Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing and once again...I'm too lazy to look it up. I know that the rights to it belong to a Japanese company and maybe even an English one. Does that help? Eh...I'm not attempting to take credit for the characters, so it should do the trick. My work here is done.

Author's Notes: This is a sequel to "Broken Road". I was going to call it "Broken Road 2: The Way to War", but that sounded like something Arnold Schwartzeneger (I know...it's not spelled right; do we really care?) would star in. Hehe...okay, just got a totally funny image of Arnold trying to play Heero. ("Ah'll be bhack...to kill you.") Anyways, if you didn't read the first part, you might want to or else live with confusion. Oh yeah...and I took a lot of liberties with Relena's home...you'll see what I mean when you get there. Bear with me...all will make sense eventually.

Dedication: To everyone who asked for a sequel. I tossed around the idea of one when I was writing the first part, but it was yall who gave me the needed push:) Actually, this is to everyone who took the time to read and review "Broken Road". Arigatou gozaimasita!!


Broken Road: The Way to War
by Kristen Elizabeth


After Colony 201

Sunlight streaming in through the French doors woke him from what had been, without a doubt, the sweetest sleep of his entire life. He opened his eyes only to see a pale peach canopy hanging above his head. He double blinked. It took another second before he realized where he was. In her bed. And the strange warmth pressed against his side was her.

Heero Yuy relaxed. It wasn't something he let himself do very often, but her very presence almost demanded it. He had never woken up in a woman's arms before, especially not after a night of innocent slumber. Usually he left a woman's side after getting what he wanted, before she could want anything from him. Because he knew that whatever it was, he would never be able to give it to someone else.

She shifted in her sleep, resettling her cheek against his chest. Her lips parted as her breathing pattern altered; she was slowly waking up. He lifted the hand that was around her shoulders and stroked her hair.

Relena Peacecraft smiled at the touch. She needed no moment of adjustment as she woke; she knew exactly where she was and exactly who she was with. It hadn't been a dream after all. She pressed even tighter against him, afraid that if she didn't hold on, he might be gone by the time she opened her eyes.

Lips touched her forehead. "Ohayoo gozaimasu", he said softly.

"Hi", she whispered back. "You're still here."

He couldn't blame her for her words. The fact she stated surprised even him. "I told you I'd stay the night."

She cracked one eye open. "Yes, but it's very much morning now."

"Do you want me to go?"

"Bite your tongue", she scolded. The arm that was draped over him stretched lazily. "You're not going anywhere. No matter what."

Just then, there was a soft, but insistent knock on the bedroom door. "Relena?"

Heero looked down at her. "Quatre's staying here?", he asked in a low tone.

She nodded. "And Trowa." She made a motion to sit up, but Heero held her down. "I have to talk to him; I ignored him yesterday."

"Relena...are you all right?", Quatre asked through the door, concern in his voice.

Heero put a finger to her lips before she could say anything back. "We're going to have to figure out a few things before we talk to people."

Relena looked up at him, a puzzled look on her face. She had no chance to question him, however; her bedroom door swung open, revealing a very worried Quatre Raberba Winner.

His expression flew from worry to surprise as he took in the sight before him. Relena and Heero. In bed. Fully clothed, but in bed. The former Gundam pilot's eyes grew wide. "Oh!" He blinked. "Relena?"

"Good morning, Quatre", Relena muttered, mortified. She fought back the urge to bury her head under the covers.

Heero, on the other hand, remained as calm as ever. "Quatre." He nodded his head in greeting.

Quatre's eyes narrowed slightly. Relena wasn't sure, but it almost seemed as though he was ignoring the Japanese man. "I'm sorry, Relena. Did you know that my key works on your door?" He took a breath. "I think you need to come downstairs."

Her heart skipped a beat as she quickly sat up. "Why? What's happened?"

"Hurry", was all Quatre said. He gave Heero another hard look before backing out of the room.

Relena was quiet for a long moment after the door closed. "Something bad has happened", she whispered. Unwittingly, her shoulders began to shake.

Heero sat up and placed a hand on either shoulder, rubbing her skin through her silk blouse. "Relena...stop. Calm down." Under his minstrations, she relaxed a bit. "Whatever is wrong, you can handle it."

"What if I can't?" She closed her eyes and dropped her chin to her chest, but not before a single tear of fright slipped down her cheek.

Heero lifted her face back up. "*Is* there anything you can't handle?"

"War", she replied quietly. "Heero, I'm so scared that everything we fought so long to gain is slipping away."

He ran his thumb up her cheek, wiping the tear's track away. "So, you hold onto it. I've seen you do it before."

"I can't do it by myself."

"You won't." Heero let go of her chin. "You have your brother and his wife. Quatre and Trowa." He stopped.

