It's A Kid Thing

Chapter Two

Melville's Best Friend





"Then she told me we were moving." She watched as he turned to her.

"Moving?" He almost lost his balance on the log they were crossing. They usually played in the woods after school, and all day long Relena had wanted to speak with Heero, so she chose to do it now. She helped him keep his balance, and sat down in the middle of the log. He mimicked her movement.

"Yeah. We're moving. It was supposed to be a huge surprise, but I heard them talking about it."

She looked away from him. "I thought you'd like to know."

"Of course I want to know!" He screamed at her, but in watching her face, he lowered his voice.

"So, when are you moving?"

"Saturday." She picked idly at a flower growing under the log.

"And thenI'll never see you again?"

"No, Heero, you'll see me. I'll be the freak half across the world, and you'll still see me. We can't be separated, you know that. I've only gone 12 hours without seeing you."

"Yeah. This is no big deal. We can call each other."

"Heck, I can still come visit on holidays."

The two friends smiled at each other before doing their secret handshake. It had been a year since the 10 incident, and of course, they had made up. The week passed quickly, and Relena found herself agitated with the fact that her parents wouldn't tell her where they were moving. They had just packed all their stuff up, and shipped it off somewhere. Saturday morning, Relena left. She had said her goodbyes to Heero Friday, as her parents had told her they were leaving early the next morning. She rode in the car with her parents, and was completely bewildered when they stopped. They were right in front of Heero's house, so she jumped out of the car to say goodbye once more. Her parents stopped her, however, and directed her attention to the house across the street.Her old house.

Her parents had bought her old house.




Another year had passed, and Relena and Heero were hanging out in the new-and-improved fort. Indoor plumbing, bunk bed, couch, table, mini fridgeThe place had it all.

They were currently working on a magazine, as there was a computer in the fort as well.

"You have to put in there that Stacey and Matt broke up."

"No I don't. No one wants to hear about that." He continued typing something else.

"Yes, Heero, you do. Everyone wants to hear about that. As the only underground newspaper in the school, we have a mandatory responsibility to tell the students the juicy gossip."

"And Stacey Miller is gossip?"


"Since when was she gossip?"

"Since I said so, now type."

Heero was the faster typist, so Relena gathered the info, and he processed it all in Word.

She continued down the list.

"Auditions for the playOh, right. They're type casting, so if you don't look the part, don't bother to show up."

"Relena, I'm not putting that in there."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not. That's horrible. You can't write stuff like that."

"Right. YOU can write stuff like that."

"Where are you getting your information?"

"I'd rather not say." She flopped down on a beanbag chair, and waved her hand in front of her face. It was hot.

"I'm not writing that."

"You'll write it, or I'll fore you."

"That would be just like a Republican."

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, nothing. Just clearing my throat."

She glared at him until he looked up at her. Her eyes danced with mischief.

"If you don't write that, then I'll tell everyone at school your fear of goats."

He glared back at her. His glare usually had people run out of the room, but not Relena. She was the only one he knew who could tread on thin ice with him. She raised an eyebrow, daring him to retaliate.

"You wouldn't dare." He snarled.

She stood up, and batted her eyelashes.

"Oh, Trowa, Wu Fie, Quatre, Duo!!!! Don't taunt Heero so! He can't help it if goats scare him so badly he pees in his pants!"

"Knock it off, Relena."

"Trowa! Put that stuffed goat back- you know if Heero sees it he'll."

She was cut off as Heero jumped on her and started to tickle. This was the one and only thing that would shut her up. Heero found it never failed. She screamed and laughed, and tried to knock him off, but he was much stronger than she. He grabbed her hands in one hand, and lifted them above her head, tickling her with the free hand. He had straddled her, eyes dancing.

"Okay! I..HA! I give up!" He got off her, and sat down next to her, a small smirk on his face,

She managed to talk, gasping for breath between every word.

"That.isn't fairanymore."

"Ha! You only say that because it gets you to shut up every time."

"You know, I AM bigger than all of you guys."

"Yeah, but we're stronger."

