Warnings:Mucho language.  Why?  Mai has a potty mouth.  BAD MAI!!

Alrighty, by the end of this thing Relena is almost precisely 4 months and 2 weeks or something like that, I'm getting myself confused -_-;;

Thanks to everyone who has reviewed (especially on Crazy for Her *sobs*!!!), is following the story, likes the story, and has emailed me ;-; 

Disclaimer:Ownership is on my Christmas list.Do I think Santa'll deliver?I highly doubt it, but I'll let you know if it happens ^_^



Made of You:  Chapter 10

by Kysra



~ Somewhere in the Southern United States . . . ~

It was beautiful here.

The picture of the All-American town, this location was the perfect hiding place, everything she had ever come to know through old movie clips, news reels, and books she had been forced to read in history class.

Through dark sun glasses, hazel eyes surveyed the little town, soaking up the familial atmosphere, that comfortable warmth which only radiates in unique residential areas where everyone knows everyone, looking out for each other, sharing their histories and thriving in the closeness of a true community of free souls.

She had once been a part of that collective spirit, her place in the grand scheme of things as plain as the nose on her face, but war and adversity had touched even her sanctuary, taking her own brother in its grimy clutches as her world burst into flames around her, claiming her home, her family, and her friends as its sacrificial lambs, payment for the dubious gift of her life.

From the municipal playing field to the town courthouse, her eyes drifted over little privately owned convenience stores and apartment buildings, the town grocer and little houses with white picket fences, and the people, smiles on their clean faces, walking along the well-kept sidewalk as children ran ahead yelling their hellos and good-byes over their shoulders, never once pausing in their flight.

It was something straight out of a painting or movie.  Choreographed to perfection.  Flawless.

And Mai knew that nothing was ever perfect.

Grumbling something about impossibilities and love-struck jerks while ignoring the building anxiety in her gut, the brown haired girl stepped into the town grocer's little corner of the world, pretending to consult an imaginary list (actually a blank sheet of paper with a few scribbles on it).

With one eye on the cashier and another on the exit, Mai concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other, smiling at the other shoppers and nodding her head in greeting when she received a look of interest.  She carefully tested a loaf of bread, squeezing the resilient dough and deciding to take it along with a small block of homemade cheese and a pack of thinly sliced chicken breast.

It would have to do.

With more calm than she actually felt, Mai approached the counter warily and laid her purchases on the counter to be processed.  The girl cashier grinned in acknowledgment and tried to make small talk which Mai was only too happy to participate in.

"We've been getting quite a few new people around here lately, in fact," the girl looked around before leaning in conspiratorially, "I heard some people, three men and a lady, moved into old Green Burrough.  Now what do you suppose three men with one lady are doing all alone in the woods?  If you ask me, it's indecent."

Mai's eyes had gotten wider and wider as the girl kept talking, "This is my lucky day."

The girl looked puzzled, "How so?"

"I'm looking for my sister.  I was told I could find her around this area by her husband.  They were having problems and decided to separate.Our brothers and a friend are helping her get settled in.  Here's a picture."She paused to let the girl study the photo for a few moments, "Three men," she said as her finger touched each image of the men Heero had told her would probably be in hiding with Relena, "and a woman.  Do they look familiar at all?" 

"That's them.  I've never actually seen the girl, but this guy," the cashier pointed to the one Heero had called Duo, "has been in here time and again.  I also recognize the guy with the bangs.  He visits Mr. Boticelli down the street sometimes."

Mai nodded, withdrawing the picture and smiling, "Great!  I lost the address of where she was staying and only remembered the name of this town.  Could you direct me to this Green Burrough?"

"I'd be happy to!"  The other girl promptly pulled out a sheet of paper and drew a surprisingly detailed map, explaining how to get to the place through a series of fast short cuts as she did so.

"Thanks so much for your help!  My sister will be so happy I made it finally," Mai lied through her teeth, thinking she was going to burn in hell if this didn't work.

"No problem.  That'll be $6.51 please."