When he failed to continue after a moment, she swallowed. "I suppose you're right. I do have...all of them." Relena sat for another second before pushing the covers off her legs. "I need to get downstairs."

Heero watched her search for her shoes. Her hair was tousled and her blouse had untucked half of itself sometime during the night. He debated telling her, but decided against it. There was something utterly irresistible about a disheveled Relena Peacecraft.

She was halfway out the door when she stopped. "Are you coming?"

He leaned back against her pillow. "I don't think my presence would be particurally welcome downstairs."

"Heero. You're here. You spent the night. We're not teenagers anymore." Her eyes sparkled with rebellion. "We have nothing to hide." After another second, she swallowed heavily. "Please don't make me go alone."

In the end, it wasn't just her words that motivated him. It was Duo. Something the American had said about Relena in the last conversation they had ever had.

*She's a dove, Heero. And maybe even an eagle. But somewhere under all of that is a little sparrow, who needs protection. You can either take her under your own wing or let her pick crumbs off the street for the rest of her life.*

*That makes no sense whatsoever*, he had replied.

Duo's laughter as he tapped his head. *Sure it does! Makes perfect sense up here where it counts....*

Heero retrieved his shoes and joined her.


Quatre greeted them at the base of the stairs, his expression somber. "Relena, a small situation has come up, quite literally, around us."

She was grateful for the solidity of Heero's body next to her, a much needed support. "How small of a situation?"

"Let's just say, it grows even as we speak." Taking her arm, Quatre guided her into the parlor. Heero followed. At the parlor window, Trowa Barton stood, one hand holding back the draperies to see out the glass. He looked up as they came in, only acknowledging Heero's presence with an extra blink.

Relena gave the window a look of pure fright. "What's out there?"

"People." The deep voice of her brother, Millardo Peacecraft approached them from behind. "Angry people. Can't you hear them?"

She could, now that he had pointed out. Her worry and fear had been so great it had completely blocked out the shouts and chants from outside the house. Trowa pushed the curtains aside further to get a better look.

"What do they want?", Heero asked flatly.

Millardo looked the former Gundam pilot up and down suspiciously, but to his credit, asked no questions. "As far as we can tell..." He stopped and glanced at his little sister. Sympathy played across his handsome features.

"Millardo...please." Relena's voice stuck in her throat. "Just say it."

He hesitated another second before replying. "They want war."

Relena felt her knees wobble. She would have fallen had Heero not been there to steady her with a comforting arm around her waist. Her eyes closed; forehead touched Heero's chest. "They want....after everything we did...." She stared up at her brother. "Why?"

"Duo's death." Trowa let the curtains fall back into place.

Heero nodded but said nothing. Millardo glanced at him then back at Relena. "The Gundam pilots are all heroes to the people. By killing one, the revolutionaries have perhaps gotten more than they bargained for. The people want immediate action."

"Which would most certainly bring about full-scale war", Relena whispered. "Oh god..."

Quatre stepped towards her. "This is likely just one small group of people, Relena. A fraction of the population a war does not make."

"I wish it were that simple", Millardo sighed. "Unfortunately, we've been getting reports of this same sort of thing all morning. The people want war, Relena." He reached out and touched her shoulder. "The question is, what are you going to do?"

Heero bit his tongue, tasting his own blood. It was horribly unjust to put the burden of keeping peace throughout the world onto Relena once again. Although she had come through once, didn't she deserve a chance to be young and carefree? Of course, he was the same age... He tightened his hold on her waist, but said nothing.

"I...I can't think..." She put a hand to her forehead and was silent for a long moment. Outside, the angry cries grew louder.

*We must avenge our war heroes!*

*Retaliation is the only way!!"

*Show those god-damned colonists...*

Relena lowered her hand. Her features became blank in the aristocratic air she had perfected over years of political power play. Heero could barely see the woman he had woken up next to in that face. When she spoke, her voice was cool and regal. "Assemble the Cabinet. Contact the Preventers. I want a meeting underway in less than an hour." She unwound Heero's arm from her body. "If you'll excuse me."

The men watched as the former Queen of the World silently walked from the parlor, ascending the stairs without even looking down at a single step. As soon as she was out of sight, Millardo turned on Heero.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here?"

Heero calmly placed his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "She asked me to be here."

The tall, blond man narrowed his eyes dangerously. "If you lay a finger on her, Yuy, just a finger....I will kill you myself. You've hurt her enough for one lifetime."

"Don't lecture me about hurting Relena, *Zechs*."

Quatre quickly stepped between the men. "Do you really think this..." He waved his hand to indicate the fight that was building. "...is what she needs right now?"

Millardo backed down, but not until he was throughly convinced that the look he gave the Japanese man was enough to convince him that his threat was not an idle one. "I have a meeting to organize." He followed Relena's path out the parlor doors.

