Hello,readers.I'm Crimson Cancer. I've decided to open this chapter because I think this'll be my last. I just took over an OZ lunar base without Phantom's approval, and now I think I'm in trouble. I managed to keep the OZ moon base troops in the dark about our own base, but now I've got Phantom on line one. And I don't think he wants help with Regis....

<Crimson>: And that's the story, boss. All done. The moon is 100% Scorpion.

<Scorpio>: Crimson......! Did you know you were playing with our entire future there? What were you thinking??

<Silver>: Think of all the people you may have put in danger!

<Purus>: Crimson, you're wierd...

<Scorpio>: Crimson, how many of our guys did you lose?

<Crimson>: Zero.

<Scorpio>: Mobile Suits?

<Crimson>: Zero. All the Mobile Dolls are destroyed.

<Scorpio>: Support craft?

<Crimson>: Zero. In fact, the OZ troops left us some nice spare parts.

<Scorpio sighs,Silver speaks>: Crimson....what are you trying to prove?

<Crimson>: That I'm still a Scorpion worthy of the name. if you'll have me, that is.

<Scorpio>: Scorpions don't ignore each other, Crimson....please, I am telling you for the LAST TIME! Don't go off on these half-cocked personal crusades of yours! We have an Earth to protect!

<Crimson>: We also have 300 or so colonists here on the moon to protect. While you're going on your adventures against OZ, I will protect the Lunar colonies. I have the support of the Lunar troops.Don't worry. I know how important our Earth mission is.

(Crimson lets Scorpio see his eyes)

<Crimson>: You can trust me, kavon. The moon is safe.We're all still Scorpions, do not worry.

<Rose>: You were never a team player, were you?

<Crimson>: I wish you all the luck in the South Pole. Space Scorpion Leader Crimson Cancer out.(smiles and salutes)

<Silver>:I guess it's better that he be on our side rather than theirs....

<Puru 1>: He's still feeling bad about all those MSes he designed for OZ....maybe this is his way of dealing with it?

<Puru 2>: Maybe? I'm just happy he's not swigging that vodkha bottle anymore...he's even smiling!

<Scorpio>: *ahem* (Twins get back to work at the Aquarius controls)

<Scorpio>: Ohhh my head hurts...that guy....

<Silver>: Don't worry about him right now. We have confirmed it. Gundam HeavyArms is in the vicinity. Our Gundanium trackers work well.

(Aquarius begins to descend into the atmosphere)

<Puru 1>: WHoa, this icy wind is playing havoc with the stealth field! Guys, we can't get any lower, or the frozen field will sink us like a stone!

<Scorpio + Otto in their mobile suits>: Copy that. We're launching now.

<Silver>: Two Arieses....and a plane.

<Ma>: Look Bob, it's that woman Scorpio was talking about! (points to Noin getting in an Aries)

Braving the icy winds,Jauhara Gundam and Phantom Scorpio glide down toward's Noin's support plane. Unknown to them,Trowa Barton is also on board, along with Heero Yuy. They were drawn here by a challenge thrown down by Zechs to Heero, from one mobile suit pilot to another. Heero was to meet with Zechs in the Antarctic, but it seems some suspicous Oz investigators are also in attendance, with their leader Hahad.

<Heero>: You're going to attack with the Aries.

<Trowa>: You will be surrounded by a lot of enemies.

<Noin>: I'm just responsible for getting you there safely. I will pursue things my way.


<Underling>: Two Aries dropped out and are going down. They aren't in firing range.

<Hahad>: Don't be tricked. We'll also deploy our troops.

<Noin>: Let's go.

(Aries launches)

<Soldier>: Yes, sir.

<Soldier>: I'm going to shoot the first one.

<Noin>: Proceed.

(Aries enemy goes down)

<Soldier>: The second one will go down with one more pass.


<Noin>: Don't rush! Hide in the clouds first.

<Soldier>: No, I'm going in.

<Hahad>: I got you!

(hits Soldier)

<Soldier>: Shit!

<Noin>: Are you OK?

<Soldier>: I'm sorry. That was my mistake.

<Soldier>: Chief Noin! (Spots Jauhara and Scorpio)

<Noin>: Reinforcements?

<Rose>: Whooooooooooaaaaa! (Falls on Second Aries enemy) *OOf* That hurt...

<Noin>: Another Gundam?

<Aries Pilot>: Get off me! (capsizes, but Jauhara holds on)

<Scorpio falls past>: EH? No fair! Our glide equipment is frozen! I have to go to boosters!!

(Scorpio goes to boosters and curves upward)

<Trowa>: It's that other Gundam! What does he think he's doing?? If they report back, the colonies are doomed!

<Heero>: Look! It's got three eyes! And things are coming out of its back!

(Rose Bits shoot down cockpit of Aries)

<Rose>: I have to go to boosters as well! (Turns key) Dammit Crimson, why didn't you just give me a button??

