CHAPTER 22- OH UH.......


A week after returning to their moon bases, the Scorpions meet up with an unexpected visitor-Master O, one of the five Gundam scientists. Master O tells them to retrieve the data disk containing data on the legendary Wing Zero unit before it is used for nefarious purposes.Leaving Noventa and Crimson to guard the base, Scorpio and Rose leave for Winner Colony One, where the disk is suspected to be. This is also an important ice breaking mission, as Scorpio attempts to warn the colonies about OZ. Father Winner has other ideas, though...


<Father Winner>: No. I absolutely refuse!

<Aide>: But sir....

<Father Winner>: NO!

<Quattre>:It's for the best, Father....

<Father winner sighs>: Oh alright.....I'll put these socks in the dryer....

(Quattre holds his breath and dumps Winner's socks in the laundry bin)

<Quattre>: Phew! Dad, when was the last time you washed your feet?(grips nose) Oh well, it's glad to be back....I wish Trowa and the others were here though...


(Screen blips, Rashid appears ) Greetings, Scorpions. This is Rashid Kouroma, in Maguanac Corps ship 1.

<Scorpio>: Greetings, Rashid. I thought you wanted to stay on Earth. What brings you here?

<Rashid>: We are here to protect Master Quattre, as we have said. Only we didn't expect you to be here too. Are you here to protect him as well?

<Scorpio looks at Nagaki, who shrugs>: In a way, I suppose. Don't worry, we're not here to steal anything. On the record, I'd say your Master is the Gundam pilot we've had the least problem with.

<Rashid>: Master Quattre is a gentle soul, trust me. He is nothing like the other two I've met. They are so brooding,so mysterious. The Desert Rose is different though, I hope we meet him again.

<Rose>: Look no further, Kouroma. My roses bloom even in outer space. *smiles*

<Abdul>: Whoa, Desert Gundam! You followed us to Master Quattre's colony? Then you must sense something....

<Rose>: :Let's just dock, before they charge extra for late parking.

(Aquarius and Maguanc 1 dock in Winner One bay)


<Rose>: Made it! With an hour to spare! (inserts coin in meter)

<Rashid>: We Maguancs get free parking:)

<Scorpio>: Enough of this. (walks out Aquarius terminal) We have to find Quattre and warn him about OZ's plans for the colony....and get that disk, if he has it.

<Rashid>: A disk? The one Instructor L left him?

<Rose>: We must find that disk, Rashid. Otherwise the most fearful Gundam ever will be built-Wing Zero. What else do you know?

<Abdul punches up schematics>: It's already been built. Winner Industries constructed it together with SandRock. Apparently they cancelled the Zero project because Master Quattre didn't want to use such a fearsome unit.

<Scorpio>: If I remember right, the automation can rebulid it in seconds. Then we must find the disk and destroy Wing Zero! (cocks shotgun)

*BANG!* (There is a hole in the roof):I have to fix this thing....

(OZ soldier falls from rooftop)

<Rashid>: What the OZ soldier??Here? Then Master Quattre is in big trouble! We have to warn him!

<Scorpio>: I'll go with you! Rose, you find Wing Zero and put it out of commision! (Rose nods and they split up)


<Quattre>: This is where my Gundam was built. But it was destroyed because of my incompetence (?) on the earth.

<Doctor>: What are you saying?

<Quattre>: I'll build a new Gundam so I can continue fighting. The automation can help me.

<Doctor>: You're really going to fight for us--for the colonies--again? The other Gundam pilots who fought like you have been captured and their Gundams destroyed, and the colonies were glad to see it. No one in space loves the Gundams. Do you still intend to keep on fighting, Quatre?

<Quattre>: I'm not fighting for the praise and glory. But I believe that everyone will understand some day.

<Doctor>: Forgive your sister. We all love you, so don't be sad. Our Quatre.

<Quattre>: Thank you, Iria. I'll go see Father again. He's meeting with some Senate official.


<Scorpio>: For a Gundam pilot, your boss sure is loaded....

