<Narrator>:Due to unforseen circumstances, I'm hopping over to the Sailor Moon universe,where it's safer....a big war is brewing here.....Zechs is finishing his Libra station....Otto has changed allegiances to the from now on,it's cute sailor girls and men in tuxedo suits..hey!! Put me down!Nooo....

*sigh*....damn contract enforcers :(



<Zechs>:OK gentlemen,let's let out a laugh,villian style.

(White Fang laugh)

<Zechs>:Now, we launch for Earth! Quinze, summon the entire Virgo fleet! This is it! We're finally going to have our revenge on Earth....

<<Dorothy>:>:Milliard-sama....can you put me in charge of the Dolls again?It was fun last time.

<Zechs>:But of course.

(<Dorothy>: jumps up and down)

<Zechs>:Libra! Launch!

The space station Libra is a gigantic creation,housing hundreds of Zechs' Mobile Dolls,as well as loyal White Fang troops. Its weaponry is fearsome,with several missile batteries,as well as hundreds of laser cannons. Its most dangerous weapon though,is its gigantic main cannon. Zechs intends to use it to rain death on Earth,until he feels that Earth is subjugated. So far, nothing can stop him...

(psst, can I go now? no? oh damn.....)

(Libra moves toward Earth)

(<Dorothy>: puts on helmet): This is war! How exiting!



<Treize>: Hmm...A large,moving object in outer space.....

<OZzie>:Milord Treize,it's the White Fang! What do we do?

<Treize>:Prep all available Mobile Suits....we're going up there. If Zechs wants a duel, he'll get one.


(Alarm klaxons sound)

(Otto and Une run toward space port and see several ships lifting off)

<Une>:What's going on?

<Treize>:Zechs is up there with a massive weapon...he wants to duel,no doubt.I will gladly take him to task.

<Une>:You can't!

<Treize>:You two will accompany me in your Gundams. When the troops see the Gundams, their spirits will be lifted somewhat. I'm taking Tallgeese II. We'll see if he still has any honour left...

<Une>:I don't like it...

<Otto>:I'm sure this is necessary....there's no stopping it now, Lady Une...

<Une>:Then let's go.....Treize...a kiss? For luck?

<Treize>:Why Lady Une...(looks at Otto,who shrugs)

(Une kisses Treize)

<Une>:Good luck, sir!(salutes)

(Remaining ships lift off,followed by Space Leos and Toruses)



<Gundam pilots wake up>:Whoa....

<Duo>:It's the alarm! White Fang are on the move!

<Wufei>:If White Fang are on the move....then Treize can't be far behind....this is my chance!


(Wufei runs out)

<Heero>:No stopping Wufei....he wants Treize.


<Quattre>: All set (presses button)

<Heero>:I've asked Howard to install the ZERO system in this mobile suit.

<Quattre>:H-huh? Heero! I can't!

<Heero>:It's the perfect system for leading troops into battle.

<QUattre>:I don't have what it takes! Why don't you lead with the Wing Zero??

<Heero>:Wing Zero will be fighting Epyon. Someone else needs to plan strategy and command the troops. You're it.

<Quattre>:I can't! I remember what happenned....

(Flashes of him destroying a colony)

<Heero>:You'll be just fine,Quattre.


<Silver peers into cockpit>:Listen to him, Winner. Of all the pilots,only you have had any substantial experience with the ZERO system.Heero will be busy. (looks at Heero) If there was any time for you to conquer your fears ,boy,it'd be now.

(Scorpio mkII launches)


<Scorpions>: Hop to it! It's big, and its coming toward MO-II!

(Troops load into Super Leos , Jegans,Toruses and Scorpio mkIs)


(All Mobile Suits launch)

<Nagaki>:Remember, photon weapons first! The Planet Defensors are number one priority! Then switch to energy beams and blast em out of the sky!!

(Toruses form up on Blue Torus and Cancer mkII)

<Millie>:TorusScorpions, form up on me. Crimson, are you sure the SS will work out in space now?

<Crimson>:I am positive.

<Meryl>:We were awful worried when you went AWOL before Barge...

<Crimson>: No stopping me now. That Libra station is the final insult.

(DX guns and Fire Balls come out)

<Crimson>:For the world!!


