After a pit stop at the Sanq Kingdom, the Scorpions are finally headed back to home base on the Moon, where their comrade Crimson Cancer and his Space Scorpions are waiting. The Scorpions have left Earth with the Romefeller Foundation ready to pounce on the rebellious Treize Faction, the former's Mobile Dolls proving to be a very fearsome and effective weapon. The Scorpions want none of this, as their mission objective has changed once again-protect the Lunarians from any threats that may come from colony or Earth.


<Twins>: Docking complete. Airlocks unsealed. We're home, Scorpions.

(Bridge crew cheers)

<Nagaki>: Wow,so this is where you guys are wonder OZ can't find you anywhere.

<Thug>: Ma, what do you think of this joint?

<Ma>:Not bad,not bad. Could use a woman's touch, I think.

<Meryl/Mille>: It already has a woman's touch, "ma".

<Twins run toward someone>: Crimson!

<Crimson hugs the Purus>: Hey!!It's nice to see you two again! Going off on another adventure, huh Purus?

<Twins>: Would be as much fun if you were there!

<Scorpio>: We have the parts you asked for, Crimson. Now get cracking on those Fire Balls.

<Crimson>: I was hoping I could talk to you about something.....

<Scorpio>: WHat's on your mind?

(Walking down hallway)

<Crimson>: I want to get your opinion on uh....this force I've formed...

<Scorpio>: Looks good, Mardyev. Though using Mobile Dolls is kinda chicken, don'tcha think?

<Crimson>: I removed that wretched thing from our Toruses. I think that we are to fight without robots fighting for us. If we depended on robots, then the winner would simply be the one with the most powerful robot.

<Scorpio>: Thought you didn't believe in honour, Crimson.

<Crimson>: I don't. I just fear someone will design more powerful units with insanely powerful weapons until the other side cannot keep up. It reduces the machines to mere toys, not machines to master and tame.

<Scorpio laughs>: Only you would take the side of the machines, Mardyev.

<Crimson>: So you don't want me dead, I presume?

<Scorpio>: Hell no! I'm still upset at your little China trip as well as your unauthorized takeover of the OZ base on the near side,but you and your Space Scorpions have done an excellent job so far.

<Crimson>:Our biggest threat ironically comes from the colonies. They send school buses down here on field trips.....*laughs*

<Scorpio laughs>: Those school marms will kick our asses! Hahahahaha!!

(They both laugh)


<Noin>: I'm such a fool! How did I let that imposter get away?

<Relena>: Let it go, Noin.

<Noin>: What would anyone want with those three old Balls?


<Noventa>: What would anyone want with these three old Balls?

<Otto>: What do you do with yours?(laughs)

<Noventa>: Eh! I fell for that one! Seriously, what does Crimson intend to do?

<Otto>: I don't know,he said something about a new heavy armor defense unit and then left.

(Assembly plant workers take apart defense Balls)

<Noventa>: I want to take Sylvia and Roberta on a little tour, I'll be back soon.

<Otto>: I'll watch TV or something....(maybe I can catch Une)

(Otto flips through channels while sniffing a rose)

<Otto falls off seat>: Man, look at that! The Gundams have launched! I see HLVS lifting off! CNN has one lifting off from...Singapore?


<Scorpio>: Singapore???Which Gundam pilot comes from Singapore....??Chang? No....Heero?.....No, we dropped him off in Argentina...

<CommScorpion>: Boss, we're intercepting transmissions from the OZ craft surrounding that unit-it's unit 02!

<Rose>: Duo? The little Shinegami is out there?

<Scorpio>: He's "little Shinegami " now? I thought I owned that title....right, Sanders?

<Terry Sanders.Jr>: I beg to differ.....

<News>: One of the Gundams that has caused much damage and broken the peace has been shot down by an OZ Taurus. The pilot appears to have been captured as well. The pilot's identity is still under investigation, but OZ has commented that they are exerting all their efforts to judge and exterminate him. The colonies have cooperated as well. Everyone is working towards bringing about complete peace as soon as possible.

<Scorpio>: Damn! They got Duo! I wonder why he went and got captured like that....

<Otto>:Look, Lady Une's saying something......

<Lady Une>: Stop this useless battle.

<Lady Une>: Space is a place of peace.

<Scorpio>: That is SOOO unlike her......adn she's wearing a rose! Your rose!

<Otto>: I'll be damned...she's still got it...

<Otto explains (?)>: I musta dropped it when Peacecraft screwed up my aim.....

<Scorpio>: She looks like she had some hangover!

<Otto>: My're out there, so close, yet so far....

<Crimson arcs back>: Space is a place of peace......HAH! Just once, let me at her! I'll show her what "peace" is!

(Otto makes a fist)

<Crimson>: I have this strange permonition....Otto. I dreamed that Lady Une would be shot by someone who was supposed to be her ally....(Looks at Otto)

<Otto>: How can you wish such things on anyone? You're just cruel as Colonel Une!

<Crimson>: That's all they are, Otto. Dreams.


<Scorpio>: If we can get word to the colonies, maybe they'll listen to us.

<Crimson>: Nyet. We've tried that. They thought we were prank callers from Vegas or something...

<Scorpio slaps his head>: The encryption system! D*OH!

<Crimson>: Well, we DID get one wasn't a nice one tough....

<Scorpio punches up log>: The Winner colony in Lagrange 4?

<WInner>: No! I do not agree to any form of violence! My son has become a Gundam pilot, and I am powerless to stop him! Please, do not call us again!

<Scorpio>: Rude bastard. He's nothing like his son. Lucky thing we called collect.