<Rashid>: He is one of the Winners, the founders of this colony. This is an industrial colony, so the Winners draw their resources from that sattelite out there (Points to sky).

<Scorpio>: Let's get something straight, Rashid. We're not your allies, OK? We're here to diffuse a potentially harmful situation. Truth be told, I really don't care about your master. Understand?

<Rashid>: Your tongue is sharp, Scorpio. But you have your duties, we have ours. Abdul, report in.


<Abdul>: No such luck. Even with Rose's help we can't find the automation system, nor can we find any OZ soldiers. Hey, what's this?

(opens hatch)

<Rose>: Surprise, surprise......hello, boys...

<OZ soldiers in hatch>: Uh...hi...

(Rose throws a rose into the hatch and closes it) *BOOM*

<Rose>: No need for that here. Don't worry, it's only KO gas.

(Abdul breathes a sigh of relief)

<Rose>: Spread out! There has to be some clue to the system! We don't have much time!


<OZ Officer>: If it hadn't been for Mr. Winner's financial backing, this colony would not be what it is today. But now the people live by their own efforts. You're trying to maintain a dictatorship!

<Winner>: When did I ever do such a thing? All I did was stand up against OZ intervention. If anyone's trying to run a dictatorship, it's you people!

<Winner>: Why must I cooperate in building weapons and tools to kill?

<Quattre>: What are they saying?

<Doctor>: The wind is blowing hard against us now. They're upset, thinking we are trying to control all the resources.

<Quattre>: But!

<Doctor>: We certainly own a lot of the resource satellites. But we were never dictators! We gambled everything to come out here.

<Quattre>: Everyone knows that!

<Doctor>: People's feelings change. Feelings about you and about father.

<Quattre>: But...we're just doing what's right!

<Senate Dude>: The outcome of the resolution is unanimous. We place the resource satellite under the jurisdiction of OZ.

<Winner>: I will not allow this satellite to be used for building weapons.

<Doctor>: What?! Father has separated the satellite from the colony?

Man: Yes, and the speed is increasing.

<OZ Officer>: This is what kind of man he is! Thinking only of his own benefit and destroying the future of this colony. Do you approve? Gentlemen? ...Since there are no objections, for the good of this colony, OZ will stop him.

<Doctor>: Father, please stop! There's no point! They're just going to come after you!

<Winner>: Do you ask me to stand by and watch OZ's aggression?

<Doctor>: Father!

<Winner>: Quatre, never fight in a MS again. It won't solve anything.

<Quattre>: Father...

<Winner>: Idiot, don't come near! The beam cannon is pointed this way!

<Quattre>: Father! Escape! Run away!

<Winner>: Quatre, I am running away. I will not fight. There is no end to fighting. So I run. If that means running towards death, so be it. There's no future for space if we throw away our ideals.

<Quattre>: Father! Father!!

<Doctor>: Quatre, Father was fighting, wasn't he? He wasn't running away. He was fighting admirably.

<Quattre>: Don't move, Iria, think of your injuries.

<Doctor>: You're so kind and gentle. So was Father. Why did he have to be killed?

<Quattre>: No one understands the tears of gentle people. Are the colonies satisfied now?! Are they satisfied ?! I'll never forget! And...I'll never let them forget...what happened today! Ha ha ha ha ha ha...

<Scorpio bursts in>: GOddammnit! We're too late! Quattre! Where's that disk?

<Iria>: What disk?

<Quattre>:hahahahahahaha.........(runs to elevator)

<Scorpio gives chase>: Get back here, runt!

Outside, the scene is utter chaos. The people have allied themselves with OZ, causing Leos and such to rain down on the colony, a complete washout. The Winner family has been overthrown, and now OZ is in place....but not if a certain Gundam and 40 guys have something to say about it.


<Allenby>: Huh? Is something wrong?

<George>: Rose needs our help.

<Rain>: I sense someone has been shatterred.....

<George>: It is not Rose. Still, we must help him.

