Disclaimer: don't belong to me, yadda yaddaokay on with the story.

Note: Okay, someone told me that Peacecraft doesn't have a capital C for craft. K, I feel stupid so..Sorry! Gomen ne! Je suis desolee! I'll make sure not to do that in the future. ^_^ okay, on with the story, for real! Enjoy!


Winter's Parting Chapter Three


The doctor quietly closed the door, turning to face ten anxiously awaiting people and a host of reporters and frantically hovering ambassadors in the next room. He shook his head. "She's sleeping, for now. She's been under a lot of strain from her constant work, and that strained her heart as well. The only thing that surprises me is this didn't happen before." He didn't see the pain in Milliardo's eyes as he put away his stethoscope, but Noin did, and took his hands gently in hers, whispering softly in his ear.

"So...what should we do?" Hilde asked, enfolded in Duo's arms.

"I suggest that you give her a few weeks, if not a full month of bed rest. That means none of them," He gestured towards the milling crowd, "and no paperwork or meetings or conferences. I mean strictly relaxation." He smiled thinly, "Any more of this, and you might lose her."

Quatre nodded, his mind thinking rapidly ahead, "We could make her take a vacation and send her to one of my resorts. She'll be able to relax and not worry about the outside world, for a while at least."

The others nodded and Duo grinned weakly, attempting a joke, "Well...at least that means that we all get a break from our dull, monotonous lives, huh?" Hilde sniffled once, then swatted him over the head.

"Duo, we're doing this for Releena. I'll call into work tomorrow and tell the boss that we need a month's vacation. Can you guys get away too?"

Trowa and Catherine glanced at each other, silent communication springing up familiarly between them before Cathy answered, "I'll call the manager and see what he says. I don't think we have a problem though. Shows have been pretty lean this year, anyway."

Sally tugged on Wufei's short hair in a warning to shut up, "Yeah, we can definitely get away. After all, one of the Preventor's main jobs is to protect Releena, right Wufei?" Wufei glared murderously at Sally. He did not want to spend the next month in some vacation resort, pampering to a princess. Especially if Maxwell was there with his incessant chattering and talking.

But a single glance at his partner made him growl, or more accurately, choke, "No. there is no problem." Duo predictably choked himself, but on a laugh, at Wufei's begrudging expression as he folded his arms and gave generally everyone an 'omae o korosu' glare. "Maxwell, shut up." Wufei snapped peevishly, which made Duo laugh harder, clutching himself around the stomach and almost crushing Hilde, whom he had been hugging.

Quatre nodded and turned back to the doctor, carefully keeping his own smile hidden from the American jokester. "Then it's settled. Can...we see her?"

The physician hesitated, then nodded slightly, "But don't disturb her. She's resting. Mr. Peacecraft, can I speak with you for a moment?"

The others entered except for Noin and Zechs, who stood outside the door, wanting to go in, but inevitably detained by the doctor. His face lined with anxiety that the doctor had not let the others see, he looked up at Milliardo, his eyes worried. "Mr. Milliardo, I've been a physician to this family for many years now, so I feel that I can speak freely." Zechs nodded, so he continued, "The strain, the pressure, has been causing Ms. Releena to become fragile and weak of healthbut I suspect that this is not the only reason."

"What?" Noin cried softly, "What do you mean, doctor? I know she's been sick for a while, but-"

"If you believe in psychosomatic diseases, that's part of the problem that I see."

"Psycho-what?" Zechs closed his eyes and Noin held him tighter, head against his chest as she asked the doctor.

"Psychosomatic. Her feelings, herinternal emotions, are surfacing and manifesting themselves in her physical symptoms: listlessness, strain, unhappiness, a loss of appetite and so forth. Can you think of any reason she should be feeling this way?"

Husband and wife glanced at each, understanding dawning in their eyes, "Heero"


"Hey oujisan," Duo smiled at the figure on the bed, brushing back his long bangs, "Didn't think my jokes were that bad."

"They are always that bad, Maxwell," Wufei grumbled sitting in one of the bedside chairs. A small rasping laugh emerged from the small bundle of blankets.

"I'm sorry to trouble you like this"

"Don't be absurd, Miss Releena," Dorothy said in her no nonsense voice, hands on hips as she regarded the other girl quietly, masking her worry with her usual icy demeanor, "Becoming sick was no fault of yours except that you didn't delegate your responsibility. I told you this would happen." Despite her caustic words, Dorothy knelt by the bed carefully dabbing Releena's forehead with a cold cloth. She tried to ignore how every breath seemed to gasp from Releena's chest and shake the rest of her body like wind would shake a leaf. She wasn't like this during the war Dorothy thought, biting her lips from saying anything. It's like we're losing her already

Quatre knelt by Dorothy as well, smiling in his quietly reassuring way, "Don't worry, Miss Releena. Tomorrow, we're all going to Manama for a small vacation. The doctor says that it's one that should be long overduesomething that should have been taken a long time ago."

"Manama?" She stirred weakly, "I can't go to Manama. I have an advisory meeting tomorrow, not to mention the-"

"Miss Releena, you are going to Bahrain, and that is that!" Dorothy said firmly, "And I'm cutting all the phone lines to the building if I have to. And you, are going to relax!" Releena looked startled at Dorothy, who was covering her up more tightly. Although there was an expression of almost disgust on her face, her pale blue eyes were wide and upset beneath her grey brows. Her lips had a pinched look to them and she glared at Releena, standing up.

Releena smiled weakly, "At least let me pack Dorothy."

Dorothy snorted, tossing her long blond hair, "I know what you wear, Miss Releena. I see you every day, remember? Besides, knowing you, you'll put your cell phone or laptop in the baggage just in case." To the others' amusement, Releena blushed guiltily. They immediately concluded that she probably would and glared at her. She shrank back into her bed, a small smile playing around her lips as she conceded to the inevitable.

"Okay. I'll go to sleep and I'll go to Manama," Releena yielded, sighing as she snuggled back into bed, her heavy eyelids closing. For a moment, she felt cherished, loved, not for what she represented, but for who she was. It was a beautiful feeling that had been missing for a long time, she realized as she felt someone tuck the teddy bear in her arms, but she had friends, and that was all that mattered. Now, there was only one thing that would make her very, truly happy again


"A report just in from the Foreign Embassy! Vice foreign minister Releena Dorlain has just suffered from a sudden illness. There is no official report as of yet on what is going on behind closed doors or even what caused this sudden bout of illness. The only thing that has been released to the general public is that she has elected to take a one month leave of office on terms of failing health. More on the story at seven! Now-"

The television flicked out, plunging the room into gloomy darkness except for a single light that glowed at the far corner. Despite its dismal appearance, the room was meticulously neat, with only a laptop, a desk, and a sofa, to keep it from being totally austure in appearance. The figure on the sofa sighed, pulling out a picture of a beautiful, vibrant girl with cheerful blue eyes and an open smile. A finger traced her lips softly and he sighed softly, "Releena"



Author's note: okay, I'm typing as fast as I can people! Only reason I'm submitting so many today is because I've got this bad case of the wonderful influenza virus that is keeping me home, sick, but not in bedmaybe that's why my temperature's risingOkay, anyway, here's the third part, and I'm getting to the romance, really!! I'm sorry!!! r&r would greatly be appreciated!