I am Rashid, leader of the Maguanac Corps. When going to my Master Quattre's home colony at L4, my Maguanacs and I met up with the Scorpions.Alas, we arrived too late to change any of the events we witnessed. People had subjected themselves to OZ rule, turning their backs on Master Quattre's pacifist father,killing him in the process. Master Quattre then took off in another Gundam, wit Phantom Scorpio screaming for us to stop him.My men and I could only watch as our other hero, the Arabic Jauhara Gundam pilot literally devastated the OZ forces (along with much of the colonial city) with a blast we have never seen before....I fear for all of us...are we all going mad??

[COLONY 4001]

<Child>: Dad, catch! (throws ball)

(Ball hits dad on the head, child laughs)

<Child>: Daddy, what's that in the sky?

<Dad>: What is that?


(Wing Zero blasts the colony apart):That's what you get for obeying OZ!!hahahahahaha....I have nothing to lose!!hahahahAHAHA!!

<Quattre>: Now for my next target.....that other colony!


<Nagaki>: He's destroyed another colony! Scorpio! What do we do?

<Scorpio>: How far is he?

<Thug>: About 1400 kilometers, at his speed, he'll be at the next colony in about 25 minutes.

<Scorpio>: Nothing left to lose! We have to get there A.S.A.P!

(Aquarius launches and boosts out of the colony)

<Magunac units picking up rubble>: Please bring him back alive, Scorpions...this is not Master Quattre you are's some kind of demon....


<George>: Rose....rose? PLease talk to me....

<Allenby>: Rose, we're here....please don't cry....

<Rain>: Yeah Rose....

<Rose>: I'm sorry, you three....I am not worthy of being King of Hearts....I let many innocents die.....I am powerless...I failed my Saint.....she would have wanted me to take care of these people....instead I destroyed half their colony...

<George>: Desert Rose, listen to me. Your Saint Une would be proud of you. Without you, there may have been more casualties. You are a hero to many, Rose. Your power simply overwhelmed you, that's all.

<Rose>: What kind of hero destroys half a colony?I'm no better than Quattre!! Maybe I really am going crazy....(grips head) leave me alone!!! Leave me alone!!

<Rain>: Sooner or later, you will not be alone...remember that, Rose...


<Trowa, in Vayate>: Blast detected in Sector 4. Mercurius, copy?

<Heero>: Copy. Torus carrier, request permission to investigate.

<Comm Dude>: Permission granted. We will send 2 squadrons of Torus to back you up.

<Trowa>: Affirmative. Come on, 'prisoner', let's go.

(OZ forces boost towards Sector 4)


<Scorpio calling Crimson>: Crimson! Answer me!

<Crimson wearing pajamas>: *Yawn* wha----*yawn*t?

<Scorpio>: We're in big trouble! Wing Zero has been built and launched!

<Crimson's jaw drops>: What?? Who is piloting it??

<Scorpio>: Quattre Raberba WInner, SandRock's pilot!

<Crimson>: Wimp.

<Scorpio>: ZERO System is on! He's killing off the colonies one by one! We're barely able to keep up!

<Nagaki>: We've spotted him! He's in Sector 4! Visuals, coming on screen!

(WIng Zero is charging up)

<Scorpio dashes for hangar>: Now's my chance!

(Phantom Scorpio launches towards Wing Zero)

<Scorpio>: Quattre! Wake up!

<Quattre>: All colony life is crazy....

<Scorpio>: Nothing's working! He's not moving!

PS activates its foot verniers and rams Wing Zero in a desparate bid to save the colony below. The beams lurch upward, going off into deep space. PS holds Wing Zero in a full nelson, while thinking of a way to stop Quattre.

<Crimson>: Open its cockpit and just let him die! The mission was to destroy all traces of WIng Zero and its data! The pilot is of no consequence!

<Scorpio>: I will not accept that!! I cannot leave him to die out here!

<Crimson>: I thought you didn't care about the 5 Gundam pilots. I know I don't!

<Scorpio>: I was wrong, Rashid! I can't kill him!I just don't have the heart....

