With the battle for L5 lost, Zechs flees with Quinze to his next target- Space Fortress Barge. Backed up by a score of Virgo mkIIs,Zechs stages an attack on the Barge. Despite the efforts of Adin Barnett, Phantom Scorpio and Heero Yuy, Zechs secessfully destroys the Barge,killing all on board. Scorpio catches up to him, however, and the two former buddies duke it out hand to hand. Scorpio is stretched by the Lightning Count, but this in turn unleashes his own latent power, with which he plummels Epyon. Zechs escapes with the help of some Virgoes, much to Phantom's ire. Hilde,however was injured after her Torus was attacked by Mercurius and Vayate,which Duo subsequently destroyed. Duo now has to think of someone other than himself....


(Mobile Suit engines come to life)

<Crimson>:I can't stay out here forever.

(Weapons reaatach to Cancer II, it transforms)

<Crimson>:People may still need end this all...


<Duo jumps out of DS Hell>: Where is she? Sally, where is she?

<Sally>:Hilde?She's in the infirmary, of course. Why do you look so worried...?

<Duo runs>:I told her not to go...I told her not to go.....dammit!

<Quattre takes off helmet>: At least we're not killing people this time....

<Trowa>:It'd make no difference today. Zechs will return,only this time we'll be ready for them.

<Heero takes off his helmet>:Next time, we'll stop him. I'll stop him.

(PS docks)

<Scorpio>: I'LL stop him. If it wasn't for those damn Virgoes, I'd have finished him right there! (punches palm)

<Silver>:At least we know what he's got.

<Wufei,observing them>: So all of you are back....where's Duo? (looks left/right)

<Sally>:Off to the infirmary, I guess....he took off like a bat outta hell...

(Duo is still running)


<Zechs slams glass>: Quinze, now that the Gundams are in space, we can't do a thing with them around!

<Quinze>:Maybe a bigger weapon? Something that'll swing the battle in our favour for good?

<Gato>:I know a good one,let's drop a colony on them!

(Char slaps Gato):You idiot! We're fighting FOR the colonies!

<Gato>:Damn, it worked in my series....

<Zechs>: Maybe a space installation...a large one...hmmmm...Waiteress! More onion rings! I'm thinking here....

(Onion ring bowl comes to diner table)

<Zechs spanks Quinze's hand>:Quiet. I'm thinking here. A big solar cannon?

<Gato>:Naah...Their forces'd be all over it.

<Zechs chews on onion ring>: How about a gigantic asteroid?

<Char>: No can do...that Phantom Scorpio might just push it away.

<Zechs sips Coke>: A large space station?

<Quinze shakes head>: Why not all of those?


<Quinze>:WHy not we combine all those elements?


<Duo grips nurse>:Where is she? Where is she?

<Nurse>:Who,kid? Who?

<Duo>:Hilde! Where is Hilde?

<Nurse>: She's in intensive care. Down there.(points)


(Duo runs off-again!)

<Nurse>: They get younger and younger all the time....

(Duo bursts through door)

<Duo>:Hilde...oh God....

<Professor G>: She's not in a coma, she just lost conciousness for a bit...

<Duo>:I didn;t know you had a medical degree....

<Professor G>: I...uh...lost it.

<Duo to the real doctor>:Is she going to know...

<Doctor>: Right now, she's lucky to be alive....she's almost living on sheer willpower alone....

<Duo grips Hilde's hand>:You wouldn't listen now...would you...? I know you're a mobile suit pilot as well...but....(hangs head) you don't have to fight with us....

<Hilde stirs>: D-d-uo....

<Duo>:Hang in there!! You said we'd be going somewhere fun,right? Come on...

<Professor G>: Duo...the doctor says we have to leave her now...

<Duo slips something into Hilde's hand>: Hold on to this until you wake will PAY!

(They exit the room)


<Scorpio sinks 3-Ball>:And then he said, "But I don't know how to play...."

(Fires in 4-Ball)

<Scorpio>: I said, "Yeah, Zechs, but I'll make you suck less and win more!"

(Wufei and Quattre laugh)

<Quattre>:So you really knew him, huh? Explains the vendetta you have against him.

<Scorpio>:It wasn't a vendetta...I just wanted him to act in character...with his current methods, that wasn't the Zechs I knew...

