Disclaimer: I hate repeating myself, but I don't want to get sued either so not mine, not mine, not mine!


Winter's Parting Chapter Eight


"I want to go back." Everyone looked up from breakfast as the young Vice-foreign minister stepped into the diningroom, her lips set in a firm, unyielding line. Her eyes were almost gray with exhaustion and her hands were clenched stubbornly into fists at her side. She didn't do as she usually would have done, glancing around for Heero, only stared straight at her brother.

Milliardo glanced at Noin, then rose, walking towards Releena with a slightly concerned expression on his face, "Releena, the doctor said-"

"The doctor is wrong, Milliardo, I feel fine. Now I want to get back to work as soon as possible." She managed a smile that did not reach her eyes as she looked at the worried faces of her friends. "Really, I'm quite all right. Don't worry about me. But please contact a transport for me."

She turned around, but before she could leave, a low voice at a corner said with ominous quiet, "What are you trying to prove, Releena?"

Releena stiffened, not looking at him as she said in a pleasant voice, "Nothing, Heero. I'm ready to go home. I'm fully better, and I see no reason to keep on neglecting my duties." She turned then, putting her hands behind her back as she stared straight at him, blue eyes grave and serious. "Why, Heero? Is there any reason I should stay?" There was a heavy silence in the air as everyone watched as the two combatants squared off against one another. Tension practically sizzled between the two as Releena posed a direct question, something she had never done before. Finally, Heero shrugged, letting his eyes drop. Releena smiled sadly, "I thought not."

She walked out of the room, heels clicking on the granite tiles as she went to pack. Duo glared at the Japanese pilot, saying simply, "You blew it." For once, no one bothered to contradict him.


Eleven o' clock sharp: the shuttle arrived in front of Quatre's mansion.

Eleven thirty: Releena, Dorothy, Milliardo, and Lucrezia boarded the plane.

Twelve o' five: The plane lifted it's nose skywards, rocketing off the ground as it made a return trip to the Sanq Kingdom. Releena did not look back out the window.



The girls had decided to go inside after that jaunt in the swimming pool, leaving the five pilots staring at white clouds as they moved across the desert plains of sand as they sat quietly on the steps of the mansion. Duo repeated in a voice of numbed incredulity, "You blew it, Heero. Big time." Heero didn't answer, leaning against the wall in cool indifference. Duo continued, almost talking to himself as he added, "I don't get it. You coulda had everything. The house, the car, the babeI mean, what more could you have asked for?" There was still no answer, and Duo glared at the taciturn pilot, "Hey, I'm talking to you!"

"Duo, let it go-" Quatre began, but Trowa stopped him.

"Heero needs this," He said lowly, steering the blonde inside. "Duo's probably the only one that can beat some sense into him." He glanced questioningly at Wufei, who unfolding himself from the side of the building with the sleek grace of a cat, following them inside. The double door shut behind them with a slight click but Duo barely noticed as they left, rounding on the other pilot.

"Come on Heero, I know you can talk. I've actually heard you say something once in a while. So answer me. Or are you too chicken, you cowardly piece of-Oomph." Suddenly, Duo found a fist buried in his gut and he choked, dropping onto the sandy floor with a thud.

He grinned savagely, glaring up at Heero as he rose halfway up, "Son of a-Well fine! I owe you one for that stunt you pulled on Barton's base, you asshole!" He lunged at Heero and a cross between a catfight and some solid brawling ensued.


Fifteen minutes later, Duo gasped, slumping onto the warm sands with a noticeable thump. "That's enough. Shit, I haven't felt this beat up sincesince the last time you beat me up." He groaned, holding his midsection. "I think I cracked a rib"

Heero sat down as well, not breathing as heavily as Duo, but heaving with exertion nonetheless. He didn't say anything, merely wiped the blood from his lips and winced slightly as he felt his right eye swelling. "Damn"

Duo glanced warily at Heero, "We aren't going to do this on an everyday basis now you've come back, are we? I mean, I wouldn't mind, but Hilde would throw a fit."

Heero ignored Duo's last statement, turning to level a swollen eye on Duo's disheveled countenance, asking quietly, "Why didn't you go for it?" When Duo glanced at him in askance, he clarified, mimicking what Duo had said before, "The house, the car," He stumbled over the last part, "the babe."

Duo grinned Shinigami styled, as he stood up and stretched his arms over his head, "I already got the babe, Heero. The house? The car?" He made a dismissive gesture, "I don't need 'em. I got what matters to me, and that's all I'll ever need," Then his tilted his head devilishly, "except maybe a bumper sticker that says 'My other ride was DeathScythe.' That would be cool, don't you think?" His face turned serious again, as he regarded Heero with intense violet eyes, "All I know is that I'm happy this way. It's a long time since I've been happy, and I'm not giving it up for no reason. The God of Death is hanging up his scythe for good and you know what? I don't think I'll be missing it too much either." He walked, or rather, limped, inside, muttering about broken bones and concussions, as he cursed softly.

Heero sat alone on the steps of the mansion, doing some thinking of his own. He had sworn since the beginning that protecting Releena was his mission, his only mission now. They said that he was blind, not taking what was there at its face value. He sighed grimly, wincing a little as he stood up. He wasn't fifteen anymore, and he'd had five days of serious thinking to fall back on after Releena had left. Although things like these emotions were still foreign to him, one thing remained clear. He had made a big mistake. He wasn't quite sure what repercussions that it would cost him, but he was equally certain that he wouldn't find out on the L2 colony. He sighed. He hated making mistakes. Sometimes, they were irreparable


Author's note: Okay, that's it for now. I would write a longer note, but I'm dead tired guys. r&r please.