<Nagaki>: I have an idea, boss!

(Aquarius moves over Wing Zero and Phantom Scorpio)

<Nagaki>: We'll take you both into an airlock, where you can safely take the pilot out!

<Quattre>: Oh NO!!!NO NO NO!!! You can't hold me!!!

(WIng Zero shakes free of PS and tries to boost away)

(PS throws manriki gusari at Wing Zero, holding it back)

<Scorpio>: I have to be careful now......(pulls back chain)

<Nagaki>: Deep range sensors indicate several units approaching. Hurry up, boss!

(WIng Zero flies backwards towards Phantom Scorpio)

<Scorpio >: Now to knock him out...

(PS yanks Wing Zero and kicks it HARD in the back)

<Quattre>: Ugggh! (hits head on screen)

<Scorpio>: Electric charge on this chain should open him up....

(Chain's electricity short circuits Wing Zero's hatch mechanism, opening it up)

<Scorpio>: Mafia Monsters! Pull him out!

(Mafia Monsters grab an unconscious Quattre from the cockpit)

<Nagaki>: We're outta here!

<Scorpio>: Back to the Winner colony, Nagaki. I have a good feeling who's coming to town in two seconds....

<Nagaki>: But Boss!!!

<Scorpio>: No buts! We can't risk Quattre out here! I wouldn't kill him, but I sure as hell don't want someone else to kill him!

<Nagaki>: We're CLOAKED, boss!

<Scorpio>: Remember Nagaki, there are 40 of Quattre's troops on the colony. They wouldn't want us to endanger their master like this. Who knows what units are approaching?

<Nagaki>:.....Alrught boss...but call the Pisces, because we won't have enough fuel to return for you!

<Scorpio>: Sensors picking them up. You better go.

<Nagaki>: Aye aye. Back to the Winner Colony!

(Aquarius 180s and boosts back to the colony)

<Scorpio>: I already know who is coming.....Heero Yuy!

(Mercurius and Vayate show up)

(Residual transmission of Crazy Quattre appears on Trowa's screen)

<Trowa>: Quattre?? Quattre?? Is that you in there??

<Heero>: Toruses, there is a second bandit approaching!

(PS Boosts past Mercurius and Vayate, towing the Wing Zero unit with the chains)

<Toruses>: Identified as Rogue unit Phantom Scorpio.....engaging.

<Trowa>: Abort! Abort!

<Toruses>: Vayate command overriden.

(Scorpio drops Wing Zero): Come and get me!

<Heero>: Trowa! There's nobody inside Wing Zero! Quattre is not there!

<Trowa can't hear him over the battle>: Scorpio!! What did you do to Quattre???(fires energy rifle)

<Scorpio avoids>: Nothing! Hey, I never saw this design! What IS that suit?

<Trowa>: THis is Vayate. That is Mercurius!

<Heero yells>: Trowa!!Oh, there's no use....hey...they're ignoring the Gundam! Now's my chance...the cockpit's open!

<Scorpio twists round>: AH! my back!....Damn! These Toruses are damn skillful! But I know these moves!

<Trowa>: Heero! Where did he get to?

<Carrier pilot>: Mercurius pilot has absconded from craft! Trowa, find him!

<Scorpio>: Nice...but I know Heero's weakness!

(Torus stops and fires at Scorpio)

<Scorpio leaps over it and cuts it open>: Yup, just like in Siberia with Zechs!

(Torus fires continous rounds at Scorpio)

<Scorpio>: So, they have Trowa's moves too? (boosts toward Torus and slashes it from point blank range) Then they have his weaknesses too.

<Trowa>: Where is Quattre? (Tries to call Wing Zero)

<Heero>: I'm here, Trowa! Quattre is not here!

(ZERO System takes effect without Heero knowing it)

(Heero blasts Torus column)

<Heero>: How did that happen?

<Scorpio>: Oh no! Heero! It's the Zero system! Get out of there! Before it fries your brain! Hurry!

<Heero>: You tell me, Scorpio.

