Disclamer: Don't belong to me, never willyeah, yeah, rub it in. K' fourth part in! I probably won't be doing so many from now on because of school. Sorry. I'll try to write as often as I can, okay? Luv y'all. -your normal everyday psychopath. :P


Winter's Parting Chapter Four


The group sat in a circle, listening as Lucrezia explained the bare facts of the matter, "So that's it. Due to her psychological state, Releena's physical traits are only a mirror of what she feels inside: her loneliness, her pain, her stress, and the only way she can actually be, 'cured' per say, is if we find a certain pilot. " She finished, looking around her with a small smile on her face. Some of the teens were totally lost however. Wufei just glared at Noin in confusion while Duo scratched his head, trying to figure it out. Noin sighed and leaned against Zechs' shoulder, smiling as she felt her husband put an arm around her. "She need's Heero, guys," She clarified, "She's becoming sick because she misses him."

Hilde sighed softly in a mixture of contentment and sadness, "That's so sweet, LuBut judging from what I've been told of Heero," She glanced at Duo, who only grinned, "he's not going to be easy to find, if he doesn't want to be found. And besides, we're actually assuming that Heero wants to come back to Releena. I mean, if he loved heror even liked her, don't you think that he would come back just to see her? Make sure she's okay?"

She glanced at her friends, who shrugged uneasily, avoiding her eyes, except for Trowa. Calmly, he gazed back at her, and answered quietly, "Heero is a soldier and he has always been watching out for her, whether she knows it or not."

"You think he knows that she's been hurt, Mr. Barton?" Dorothy asked intently, brushing a loose lock of hair from her face, "Why hasn't he contacted any of us yet to find out more information?"

Duo snickered, rocking back on his heels as he tossed of a devilish grin, "You think Heero really needs to contact anyone to get any information on anything, blondie?" Dorothy raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything, not that she had to. Hilde swatted Duo again, exclaiming in annoyed exasperation at the talkative pilot.

"Just get to the point, idiot."

"Okay! Sheesh. What I'm trying to say is we are talking about a hacker, not just any hacker, but one that's been trained to hack into anything. He probably knew about what happened to Releena, what caused her collapse, and the trip tomorrow before the paparazzi did." Duo shrugged, "Now, if he's gonna do anything about it"

Quatre looked up slowly from his twisting hands, his face full of compassionate sympathy as he glanced towards Releena's door, "Even if Heero doesn't want to come, I think we should get him to at least see her, see what he's doing to her. What he's doingisn't right. He knows she loves him, but he isn't doing anything about itnot refuting it, but not accepting it. He might not know she's taking it so hardbut still" Quatre stammered to a halt, flushing a little as he looked back down again. He felt warm hands on his shoulders and glanced at Trowa, startled.

Trowa smiled softly at the blonde-haired pilot. Even though there were rumors that Trowa and Quatre were going out, it really wasn't the case. They simply had a very close bond with one another because what Trowa felt on the inside, Quatre expressed with his mobile emotions. When Trowa's past and his training wouldn't permit him to reveal what was under the emotionless façade he carried, Quatre was always there to mirror what he felt; put it into words, into expressions. So because of that, Quatre was one of very few people who truly understood him. "You're right, Quatre." He agreed softly, and Quatre smiled back soberly.

"So," Dorothy jumped in, a hard glint that usually only appeared when she was fighting appearing in her eyes, "Where do we start looking?"

"Whoa, track down Heero? Mr. Death-glare Yuy?" Duo shook his head, "Next to impossible." The room glared heatedly at him and he grinned uneasily, "but not impossible, right?" Hilde raised her hand threateningly and he ducked, "Okay, okay! Sheesh Hilde! What do you take me for? A human punching bag??"

Wufei smirked slightly, but otherwise didn't say anything.

Zechs spoke up for the first time, his eyes weary and unhappy as he stood up, "The guests will wish to know what happened. I'll give them enough news to satisfy their appetites while you think of a way to find that-" He caught himself just in time and just shook his head, his bangs falling against his face to mask his expression, "Just find him." He turned on a heel and with an apologetic glance, Noin followed him outside.

"Duo, has he sent you any emails, messages, anything?" Quatre asked, and Duo scratched his head.

"Well, there is one letter he sentright after the war. But nothing after that."

"One letter hmmm?" Dorothy asked purposefully, her eyes narrowing into glittering slits, "We'll just have to start from there"


"ZechsZechs!" Lucrezia caught up with him, hugging him tightly around the waist from the back, "Please don't push me away like this," She whispered, her face resting on his shoulder blades. He stiffened, but just as quickly sighed, slumping a little in defeat even though there was no outward sign of it.


"Zechs, you can't keep on blaming yourself for what happened to Releena," Noin caught her husband's face in her hand, looking him straight in the eye, begging him to listen, "She wouldn't want you to. I don't want you to. The path Releena choseshe chose because she wanted to. Zechs, if she wanted, don't you think she could have walked away, washed her hands of the whole mess, after a good solid peace had been established two years ago? She didn't because no matter how sick it makes her, how much stress it causes her, she loves it, and she loves the people she strives to protect."

Zechs put his arms around his wife. While others could only see anger in his expression, Lu was different, she was always there, always alert to every new nuance of expression that entered his face. For the first time, he wondered if that might not be such a good thing. "She's so innocent. All she knows is how to protect other people, never herself."

