Disney Magic

By Melville's Best Friend



"Your foot is in my side, woman."

"It's not my fault. You should have enough sense to move."

"Really, you two, this isn't about us. Please stop fighting."

"For once in your life, Wuffie, comply to what he's saying."

*grumble, grumble*

"Quatre, your butt is in my face."

"Are you hitting on her?"


"He had better not be."

"Trowa, Dorothy, he's not doing on purpose."

"This is really uncomfortable."

"Remind me why we're doing this."


Wuffie, Sally, Quatre, Dorothy, Catherine, and Trowa (in order of who was speaking J) had hidden themselves out of sight of a young couple. They were spying on a surprise date. Heero and Relena stood in front of the group, wondering why they were there. Apparently, Heero had written Relena a letter to meet, and Relena had written Heero a letter to meetand now, here they were, wanting to know why they had met. Of course, it was all staged by the six people behind the bushes. Wuffie had complied only because Sally bet him they'd be a couple after this date. The six were working behind the scenes to make sure everything went perfectly.  Everything was going smoothly up front. Backstage, people were too crowded.


"You wanted to see me?"

"You wanted to see me."


"You sent me a letter."

"When, Heero, would I find the time to write you a letter?"

"Coffey break?"

"Did you just make a joke?"


"Oh my goshDo you realize how incredibly beautiful that was?"

"I didn't think it was that funny"

"Not the joke, Heero. YouYou surprise me more and more every day. You're an amazing person, Heero."

"I just told a joke, Relena."

"When was the last time you told a joke?"


"If I have to point out the fact that you're acting like a jerk one more time, I will. SoWhy do you think we're here?"

"Because our friends are trying to prove something."


"Look over there."

"A picnic. So."

"Our names are on that table."

"Shall we take them up on their offer? It would be a shame to let all that food go to waste."


The two made their way to the table, followed by a very loudly moving bush. They were all pleased with the events so far, and moved from the bush to lie behind a log. Quatre looked dreamy-eyed. The girls and guys were all very unaware that another couple was sneaking up behind them. The boy of the sneaky couple tackled an unsuspecting Wuffie.

"Holy S*muffle*" 

Relena looked at Heero. "Did you hear that?" "The bush that muffled a curse? No."

"Hmm. Alright. So, anyway, ."


"What are you guys doing here? We've been looking all over for you!"

"Duo, Hilde, it's nice to see you guys, but we're in a kind ofwe're spying." Quatre stated.

"On what?"

"On them."

"Baka, if you don't get off me right now, I will kill you."

"Sorry, Wu-man. I'm up."

They had sat there for a few minutes when Quatre got that look in his eye again. Duo jumped back, and sweat-dropped. "Quatre, man-that's freaky."  "It's so beautiful." Quatre cried. Duo jumped out of the way again, landing on Wuffie.


"I can't see what happening!" he punched Duo off.

"What?" Duo cried, grabbing his throbbing arm.

"And they don't have a clue." Quatre chirped, sighing.

"Who?" Duo once again Questioned.

"They'll fall in love" Quatre whispered.

"And what's the bottom line?" Dorothy answered, filing her nails.

"Our gundam group's down to two" Trowa sang. "That made no sense, Trowa." Catherine stated. "Not the point. It had to sound the same."

"Duo!" Duo screeched, as he lept from the bushes, and fell back down in them. Relena eyed the bush/log, and sweat-dropped.

 Everyone looked at him. "What? Two is Duo! A dynamic duo, Batman and Robin, Simon and Garfunkle, Rogers and Hammerstein, Bonnie and Clyde, Lamb Chop and Cheri Lewis!"  "" (group stare) Quatre continued.

"Ze sweet caress of twig light." "It's mid-day." Duo pouted.

"There's magic everywhere" Wuffie joked as he imitated vomiting. Sally promptly punched him.

"And with all this romantic atmosphere" Hilde sang, getting the same look on her face as Quatre.

"Disaster's in the air!"  "What? What's that suppose to mean?" "Yeah, Duo. Why'd you say that?" Hilde pouted. "It is a disaster! That bird stole my necklace! Come back here!" Duo lept up to run after the bird. A stunned Relena, and a nonchalant Heero watched him run after the bird. Relena lifted an eyebrow. "That was interesting." She stated. Heero just kept eating. Promptly, the young lovers heard a loud chorus.




"Heero. That bush is singing."

"Yeah." She looked at him.

"Andit doesn't bother you?"

"Not as long as you're here, no."

"That was cheap, Yuy."

"I know."

They got up to leave. Of course, the group followed them. Relena and Heero had somehow managed to block the guys out. They were on their was to a bench in the park. The sun had set, and Relena couldn't help but notice how romantic the mood had gotten. She had sat down on the bench with Heero when she jumped back up. "I have to go to the bathroom, Heero. I'll be right back." She kissed him on the cheek, and went her way. She went across the street to a hotel. Once inside, she checked herself in the mirror, and gasped. She looked a hot mess. Her hair was all messy from the wind, and her outfit was all covered in grass. Her make-up was for the day, and it wasn't day anymore. She snapped her fingers, and the lights turned off. A moment later, a spotlight fell on Relena, and she was sitting in a beauty salon chair. A group of make-up artists and hair stylists surrounded her.


"Girls, we've got work to do" Relena sang.

"Pass me the paint, and glue!" sang one of her helpers.

"Perfect isn't easy.but, it'sme!"

"When one knows the world is watching, one does what one must." Proclaimed  someone washing Relena's hair.

"Some minor adjustments, darling." Relena muttered to the make up lady.