(Scorpio activates relay link):Guys, we have to warn at least ONE colony of OZ's actions. They can spread the word. It's a longshot, but only the Winner family answered our calls...

<Rose>: I'm coming too. Quattre will recognize me. We met in Taif.

<Crimson>: There is something else on Winner one, Scorpio. The plan for the ultimate Gundam. It is hidden in a floppy disk. If you can, please remove it and break it. For once, I do not want a unit. I want it destroyed.

<Scorpio>: Destroyed? What's so hot about that Gundam?

<Crimson>: The original five scientists who built the Gundams of today were using designs based on Tallgeese, a unit built 20 years ago.

<Scorpio>: Tallgeese...?But..Tallgeese is out there! (points to Earth)

<Crimson>: They were to call it Zero, I think. What I fear is that it's AI system was built for the perfect soldier. I think, not even you could master it.

<Scorpio>: Perfect...soldier?

<Crimson>: Yes, perfect soldier. The "Zero System" acts like a modem for your brain and the onboard systems. The system will take whatever you feel and amplify it to extreme levels.....only one who thinks of only battle will master it....

<Scorpio>: And I'm not focused enough...with all this about Zechs and Noin....and the Lunarians...I get it. How did you know all this?

<Master O steps out of the shadows>: I told him.

<Scorpio>:'re...Master O! One of the five scientists!

<Master O>: You have met my protoge', Chang Wufei. I see your continued existence is proof that you have earned his respect. Therefore, you have earned my respect. My time here is short. I will tell you comrade who went to Lagrange 3, Instructor L had that disk. You have to destroy it.

<Scorpio>: What about Wufei?

<Master O>: The poor boy...he refuses to answer me. It must be Nataku....

<Scorpio>: None of the other Gundams are available either....only our Jauhara is here.

<Master O>: I must go now. For the sake of humanity, help us!

(Master O disappears)

<Scorpio>: A week has passed, and we have to go out to space again?

<Crimson>: I'll hold the fort with Silver. The Gundams need our help, and there is no better time for them to owe us anything but now!

<Rose>: We were formed for vengance, weren't we? Vengance against OZ...for destroying everything we believed in....

<Silver>: You still want OZ's blood as do I , Crimson.We're not worthy to go on a mission of mercy.

<Silver>: Mardyev and I will guard the Moon bases. You and Otto take Aquarius to the Winner colony and try to convince him of the threat.

<Scorpio>: Then it's time for us to fight for something else. Justice.........?? Naaah.


<Twins>: You mobsters better take care of our ship! Don't go and sell it off!

<Ma puts hands on Puru 1's shoulders>: They're my boys. They won't do anything I wouldn't.

<Thug>: We will, don't worry , Ma! (We gotta get bigger chairs,though)

(struggles in chair with legs up)

<Scorpio>: The Purus need a rest. 10 year olds really shouldn't even be out in here..... Nagaki, we are go.

<Nagaki>: Aye aye. (Aquarius boosts towards L4)

<Crimson>: Silver, I want to show you something [grins]


(Noventa looks up} Hooooooley.....what ARE these things?

<Crimson>: Fire Balls. Pisces' ultimate protection- and our salvation.

<Noventa>: Salvation?

<Crimson>: Sooner or later, OZ will drag all the colonies into warfare. Scorpio and Otto may be able to convince Winner, but I have a feeling the colonoids are going to do something about OZ and the Foundation on their own.

<Noventa>: Your point being?

<Crimson>: The Fire Balls are the ultimate destructor unit. Gundatitanium is amazingly resistant to both beams and projectiles. Observe.

<Torus MD swings beam saber at Fire Ball>: It is not penetrating. Increasing output....

<Crimson>: That beam sword is at 4000 degrees, higher than any beam cannon.

(Torus arm begins to melt)

<Noventa>: Amazing....pity there were only 3 balls left in Sanq Kingdom.

(Torus explodes, Ball still lies there)

<Crimson>: Scorpio...I hope you make it unecessary for me to use these...

(arm holding beam sword falls to the floor)


<Zechs>: Mobile Dolls? My reactions are not fast enough.

(Tallgeese is rescued by Mercurius and Vayate)

<Zechs>: He stopped them?

<Zechs>: They're destroying the Mobile Dolls as they fight with me. There aren't many pilots who could do that in space.

<Zechs>: I don't have time to play with you. Take me in. I never thought you'd join OZ.

<Trowa>: I'm Trowa Barton. Zechs Marquise.

<Zechs>: I'd like to give my name as Milliard Peacecraft. I've come from Earth as a goodwill ambassador.

<Zechs>: Zechs Marquise is dead for now....the mobile suit pilot is



<Winner>: What? Quatre's back?

<Doctor>: I wonder how old you were when this was taken?

<Quattre>: Thank you. It wasn't necessary to accompany me all the way here.

<Doctor>: Don't worry about it. I have business of my own here.

<Winner>: Disobedient son.

<Quattre>: I still think what I'm doing is right!

<Winner>: Humans have just become able to live in space. Why must there be war? It's impossible and pointless. That's why we were hoping to solve things through discussion. And you not only went down to earth in a MS, but created an excuse for earth to attack us.

<Quattre>: But if no one fights, this war will never be over.

<Winner>: And? Is it over? Is it over because you fought? What can you do? You're just a child. How can you accomplish anything? Heirs should listen to their parents! Just think a little, OK?!

<Quattre>: No! Jauhara Gundam,Deatscythe and the others are still out there! We can make a difference! I swear, father!

<Winner>: No! Hate only breeds more hate. Quattre Raberba Winner! Do not disobey your father!

<Quattre mumbles>: If only Rose was here...he could convince my father....

next chapter!