Healing A Broken Heart

Chapter Two

by: Melville's Best Friend



"I thought for sure you could have left without them noticing, or raising too much suspicion of where you went." Himiko stated as she threw a punch at Relena, who dodged.

"You have no idea of what they're capable. I thought I made it all clear to you in the e-mail" Relena commented as she tried to kick Himiko. The two had lost no time in training. It was the only way they could get rid of some mammoth fury. They had been going at it for a while. They weren't running Relena's system, however, they were just fighting (A.N. Because everyone knows how angry a woman gets for no apparent reason; it's called PMS).

"Yeah, you told me what they can do, I researched them, and I know everything about them. Uggg, I feel like that Catalonia chickbut, anyway, I know you, too. And I think you could've gotten your way. You're just not being crafty" Himiko said, who landed a kick, but was kicked right back.

"OOOWWW!!! That's not fair! This isn't a cat fight, so don't get upset with what I say, okay Lena?" Himiko squealed.

"You're a real trooper, aren't you?" Relena said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I've had enough of this. Let's do something else."

"Like what Lena?"

"Like, figuring out how I'm going to get rid of the Preventers before I loose my mind".

"You mean before you get attached again, and they leaveagain"

Relena looked at her friend. "If that's not what I said, that's not what I meant."

"That's exactly what you meant. Admit it: you're afraid you're going to loose them again" hissed Himiko.

"I won't let that happen again. I'm too strong for that now", said Relena, and she started to leave the room.

"You're more of a coward than Heero! Why will no one in this universe admit his or her feelings? It's so freaking frustrating!" screamed Himiko.

Relena continued to walk out the door. Himiko got really red, and decided to yell, full blast, at Relena.

"You know, if you're goal was to act as resolute and desolate as that stupid Gundam pilot, with whom you're in love, then you achieved you're goal!!! You're such a jerk, Lena, you have major problems!!!!!"

She panted, out of breath, the crazed look of a woman on the edge hung over her face. She heard a noise behind her, and turning to look, found it was Heero.

" AHHHHH!" she screamed, jumping back. Realizing who it was, she grabbed her pounding heart, and sweat dropped a dozen times.

"Boy, you turn up in the most unexpected places!" she screamed. After she had calmed down, she looked over at the door of which Relena had exited. "You know, I think she wants to be just like you" she smiled. " And that's a good thing, too!" she popped up behind Heero, with a huge smile on her face, touching his shoulder. "That means she's obviously still thinking about you" she let go of him, and shrugged her shoulders, with her palms turned upward. "Which leads me to believe she still loves you" she turned to face him. "You know, I'm supposed to be helping her get rid of you guys, but I think I'll go against my partnership with her. I think I'll help you instead. She needs her humanity back, Heero" she stated seriously. Suddenly, she got hyper again. " Whadya' say?" she held out her hand for a handshake.

He only stared at her. Her face went blank. This guy is really way too much, she thought, then turned to leave.

"I don't like you, Himiko Nayotaki"

"And I don't care, Heero Yuywhose real name is unknown" she smart-mouthed back.

"Stop" she heard a gun click behind her. She sighed and stopped walking.

"Do you really think I'm going to be intimidated by you and your gun?"

"Ditto" he sneered.

She turned around to face him. "Let's put last night behind us, okay? I've got better things to do than fight with you. And, frankly, I'm starting to wonder why she's in love with you".

"I don't understand you. Why are you really here? What's your mission?"

"IS EVERYTHING A MISSION WITH YOU?!!!!????"  she screamed at him, and then folded her arms across her chest, waiting for an explanation. "You, Heero Yuy, are a freak of nature. I've looked into you; don't think I don't know what you're capable of. And, Mr. 'I'm going to eliminate all obstacles', you won't ever be able to even comprehend what I am, or what I can do. So, if you're not going to help me with Relena, then STAY OUT OF MY WAY" she huffed. She turned and walked off. Heero, however, wasn't one to take threats. He had blocked her path to the door, gun in hand, with a quite mad look on his face.

"I'm not going to let you get near her. I don't trust you."

"I'm far more reliable than you were."

"If you want to get shot, by all means, keep talking like that."

"Aha! So, the man of little emotions shows compassion. So you admit that you hurt her, and want to fix your mistake ­huh?"

"Where did you get that assumption?"

"From your eyes; it's written all over your face."

"" He pointed the gun right at her chest. She sighed again.

"Look, all I want to do, is help her; but, she won't listen to me. I know you can do something."

"What makes you say that?"

"Because you caused it." He dropped his hand, and looked down at the gun. He knew he had to fix his mistake, but how in the world could he do that? He didn't see Himiko leave, but he heard her bombastic and cheerful voice as she screamed: "Later Yuy!!!"