"Not for her vanity!"

"But for humanity!" sang a chorus of women now drying and styling Relena's hair.

"Each little step, a pose!" Relena sang, as she walked out of the chair, hair and make up finished.

"She's what the people chose" exclaimed the girls, still making minor adjustments.

"Sometimes it's too much for even me!" Relena sang.

"But, when all the world says 'yes'?." They questioned.

"Then who am I to say 'no'? Don't ask a mutt to strut like a showgirl. No, girls, we need a pro!" Relena exclaimed, lights hitting her in the perfect way, making her look ready for the night. The music stopped, the girls left, and the lights came back on. Relena smiled, and walked out the door.

Whilst Relena was getting ready, Heero sat on the bench, looking at the romantic couples spread throughout the park. They seemed to glow. The ex pilots snuck up on him when he started singing.

"So many times out there, I've watched a happy pair of lovers walking in the night. They had a kind of glow around them; it almost looked like Heaven's light"

Quatre and Hilde got that same look in their eye, and Duo came back, pouting 'cause the bird took his necklace. He took one look at what the group was looking at, and started cracking up. "Heero's singing a song! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He was laughing so hard tears came out his eyes. Hilde and Quatre paid no heed, but kept on looking. The rest of the guys tied Duo up to a tree.

"I knew I'd never know that warm and loving glow, though I might wish with all my might"

Quatre and Hilde began to weep. Very loudly, actually, and every pair in the park heard them, and left.

"No soul as hideous as my soul was ever meant for Heaven's light. But suddenly an angel has smiled at me, and kissed my cheek without a trace of fright. I dare to dream that she might even care for me---wait, wait, stop the music. I know she cares for me. All right, I just had to clear that up. Continue. And as we walk these streets tonight, my cold, dark heart feels so bright! I  swear, it must be Heaven's light!"

As he finished, Relena came back. "Did you do something different to yourself?"

She looked at him with a questioning glare. "No. I just freshened up a bit." "You're in a whole new outfit, and it looks like you washed your hair." "Aren't you sweet? Thank you!" He sweat-dropped. They sat there for forever, talking about stuff that the spies couldn't hear.


"This isn't getting anywhere."

"Ha! You owe me 50 bucks, woman."

"I have a name."


"You are a pig from hell."

"Would you two shut up?"

"Hi guys!"

"Good night Duo! How on earth did you get free?"

"I'm a gundam pilot, remember? How could I not get free?"

"He's smarter than he looks"

"I heard that."

"So, what do we do now?"

"Dorothy, come with me, and put this on."

"Oh, dear."


Heero and Relena had been talking for about 10 minutes, when an Italian man and woman slowly rose up from behind the bench. They gave Heero and Lena each a candle, and began singing.


"This is the night! What a beautiful night!" the guy sang.

"And they call it..*mumble mumble*" the girl sang.

"And just what was that suppose to be?"

"I don't know the word, okay."

"Well, why didn't you tell me that?"

"You never asked. You just shoved that stupid dress and accordion in my face, and told me to go."

"Well, what kind of person doesn't know that song?"


"What do you mean, pansy? You said you liked my girliness! Hey! Come back!"

The two Italians ran away, and left Heero and Lena in silence. "Is it just me, or were they Qu"

"Yeah. It was they." "You're not surprised by any of this?" "I know to expect the unexpected." "Hm Do you expect this?" She kissed him innocuously on the lips. (A.N. I know- how can a kiss on the lips be innocuous? Well, watch Will and Grace.ha.) She smiled when he blushed.


"There was some action!"

"Way to go Lena!"

"Now, go Heero."       The group waited.

"Go, hero."                      And waited.

"Okay. Let's move this up a notch."



"Well, what?"

"Were you surprised?"


"Yes you were. You've never stuttered before. You were surprised."

"Not really."

"Well, then, you admit that you were at least somewhat surprised?"

"Sure. Yes, I mean, I guess so."

"I see."


"Sha la la la la la, my oh my, look like the boy too shy, ain't gonna kiss the girl!" Duo broke in as the annoying bird. "WAAA WAAA!"  "Kiss de girl! Kiss de girl!" "WAA WAA!" Wuffie pounced on Duo, and those two were off, followed by Sally, who was openly cursing at her boyfriend. Trowa and Cathy kept singing, and Hilde was still weeping from Heero's song. She went to go find a tissue. Heero turned around to Trowa and Cat.

"Do you guys have to do that?"

"No. We were just leaving. Have a good night, you two."

"You too!" Relena called out, before giggling at Heero, who was really ticked.

He shut her up by giving her a kiss. It was not so innocent as Lena's, however. She blushed, and looked at him after it was over with a stunned expression. "I like you." He whispered. "Well, I'm glad. I've only been telling you that since I met you three years ago on the beach." "Walk you home?" "I would love that, Heero."

After he had kissed her goodnight, and she had gone up to her room, she went to the balcony, and sighed. "A lovely night! A lovely night! A finer night you know you'll never see!Unless, of course, we get married, then the honeymoon should be pretty cool.AnywayYou meet your prince, a charming prince, as charming as a prince will ever be! The stars in a hazy heaven, tremble above you, while he is whispering, Relena, I like you.You say goodbye, away you fly, but on your lips he leaves a kiss. All your life you've dreamed of this lovely, lovely night." She sighed one more time before falling asleep on her bed.





Disclaimer: I don't own none of the songs or the characters. I don't own any of it'cept the storyline. That was unique. All of y'all need to have pity on me for knowing all of these songs. It's rather pathetic. Anyway, nothat's all I got to say. Later Dayz, people!