Yes."  Relena said calmly.  If Hilde could have seen her, she would have known Relena was blushing for slightly losing her cool over something so simple."
"Now, do you see the oil bin?"
"Do you see the little screw on the left?"
"Now, slide the oil pan underneath before you take out the screw to let the oil drip into the pan."
"What oil pan?"
"Oh, sorry.  Here you go."  Hilde said as she slipped the oil pan under the truck for Relena.
"Now, make sure the oil actually makes it into the pan."
"Hey, I'm not that stupid.  You can at least assume that I know that much."
After a few minutes, the oil had drained into the pan.  "Alright.  It is done.  Man, that wasn't so bad. It is kinda neat getting one's hands dirty.  There is a great feeling knowing that you actually fixed something right."  Relena said happily.
"You're not done yet, silly."
"But all the oil is drained, so you can add the new oil."
"You have to empty the oil filter, then I can add new oil."
"The oil filter will either be orange or gray and it looks like the bottom of a big cup."  Hilde said as she waited for Relena to announce she found it.
"Ok.  Next."
"Unscrew it."
"K."  Relena said as she began unscrewing the filter.
"But that when you finish unscrewing the filter make sure that you..."
"Aaaaaahhhhhh!"  Relena screamed.
"... point the filter away from you because there still could be some oil inside the filter."
Relena quickly crawled out from under the truck.  She had oil all over her.  It was in her hair and all over her face and shirt.   She couldn't even open her eyes or she would get oil in them as well.
"Quick get me a towel. Get a towel. Get a towel."  She yelled and was frantically waving her arms in the air.
Hilde handed her a towel and Relena wiped her face and hair the best she could to where at least none would drip into her eyes.  Hilde could not help but to laugh.  It was just too funny.  Relena looked absolutely ridiculous.  Well, technically Heero's body looked absolutely ridiculous, and Hilde never thought she would live to see Heero's face looking as it was now.  Oil was completely smeared all over it and the look of death that Relena quickly seemed to master made the whole sight absolutely priceless.
"It...is...not...that...funny."  Relena said trying to contain herself.
"Hahaha.  I'm sorry I can't help it.  You should see yourself.  Hahaha."
"That's it.  I don't have to take this.  I'm going inside."  Relena said as Hilde continued to laugh.
"I hit my head to earn a lovely knot and a head ache.  Now, I spill oil all over me to get it in my ears and nose among other things.  And you are enjoying every minute of this aren't you."
Hilde wiped a tear of mirth from her eye.  "I'm sorry, but I couldn't help it.  You should see yourself.  You know you will laugh at this later."
"Maybe so, but right now I feel completely disgusting and I want a bath."
"I thought you said you liked getting dirty."
"I said I like getting my hands dirty.  I did not mean every other part of my body as well."
Hilde draped an arm around Relena's shoulders.  "Come on let's go back inside.  They should be back from their beauty parlor trip soon, and personally I want to be present when those two get back."
Relena had almost forgot that Heero and Duo where still at the salon with the rest of the girls.  The thought of how Heero could have handled the whole situation actually brought a smile to Relena's face.  "Do you think they had a good time?"  She asked, forgetting her anger.
"I'm sure Duo had a field day with all the juicy gossip he found out, but I just hope Heero managed to survive.  He wouldn't self detonate to avoid complete misery would he?"
"No.  He probably had to resist the urge to render himself unconscious a few times, but I'm sure he took it all with stride.  He's a big boy.  As I said before he's survived worse."
"That's true.  Well, let's get going.  I'll finish this up later with Duo's help.  It is his truck after all."


It had been a long day, but it was finally over.  They were finally back at the house.  Heero was very happy for it to all be over, but he did not want to show it on his face. He knew Relena was one to show her emotions more than he was used to, but she would never let anyone know that she did not have fun some place by displaying an over-abundance of joy at being home.  So Heero did what any average twenty-year-old lady would do when she came home after a long day.  He casually got out of the jeep, walked with everyone toward the house, and walked even more casually through the front door.  When he entered the living room, he did not see anyone.  Quatre, Trowa, Wufei, Relena, and Hilde were all missing.
"I wonder where everyone is?" Duo said as if reading Heero's thoughts.