<Nagaki>: Two Mobile suits approaching from the flank..???

<Adin,Oba Barnett>: G-Unit, at your service!!

(Gundam Grip and Geminas II appear)

(Forces form up on PS)

<Scorpio>:Gundam pilots,Peacemillion forces. Are you all ready?

<Duo/Trowa/Sally>:Ready as ever!!

<Scorpio> don't have to do this...

<Noin in White Torus>:I have to...

<Sally>:Look at the White Fang's fleet....they look like the stars many!!


<Sally>: Attention! More bogeys coming from Earth's surface!! I read hundreds of Space Leos ,two Gundams and...what is that unit..?

(Wing Gundam,Jauhara Gundam and Treize's Tallgeese II head the Earth fleet)

<Scorpio>:So Kushrenada also has come out for the final duel....speaking of final duels....Heero?


<Relena>:Hold on, Heero. (looks at him in that famous space helmet scene)


<Relena>:Please...don't kill my brother....he has to be made to understand....

(Heero gives Relena a wistful stare and leaves)

<Relena dips her head>:Oh Heero....

(Wing Zero blasts off towards the front of the armada)

(Quattre puts his hand on Relena's shoulder)


<Quattre>:We are all about to embark on the fight of a lifetime...forgive us if we can think of nothing else...

(Quattre steps into SandRock)

<Quattre>:God give me strength....

(ZERO system activates)

(SandRock lumbers out, Peacemillion forces watch)


<Nagaki>:Something's up...they're not exactly headed for us....


Yes,Treize Kushrenada has assembled the entire World Nation Army and has personally taken charge of Earth's defense in the Tallgeese. He stands on one of his carriers,flanked by his two Gundams, piloted by Otto and Lady Une. He still thinks of Milliardo Peacecraft as a friend of his,and therefore he may still hold some principles of honour.Unknown to both of his aides, Treize wants to more than duel with Zechs....

<Soldier>: Milord Treize, it's too dangerous to use our entire line in the attack.

<Treize>: The commander of the White Fang, Milliard, is fighting with all his forces. Think of this as a courtesy to him.

<Soldier>: But....

<Treize>:Mark my words, A war without such courtesies creates nothing but slaughter.... That's why all the wars that have happened on earth have been so sad.

<Comm Dude>: Milord, An advisory has come in, it's from Commander Milliard of the White Fang. He says that if we continue the advance, he'll fire the Libra array.

<Treize>: Acknowledged.

(Tallgeese raises its arm ,signalling his forces to halt)

<Treize>: This is Treize Khushrenada. All troops halt.

Treize glances around.

<Treize>: Stand by, until I order otherwise.

(Tallgeese boosts off towards the Libra )

<Otto>:Treize? Where are you going!? Wait! Treize!!!

<Treize>: (on screen) This is the world sovereign, Treize Khushenada. I challenge the White Fang's leader, commander Milliard to a duel.

Quinze: A duel?! How very OZ.

WF1: Is he serious?

WF2: Yes. That's his usual method.

<Dorothy>:: Treize-sama....

<Zechs>: Hmph.

(Treize faces the giant spaceship Libra ,in Tallgeese MK-II)

<Treize>: Will you give me your answer.... Commander Milliard?

<Zechs>: (on monitor) .....

<Treize>: Try not to forget that your answer will include your response regarding this battle.

<Zechs>: The duel ...

<Treize>: .....

<Zechs>: Is declined!

<Dorothy>:: What?!


<Studio crew thumb through scripts>:What the......

<Treize>: Hmmhmmmahahhhaa....I had a feeling about that...

<Dorothy>:: W-Why.... Milliard-sama?

<Zechs>: I'm not an "OZ" soldier.... I am in a position where I the code of knights does not matter.... I bear the will of the space revolution!!

<Zechs>: I can't allow such a frivolous thing as a duel to decide the fate of the colonists.

<Treize>: (eyes closed) I see.... That is the correct choice.

<Zechs>: Treize.... those who stand in the way will be removed!!

<Treize>: Milliard... Behind us is the earth...We will not retreat.

<Treize>: I love the earth...

<Zechs>: That's what makes you Treize.

