Always And Forever
Melville's Best Friend
(With cheap use of title-insertion at the end)


With his will to fight came the knowledge of a thousand battles. He had watched every mistake made by lesser pilots, and those of himself. He never repeated the same mistake, that is, if he made any mistakes at all. Currently, he was realizing the inevitability of his future: he himself could never end the war.


I am so high,
I can hear Heaven


He stood solitary on a lonesome hill. The wind attacked his hair with severe force, and tore at his clothes; he stood motionless. He had come to relieve his mind of the few truths he knew, to perceive their meanings. He laughed to himself, and sat against an enormous willow tree. The tree seemed to shelter and protect him from, what he considered, foolish thoughts. The foolish thoughts and beliefs of the people inhabiting the universe were wildly imaginative. The fools would leap for hope like a starving coyote would devour a drumstick.


I am so high,
I can hear Heaven


He raised his eyes towards the clouds. He couldn't help but wonder why mankind had become so hateful. The people in this world needed someone who could relieve them of the horrors of war, and establish and refurbish their hopes.


Oh, but Heaven,
No, Heaven don't hear me.


They required a hero. They demanded a hero. And God didn't seem to be listening. The people called the Gundams heroes. He laughed again at the idea. He wanted to stop the war, but he was nothing more than an automaton; a machine that carried out orders.


And they say that a hero can save us.
I'm not gonna' stand here and wait.


The pilots considered themselves mercenaries. Maybe not quite that political, but killers nonetheless. They couldn't watch terrorists slaughter innocents any longer. They fought to end the war, to end the suffering. But in his eyes, that didn't make him a hero.


I'll hold on to the wings of the eagles
And watch as they all fly away.


He didn't have hope, either. Just like all the people in the world. He considered his life a burden to humanity. He wasn't she, but he'd help end the bloodshed, even if he had to die in the process. He didn't have any faith in anything. No, he did have some faith. He had faith in a courageous young woman.


Someone told me
Love would all save us.


Did he love her? Yes. It was the only feeling he was sure of. But, he loved the other pilots. He loved humanity. He loved the earth. He had heard from an old couple once that the earth would be safe as long as there was love in people's hearts. He had to laugh. How cruel. Love did nothing for him. He had forsaken his life and well being for love. And the world still didn't change. People were still dieing.


But how can that be?
Look what love gave us.
A world full of killing


"Some people are weak-minded. At times, love can trigger violence." Relena hit the nail on the head. Wars were started by love, through love, because of love. Wars take many lives away. Humans never forget the grief, but they also never stop the fighting. Streams of blood and tears are only an ornament for their destructive ritual.


And blood spilling.
That world never came


He knew the only hope to peace was a woman. She held the dreams of the entire universe on her shoulders. He had little faith in her goal, however. Peace was a hard goal to attain. The only thing he could do was protect her from afar. The perfect princess for the perfect soldier.His mind kept telling him it wasn't possible. There was no way he could ever have what he wanted. His stature and hers wouldn't allow it. They were from separate worlds, he and she.  


And they say that a hero can save us.
I'm not gonna' stand here and wait.


He couldn't end this war with all he was trainedbut he could protect the symbol of peace. Always and forever. He smiled. A good alibi.


I'll hold on to the wings of the eagles,
Watch as they all fly away


Always and forever, a shadow. In the darkness. His dreams weren't squelched. Through this war, she would remain intact. He would see to that personally. He smiled. Always and forever


Now that the world isn't ending,
It's love that I'm sending to you.


He stood up. To a new life, a new future that he knew he could help be apart of. But he was not responsible for any of it. Was it upsetting? Did he have any regrets? "Never." he whispered to the Heavens. No, not ever. He would live his life to the best of his ability. He would support her when she fell. He would strengthen her. He would watch her.


It isn't the love of a hero,
And that's why I fear it won't do.


He never considered himself a hero. He always thought of himself as a fallen man, who was shown compassion and kindness by a n angel. A hero. She was a hero, not he. All he did was fight. She was much stronger. Even so


And they say that a hero can save us.


She would be his hero. ( A.N.: baby! Did anyone else get that? How I hate Enrique)


I'm not gonna' stand here and wait.


She would be there for him, too. Oh, he knew she would. He knew her well. She would always wait for him. It' time to act on that, Yuy. No more hiding. She can't wait foreverBut, she won't have to anymore.


I'll hold on to the wings of the eagles,
And watch as they all fly away.


He would help her fly. She would soar above the clouds. She would accomplish her aspirations. And he would be ever there; watching without seeing, speaking without making a sound. He would be there.


And they're watching us.
They're watching us.
As we all fly away.


Always and forever. He would be near. She would be his hero. He would help her soar. Together, they would create everlasting peace.


And they're watching us.
They're watching us.
As we all fly away.


Always and forever.




Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing, or it's characters. I don't own the song 'Hero', it's by Nickleback. It was in the movie, Spiderman. I don't own that, either. I do some brownies, and I might eat them in a bit. Mmmmm. Tasty! Well, umm, there is a quote in there that Duo said in the series. I love it so much, though, so I put it in here, as if Heero were speaking or thinking it. The other one Relena did say, it was from Blind Target, I think. To all of you who know what I'm talking about, KUDOS!!! You're true fans! As for those who don't, shame on you all. Shame, and disgrace, and despair. You'll never accomplish nothin' with attitudes like that. Tsk, tsk, tsk. So! Reviews please. Flames are not welcome, but free food is. Hmmmm if only it were possible.To the Raven Priestess, hi, hoe ya' doin'? I would love some comments. Anywho later days, people.