From under his thick bangs, Heero glared at his former enemy's retreating figure. Quatre was right, of course. The last thing Relena needed was her brother and him fighting. Still, he couldn't help but imagine how satisfying it would be to feel his fist connect with her brothers' face.

Quatre sighed. "Heero, I swear to Allah. Could you have picked a worse time to come back into the picture?"

"It's good to see you too, friend", Heero replied, coldly.

Trowa joined them, hand extended towards his old combat partner. "Heero."

Heero accepted the offered hand, shaking it briefly. "Trowa."

"Oh, don't pull that stoic solidarity act on me, you two", Quatre said, exasperated. "Why now, Heero? After all this time?"

"Do you even have to ask, Quatre?" Heero pulled out the paper.

"It's a death threat", Trowa said.

"It's a challenge", Heero reinerated.

"It's a cruel joke", Quatre argued. "Don't make more out of it than what's there."

Heero guestured to the window. "Try telling that to those people."

"Those people lived so long in a war society that they have no idea how to deal with peace. They haven't the slightest comprehension of what they're asking for." Quatre pulled his own note from his pocket. "*This* is a taunt. Wars are not started for the sake of one man, no matter who he might have been."

"What about the sake of five men?", Heero proposed, slipping the paper back into his jeans.

Quatre smiled sadly. "You shouldn't put us on a pedestal higher than we deserve, Heero. We're not saints. We're not even role models."

"It will be interesting to see what happens", Trowa spoke up, guiding the conversation away from open confrontation. "She's never had to fight her own people on the issue of peace."

"Relena can handle it", Heero assured them.

"Now you're an expert on Relena?" Quatre's eyes grew harder. "What happened last night, Heero?"

Heero shook his head. "It's not your concern, Quatre."

"It's entirely my concern. Do you think I'm just going to stand by and watch you hurt her all over again?" The Perfect Soldier snorted in indifference. "I'm serious, Heero. If your intentions towards her are at all questionable....well, it's been a long time since I've had to fight, but don't think I've lost my touch."

He was quiet for a second. "I won't fight you, Quatre. There's no need to."

Quatre studied him warily. "You're sure?"

"You have my word."

The sincerity in his words relaxed the Arabian man. He smiled at Heero, this time, genuinely. "It is good to see you, my friend. No matter what the circumstances."

Heero nodded in agreement. The shouting from outside was getting louder by the minute. "Somebody should go take care of them."

"There are no laws against a peaceful demonstration, Heero." Quatre sat on a loveseat.

"I just don't want it to upset Relena anymore than it already has."

Quatre stared up at him. "You said it yourself: Relena can handle it."

"Hai." Heero turned to leave. "Sometimes I think she's stronger than all of us put together."

"Just don't put that strength to the test, Heero. Not again." But the Japanese man was already gone.

Trowa came up behind Quatre and put a hand on his lover's shoulder. "He won't", he murmured.

"I hope not. For his sake."


Relena stopped at the top of the staircase; the tips of her boots hung over the edge of the first step. She took a deep, calming breath, but it did nothing for her nerves. They were shot and wouldn't be at rest until this entire business was over and peace was once more a reality.

She tugged the crevat at her throat. The lace itched like crazy. In fact, her entire outfit was uncomfortable from the stiff boots to the constricting breeches to the heavy, padded overcoat. For once, she wished she could attend a formal meeting such as this in a floral dress and sandals. Giving the braided coil of freshly washed hair at the nape of her neck a final pat, she descended the stairs gracefully.

He was waiting around the corner for her, still dressed in the same jeans and shirt from the night before. Relena smiled; his very presence was a comfort.

"Still here?", she teased.

"I was waiting for you." Heero nodded his head towards the library. "Everyone's waiting for you."

She swallowed heavily. "I know. I should be in there." But she made no motion to go.

Heero took a step towards her. "Relena...", he began. He was cut off by her hand around the back of his neck, pulling his lips down to hers. Her small tongue darted into his mouth, warm and sweet. He closed his eyes and let himself be kissed. After a moment, she pulled away.

"Now I'm ready."

He watched her as she disappeared through the library doors, her head high, her back straight. "A dove and an
eagle", he murmured. "And a sparrow."


The loud, insistent buzz of thirty voices speaking as fast as they could, all at once, was giving her headache. At her place at the head of the long conference table, Relena sighed and gently massaged her temples. It was an hour into the meeting and they were still exactly where they had started. No progress, no resolution, no course of action. She might as well have been doing her nails for sixty minutes.

"The people want war!", one of her Cabinet members announced, emphasizing his words with a fist to the oak table. Relena winced.

"The people don't want war, just revenge", another man argued. "The deliberate death of a war hero can *not* be overlooked, but it's not a reason for another war!"

At the far end of the table Relena could see Chang Wufei unfold and refold his arms at the man's words. His face was unreadable and he said nothing.