Mai paid the helpful cashier, thanked her once more, and left feeling somewhat accomplished and confident for the first time in months.

Things were certainly looking up.  She just hoped Heero's friends didn't misunderstand her purpose in seeking them out.  If they did jump to conclusions, she was as good as dead.  If they didn't . . . well, she could still be as good as dead.

This was a no-win situation, and she was right in the center.

She could already see the Grim Reaper in the distance beckoning her home.






~ Unknown location, a few days later ~



"Your Grace."

"Have you made any progress in finding Our little runaway Princess?"

"Yes.She is located at one of Quatre Winner's properties, Green Burrough."

"We have had the pleasure of visiting there years ago.  Very good.  And Peacecraft?"

"Taken care of, Your Highness."

"Well done.Can We assume you have succeeded in securing Miss Catalonia's son as well?"

"I have already dispatched the group in charge of kidnapping the boy, My Queen.He is as good as ours."

"We are very pleased.  Keep Us informed as to your actions."

"It is as good as done My Lady . . ."






~ Green Burrough a week later ~

Mai cursed as one rather wickedly gnarled branch slapped her bare arm as she trekked across the wooded area surrounding the House Where Relena and the Gundam Pilots Lived.  It had been a hard day of scrounging around the place, waiting for the proper time to actively seek her destination, boredom and hunger fueling her desire to get there, deliver the message, and get out.  Of course, nothing ever went as planned in these sorts of situations, and Mai's luck was . . . well . . . worse than the average person's despite how easily she had found the Foreign Vice Minister's hiding place.

Problem #1 came to her attention just as she was embarking on her quest for the fabled Green Burrough, and she realized, to her abject horror and embarrassment that she had no transportation by which to travel to the place.

Problem #2 was closely linked to #1 when she decided to use whatever skills she possessed to hot-wire and steal one of the local's cars.She hadn't counted on her memory skewing the blue wire with the red (or the electronic security system installed in the car) and had unceremoniously found herself screaming bloody murder in the hospital emergency room, a policeman at her arm as the doctors patched up her burnt hands, ready and waiting to issue that damn $700.00 fine.

Problem #3 was the same as #1, only this time it was with the stipulation that she was now broke, all of her money gone down the tubes paying off the hospital bill and fine.  She now had no transportation and no legitimate way to pay for transportation.

Problem #4 realized itself when she had begun to get hungry and noticed that -- SURPRISE!! -- she had no food left to her name let alone money to buy any.She had already tried to rip off someone's car, and with her luck, she would get yet another fine (one she couldn't pay) for trying to steal food as well.

Problem #5 was in the form of rain.  Torrents and torrents of it, soaking her to the bone and bringing a rather nasty cold front along with it to effectively freeze her to a near-death state with only her anger to warm her.

So now she was stuck traveling on foot in the cold rain with no money, no food, no water, hands that were cooked to a nice red color, and scratches galore.Mai was not in one of her better moods.

"Damned men.  Never take care of their own problems.  Always have to send the WOMAN out to fix everything, and why the hell am I risking MY neck to help his sorry ass?  EXPLAIN THAT!!!!JUST EXPLAIN THAT!!!!CUZ I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!ARGH!"  The petite brunette yelped in mid-tirade, hopping around on one foot as pain radiated from a newly stubbed toe.  Then, to add insult to injury, her pack, a monstrosity housing blankets, extra clothes, flashlights, and binoculars, snapped free of the straps holding it to her back, pulling her off-balance as she veered left and toppled head first into a large mound of fresh mud.

Propping herself up on her elbows, Mai glared at the offending pile of wet earth before jerkily wiping her mud-caked face with one hand, wincing at the sharp pang of fiery pain at the contact while pushing up into a kneeling position, "Gggrrr . . ." she growled under her breath, moving to sit Indian style upon the damp ground, reaching for her fallen pack with careful fingers in order to somehow fix the faulty straps.