"Dumber, too." She whispered before he was atop her again.





It had been two weeks after her 13th birthday when it happened. They were shooting a movie about their favorite monster. Melville was pretty old, but still starred in the movie as the goat. Heero had been decorated with some really nasty crap, in Relena's opinion, in order to make him El Chupacabra. He was about to pounce on his dog when she screamed out in pain.

"What? What is it?"

"My stomach. OwIt hurts." She laid on the ground, and groaned.

"Oh. You know what it is, dontcha'?"

"Heero, as much as I want to hear the words come out of your mouth, shut up or you'll never reach puberty."

"Yup. That's what it is all right. You've got symptoms of PMS."

"You can't even spell PMS."

"You are so stupid." He poked her with a stick.

"Ow! Jeez! What was that for?" she asked from the ground.

"Do ALL girls do this?"

"No, just sissy wimps like you do thisGET THE HECK AWAY FROM ME WITH THAT STICK, YUY!"

"Oh.You can't retaliate can you? Does it hurt?"

"No, Heero. I'm just moaning 'cause it feels good."

"Well how was I supposed to know? You don't ever cry, so how am I to know when you're in pain?"

"Heero, I'm going to .Ow.." she whimpered. Heero grew a concerned look.

"Should I get a doctor?"

"Your mother will do, I think."

Heero ran inside.

"Mom, Relena's started her period, and I think she's pregnant in the yard, 'cause she's makin' all those sounds the ladies in the movies make when they have babies." He said in one breath. Heero's mother was soon helping Relena. A week later, they were re filming the Chupacabra.

"Your mom told my mom that you said you thought I was pregnant." She giggled.

"Well, how was I supposed to know?"

"So, your mom gave you the talk, huh?"

"Yeah. It was gross. Why would someone want to do that to someone else?"

"Ew. Don't ask me. I don't know. I guess they do it in order to have a baby."

"It's supposed to feel good."

"So." She focused the camera to include the shadowy tree in the shot.

"So, do you think people do it just to see what it's like?"

"My mom says that you shouldn't do it until you're married, and that when you do it, it will be monumental."

"What does that mean?"

"I asked her that, too. She said I'll know when I'm older."

"How much older, like a day?"

"How should I know? Why don't you go ask her?"

"No way. It's too weird."

"Yeah, well.Let's shoot this, I'm getting hungry."




After baseball practice, the duo walked home together. Heero's practice was finished before Relena's, so he had to wait a bit before she was ready. She ran over to his side as soon as she could.

"So, I hear Kristen has a crush on you."

"Yeah" he kicked the dirt from the ground and it whirled around him adding to the filth he had collected on his clothes from practice.

"Do you like her?"

"I don't know."

"Heero. How can you not know? You know. You just won't say it."

"Well, how do YOU know when you like somebody?"

"I've never liked anyone, so I can't answer that."


"It's not that guys don't flock to me, 'cause lemme tell ya'" she took a swig of her water, "they flock, man."

They walked on. "Gotta' beat 'em back with a stick, you betcha'." She said in a slur of words. He smiled. What she said was true; she just didn't know it. Every guy friend he had asked about her. "Is she nice, Is she allowed to date, Is Heero dating her, Does she like this boy and that boy"-he hated it. But, she had often told him what girls said. They thought he was hot.

"Heero, are you listening to me?"

"Hm? Yeah. OkaynoWhat?"

"I said you should try it. Go out with her."

"Is that an order?" he joked.

"Call it what you will, Heero. I think t least one of us should get some action."

"Ha! Is that what you think?"

"Yeah, dummy."

"You want me to get a kiss?"

"Not necessarily. I want you to be happy, Heero." The joviality was gone from her voice. They had reached their houses. He smiled at her, and nodded. They did their secret handshake before they went into their houses.

"I'll call ya'!" she screamed as she entered the house. He ran upstairs to catch the phone, as she always called as soon as she got in her room.



Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing. As always, I would appreciate feedback. I would also appreciate some cookies, so, if you have some, fork 'em over.