(Wing Zero turns towards Scorpio): You will tell us where Quattre is.

(Heero unconciously thinks of firing at Scorpio. He does)

<Scorpio>: Oh damn!!!

(Cockpit flashes, Tohou Fuhai's face appears)

<Fuhai>: I hope you learned from what you have seen, Domon! Because next time, I will kill you!

(Fuhai disappears)

<Scorpio>: Remember...remember......(God Gundam arm glows)

<Scorpio>: Goddo...Finger! (Lurches arm at blast)

Scorpio and Heero have unconsciously unlocked mysterious new elements of their Mobile Suits. As Phantom Scorpio and Wing Zero stand motionless, yellow smoke rising from their Twin Busters and arm respectively. Trowa is a tad confused by the whole affair,as space for a brief moment is silent....

<Scorpio>: Hit me again, Heero.

<Heero>: Do you want to die?

<Scorpio>: Are you chicken? Hit me again!!!Or is the ZERO system too tough for you??

<Heero>: My mission does not include killing you! I owe you for Antarctica!

<Scorpio>: Hit me again, Heero yuy. I will not ask you again!

(God Finger glows again)

<Heero thinks>: I have to eliminate all obstacles!

(Twin Busters fire)


Wing Zero's Twin Buster is very powerful, but the God Finger still somehow manages to absorb all of its energy. While Phantom Scorpio is surrounded by the yellow beam energy, Heero continues firing at the Scorpio unit. The result is the same...

<Scorpio>: This is too much! I have to release it....there!

(swings toward Torus carrier)

<Scorpio releases the energy>: Whoooooooa! Heero, Trowa! Watch out! It's going out of control!!!

(Vayate is hit by the energy wave and tumbles into space)

(Torus group is eliminated)

<Scorpio>: Oh boy......


<Rose>: Quattre, wake up.....

<Quattre>: Let me go!!!!Or I'll kill you alll!!!!!!!Like you killed my father!!!!

<Thug Doctor>: He is delusional.....

<Rose>: Quattre, it's me, Desert Rose! Remember??

(Rose shakes Quattre)

<Quattre>: Rose??I don't know a Rose??? All I know is death!Death!Hahahaha!

<Rose>: This is bad.....but I can't blame him...after what happenned at Winner One, I of all people should know how he be worthless..

<Thug>: Is there nothing we can do for him?

<Rose>: Something has to snap him out of it....but what?


<Scorpio>:'ve mastered that monster of a mech?

<Heero>: It's taking a whole lot of my concentration,but I will..accomplish my mission.

<Scorpio>: Trowa? Where are you, Trowa?

(Vayate drifts in outer space, Trowa is unconscious)

<Scorpio>: Can I trust you with this Gundam? It seems you're the only one who can pilot it....the perfect Soldier...

<Heero>: I don't know....but this is no time for doubts.

<Scorpio>: Scorpio to Pisces. Scorpio to Pisces, do you read?


<Ma>: This is Moon base Domon, Ma Ranieri speaking.

<Scorpio>: Ma, I need a lift.Home in on my coordinates, and link me up with the Aquarius. It's still at the Winner colony.

<Ma>: We'll send Crimson to get you. Are you alright, Scorpio?

<Scorpio>: My head hurts.....

<Scorpio>:I have a new unit for Crimson to play with.

<Heero points gun at Scorpio>: You aren't still planning on taking this unit ,are you?

<Scorpio>: I suppose you won't let me. Fine, how about that unit over there? You're practically dead anyway...

<Heero>: Mercurius? I suppose you could have it. I don't need to use it anyway...

<Scorpio>: Get Trowa and get out of here. OZ will send reinforcements soon enough. You are in no condition to fight a prolonged battle.


<Rose>: I give up...nothing works on this boy....I don't get it....he was very noble and gentle last time we met....look at him, he's a mess....

<George appears>: Maybe I can lend a hand.

<Rose>: What can you do? You're just a migrane-inducing hologram.

<George>: True, but at a time like this, I believe I can help.

<Quattre>: You're talking to yourself, Rose! Who's crazy now????