Bent over her task, the girl didn't hear the twig snap ten feet away nor clicking sound of a gun being readied to fire.  She did, however, feel a strong hand clamp onto the sensitive skin at the back of her neck, pulling her up.


"Move a muscle and you're dead, got it babe?"

Mai sniffed then grimaced as her captor let go of her neck in favor of her hair, the barrel of the gun pressed against her temple bringing a sense of nostalgia.  Why was it she always got caught?

"Excuse me, but who gave you the right to accost innocent passersby?"*Can my luck just get any worse?*

"I'm so glad you asked.  There was ample warning with the hundreds of 'NO TRESPASSING' signs posted around the property.I think we can assume you are a trespasser."



"I was birdwatching."  *Please, please, please let this guy be stupid enough to buy that one.*

"Uh huh, suuuuure you were.  Come on now.  Just take it nice and easy, and you'll get to the house reasonably intact."

She sputtered incredulously, "REASONABLY???"  Then mumbling she said flatly, "Last time I ever decide to go birdwatching."

The gunman tsked her, "Poor little girl.  Now move."

And move she did, a slight limp in her step from the echoing pain in her foot, the man behind her occasionally jabbing the gun into her head as a reminder of what would come to her should she get any stupid ideas.

*The only stupid thing I've done so far is volunteer to help Heero, the ass.Why couldn't he have just STAYED WITH HER!!!!????  Then I could have gotten my revenge by now, he could be safely married to the Rich Lady, and everyone would be happy but NOOOO --*

She trained her eyes on the ground, her thoughts running through several scenarios which would probably see her shot, and she realized it was exactly like the simulations at the base, only this time the gun was real and probably loaded.  She wondered which Gundam pilot friend of Heero's had managed to catch her.

"Attracting strays again Maxwell?"  A scathing voice filled her ears, forcing her head up to see a Chinese man leaning against a white column, sleek black hair pulled back into a short pony tail.His face was set on scowl, dark eyes narrowed suspiciously at her while she put on her best You-can't-kill-me-cuz-I'm-innocent face.  If memory served, she was currently looking at Chang Wufei, pilot of the Gundam 05.

At least it wasn't HIM holding the gun.

Mai opened her mouth to rebuke the man but the cold press of metal against her flesh stopped her.  What in the world did it take for the Wheel of Fortune to land on 'good' for her?"Must be like Jeopardy cuz I never get it right . . . " she muttered under her breath.

"I can't help it if women find me irresistible!"

Duo Maxwell.  Had to be Duo Maxwell from Heero's descriptions.  The self-proclaimed God of Death.  No wonder she had been thinking of the Grim Reaper before.  Premonition?  Maybe.Maybe not.

Wufei snorted, his eyes never leaving their cold, wet, and muddy little prisoner, "What are you going to do with her?"

"Oh I was thinkin' we could interrogate her before killing her.Have to have a reason ya know."

Mai rolled her eyes, "I was just birdwatching!!!  Is that a crime!?"

They ignored her.

"Where is she?" Duo asked, his voice quieting, and Mai knew he must be talking about Heero's girlfriend.

"Upstairs with Sally.  Examination."


Feeling the man behind her nod, Mai found herself being dragged roughly up the porch steps, the one called Wufei saying nothing as they passed by.She was suddenly very relieved Duo held her wrists instead of her bandaged still-raw hands, otherwise she would have been hard-pressed to keep quiet, and she was well-versed enough in the art of war now to know that her silence (or at least partial silence) was the only thing keeping her alive.  If she didn't struggle, they would probably begin to think she was just as she said she was.  At least . . . she *hoped* so.

They entered the house, captive and captor, to be greeted by the surprised blue eyes of Quatre Raberba Winner who was currently sitting at a coffee table, a cup of tea poised at his lips, as she was unceremoniously ushered up the interior staircase, the tip of the gun still pressed against her temple.

When had *he* taken up residence with Miss Peacecraft?  The world knew Winner had gotten married a few years ago.Didn't his wife have any objections to him shackin' up with his friend's woman?