"Commander Chang", she addressed him. The voices died down a bit, but did not stop altogether. Wufei gave her a blank stare. "What do you think?"

Another Cabinet member latched on to her words. "Yes, Commander. As a Gundam pilot, what is your take on all of this?" There were murmurs of agreement; suddenly, all eyes were on the Chinese man.

He narrowed his own eyes dangerously at Relena. After a long moment, he spoke. "I am not a Gundam pilot anymore. Nor would I call myself a...what's the term we're using today? War hero? But..." A look of disdain settled on his face. "I think the death of one man is no justification for the deaths of thousands in a war of revenge. There are other solutions."

Relena smiled. It was what she had been hoping to hear from him. Now if only he would eventually forgive her for putting him on the spot. "I think we have our decision, gentlemen", she said.

"And what is that, Vice Minister?"

She stood. "I will not declare war. The Preventers will be on full alert until further notice and we will wait for this to die down, as I'm sure it will." She paused. "Duo Maxwell was a great friend and a good man. But I will not watch peace end in his name. Good day."

Thirty voices of protest rang in her ears as she retreated out of the library. When the doors were closed behind her, she buried her face in her hands. It was all too much to deal with. Had her final choice been the right one? There was no way to know.

"Miss Relena." Pagan, her old friend and butler appeared from around a corner. "There is a call for you."

"Thank you, Pagan." She straightened her coat and followed him to her private office. Once inside, she punched up the communicator screen.

Hilde Maxwell greeted her. "Relena, I'm sorry to take you away from your meeting."

"Oh, you didn't", she reassured her. "How are you doing?"

The petite, dark haired woman flinched slightly. "It...it gets easier every day."

Relena nodded. "It does." There was a long pause. "Is there anything I can do for you?", she asked, gently.

Hilde took a breath. "I've been watching the news. And the colonists are all in a stir." She took a breath. "They're saying Earth is getting ready to declare war on the colonies over Duo."

"Things are fairly....bad here." Relena hesitated, unsure of how much to say. "Everyone admired him."

"Admiration is one thing. Adolation is another." Hilde leaned closer to her viewing screen. "Relena, don't let them do it. Don't let them use him as an excuse to start their stupid war. Duo wouldn't want to be someone's martyr. You know that."

Relena looked off to the right. "I know. I don't plan to let a war start, Hilde. Not even for him."

The other woman relaxed. "I knew you wouldn't. I just wanted to make sure you knew what Duo would have thought about all this...um...shit."

She smiled at Duo's widow. "It will be over soon. And then I'd like you to come stay with us for awhile."

Hilde nodded. Her face lightened a bit. "Who's 'us', Relena? Anyone in particular?"

Relena blushed. "Do you have some time?"


Somehow, he had wandered into the lower part of the Peacecraft mansion, the sub-basement. An old center of operation for OZ. His lip curled in distaste. Sometimes he had to fight to remind himself that the war was over; he had no need for hate or hostility anymore.

But old habits die hard.

Now, however, the room was more of a shrine to an era he had helped erase from existence. A dusty, forgotten shrine. Every part ever needed to create a mobile suit or a mobile doll lay strewn across the immense, dark room, apparently hastily discarded in the final days of the war. Computer consoles, long since outdated, lined the walls.

He wondered if this room would ever be resurrected. It was a distinct possibility. He could feel it coming. Should Relena not be able to hold on to the peace they had all fought so hard for, this room he stood in might very well come alive again.

There was a familiar presence behind him all of the sudden. He put his hands in his pockets, but didn't turn around. "Wufei."

"Heero." The Chinese man remained where he was. "If I had to pick a spot in this house where you would most likely be, this would be it."

He turned to see his old comrade. "I take it the meeting is over."

"They'll be arguing for hours. But she left awhile ago", Wufei said. Heero nodded. Even after all this time, Wufei still had trouble acknowledging Relena, a woman, as any sort of leader. "Does she know you're here?"

"She does", Heero replied. He paused. "Still with the Preventers, ne?"

Wufei shrugged. "It's a chance to be in space. And Sally likes it."

Heero looked down at the floor to hide a half-formed smile. "Sally...how is she?"

"As big as a horse and twice as much work. I'm hoping she'll have this kid soon." Behind his tough words, Heero could plainly see the affection Wufei had grown to feel for the Preventer's chief physician.

"You'll be the first father out of all of us."

Wufei snorted. "I always figured the American would take that honor, hands down." His tone almost softened for a second. "I guess not."

Heero slowly shook his head. "Iie." There was a pause, neither comfortable nor uncomfortable. "What was the final decision up there?"

"Pacifism wins the day", Wufei scowled. "The Preventers are on full alert, but there will be no war. Yet."

"She came through."

The Chinese man crossed his arms. "If you call that a solution." He shrugged again. "I have my doubts."