Just then Quatre walked into the living room carrying a book.
"Hey Quatre, where did everybody go?"  Catherine asked.
"Hey!  Welcome back.  Did you girls have a good time?  Oh, most of us decided to have a lazy day.  After Trowa and Wufei finished their game, they joined me in the study.  Wufei is now meditating to calm himself, since he lost another chess match.  Trowa fell asleep on the couch, and I was reading a book.  I was coming down to fix some tea."  Quatre answered cheerfully.
"Well, it sounds like everyone had an eventful day."  Catherine said.  "But what happened to the braided baka and suicide boy?"  She asked with a smirk.
Everyone, even Quatre, snickered at the comment.  Well everyone except Duo and Heero who were giving Catherine the patented 'glare o' death.'
"Hey, chill you two.  I speak about your boyfriends with nothing but the utmost care and respect." She said with a face full of innocence.
"He's not my boyfriend."  Heero said knowing him and Relena were not technically boyfriend and girlfriend.
"Keep telling yourself that."  Catherine said sarcastically.
"Duo and Heero have been in the garage all day working on Duo's truck."  Quatre cut in, finally getting a chance to answer Catherine's question.
"They what?"  Duo and Heero shouted at the same time.  Everyone stopped and stared at them. Why would Relena and Hilde care what Duo did with his beat up truck?
"They've been working on Duo's truck."  Quatre repeated himself.
"We heard you the first time. But why?"  Duo asked.
"Duo said something about it never seems to work right and he asked Heero to help him."
"And Heero was actually that bored to help him?"  Duo asked, wondering why Relena would even consider working on a truck and risk getting all dirty and greasy.
"Actually, he seemed pretty hesitant at first, but Duo convinced him to help.  I didn't hear what he said to convince Heero, but it worked."  Quatre said.
'That girl is full of surprises.  Last night she was the one to make the first move, and now she is working on a truck.  Well wonders never cease.'  Heero thought to himself.
As if on cue Relena and Hilde walked into the living room.
"I'm serious you should have seen yourself.  It had to have been the greatest thing since sliced bread."  Hilde was saying as they walked into the room still laughing.  However, Relena did not look very pleased, but she had to admit she must have looked ridiculous.
Everyone actually froze when they saw Relena.  There she was standing there in Heero's body, covered in motor oil.  It was smeared all over his face.  His green tank top now looked like it was camouflage, and his arms and legs were filthy.  It looked like he had taken a bath in oil and grease.
Quatre was the first to speak, "Heero, what in the world happened to you?"
"Slight accident involving an oil filter."  Relena answered using Heero's monotone voice to further demonstrate her displeasure.
Everyone, except Heero, couldn't help but giggle along with Hilde.  He did not see the humor in it either.  He looked absolutely ridiculous.
"Oh!  You guys should have seen it.  It was absolutely hilarious."  Hilde said trying to contain her laughter.  Then she started waving her arms in the arm like Relena did minutes ago.  "Aaaaaahhhhhh! Get a towel!  Get a towel!"  She said demonstrating Relena, and making everyone burst out laughing.
Finally, when everyone calmed down, Duo wiped a tear of mirth from his eye, and said, "Man, I miss all the good stuff."
"It was not that funny."  Relena said disgusted.  Her only answer was more laughter.  At this point, even Heero could see the humor in the situation, and the corner of his mouth started to go up in a semi-grin.
"I don't have to take this.  If anyone needs me, I'll be taking a shower."  She said.
At this point, Duo decided to have a little more fun.  He walked over to Heero, and whispered in his ear, "You're one brave soul, pal, you're letting her go, and you're not even worried that she'll come back smelling like roses."
For once, Heero did not even think about not displaying any emotions.  His eyes actually widened in shock and fear.  He had not even thought of that.  This could not happen.  The injustice of it all!  The perfect soldier was not supposed to smell like a floral bouquet.  There had to be a way to stop this from happening.  'Shit!  Now what do I do?  I don't want my body smelling all flowery.'  He shuddered at the thought.  'Plus, I'll never hear the end of it from Duo, and I might be forced to kill him.'  His mind continued to ponder  possible solutions to his problem.  Then an idea came to him.
"Halt!"  He shouted.