As these disjointed thoughts passed through her mind, Mai distantly felt herself being propelled forward, her eyes taking in and cataloguing the lay of the second floor as she was shoved into the first room on the left, her feet flying from under her as she hit the wood plank floor with a pain-filled 'Oof'.Once he had her safely inside the confines of his room, Heero's braided friend closed and locked the door, setting Mai's inner defense system on high alert.

Struggling to her knees without putting pressure on her wounded palms, Mai stared up at the man, getting her first good look at the supposed God of Death.She gulped as her eyes took in the handsome, boyish face, the glittering violet eyes, the long, light brown braid, and perfect body.  Photos never did the real thing justice.  Why couldn't she have gone to school with guys who looked that good?

"I'd begin interrogating you now, but dinner's nearly ready and the lady of the house will get suspicious if I don't show, so you'll be staying in my room for a bit."

"Wonderful," Mai said flatly, inwardly relieved that he wasn't going to tie her up or something equally embarrassing.

As if reading her mind, he grinned and held up a gleaming pair of handcuffs.

She gulped and began to slither further into the shadows, "Um . . . what do you need those for?"

Duo chuckled darkly.






~ Winner residence, L4 colony, same time ~


Dorothy shot up in bed, her heart pounding and the breath caught in her throat as she brought a shaking hand up to press against her chest.  She closed her eyes and took in a few deep breaths, trying to calm her overactive nerves.

What a nightmare that had been.

Collapsing onto her side, she reached out to that empty space where her husband usually lay beside her, gray eyes betraying the worry and emptiness that filled her as she realized he wasn't there, realized she had no real way of knowing if he was safe.

"Oh Quatre . . . ," she murmured softly, a note of yearning in her voice,before sitting up once more, the nightmare keeping her from sleep, beckoning her to make sure everyone was securely tucked away in dreamland.

Slipping her feet into soft dark green slippers, Dorothy silently moved into the hall, looking both ways before deciding to check on Hilde first.The dark haired woman put on a brave front, but Dorothy had heard the sobs deep into the night, seen the worried looks each time the vidphone let out its ominous 'beep', and felt the nervous tension that radiated from the future Mrs. Maxwell while they sifted through the countless boxes of records pertaining to the Cinq kingdom and other old monarchies that were destroyed when the Earth Sphere Alliance moved against them and their beliefs in nonaggressive action.

Dorothy sighed as she stepped quietly into Hilde's room, approaching the other woman's bed with something akin to trepidation, the nightmare coloring her perception of reality. 

Carefully, she removed an open bridal magazine from its resting place beside the sleeping woman before pulling back the covers and watching the rise and fall of her friend's chest for a few moments as the sight dispelled some of her fear.Smiling gently, feeling partially relieved, she tucked the blankets more firmly around the younger woman before exiting the room.

She moved back out into the long corridor, a small, nearly indistinguishable noise meeting her alert ears as she traveled on gliding feet toward Rasid's room across the way, effectively halting her progress, her ears straining to hear any other nuance of sound.

It had come from Devon's room, the nursery.

All logical thought left her with the realization that her baby might be in danger but common sense (blessedly) remained as she ran the seemingly endless distance to her child's bedroom, coming to a complete and silent stop just outside the partially open door.  She breathed a silent prayer that she would open the door and find nothing out of place while simultaneously vowing that, should any harm come to her child, she would not hesitate to kill the bastard responsible.

Holding her breath, eyes wide open, Dorothy quickly pushed the door open before jumping back, placing the wall between her and whoever had made that noise.When nothing happened and no sound greeted her, she very nearly giggled at herself for being so paranoid, but a strange feeling of foreboding kept the sensation of giddy relief at bay.

Entering the darkened nursery fully, little Devon's mother immediately made her way to the ornate, moonlit crib near the open window, her peripheral vision noting the bright blue drapes floating in the night breeze, her heart falling into the dark cavern of her stomach as she realized her nightmare had come true.