(Jauhara presses bay door and falls out. It begins walking)


<Rose, beating back people>: This is crazy! Those Leos up there will kill all these people if we don't!

<Abdul>: Look, what's that in the fire? It looks huge!

<Jauhara Gundam>: Rose. Desert Rose, King of Hearts, return to me....

(arm stretches outward)

<Rose>: Stop talkin into my head!! I'm coming, I'm coming! Mags, follow me!(steps on head of rioter)

<Jauhara>: Please return to me, King of Hearts....I need your will to attack ....

(Rose gets into cockpit)

<Rose>: Scorpio! Boss! Do you read? Where are you!? it's pandemonium out here!

(20 Maguancs cling onto Jauhara's shoulders as rioters try to shake it down):Hang on, mates!


<Scorpio running>: Quattre!!! QUattre!! Stop! What do you think you're doing??? Get back *huff* here!....

<Quattre running>: The colonies........they all let this happen to my father......they all will DIE!!! HAH HAHAHAHAHAHA!

(Quattre runs into a room, door shuts)

<Scorpio bangs on door>: Quattre!!! It's me, Phantom Scorpio!!! I hope you're not doing what I think you're doing! QUATTRE!!!!!(Bangs harder)


<Quattre inserts disk>: Hhehehehehehe......I will have my revenge....Automation, begin!!!!

(Machines whirr and click, assembly begins)

<Scorpio>: QUATTTRE!!!!!!!

<Nagaki>: We've shot down those pesky Leos.....sorry Maguanacs, your ship is took one too many hits...

<Rose>: Thugs, clear a path for me, Silician style!

(Mafia Monsters fire in the air, people run in different directions)

<Rose>: Oh no.....(spots a little girl on the floor, crushed by the earlier riot stampede) oh NO!!

<Rose looks at Winner House>: Is this what you can do , OZ????Let kids like this die?? HUH? Maguancs! Get to our ship!

<Abdul>: But...

<Rose, tears flowing down>: NOW!

<Rose turns to beam cannon, aimed at Jauhara>: I CANNOT STAND FOR THIS!!I CANNOT!

(Takes out Rising Bow)

<Rain>: That' move!

<Rose>: I CANNOT!!!!!!!

A massive beam of energy erupts from the Rising bow, sending ripples and shockwaves all throughout the colony. The massive force of the blast throws entire buildings off their foundations, leaving only twisted heaps of metal.The force was akin to a black hole, taking everything within it The only remainder of the beam cannon is a smoldering black mark on the tarmac that is swiftly blown away by an unknown wind... Otto himself is still screaming, finally snapping at the sight of the bloodied little girl.Jauhara Gundam stands alone, in front of the wasteland it had created.

<Nagaki>: My God!.....He left....nothing! It's like he just blew up half the city!

(Jauhara Gundam falls to the ground, Mafia Monsters pick it up)

<Rose, crying>: I cannot........forgive me, my saint...I cannot even save this one innocent can I be as pure as you...?

<Nagaki>: Scorpio! I detect a launch!

<Scorpio uses his last shotgun shell>: What do your instruments read? I'm stuck behind a door here!

<Nagaki>: It's some sort of Mobile suit! I can't get any kind of fix! It matches none of our records! Scorpio! Jauhara Gundam has shut down! The Monsters are taking it back in with 20 Maguanacs in tow!

<Scorpio to Rashid>: Get your guys out of here! I have a feeling what's going to come out of that silo is NOT good!

(Scorpio runs outside):He was babbling something about punishing the colonies....we have to stop him!


Wing Zero, completed in record time by the Winner's automated robot arms, begins its launch from a secret Winner silo. It;s pilot is the psychotic Quattre Raberba Winner. Intent on punishing the colonies for submitting to OZ, he will launch to each colony and destroy them

one by one. The ZERO System makes things worse by amplifying his sadness, creating a doomsday device for all colonies. Armed with twin Buster Rifles capable of destroying a colony, Quattre sets off on his mad quest....

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