(Engines don't start)

<Noin>: Watch out! Reinforcements are coming!

(Hahad fires missiles) Die, traitors!

<Scorpio>: Noin! Watch out! (bumps Noin aside and gets hit by the missiles)

(Phantom Scorpio falls): Argh!

<Scorpio boosts back up>: Damn you! Feel this! (Throws heat whip at Hahad's plane)

<Hahad>: Oh shit! HQHQ! Mayday! The *boom* is here! Repeat! The *Censor beep* is here! *Blam*. Zechs' soldiers are here fighting with us! Gundam is here!

(plane escapes)

<OZ HQ man>: ZZzzzzZZ....

<Scorpio>: Where are you, Gundam pilots!?

<Noin>: These children are too pure.

<Noin>: You... Are you alright? (Her Aries picks up Jauhara)

<Rose>: I'm fine, m'lady....just a little shaken.

<Trowa>: My name is Trowa. Can I ask you to teach Heero how to use this Gundam instead of me.

<Noin>: Don't worry about him. You should worry about your own future more!

<Phantom>: He wants to duel with Zechs? At the South pole?

<Trowa>: That's right. What intrest do you have in it?

<Rose to Silver>: Silver ! Watch out! Tallgeese is in the area!


<Silver, in Scorpio mkII>: Eh? Whoa!

(Tallgeese shots pepper the surrounding ice)

<Silver retaliates with chaingun>: Who goes there!

<Zechs>: You're not Heero! Then you must die! (fires some more)

<Rose>: Get outta there, Silver! You're no match for him!

<Silver>: Don't rush me! I'm thinking! I'm thinking!

<Trowa>: One of your own is down there? He doesn't have a chance.

<Rose points a finger at Trowa>: Don't start with me now! (is reminded of Crimson)


<Scorpio>: it? I can help you with HeavyArms.

<Heero>: I don't know why you're helping me.

<Scorpio>: Zechs considers you his worthy opponent. So as one warrior to another, I am obliged to help you.

<Scorpio makes a stance>: Now put your left arm like this. (Heero follows)

<Scorpio>: This will balance the uneven left side of HeavyArms.

<Heero>: You use a balance adjustor?

<Scorpio>: No, I learned to get used to it. Look at my Suit's left arm.

(Heero looks at the God Gundam arm, larger than the right arm)I see.

(Heero follows)

<Scorpio>: Amazing, Heero! Now draw the Chaingun but don't fire.

(Scorpio Boosts up)

(Heero pulls out Chaingun and fires one round,hits the God Gundam arm)

<Scorpio>: wonder you killed the pacifists so easily...

<Heero>; Don't remind me. I was kicked into an empty grave some time ago by someone because of that. I never got to fix it....that Sylvia Noventa didn't want to shoot me. I don't know why I'm still alive.

<Scorpio>: It's destiny, I guess....are you named after the colony leader Heero yuy, by the way?

<Heero>: Yes. That is all. (Gets up and enters HeavyArms)

<Scorpio>: You learn quick, don'tcha? OK, I'll carry you to the drop zone. But Heero....if you can, don't kill Zechs..just defeat him.

<Heero>: That may not be possible.


<Silver>: Curses! This Tallgeese is too fast to hit!

<Zechs>: Who sent you? You've ruined my duel! (fires cannon)

<Silver>: Missiles, don't fail me now! (fires shoulder missiles)

The missiles trail Tallgeese, but the magnificent suit and its equally skiled pilot dodge them like they were mere snowballs. Zechs bursts up, letting the missiles hit the glacier walls. Snow falls, and soon the valley is covered in light snow. Silver is....dead meat!

<Silver>: Shimata! What amI gonna do now? Hey, those missiles give me an idea!

<Zechs>? What is he doing?

Scorpio mkII fires its chain gun at the walls of the glacier, causing mini avalanches of snow and snowdust. The valley floor is covered with hazy mists,and Tallgeese dives in , seeking his prey.

Silver hoofs it to the nearest exit, anxious to get away from the Lightning Count.

<Zechs>: Good tactic, I have to admit. But now my duel is sullied. Soon, more mobile suits will come.

(PS drops HeavyArms behind Zechs): Good luck, kid. You'll need it.

<Heero makes one step>: Zechs!

(Tallgeese turns round and they both point their guns at each other)

<Zechs>: Heero, I apologize. Our duel has been joined by others.

<Heero>: It's alright, Zechs. Suits followed me here. It's my fault.

(Fires chaingun): Now let's finish this!

<Zechs>: Alright! (takes out beam saber, Heero moves away)

(Silver throws Heero a beam saber): Hey! This'll make it a fair fight!

<Heero,picking up the saber>: Yeah, Zechs. Aries followed us here. What kind of a fair fight is this?

(Blocks Tallgeese's saber)

<Zechs>: You mean your suit doesn't have a beam saber?