<George pulls out card No.1>: My tarot cards say that he will face a startling revelation...

(Flash to bridge)

<Nagaki, on bridge>: Get me the boss! It's been hours since we heard! We're fueling up right now! He shouldn't have been out there alone....

<George pulls out card No.2>: The Reaper will flash through his soul....

<Nagaki>: Where did he go? Out there is all empty space! There's nothing but wreckage and residual energy traces!...Is the Boss gone?

Scan for all complete units!use the satellites! He must still be on stealth!

<George pulls out final card>: Flashes of the past will return...

<Quattre>: Hahahahaha.....huh? What's that???

<Thug>: One unit detected. Configuration unknown. Scanning cockpit!

(Trowa appears)

<Quattre has a flash of Trowa>: TROWA!!!!TROWA!!!Wake up!!

<Trowa>: It's Quattre.....*faints*

<Quattre>: Trowa!!! Hang on! I'm coming!

(Pisces looms over Trowa)

<Scorpio from Pisces>: We've got him. He's safe for now....

(Wing Zero boosts away):I will see you again....and if you get in my way....I will kill you!!!!!


<Quattre>: I....I did what?

<Crimson>: You went and killed a whole bunch of colonial people. That's about it.Kapish?

<Trowa, in bandages>: You were consumed by your sadness.....

<Quattre cries>:Oh God....what have I done???? WHat have I done?

<Rose>: Thanks, George....Quattre, what are you going to do now?

<Quattre>: I'm going to follow seems only he knows how to fight without fear or sadness..

<Trowa>: It would be more logical to get SandRock back.

<Mr.Spock>: I agree.Logical.

<Trowa staggers>: What....I'm...the room is getting blurry...

<Quattre>: I guess you're father was also right.....I can't pretend I'm some kind of hero...I'm but one guy....

{Trowa faints, docs run to him)

<Quattre>: Hang in there, Trowa!

(Rose blocks him)

<Rose>: He'll be alright, me on that one.

<Quattre>: It's my fault he got hurt so bad....if I hadn't gone out there and.......(cries again) Scorpio wouldn't have had to....

<Scorpio punches wall>: Damn! It;s my fault....I couldn't control my power! a debt of honour, I have to assist you in whatever you choose to do next....I hope you can forgive me...

<Doctors roll Trowa on stretcher>: Hold on, Trowa.

<Trowa>: Who's Trowa.....? I....?Huh...?

<Crimson>: I am returning to the Base, Scorpio. I'm not one for your sad quests of honour and justice. I am going to make something out of Mercurius.

<Rose>: Oh no, not more gigantic beam weapons...

<Crimson shakes head>: After seeing the power of the Wing Zero, I don't want to make the same mistake OZ did. Remember what I told you, Scorpio?

<Scorpio nods>: The Mobile Suits will become toys....the loser will only be the one who can't keep up with the other's development...

<Crimson>: Trust me ,kavon. Mercurius will be the basis for something different. I am sick of upping the ante all the time. Das vadaniya, komrades.

(Crimson leaves)

<Quattre>: I have no idea where SandRock is.....I don't even know if I'm worthy of it....after today.

<Rose>: We all make mistakes, Quattre.....look, let us take it for you OK? Trowa is on the Aquarius, headed back to his circus on colony L3004. You're in no shape to take any decision right now. here, have this pink rose. It symbolizes innocence....(puts it on Quattre) There! It goes with your shirt!

<Quattre>: Why are you helping me, Rose?

<Rose>: You've gone through so much....yet you're only a young boy. I cannot let you do this alone.

<Scorpio>: It would only add to your guilt. We're all accomplices in a greater crime.

<Ma>: That's enough.....can't you see this boy needs a rest?

(hugs Quattre)

<Ma>: I;m Ma Ranieri....Quattre, come with me.

<Scorpio>: Nagaki, you were saying?

<Nagaki on earphones>: The Ex-Bunds on Earth have found SandRock! It's at an OZ research facility at....Baikonur!

<Scorpio trades looks with Otto>: Baikonur?

next chapter