"So we'll find her protector," Noin answered insistently, "Heero loves her. I know it, just like I know that you love me too. Even when you left to join the White Fang, I knew, I always knew that you would be here for methat you loved me. Always."

Zechs looked down at her sincere, tender face and smiled despite himself. "You think Yuy's going to do the trick, huh?"

Noin smiled back, brushing platinum-blonde bangs out of his face, which immediately fell back anyway, "I know Heero loves her, and I know Releena loves him. All Heero has to do is admit it."

"And if he doesn't?"

Noin shrugged, "Then Releena will have a clear answer and she'll be hurt, I won't deny that, but she'll be able to move on with her life, find someone else that she can love, that reciprocates her feelings." Noin smiled slightly, her eyes faraway and dreamy, "And then, she'll get married, have kidsand"

"Need I remind you that my younger sister is only nineteen?" Zechs asked, but there was no heat in his voice and he even smiled a bit, although Noin had to look very closely to make sure. "What did I do to deserve you, Lu?"

She laughed, hugging him, "You don't. But I love you anyway."


Milliardo smiled tenderly, "And I love you too" Before he could say anything else, there was a banging and snapping up in surprise, the couple glanced at the almost opaque glass door where a reporter was pointing frantically to his mike and a pad of paper, almost yelling through the door to get the first story. Noin smothered a giggle and glanced back up at Zechs, who was wearing his customary black scowl, his pale blue eyes snapping with annoyance.

"Damn paparazzi." He muttered, walking purposefully towards the door with the air of a man resigned to his fate. Noin laughed and caught his arm, and together, they stepped into the reception area, cameras bulbs and yelling assaulting their senses.


Quatre couldn't sleep. He wanted to check up on Releena, but the nurse at the door had given him a cool glare that had said if-you-want-to-wake-her-up-at-twelve-o-clock-in-the-middle-of-the-night-you-can-just-forget-it-mister-not-on-my-shift. She was the kind of nurse that made you think of protective mothers hawks hovering over their chicks, mantling in an outrage at the panther that dared threaten them. Smiling a bit, he had backed off, politely thanking the nurse for her time before continuing down the hall.

Suddenly, he stopped, listening closely. What was that? He leaned his ear against the wall and was startled to hear the tapping of computer keys. At this late? He thought incredulously and knocked on the door. The tapping immediately stopped before Dorothy's voice called, "Please come in." Dorothy. Quatre smiled in wry amusement. Now there was a woman just full of contradictions. She was a fierce opponent, yet she wouldn't hesitate to admit to almost complete strangers that she was lonely when she was aboard Libra. She was outgoing, independent in every way, yet at the same time, she was shy, introverted, a private kind of person.

I wonder what she thinks about me He thought, then shook his head at his own fancy. Probably thinks I'm just another spoiled pacifist with no courage at all. He sighed. He would have definitely loved to get to know her better, but after their initial meeting, she had reverted back to cordial friendliness, nothing more. It was too bad, really...

"Well?" Her voice, a little sharp with annoyance interrupted his reverie and he let himself into the room, smiling sheepishly as she started in surprise.

"Quatre? Shouldn't you be asleep?"

"UmI couldn't" He admitted, "and the nurse." Dorothy's exasperated look told him that she had gotten the exact same send off he had. He laughed a little, not noticing when she flushed, turning back to her monitor. "What are you doing?"

"Looking for the former pilot of Zero."

Quatre looked at her in surprise, "I thought that we were going to wait and do that tomorrow."

Dorothy shook her head, eyes still glued to the computer screen. "Mr. Yuy needs to get here as soon as possible, right? So I'll just speed this up a little."

"That's what I've been meaning to ask you Dorothy," Quatre said hesitantly, "Why are you interested in Ms. Releena's health so much? Before" There his voice faltered, but Dorothy caught the implication anyway, her mouth twisting in a cynical smile. So he thinks I haven't changed, does he She thought, trying to ignore the gut-wrenching pain she felt Well what did you expect, Dorothy Catalonia? You stabbed him with a saber, for God's sake!

Dorothy smiled hardly, her eyes glittering like diamonds. "Quatre, when people see me, they see a cold, heartless bitch that doesn't care about anyone but herself. Maybe they're right, maybe I am cold hearted, maybe I'm even a bitch. But I'd never leave Miss Releena alone like that." She turned back to the computer, typing quickly as numbers and coordinates flashed on the screen, "I probably owe more to Miss Releena than I do to anyone else." Except you, she added mentally, still not looking at him, "After the war, they thought I was a traitor, a spy. It was Miss Releena that gave me a chance, installed me in her own household." Dorothy laughed, a little brokenly, "Do you know how many times I could have killed her? During those first few months how much" She shook her head, her eyes hardening as she once again put on her tough exterior, "Anyway, Mr. Winner. Suffice to say that I will find the pilot of Zero and I will bring him back to Earth, bound and gagged if need be!"



Author's note: Okay, when I asked someone to read this for me, she told me that I was implying that I was against Yaoi, I'm not. Really. But I'm just making Trowa and Quatre have a more platonic relationship than anything here, okay? So if anyone really takes offence at this, tell me and I'll try to manipulate the wording better next time, but please don't be angry. Oh, by the way, I want to give special thanks to my readers because you really make me feel warm and fuzzy inside when you write a review. Thank you so much! :P