Heero closed his eyes. "As do I."

"Watch your back, Heero. I'll be watching mine." He took a step backwards.

He nodded. "Where are they sending you?"

Wufei unfolded his arms. "L3. For as long as this goes on."

"Good luck." Heero held his hand out.

The Chinese man shook it after only a second's hesitation. "You too, Heero. Gods go with you."

"I don't plan on having anything to do with this."

Wufei shook his head. "I don't think you'll get a choice, friend." He bowed slightly before leaving.

Heero stood in the dark for a long time after he left, thinking. In his pocket, his fingers found the note. What was it all about? And how much did he and the other Gundam pilots really have to do with it?

He pulled his hand out of the pocket and began to make his way upstairs. Whatever it was all about, Relena wasn't going to let peace go without a fight. And he fully intended to be by her side through the struggle.

Even if he never admitted to her that it was what he was doing.


"Vice Minister, are you certain that *no* reaction to the attack on Mr. Maxwell, not to mention to the unrest on L5, is the *right* reaction?"

Relena held back a deep sigh. How many times had she heard this question from her advisors in the past two weeks? It was getting rather repetitive; the men needed to get together and write some new questions. "Obviously, Colonel Brandon, I do. So far, it seems to be working just fine."

The obese, bearded man in front of her shifted in his seat. "I fail to see your logic, Vice Minister. Wasn't Duo Maxwell a friend of yours?"

"Colonel." Relena's eyes flashed for a brief second. "*Never* doubt my loyalty to my friend's memory."

He cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Pardon me. I just meant to say that..."

"You meant to say that I should throw away any chance at peace because of a personal vendetta against whoever killed Duo Maxwell." Relena stood up and walked to the window of her office. "I won't do that, Colonel. *Because of* my loyalty to his memory."

The Colonel shook his head; through the reflections in the glass, she watched him haul his bulk out of his chair. "How many more people have to die before you'll accept what's coming?"

Relena closed her eyes. "Good day, Colonel Brandon." Her tone was frosty.

With a heavy sigh, he left her office, shutting the door behind him louder than necessary. Relena shook her head after a minute. The man was impossible. It was almost as if he were eager for a war to start. Suddenly, she felt two hands touch her shoulders. Her eyes flew open.

In the glass, she could see Heero just behind her. Her body relaxed. "I didn't even hear you open the door", she told him warmly.

"The fat one looked like he was about to kill something, storming out", Heero said. His fingers began to work at the muscles of her shoulders through her formal coat. "What were you two doing in here?"

She smiled. "Wouldn't you like to know? Oh...." Her eyes closed again. "That really feels good." He ran his hand down the length of the braid that hung down her back. "So...of course you stop", she teased. Spinning around to face him, she gave him a soft kiss. "He wanted what they all want. A declaration of war."

Heero stared down at her intently. "And?"

Relena blinked. "And...my answer was 'no'. As always." She frowned. "Did you think it would be any different?"

He shrugged. "I don't claim to have any idea what's in that head of yours."

"Let me walk you through it then." She kissed him again. "There's my family, Millardo and Lucy...Pagan....friends, Quatre, Trowa, Hilde. Duo. Sally, Wufei...." Another kiss. "You...." He kissed her back. "A lot of you.... Duty, responsibility...the people...the future of the colonies, the future of the Earth. My hair." She thought she heard a strangled chuckle from him. "So, you see? There's no room for war in there." She leaned in for another kiss, but he put his finger to her lips.

"I just don't want you to blind yourself to anything."

Relena sighed and broke away from him. She walked to her desk and picked up a thin file. "All right...are you going to tell me what that means or do I get to guess?"

Heero didn't turn around. "If it's inevitable, it will happen, Relena." Finally, he turned around and stuck his hands in his pockets. "No matter what you do to prevent it."

Pretending to be deeply interested in her file, Relena furred her brow. "Hmm....yes. Well, the Vice Minister thanks you for your personal political opinions, Mr. Yuy. But if you don't mind, she'd rather swing towards the positive end of things for a little while longer."

Heero grabbed the file from her hands and tossed it back onto her desk. "Hey." He caught her wrists in his hands. "I'm on your side here. But I'm not blind. And I refuse to let you be either. There comes a point when you have to ask yourself something."

"What's that?" She struggled against his grip, but it was useless. She would only end up with bruises.

"Are you maintaining peace for the people...or for yourself?"

The heavy stare she gave him was broken by an insistent pounding on her office door. The person on the other side wasted no time waiting for a reply, bursting into the room a minute later. It was Lucrezia Noin. She was obviously upset.

"Lucy?" Relena waited for Heero to release her wrists. "What is it?"

"We just recieved news from the Preventers..." She stopped as uncharacteristic tears began to flow down her cheeks.