Relena stopped and turned around to face him.  "Now what?  I'm really not in the mood."  She said.
"I don't know what you think you are doing, but there is no way I'm letting you track oil all the way through my house."  He said with a smirk.  'See playing a girl is not so tough.'  He told himself.
"And just what do you suggest?" She asked.
Heero pointed toward the back door.  "Outside.  Now, Mister."
"Hn."  Relena said.  It was getting easier and easier to play the role of Heero.  And at the moment Heero seemed to be enjoying himself too much.
Heero then walked over to Relena grabbed her wrist and lead her outside.  Everyone else rushed to the window to watch the scene.
"Shouldn't someone go get Trowa and Wufei?  They're about to miss a great show."  Dorothy mentioned.
"Nah!  You snooze you loose."  Duo said.  "Besides, I'm not leaving to go get them.  You couldn't pay me enough to miss this."


Heero dragged Relena around the back of the house.  They were far enough out of earshot, but he knew everyone was watching from the window.  He finally stopped and walked a few feet away.  He then came back with a water hose.
"What the hell do you think you are doing?  She shouted.
"Hosing you down."  He answered.
"I think not."  She said and started to walk off.
Heero grabbed her arm and pulled her back.  "You know you really don't want oil tracked throughout the house.  So just stand still."
"Why should you care?  What is all this about?"
"Just wanted to tell you not come back smelling all girly since you are in my body.  In fact, why don't you just go get the soap I packed in my overnight bag?  That would be the best solution to this problem."
"That's it?  That's the reason you dragged me out here?  You want me to use a specific bar of soap?  Have you lost your mind?  Ugh!  Men!  I'll never understand them.  Couldn't you have just asked me get the soap out of your bag?"
"Couldn't ask you that inside.  How do you think that would have looked?  It would have looked liked you asking me to get something out of my own bag.  And I didn't feel like thinking of an excuse to correct the situation."
"Well, you didn't have to drag me out here."
"Oh, you weren't hurt.  Besides, it gives me a chance to do this."
"Do what?"
A big grin came across Heero's face as he turned the hose on and water poured over the top of Relena's head.
"Aaaaaahhhhhh!  Heero that is freezing."  She screamed.
"My body can handle it."  Was all he said then he proceeded to rinse oil out of her hair and off her clothes.
After a few minutes, she grew tired of letting Heero have all the fun.  Plus she knew most of the oil had to be off by now.  "Enough." was all she said before she grabbed the hose away from Heero and began to pour the water over his head.
He was not very pleased to have the tables turned, but he knew something that she did not.  It may one day come back to haunt him, but he did not care at the moment.  He reached over under her arms, while her arms were raised to the water over her head, and began tickling her.
Relena squealed and dropped the hose.  "Oh, I bet you think you are smart now, don't you?"  He answered her with a knowing smirk.  "I had no idea that you had tickle spots."
"I have very few, and I'm usually able to hide that fact."  He said.
Relena then wanted to have a little fun of her own.  She had felt like the butt of everyone's jokes for the day, and now it was someone else's turn.  She turned the water faucet off then stood directly in front of Heero.
"You know I have a few surprises of my own."  She said.
"Oh, really?"  He asked doubtfully.
"Yeah.  You see I've come to realize Hilde was correct."
"About what?"  Heero asked with a raised eyebrow now starting to get worried.  'This can't be good.'  He thought.
"Well, do you remember the second reason she listed for her reasons to switch places with Duo?"
Heero tried to think of the reason, but it just wouldn't come to him.  The only reason he could remember was the third, and he was going to make damn sure that never happened.  If he or Duo had anything to say about it, neither one of those girls would get near Preventer Headquarters.
Since he could not quite remember Relena decided to let him know.  "You see, today I've learned quite a few things about your body and I've learned how to use the new skills that I have found. I'm a lot faster and a lot stronger for these next few days, and I plan on using that to my advantage.  So right at this moment guess who is the stronger of us two."  Relena finished with a huge grin.