<Dorothy>: Please wait, Milliard-sama!

<Zechs>: Prepare the main array for firing... Target, enemy mobile suits spread to include the resource satellite MO-II.

Quinze: Use the main array on the Tallgeese?!

<Zechs>: It doesn't matter.... it's what Treize wants!!

<Dorothy>:: (standing in front of Zechs) Milliard-sama, please reconsider!! Please, anything but don't fire upon Trieze!

<Zechs>: Quinze... restrain Dorothy. She's a traitor.

Quinze: Yes.

(Quinze points a gun at Dorothy )

<Dorothy>: ..... Milliard-sama.


<Scorpio>:That's IT! All units! Move IN! (makes fist) I regret ever helping you in COWARD!!!

(PS turns golden and boosts toward Libra, fleet follows)

(Gundams launch,with SandRock in front)

<Quattre>:All units...break off to the left and provide cover for the vanguard!!

<Treize>: Forward!

(Puts the boosters on full)

<White Fanger>: Enemy unit approaching!

<Zechs>: (thinking) It ends here, Trieze!

<White Fanger>: Main array, charging complete!

<Treize>: If I die here, your victory is assured. Fire at me! For the sake of peace on the colonies and earth!

<Zechs>: My enemy is the earth.... and you it's representative.... Treize!

<White Fanger>: Countdown Initiated.

<Zechs>: Move over. I'll finish him myself.

(Man moves out of seat and Zechs takes his place,pushing down on the button)

<Dorothy>:: (throwing herself at Zechs) Don't! Don't! Under no circumstances!

<Zechs swats Dorothy away>: Don't get in my way! This is the path to peace!

Zechs pushes and fires the Libra cannon....a massive bolt of angry light,like a trademark of Zeus himself streaks toward Treize Kushreanda,who does not even flinch. Then suddenly, a flash of white overcomes Tallgeese II's cockpit...but it's not the end! Treize is surprised to see Lady Une's Mobile Suit,which has pulled him out of the firing line just in the nick of time.

<Treize>:Lady Une..? Why..?

<Une with a stern look>:What a coward. (drops Tallgeese II) You were willing to die to salvage your honour. Zechs would be the villian then,and you would be the matyr. I hoped you would come up here and fight like a man, Treize. We're finished. You're finished. Play your little war games if you want. Otto and I have to defend the Earth. Farewell, Treize.

(Une has officially merged personalities!)

(Tallgeese II floats,with Treize sweating...but here comes Altron!)


<Treize>:Wufei....(cold voice)...Wufei!!!


<Otto>:That Libra beam is headed here!!! (sweats) What do I do...what do I do....

<George>: Do what you always do,mo ami. Win.Win for your princess..

<Rain>:It's all up to you, King of Hearts...

<Allenbi>: We'll help you a little bit...

(The three spirits come out and form a ring around Jauhara Gundam-it's three Shuffle Alliance symbols-Jack of Diamonds,Black Joker and Queen of Spades- shine and combine to form one symbol-> the King of Hearts!

<Otto>:Now or never....

<Scorpio boosting next to him>:Otto!!!! Watch out!!! Otto?

<Otto's eyes glow bright red>: Ryouha....Tohou Fuhai no Saisho Ougi ...


(A Yellow Aura erupts around Jauhara)

<PS makes same moves>:Seikha! TEN...TYO...KEN!!!!

Jauhara Gundam and Phantom Scorpio make the same motion and unleash a giant pillar of energy at the Libra blast in an effort to halt it before it hits the World Nation fleet. The blast is still overcoming their efforts though, and they are barely holding firm...

(In a large lightstorm)

<Otto>:Scorpio!!!Use both hands!!!!Kisama!!!Kisama baka desu ka!?!?!!!(Are you stupid??)

<Scorpio>:My other hand?

<Otto with Master Asia's voice>:How can a fireball work with one hand?! BAKA!!!

(Scorpio stretches PS right arm toward Libra blast,and to his surprise,it erupts in the same energy)

<OZ cruiser>:It's working!

<Une>:Otto!! Don't give up!!!

(King of Hearts logo comes out again,but into PS)


(PS sudenly lurches forward at light speed, headed straight for Libra itself THROUGH the beam)

<Otto's aura turns off>:What power.....