<Heero>: Afraid not. But now I have one.


In the meantime, several suits have come to reinforce Hahad, leaving Jauhara Gundam , Noin,Trowa and the other Aries to defend themselves.

<Hahad>: Now you're finished...Gundam! (Fires missiles)

<Jauhara Gundam's computer>: Warning. Close proximity to rock formation.

<Rose>:Noin, watch out! You're about to carry me into- *SLAM* ow...

<Noin>; I'm sorry, but I'm having to dodge shots with an extra 150 tons weight...

<Rose>: No matter (takes out Rising Arrow Bow). I have a master backup plan.

(Pulls back on the arrow): This will accumulate its energy. Can you hold them off?

<Noin>: I'll try!

<Allenbi, George DeSande,Rain voices>: Sounds like we've been awakened.

(Allenbi looks at Rose, straining the bow): George, he looks a lot like you. Goofy, but in a handsome way...

<Rain voice>: Let's help him out. (George and Allenbi nod)

(Jauhara Gundam's three eyes glow)

<Rose>: What the...what is this red glow? The Arrow! It's firing on its own? But I haven't released the bow yet!

(Aries fall one by one)

<Trowa>: Amazing! This Gundam is firing its weapons from its own power source! I'm betting he doesn't need ammo.

<Rose, as Jauhara floats>: Club of Diamonds! (Symbol activates)

(Aries stop attacking, as the glow is too bright)

<George>: Enough. He will kill himself if he goes any further.

(Club of Diamonds sign extinguishes)

<Rose>: Not me too! Phantom, did you see that?

<Phantom>: Yeah! How did you pull that off?

<Rose>: I do not know.....bandit to your six! (Fires arrow, hits assailant)

<Scorpio>: You're getting really good at this, man.

<Noin>: You two have some explaining to do!

<Scorpio>; Later! I've got a plane to catch! (Whips plane)

<Trowa>: Puns. They use puns. HAH!

<Hahad>: Going down!!

Zechs and Heero are fighting to the death, but Mobile Suits soon discover their position and begin to converge on them. Silver, watching the battle from a vantage point notices the horde.

<Silver>: That pilot of HeavyArms is probably not like the murderer at New Edwards. So he deserves my help. Tallgeese! HeavyArms! Enemy suits aproaching! Watch out!

<Zechs>: Escape, Heero. I'll hold them off!

<Heero>: Why?

<Zechs>: I am defending my honour. Now go! They'll capture you if you stay here any longer!

<Heero>: We'll finish this, Zechs. I promise. (walks away)


<Trowa>: Now, we have to return to our thanks to you!

<Rose>: Not my PROBLEM! (Shoves Trowa)

<Scorpio>: Guys , guys! Hold it!

<Noin>: Phantom...I want to speak to you..privately..

<Rose snarls at Trowa>; For your information, they already spotted you at Marseille. Added to that, OZ was planning to attack the colonies anyway. It was only a matter of time!

<Noin>: Relena told me about your letter....thank you for returning Walker's things...

<Phantom>: It was only what he would have done for me. If you know about the letter, then you understand...I cannot apologize. It would do Walker no good.

<Noin>: I understand...but why did you have to be so cold blooded?

<Phantom>: I...I was angry. (hangs head) I was very angry. When your whole world turns around, you just want to lash out....I cannot regret it though, because it made me the person I am today...

<Noin>: It seems I'm the one who has been misjudging you....

<Silver>: We have one more mission, Scorpio. Then we'd better rejoin Crimson.

<Trowa>: You're going to space as well? Are you from any colony?

<Scorpio, looks at Noin and Trowa>: We-e-ell....I guess you could say that....though it's difficult to explain....

<Silver>: You may leave the Aquarius now. Don't worry about detection. I've given you the location of the HLV facilities. Godspeed, Trowa Barton.

(HeavyArms drops out on parachute)

<Silver,to Noin>: You had better stick to Zechs. He may try to stage another that you've explained your position with the Romefellers,everything's much clearer. We can't help you, but Scorpio and I understand your situation.

<Noin>: It's OK, Silver...I didn't expect any help at all...and there you and the others came...thank you-eh?

(Purus tug Noin's leg): Can we have your autograph? We heard you were one of the Lake Victoria Three! Please?Please?

<Noin signs>: But of course! You two are cute, you know that? (pinch Puru's cheeks)

<Twins>: Aw....

(Noin waves goodbye as Aries drops out)

<Scorpio>:Godspeed, Lucy....

<Twins>: Yay! Now we only need Zechs' autograph to finish our collection!

<Rose>: I suggest we head to Moscow next, as soon as possible. Crimson's request can wait. Plus, there's someone I want to meet.

<Scorpio>: Someone important?

<Rose>: Oh yes. Very important.

<Purus>: Moscow it is....

next chapter