Relena went to her, embracing her sister-in-law. "Lucy?"

Noin struggled to compose herself. "There was an attack on the Preventers on L3." She took a breath. "Wufei..."

Heero's fist tightened. "Is he dead?"

"No. But he's...very badly hurt." Noin wiped at her eyes. "I wish I knew more...but it just happened a few hours ago. A...a bomb is what they think..." She shook her head as the tears began to fall again.

Just then Millardo entered the room. The first thing he did was wrap his wife up into his arms. "It's all right", he soothed in a low tone.

Relena was completely numb. "Wufei", she whispered. She felt Heero approach her, but walked forward before he could touch her. "They attacked...Wufei."

Heero called out to her. "Relena."

She couldn't feel her knees. "Another...Gundam pilot." Her eyes closed. "Another friend." She was unaware of her body dropping to the floor.


Someone was gently shaking her shoulder. "Relena....Relena, wake up." Her eyes fluttered open; Quatre's face looked back down at her. A smile of relief came to his lips as she woke. "Thank goodness."

She sat up. They were in her office; she was lying on the couch in the far corner. "What happened? Where is everyone?"

"You fainted. Shock." Quatre reached for a glass of water on the end table. "Here...drink this." Relena obligingly took the glass and drank. "Miss Noin and your brother are in a meeting with the Preventers."

"And Heero?"

Quatre set the glass back onto the end table. "He had some business to take care of. But he'll be back", he assured her. "You were out for a good two hours. And that was just after I got here."

Relena settled back against the couch's throw pillows. Suddenly, a thought came to her, propelling her back up into a sitting postion. "Wufei!! What happened to Wufei??"

"We haven't heard much more than what you already know." Quatre folded his hands in his lap. "There was a bomb. Several men were killed, but Wufei was one of the lucky ones. Sally is working on him right now; the man I talked to promised he'd have her contact you as soon as she was out of surgery."

Her mind was foggy. "She shouldn't have to do that. He's her husband..." Her eyes closed.

"Do you think she would let anyone else touch him?" Quatre smiled. "He's in the best hands possible, Relena. I have a feeling he'll be all right."

"It's them...isn't it, Quatre?" Relena crossed her arms over her chest for warmth. "The same people who killed Duo...the colonists."

The pain in Quatre's eyes was overwhelming. "I think so", he whispered.

"I don't understand...why?! He's from the colonies...Duo, you, Heero....you're all from the colonies!! Why you?"

Quatre shook his head; his eyes were tearful. "We did a lot of terrible things, Relena. Everyday I ask myself for forgiveness for the things I did during the war." He took a breath. "Someone is trying to eliminate us. And in the process, they're starting another war."

"No. I will *not* let them do that. If peace is lost, Quatre, then all those things you did during the last war will be..." She stopped.

"Unjustified? Wrong?", he supplied, wryly.

"I would never judge you like that, Quatre."

He sniffed before forcing a smile. "I know." There was a long pause. "What are you going to do?"

"I honestly have no idea", she replied. "Isn't that frightening? Relena Peacecraft doesn't have the answer. She just knows that she doesn't want war. Not again."

Quatre put his hand on her shoulder. "Neither do I. But..." He took another breath.

"But...what?" Relena laid her hand on his. "Quatre?"

When he looked back at her, his tears had returned. "They killed Duo, Relena. They almost killed Wufei. They're really and truly after us." He shook his head abruptly. "I don't fear for my own life. But Trowa....he could be next." Quatre caught her stare and held it. "I would do anything to protect Trowa. Even start a war."

She released his hand. "I see."

"But I'm not you, Relena. And it's not my choice. Maybe I'd feel differently if it were", Quatre continued.

Relena was quiet for several long minutes. He waited patiently until she spoke again. "Quatre?"


"Do you think it's the job of a leader to do what they want for their people..." Relena swallowed. "Or to do what the people want for themselves?"

Quatre's brow crinkled. "I'm not sure I follow you."

She stood up on shaky legs. "Heero said something this afternoon. He wanted to me to ask myself whether I'm maintaining peace for the people...or for myself. I never even thought about it that way before." She played with the end of the braided rope of hair that hung over her shoulder. "Everyone seems to want war. And I'm the only one who's holding back."


"So, the question becomes..." She tossed the braid back into place. "Does being a leader mean representing the people's best interest or the people?"

He thought for a moment. "I really couldn't tell you, Relena. You just have to do what you feel is right."

The former Queen of the World was quiet for a minute. "Thank you, Quatre. I know what I have to do now."


