Disclaimer: We do not own gundam wing. Any other characters belong to us. Also we don't own the song Crash and Burn. It is sung by Savage Garden.

Crash and Burn
Songfic written by Rae and Renee


When you feel all alone
and the world has turned its back on you

It was pouring down rain by the bucketful. Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed. Heero stood in the shadows watched as a group of angry old men shoved Releena into the 10 degrees Celsius weather. One of the men disliked the Peacecraft family and had convinced the others that Releena was too young and inexperienced to do the job of Queen of the World. He also convinced the others to side against her and the gundam pilots and to try and take over the world for their own. As the young girl was forced into the cold her head hit the pavement and she was knocked unconscious. Heero stood there wearing the same old emotionless mask but inside he was fighting with himself. Should he kill her now while he had the chance or take her with him? If he left her there some one else would almost certainly kill her now that all the citizens had been turned against her and the gundam pilots. She was nothing more than a nuisance to him, right? Sure, a nuisance who haunted his dreams every night and bandaged him even though he tried to kill her. He walked over to the unconscious Peacecraft and gently lifted her, carrying her back to his apartment.


Give me a moment please,
to tame your wild, wild heart


Back at the apartment the pilot of deathscythe was nervous.

"Where is he? Is he trying to commit suicide by catching pneumonia? Hilde is that chocolate cake done yet?" Duo shouted.

"Coming sweetie," Hilde called.

"This place is too crowded," grumbled WuFei.

"Don't be so selfish!" Amy snapped.

Amy was WuFei's next-door neighbor when he lived on the colony. She had medium length black hair and beautiful black Chinese eyes. She was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a red blouse. She had a crush on WuFei but never showed it to any one but her best friend Releena. He had a secret crush on her too but denied it whenever Duo brought it up. Luckily Amy didn't know.

"Quatre! I can't find my room!" shrieked Holly.

Holly was Lady Une's little sister. She was 14, only a year younger than the pilots and madly in love with Quatre. She had blonde hair, blue eyes, and could never find any thing. She was also a witch.

"Coming," Quatre sighed.

"Trowa, here's your orange juice," Hallie said.

She glanced nervously out the window looking for Heero, her twin brother. Hallie was 15 like him. She had blue eyes like Heero and curly dark brown hair. She was wearing white jeans and a green blouse. Her hair was pulled out of her face in a ponytail. She and Heero were both super strong. Hallie was also Duo's other best friend. However, Hallie was half witch.

"Thank you. Don't worry Heero will be fine." Trowa comforted his girlfriend.

Quatre came back into the living room after helping Holly find her room.

"Quatre! I can't find the pink scruncie that matches my sweater!" Holly screeched.

"Coming," Quatre said through clenched teeth.

"Get your braid out of my face Maxwell!" WuFei grumbled.

"Oops, sorry!" Duo jumped away from the grumpy Chinese.

Holly came down the stairs wearing a pink sweater, black skirt, and matching scruncie.

"Oops, I did it again..." she sang.

WuFei threw a pillow at her.

"Shut up woman!" he growled.

And so was the life at the home of the gundam guys and gals. Just then the door opened and in walked Heero holding Releena (still unconscious) in his arms. Everyone stared for a second then Duo fainted, WuFei told Heero to close the door, and the rest of them looked away pretending this was perfectly normal for the perfect soldier. Heero ignored it all and walked to his room, closed his door and laid Releena down on his bed. Her eyes opened.

"Heero?" she sat up. "Where are we?"

"This is where the others and I live." he replied.

"Why am I here?" she asked.


I know you feel like the walls are closing in on you
It's hard to find relief, and people can be so cold




Heero left the room. He walked down to the kitchen finding more than food.

"Hey Heero buddy, what's Princess Peacecraft doing here?" Duo asked.


"You like her don't you?"

"Shut up"

"Heero likes..."

Heero clamped a hand over Duo's mouth and gave him the Yuy Death Glare. Duo decided to leave Heero alone and shut up. The loud mouth pilot retreated to the living room. When Heero got to his room he noticed Releena had her had buried in the pillow. She was crying and talking to herself.

"Why don't they understand? Don't they realize how hard it is to be Queen of the World? They have no idea how lonely it is being the ruler of the world."

Then Releena noticed that there was a hand playing with her hair. She spun around and saw Heero. All at once the tears came down harder than ever, tears that she had been holding down for so long. Heero pulled her close to him.

"Shh, Releena its okay."


When darkness is upon your door,
And you feel like you can't take anymore.


Inside Heero's head he had a million voices yelling at him.

"Kill her!"

"She's all alone right now, she's needs you to comfort her."

"What are you doing? You're the Perfect Soldier! You don't care about her!"

"She's a nuisance!"

"You love her!"


"Shh, don't worry Releena it's going to be alright."


Let me be the one you call, when you jump I'll break your fall,
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night.
When you need to fall apart, I can mend a broken heart,
If you need to crash, then crash and burn you're not alone.


Meanwhile, down stairs, Duo was getting impatient.

"What is the guy doing up there?"

"Duo do you want more chocolate cake?" Hilde said hoping to distract him.

"Sure, you know how much I love your chocolate cake babe!"

Heero was still fighting the battle in his head.

"She's not important."

"She needs you."

"Kill her."

"You love her."

"Oh yeah, that's right the Perfect Soldier and the Angel of Peace, that's a perfect match!"

"Forget her!"

"She needs a friend!"


When you feel all alone, and a loyal friend is hard to find
You're goin a one-way street, with the monsters in your head.


"Heero, why-?"

"Shh, you're not alone, it's okay."


When hopes and dreams are far away
And you feel like you can't face the day


Down stairs, Duo had finished his cake and decided to go check on his fellow gundam pilot.

"I don't think that's a good idea Duo," Quatre warned.

"But I wanna know what's goin on up there," Duo whined.

"Curiosity killed the cat," Trowa said.

"Alleighluia! He talked!" Duo shouted.

Then Wufei threw a pillow at him.

"Shut up Braidy Boy!"


5 minutes later..........

"You think we should go up and check on them?" Duo asked.

" I said it on peacemillion and I'll say it again, I think we should leave them alone." said the pilot of sandrock.

Upstairs Heero pulled Releena even closer to him, wishing the voices would stop.

"Don't worry Releena I'm here for you."

"Are you going to kill me?"



Let me be the one you call, when you jump I'll break your fall,
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night.
When you need to fall apart, I can mend a broken heart,
If you need to crash, then crash and burn you're not alone.


Cause there has always been heartache and pain,
And when it's over you'll breathe, you'll breathe again
When you feel all alone and the world has turned its back on you
Give me a moment please, to tame your wild, wild heart
Let me be the one you call, when you jump I'll break your fall,
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night.
When you need to fall apart, I can mend a broken heart,
If you need to crash, then crash and burn you're not alone.


After awhile all the gundam pilots and the girls decided to go check on Heero and Releena. When they opened the door to Heero's room there was the Perfect Soldier and the Queen of The World, kissing. All eight of them fainted dead away. However, Heero and Releena never noticed, for once in their lives they were truly happy.


ooh ooh, You're not alone
no no, You're not alone
You're not alone
When you need crash and burn you're not alone
ooh ooh ooh
You're not alone