<Wufei>:Who are you, anyway? You never seem to take your mask off....

(Scorpio pauses)

<Scorpio>:I'm dead,by all known records. I'm a Phantom. That is all...

(Noin comes in):Care for a game, Boss Scorpion?

<Scorpio>:Noin...?But of course...dang, I feel uncomfortable....

<Wufei laughs>:She's a woman! Don't tell me you're afraid of a woman!

(Scorpio whispers into Wufei's ear)

<Scorpio>:Psst...this is the true No:1 Lake Victoria Academy cadet of all the fact that she's beaten the great Zechs at this...and I happenned to kill her best friend in front of her own eyes....and that she kept beating the crap out of every other cadet at pool....

<Noin>:Come now...don't tell me you beleive in his macho crap?

<Scorpio>:I'm warning you, Noin...I'm good. (Polishes cue)

<Noin>:Bring it on!

<Rose puts $5 on the chair>: My bet's on Noin.

<Quattre puts $500 on the chair>: Mine's on Scorpio!

(Everyone looks at Quattre)

<Rose>: Fine, if you want to lose've got plenty to lose, anyway:)

<Scorpio>: Here goes....(Hits white Ball)


<Zechs finishes sketching>:Got it! Quinze...tell the factory bosses to assemble for a video confrence. I've got a cunning plan....

<Quinze>:Yes, sir, Milliardo-sama.


<Treize polishes swords>: that Dermail and Zechs are out of the picture....

<Lady Une>: The World Nation is ours. I'm sure Relena Dorlain will agree to this....she has no choice...

<Treize radios units>:Home in on Brussels and wipe out the Foundation people. We're building a new World counter this White Fang menace....

<Lady Une>: We've recovered the Tallgeese unit...though I don't know what you want with it, Mister Treize....

<Treize>:Why Lady Une...I intend to pilot it,of course. If Phantom Scorpio and Zechs have their own units, I intend to be more than a match for them.

<Lady Une>: Speaking of the Scorpions, sir...what are we gonna do about them?

<Treize>: Yes, they are a troublesome bunch...especially that Silver Scorpion...he gave me a right was like I was hit on the head with a frying pan or something....(rubs head). They intend the same thing as we do, Lady Une. A united Earth, hopefully with the colonies as well. I wouldn't worry.

<Une looks away and whispers>:Of course I'm worried....worried about Otto.....


<Trowa>:The score is tied. Next one who fails to sink loses.

<Wufei>: Games of chance are for the weak.....

<Quattre>:Come on, Phantom!

<Rose>:Kill im, Noin!

<Heero>:Two balls left. Objective is to sink both in one sweep.

<Trowa>:Noin, your shot.

<Noin>:Easy. (Snags the shot, twirls cue)

<Noin>:Better be prepared to lose, Scorpion.

<Scorpio>:Oh really....why are you on our side then?

<Noin screws her shot, ball lands in Scorpio's hand>:What did you say??

<Scorpio>:That's right.(Approaches Noin) Zechs the Lover Boy is right there, with the White Fang, probably plotting how to kill more civilians. And his loyal girlfriend in her White Torus is here, aiding Gundam pilots, his worst enemy. Can someone do the math? (ball goes up and down in his hand)

(Gundam pilots converge on Noin)

<Wufei>'re right, Scorpio....what IS she doing here?

<Trowa>:Yes, your presence is quite unusual here...

<Heero pulls out gun>:Must eliminate informant.

<Phantom whacks his gun away>:She's not a spy, Heero! (folds arms) Come on, Noin. You joined the Peacemillion crew because you wanted to find Zechs again,right?

<Noin sweats> did he know.....?

<Scorpio>: Let me tell you this, Lucerezia Noin. When you do find him,be prepared to dig his grave for him. Because that's all you will be able to do for him.

(turns away, walks out)

<Rose stops him outside>: Not a nice way to mend fences, boss.

<Scorpio>: In war, you only build walls...there are no fences to mend. Not even with your closest friends.

<Rose>:At least I earned $550.......(counts money). Want a drink?

<Scorpio>:I want to get on board Aquarius to meet up with Crimson. Then I'll have a drink.

<Noin, in the pool room>:What's his problem with Zechs?