<Rain>:It;s not's your friend....


<Zechs>:What is happenning to the beam?!?! Do they have a cannon as well??

<WF>:Sir! It's one MS! It's...It''spushing the beam back!!! It's headed straight for the cannon!!!! There's no stopping it!!

<WF2>:And sensors show three cruisers attacking us from behind!! I read one as Peacemillion,and the other two...they're the Vanguard ships!!!

Sir! Releasing Virgoes NOW!

(Virgoes boost out with Toruses)

<Zechs>:Damn them...damn them!!


<Zechs>:Move !!Move!!!!!!(Libra boosts away)

(Scorpio misses the station,but nails the cannon)

(Cannon explodes, one quarter of Libra is gone)

(Scorpio plunges right into the battle):Dammit! I overshot!!!

<Une>:World Nation forces! Attack!!!

<Otto>:Allenbi?That 'help'?

(Beserk system activates)


(Jauhara takes out scimitar and boosts forward,followed by a bunch of Leos)


<Sally>:Watch out! The World Nation has a ZERO system of its own....

<Heero>'s him!

(Observes Beserk Jauhara tearing through Virgoes)

<Duo>:Let's spread some death!!! (schythe's Virgo) Crimson! The Gemini cruisers!! Hit the escort fleet!

<Crimson in Cancer II>: Escort foot.This is real Death.

(Fires DX cannon, White Fang ships collapse and explode, Fire Ball sucker punches Virgo mkIIs)

<Quattre>: Zechs may have hostages on Libra! We have to rescue them!

<Trowa>:Wait! It's too dangerous!

<Quattre stops HeavyArms>:Stay HERE, Barton. We need you to provide cover (points down) HERE! Leave this to me!! (SandRock boosts forward,HeavyArms fires some missiles)Maguanacs Rashid, Auda and Abdul! Follow me! Ahmad! Cover our beeline!!


<Quattre>:Dorothy was on that shuttle....hmm...


<Wufei>:Damn you!!

<Treize takes out beam saber>: I can only grieve for the lives lost in could I forget....their names are forever etched in my memory...Noventa..(shot of Silver)..Walker..(shot of Phantom) ...Mardyev...(shot of Crimson)...Nagaki..(shot of Nagaki)....

<Wufei>:You.....(Naginata bursts out)

<Treize>:You must know....they did not die in vain!!!

<Wufei>:-Wha???They're ali-

(Tallgeese II impales itself on Naginata)

<Treize>:Goodbye eternal wa a pleasure doing battle with you one last time...Milliardo...see you on the other side....and Lady Une...forgive me....for my selfishness........


(Tallgeese II explodes)

<Wufei slams his fist and tears flow>: I....I didn't think I'd win!!!!!and those matyrs of yours!!Your damn 'matyrs' are still ALIVE!!!!!! (remembers the Scorpions)THEY'RE ALIVE!!!!!!!THEY'RE ALIVE!!!!!they're....(breaks down) alive........

<Wufei>:Goodbye, I will fight your battle for you.From one warrior to another.

(Dragon Claw lurches toward a Virgo mkII and crushes it)

<Wufei>:Come on then!!!Fight me with all you have!!!!FIGHT ME!!


<Millie>: TorusScorpions, make a sweep of that formation over there! They're swamping those World Nation Leos!! Shower with photon weapons,then let the Leos finish them off!

<Adin Barnett>: This is a HELL of a lot more than at MO-V.....(slashes)

<Duo>:Death,Jonah coming through! (scythes) Coming through! (scythes some more) whoa!!!Watch it,Rose! I'm on your side!!

<Otto>:Yaaaaaargh!!!!! (slashes wildy at Virgo mkIIs)

<Duo>:Strange...(saber cuts through Virgo mkII)

<Silver>:Careful, Maxwell! Save those WN Leos! They don't have photon weapons! Remember, we all have the same mission here!! I'm headed over to assist Quattre and the Maguanacs!(boosts towards smoking Libra)

(Duo boosts towards two Leos and slashes their Virgo mk II)

(Duo puts finger to helmet and boosts away)

(TorusScorpions drop photon guns to WN Leos)

<Meryl>:Fire them at the Virgoes first!! Then mop up with beam weapons!!Trust me!!