Heero looked up at her.  After all, he was also the shorter of the two of them at the moment, too.  This whole situation just did not seem to be in the perfect soldier's favor, and right now he could not think of a way to reverse the situation.  He did not like being the underdog, and he was about to let down his guard or his defenses.  He would think of a way to get the upper hand again.  After all two could play this game.  He was not afraid.  The Vice Foreign Minister might have his body and reflexes, but he still had his brain and its training.  He would not go down easily.  But he also knew the Vice Foreign Minister had never been a weak or timid animal.  She had a brain too.  And now she had the physical strength of his body to add to her already strong-willed mind.  His situation really did not prove promising, but he had survived worse situations and he was up for the challenge.  So he returned Relena's smile and tried to anticipate her next move. 'This could prove interesting.  I think I'll play along.'  He thought.
Relena watched him carefully.  She knew he was trying to think of every possible scenario to turn the tables back in his favor, but she was not going to allow that to happen.  Her next movement was actually quicker than even she thought possible.  She was, after all, just now getting used to Heero's body.
Before Heero knew what was happening, he was being lifted into the air and thrown over a shoulder.
"What the hell?"  He shouted.
"Haha didn't think I'd ever seize the upper hand did you?"
"Relena, put me down this instant."  He said as he tried to struggle free, but it did no good.  His former body was just too strong compared to his new one.  'This is so screwed up.'
"All in due time.  All in due time."  She said and then started to laugh at the whole situation.
"Relena, when this is all over with, you are seriously going to regret that you ever thought to do this."  He warned.
"I'll look forward to it.  Haha.  Besides this is what you get for hosing me down in this cold weather. Payback is hell, isn't it, Heero?"
She heard a few grumbles as his answer, and she laughed even harder.
"Relena, I swear you are not going to like my payback, if you don't put me down."
"Oh, I'll put you down.  Just not yet."  She said and then started to walk inside.
Everyone inside was still was in shock.  Especially two individuals in particular who knew that it was Relena carrying Heero over her shoulder and not the other way around.
"If I didn't see it for myself, I would have never believed it."  Duo whispered to Hilde.
"I wish I had a camera."  She whispered back.
"Me too.  This whole thing is just priceless."  He said with a huge grin on his face.
"So how pissed do you think Heero is going to be when she finally puts him down."  Hilde whispered directly into Duo's ear.
"I don't know, and the sad thing is we won't be around to find out."
"I know and that sucks."
Just then, Relena walked through the front door with Heero still on her shoulder.  He had stopped struggling, and he was not speaking either.  Also, the look on his face was not one of amusement.
Relena on the other hand was obviously very thrilled.  She wasn't smiling because she knew Heero probably wouldn't smile at everyone, even if the situation were reversed.  So she did the next best thing.  When she entered the living room, she nodded her acknowledgment to everyone, and then proceeded to walk upstairs.
Heero actually dared to look up to see everyone's faces as Relena carried him up the stairs.  They all looked confused and amazed to see Heero Yuy carrying Relena Dorlain upstairs over his shoulder.  However, Duo and Hilde looked completely shocked and flabbergasted.  They say 'a picture is worth a thousand words', and right now, despite the situation he was in, he wished he could take a picture of all of their faces.  It was priceless - especially the look on Duo's face.  If he had his mouth open any further, it would have probably hit the floor.  But after they rounded the corner and out of view he remembered his misfortune.  He started to mentally curse his plight.  He covered his face with his hands and thought, 'It can't get much worse than this.'

~~~To Be Continued~~~


Ok everyone!  There it is.  Chapter Four.  Yay!  Chapter five will come soon.  However, I do promise I will work on it.  I just don't know when it will be finished because my internship research paper really is my top priority.  I really do hate to leave Heero hanging, but the research paper does come first.  Sorry Heero. ^_^
I also want to thank everyone who has reviewed this story.  Your comments and patience has been more than appreciated.  I try to email everyone personally back to let them know how much I appreciate their feed back, but incase I missed someone I am taking the opportunity to thank you here.  So MUCHAS GRACIAS.  I especially want to thank Jen (a.k.a. Raichuu) and Rose for their encouraging emails about my story and for being great online buddies. ^_^ And last but certainly not least I want to thank Rose and my cousin, Tinker Bell, for proof reading my story.  I know sometimes my brain gets ahead of my fingers, and I am glad I have people like you guys to help make everything correct. :)
Well, that's all for now folks.  Until next time.