"People of Earth. I am the Vice Minister of Foriegn Affairs, Relena Peacecraft. I speak to you today with a heavy heart and news that is not easy for me to divulge. At 1500 hours this afternoon, a bomb was detonated on the L3 colony. In addition to the terrorist himself, six of our Preventers were killed and twenty more were injured in this tragedy. This direct, deliberate and, most importantly, unprovoked attack is the final straw in what has been nearly three weeks of unrest between Earth and the colonies. It can not be ignored. As of 2100 hours, the United Alliance of Earth has declared war on the five colonies. I can only hope that we can meet with peace again soon. Until then, God be with us all."


"Vice Minister!! Was the attack on the Preventers truly the *only* deciding factor in your decision to delcare war??"

"How long do you predict this war to go on?"

"Will the Gundams be resurrected to fight on behalf of the Earth, Vice Minister?"

Relena whirled on the reporters. "I have said everything that I needed to say in my speech. Now, if you'll excuse me..."

"Vice Minister, just a few words please!!!"

"Vice Minister? If you could just turn your head...."

"Is it true that there's a man staying with you at night in the Peacecraft manor, Ms. Relena?"

With her hand on the manor's doorknob, Relena's jaw dropped. She turned around again to face the masses of people and cameras. "What?"

Beside her, Millardo held his hands up. "That will be all! And for the record, the Vice Minister's private life is never to be a political issue."

The reporter who posed the question pressed on. "The people have a right to know, Commander Peacecraft. They...."

"I said enough!" Millardo's voice, abormally raised, silenced the hungry reporters. "Peace died today. Let's try to remember that." Before the people could resume their barage of questions, Millardo pulled the front door open and gently pushed Relena inside, slamming it behind them.

Her knees were weak, but she forced herself to stand. She had done enough fainting for one day. "Thank you, Millardo."

The tall man gave his sister a slightly frosty blue look. "Is it true that a man is staying with you at night?"

She met his glare with one of her own. "You know it is. Why even ask?"

"Do I even have to tell you what I think about it?"

A faint smile appeared on her lips. Standing on the tips of her toes, she gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "I just declared war on five colonies. Would you begrudge me a man in my bed?"

"Only a certain one." Millardo sighed. He was fighting a losing battle. "Just promise me you'll be careful, Relena."

"Millardo, I doubt we could get any safer if we tried." She began to make her way up the stairs. "I've just recently convinced him to take his shirt off to sleep."

She derived as much satisfaction as she was entitled upon seeing two bright pinks spots color her brother's cheeks. "I didn't mean... Relena, you know I didn't mean...." She disappeared around the corner. His voice echoed through the main hall. "Oh damn it all."

Relena couldn't help but smile as she walked down the long hall to her bedroom. Unconciously, her hands worked to take off her small pearl earrings as she entered her room and closed the door behind her.

He was standing by the window, waiting for her. She blinked in slight surprise, but quickly relaxed. "You're back", was all she said as she sat at her dressing table.

"I had to meet with some people", Heero replied. His back remained turned to her. "I saw you on the television."

"Yes. Well..." Relena carefully placed her earrings in her jewelry box and shrugged out of her white linen suit jacket. "I wasn't left with much choice."

"But you made the right one."

A smile played across her face as she undid her hair from its braided coils. "I appreciate the vote of confidence." She shook her head as the long locks of her blond hair cascaded around her shoulders.

Heero turned and gave her a wary look. "You're very calm."

"For someone who just started a war?" Relena lowered her head. "I can't feel *anything*, Heero. When I was in front of the camera...announcing my decision, it was like I was watching myself go through the motions." She shook her head and reached around the back of her neck to unfasten her pearl necklace. "I don't know what's wrong with me."

She felt his hands over hers, helping her unhook the necklace. "You're in shock. It's understandable." He took the necklace and neatly coiled it at the bottom of the laquered jewelry box. He gently grasped her shoulders and guided her into a standing position, facing him. "And I'm about to make it worse."


Heero nodded. "My meeting was with the Preventers."

Relena took a breath, holding it for a second before exhaling. It did nothing to calm the fear that had risen in the back of her throat. "And...?"

He spoke quickly. "They want me to investigate the bombing, Relena. On L3. I'll have to go undercover...probably for a long time." In true Heero Yuy form, he wasted no words.

She could feel the hot tears forming, but made no motion to hide them. "No...", she whispered. Her head shook back and forth. "Oh no..."

"Wufei told me I wouldn't be able to avoid this, Relena. And I knew he was right." She continued to shake her head in disbelief. He gently took her face between his hands, holding her still. "I have to go. You know that I have to go."


"I know", she replied shakily. "But please..." Her voice trailed off.

"Please what?"

Relena's arms lifted; her palms covered his knuckles on either side of her head. "Tell me you don't *want* to leave me."

"Relena..." His grip loosened, but she held his hands in place. "You know the answer to that. I don't need to say it outloud." She said nothing. Finally, he spoke again. "I don't want to go."

She nodded; her eyes closed as tears spilled over, wetting his fingers. "When do you leave?"