<OZzie>:Worth a try!! (Fires new gun)

(Wing Gundam flies around Otto and transforms, slashing its own path)

<Une>:Otto! That's it!!

<Otto>:Where...where is Treize!?

<Une>:I don't care anymore.

<Otto>:You don't??

<Une>:He forgot the true meaning of fighting.....I'm sorry,Otto...I don't know where he is now.....but don't die on me! Understand??

(lasers blast past)

<Otto>:We'll see about that, Une!(tips off and boosts )

(Une smiles):That's my Rose....


<Docking bay Dude>: Agh!! (is shot)

<Quattre>: I'll look for hostages, you guys keep the transport secure!

(Scorpio mk II busts through a deck)

<Silver>:Damn, wrong side. I'll work my way there....


<Zechs boards Epyon>: I can sense Heero here. Very well. We will fight for all of humanity!

(Epyon flies out and stands on the Libra top)

<Zechs>:Heero...(spots Wing Zero coming)

<Heero>:There he is. Engaging....

<Noin>:Zechs!!Zechs!! (tries to grab Epyon from behind)

<Zechs>:Get out of my way!!! (elbows Torus )


<Sally>:Crimson! The Virgoes are breaking off and going for the ships!!! Destroy them now!!

<Crimson shakes head>:Tut tut. You have no faith in me.

(Virgoes run into the SUper Shield on both ships and simply shut down)

<Sally>:NOW, perhaps you can shoot them???

<Crimson>:I 've got a better idea.(Presses a button,Virgoes reawaken)


<Crimson>: Inputting self destruction codes. Sending them back to their carrier ships and Libra. Set to explode the minute they get in range of the target.

<Sally>:Since when did you know the codes?

<Crimson>:Let;s just say I was close with the people who designed the MD system.Very,very close.

<Howard grins>:He's telling the truth.

<Sally>:Should we ram the Libra just in case?

<Howard>:WHAT??And destroy my Peacemillion? You have to be nuts!

(Studio crew flip up scripts)


<Nagaki is rocked>: There's no telling when this onslaught will end!!


<Purus>: Rip em to shreds!Rip em to shreds!Troublemakers!!

(Beams,beams and more beams)


(Altron stands motionless)

<Wufei>:Damn you Treize...damn you!!!(destroys another Virgo)

<Scorpio>:Keep swearing like that and they'll end up your wedding vows.

<Wufei>:How could you understand??

<Scorpio>: You weren't expecting him to lose like that,huh?

<WUfei>:I thought I'd lose...he was stronger than me all the time...

<Scorpio>:I'm stronger than you.You want to duel now?

(Wufei looks down)

<Scorpio>:Didn't think so. (boosts away) I have a war to fight.

(Altron slashes another Virgo)

<Wufei>: Soon, I won't....COME ON THEN!!!


<Sally>:Wufei....oh Wufei....hey,Trowa, where are you going??

(HeavyArms is boosting toward Libra)

<Trowa>:I don't know....

<Duo>:Great! Another one heads fr Libra!! (Slashes Virgoes some more)

<Duo>:More for Shinegami!!Seeya in Hell, dude!!

(PS looks around)

<Scorpio>: Where's Silver??? He hasn't...has he..??

<Otto>:No. He's on board the Libra. I can feel him.


<Otto>:Trust me. I can feel him.That, and the beacon on his Scorpio mkII is still active...heheheh..

<Scorpio>:And we can't get there!! Damn it! Too many of these dolls!

<Une>:You're telling me??

(Fires Buster Gun)

<Scorpio>:There you are! (Primes up Shining Finger)

(Jauhara gets in the way)

<Otto>:You do that, you do that through me.


<Otto>:You were wondering who my "girlfriend" was?


<Noin is harrassed by several Virgoes>:Arrgh!

<Scorpio boosts off>:We'll deal with this later, "Rose"....hang on Noin!!

(PS boosts away)

As the battle continues, two lone mobile suits meet on the roof of the Libra. Wing Zero and Epyon's pilots face each other for what promises to be the last time.But what of the people inside the Libra?

That's what the next chapter is all about!