<Wufei smirks>:Maybe he's jealous...!

<Trowa>:That wasn't a jealous look in his was anger...

<Quattre>:Do you know him, Noin? He seems to know you....

<Noin shakes head>:He's a mystery to me as well....he seems to know Zechs ,'s scary, as if I was supposed to know him too...

<Heero>:He's a soldier,like all of us. Like all of us, he's just adjusting to the war. I did the same when Epyon took over my mind. I suggest you all do the same.

<Quattre>:The Zero System....?

<Heero>:To defeat MObile Dolls, you'll need it.

<Quattre>: N-n-n-no! I won't let myself be controlled like that!!

<Heero>:It's the only way. Noin would agree with me.


<Trowa>:That PX system would have been useful...but Barnett's long gone....and MO-V is a long way away. There really is no choice!

<Wufei>:Zero system it is. Quattre...?

<Quattre>:I want to talk to Duo first....and Rose. You all know what I did last time...I might need some help first...


<Crimson>:I see you've joined me, Walker.

<Scorpio>: That name is dead, man....but yeah...I'm here.

<Silver>:None of the Gundam pilots are on board. We can talk here.

<Rose>: It's been a long time since we've all been together like this...

<Ma>:I'll say...this is the first time I've seen all of you in one place.

<Purus>: we were all meant to come back alive to meet like this...

<Nagaki>:Through all the betrayals and battles...we're all here....maybe fate loves us...

<Sylvia>: OZ is down for the count...but these new White Fang people scare me....they seem bent on destroying, not conquering.

<Scorpio>:So we fight on.....even with all our baggage, we fight on. I've reached a decision,people. You can vote on it.

<Silver>:What decision?

<Scorpio>: War will break out between Earth and the colonies soon. I'm mulling joining the Gundam team and the P-Melon. We might not stand a chance alone,even with all our firepower. You will vote on whether we should. Open ballot, majority wins, minority reveal themselves.

(Each Scorpion presses a button......)

<Scorpio>:9 to's decided then...step forward, number One!

<Silver>:Rose....???WHy did you say no?

<Rose>:I cannot....I have people on Earth to care about.....unlike the lot of you, I still care about some people on Earth...I was born in the colonies...I regard Earth as the homeland of my ancestors...I'm sorry...but everything I hold dear is on Mother Earth....even the woman I love....this is not a snap decision....I've been thinking too.... Boss....

(Flashback, white rose petals are flying by his window)

<Scorpio> do realize we might end up fighting each other.....I don't want that....

<Rose>:If you look at it, you'll be fighting Treize and Zechs at he same time. Treize isn't my cup of tea either...but at least he wants to save the Earth. I recall that to be our original objective. (salutes)

I cannot join the other Gundams. Please give them my regards.

<Purus>:Rose, reconsider!

<Rose>:This is not a betrayal...I've been given so much by all of you...but now I have to ask of one more thing...that you let me go to Earth to protect my people....our people...


<Silver/Ma/Sylvia>: They're our people too...but we're needed out here...

<Nagaki>:The Ex-Bunds need me here...

<Scorpio>:Damnmit, Otto.....if Quattre ever found out.....the boy looks up to you,you know! What would he think if you just up and left?

<Rose>:I've made up my mind, Scorpio. Tell Winner I'm sorry. I'm going to Earth in Jauhara Gundam. Don't try to stop me.Like you said, "In war, you only build walls...there are no fences to mend. Not even with your closest friends."

<Purus>:Will...will we ever see you again, Otto?

<Rose hugs Purus>: If fate determines it so......

(Rose walks out)

<Scorpio>:I couldn't stop him if I tried.....

<Crimson>:The love of one woman made him turn his backs on us...? Whoever she is, she must have a powerful hold on him.

As Otto's Jauhara Gundam loads onto the shuttle that will return without him,the Desert Rose looks on one last time at his comrades. He feels he cannot leave them,but he cannot abondon Une at the same time. Otto von Bahn, King of Hearts. Otto von Bahn, Gundam pilot. And Otto von Bahn.....World Nation pilot. One single red rose floats in outer space....


<HIlde snaps awake>:What's this in my hand..... the writing's Duo's.......and it smells like perfume....

next chapter