"As soon as possible. Sooner." He kissed her forehead. "I should go now."

"No." Letting go, she stepped back, regarding him from a distance with a look he didn't recognize. At least not in her. It was a look of desperation, of desire and need so great that words alone weren't enough. Only actions. Her fingers lifted to her neck to play with the top button of her white silk blouse. "You're not leaving tonight."

He wet his dry lips. "Will there be something keeping me here?" For all his teasing, she surprised him. The drive to gather her into his arms and carry her to the bed was overwhelming.

Relena worked the top button loose and began on the others. When the blouse was completely undone, she pushed it back from her shoulders and off her arms, tossing it to the floor. She stood before him in her white skirt and lacy white brassiere. "Stay...and find out", she whispered. The bold words almost didn't make it out of her mouth. Only seeing his eyes taking in the sight of her with such reverent appreciation propelled her on.

Heero stepped towards her until he could feel the warmth of her body inches away from his. He touched her cheek and fought to keep his fingers from straying to other parts of her body. "Relena....are you sure this is what you want?"

"Since I was old enough to *know* what I wanted, you have been it, Heero." She looked up at him, pure emotion emenating from the centers of her blue eyes. "I love you. And I want to be with you."

He shook his head. "How can you do that?"

"Do what?" She raised her chin, brushing her lips across his.

Heero responded to the touch by capturing her mouth in a much deeper kiss. His senses rediscovered the touch and taste of kissing her. He gently pulled back. "Make me feel like a good man."

She kissed him again. "You are a good man, Heero Yuy. No matter what happens tomorrow or the day after tomorrow...or a year from now, you will always be a good man to me. And if you don't touch me soon, I'm going to go crazy."

A genuine laugh escaped from the Perfect Solider. He pressed a warm kiss into hollow at the base of her throat and ran his hands from her collarbones to her slender waist. "Tell me what to do, kirei. This is your night."

She did just that, with as much grace and finesse as he knew her to possess, but also with an inherent innocence that he had expected and a passion that he had only hoped to invoke. Being with her, touching and kissing the places he had only dreamed of, feeling her warmth surrounding him, knowing that he was the only man she had ever let see her like this, be with her like this...it was what heaven must be. If there was one at all.

For Relena, it was all she needed to make her complete. He was as he had known he would be: caring, self-less, passionate and above all, gentle. It was hard to believe that this man could have ever held a gun to her or wanted to harm her in any way. When she was in his arms, she was safe. Nothing could hurt her. The pain she had been taught to fear was fleeting; he made it disappear with patience and what she knew to be love. And when it was gone, the pleasure was overwhelming.

They touched ectasy together. Time was irrelevant. The world had been reduced to the two of them.

Afterwards, he held her against his chest, unwilling to let go. He briefly wondered if she had perhaps been made specifically for him; she fit perfectly into his arms. After awhile, he felt her body begin to fall into sleep, content to stay curled on him for the remainder of the night. He gently rolled them onto their sides.

Running one finger across her eyebrow and down her cheek, Heero softly kissed her lips. "Ai shiteru. And someday, I'll tell you when you're awake." Carefully, as not to wake her, he slipped out of bed and dressed. As he closed the French doors to the balcony behind him, he took one last look at her. "I'll be back for you. I promise."


Heero adjusted the temperature control of the mobile suit he was piloting for the third time since his departure from Earth. His body couldn't decide whether the cramped control area was too hot or too cold. In the past, neither would have bothered him the slightest. But for some reason today he wanted equilibrium. He lowered the air flow level and hoped for the best.

The vast reaches of space spread out in front of him. Taking a deep breath, he allowed himself to enjoy the sight. He could never forget how beautiful it was, outer space. It was something he had vowed never to take for granted as he had done with other things in his life.

She would be waking up soon only to find him gone. It wouldn't shock or surprise her and he could only hope the hurt would be less knowing where he was and why...and how much he wished he didn't have to be elsewhere.

A monitor told him that he was rapidly approaching the L1 colony. He managed to push her to the safer recesses of his brain while his concentration was needed elsewhere. Adjusting his grip on the mobile suit's controls, he began to veer away from the colony, lest he be detected by their radar.

Just then, an insistent beeping from the control panel caught his attention. Three spots on his radar screen; he was being ambushed.

Heero punched away at the controls, readying all of the suit's weapons. "Don't challenge me", he said to the unidentified enemy.

There was a blast to his left and then to his right. The suit managed to dodge both, returning crossfire with a flick of Heero's wrist. His eyes narrowed as he fired in rapid sucession, momentarily satisfied when one of the three strange mobile suits that had attacked him went up in a ball of fire.

He had just begun to relax into the spirit of the battle when his world exploded. He had no time for a last thought before the darkness closed around him, but if he had, it would have been her.


To Be Continued....