The next morning, Relena woke up with a major headache. She had barely been able to sleep: Himiko had ranted all night. Something about "stupid men with  #$*! attitudes  who didn't care about anyone else other than themselves". It went on all night. Relena threw her alarm clock across the room, and sssslllloooowwwwllllyyyy sat up. "uuuhhhhh.My head." Suddenly, Himiko greeted her.

"Morning!" Himiko said brightly.

"You kept me awake all night."



"Well, I'm sorry. Hey, Lena, can I ask you a serious question?"

"I guess." Relena got up to change clothes.

"Do you want to go back to the way you were before? Because I can't help you if you don't want it, and I don't want to make you be something that you don't want to be."

Relena pulled the sweater over her head. Her tasseled hair, she flipped back, and starred at Himiko.

"I don't know how to answer that question."

"It's simple: you either like the way you were before, or the way you are now, better."

"I loved being happy. I loved waking up to someone who loved me. I loved crying when I felt sad. I loved laughing when I felt happy. I loved the life I had. I loved feeling. But, I don't miss it. I'd rather have no emotions than go through what I went through again. I couldn't live through it twice." She looked at Himiko, as if that was all there was to it. Himiko looked back, confused.

"Soyou don't miss the feeling you got when Heero was near. You don't long for the love that everyone showed you to fall heavily on your heart once more. You don't want to feel Heero's hand on your back, guiding you from danger. You don't want to succumb to those emotions?"

"I don't want to be hurt again."

"And that's understandable. Relena, I liked you the way you were better. And I think everyone else does too."

"This is not about how everyone else feels. This is about how I felt when I was left all alone in this world. I had no friends. I had no family. I had no one I could trust. Not you, not Heero, no one." Himiko looked at her friend. Relena still refused to show any emotions. How is that possible? " I refuse to let my heart be crushed again."


"Get out.  I no longer require your services."

"What the heck is that supposed to mean?"

"It means you're doing me more harm here than anywhere else."

"What is wrong with you Relena? Wake up and stop acting like a princess!" Relena's eyes shot at Himiko's. She slapped her.

"Get out of my house."

Himiko held her red cheek. She snarled at Relena before she pounced on her, pinning her to the ground.

"Get a clue in your simple-minded head! We aren't going to stop loving you just because we leave!"

Relena kicked Himiko off, and punched her in the stomach.

"You don't know what it's like to feel such loneliness that it makes you want to die, Himiko."

By this time, the pilots were in Relena's room, trying to stop the fight. To no avail, however, because the girls just punched and kicked the bewildered pilots, and resumed fighting each other. Wuffie managed to stop Himiko, and he, Duo, and Quatre managed to hold her back. She was bleeding and out of breath. She was still trying to break free, as was Relena. Heero and Trowa held her. A stream of blood ran down her delicate neck, and the boys couldn't help but feel sorry for the bleeding 'dove of peace'.

A tear rolled down her cheek as well. Himiko smiled. At least I got her to express some kind of emotion. But, jeez, it hurt Relena, realizing Himiko's plan, narrowed her eyes into slits thinner than a string could fit through. She stopped fighting the muscular arms of her 'captors' and with strength that emitted from her soul, spoke: "Listen to me, all of you. I refuse to let any of you or anyone else come near me. I will kill myself before I let you. And you know I can do it. And you know I will. I've tried too long and too hard to alleviate the pain you've generated. I want you all to realize you mean nothing to me. Absolutely nothing."

Tears flooded Himiko's face, and soaked the beige carpet on Relena's floor. She walked up to Relena, the pilots didn't try to stop her, and placed a weary hand on Relena's cheek. Eyes widening, Relena gasped at the compassion she was receiving. Himiko wiped away the stray tear that had fallen but a minute ago, and wrapped her arms around Relena. "I will always love you, Relena. No matter what happens, I promise, you will never be unloved." Relena gasped again, she looked completely taken aback. Her mind screamed at her, telling her this was a trick; no one loved her, they were just going to cause her heartache.

"Go" she whispered. Obeying, Himiko went to her room to pack her things. The pilots, too left in silence.

Himiko looked up at Relena, who was sitting on her balcony. Himiko stood, outside, packed and ready to leave. Relena turned away, and Himiko got in her car and headed off. Inside, Heero found a note on a dresser in his room. It was from Himiko:

Hey. So phase one is complete, neh? I told you I would help her. She's showed some shred of an emotion. It came at a price, though. I'm going to be sore for weeks. But, Heero, I've passed the torch on to you. Think of it as a mission. Your mission, Heero Yuy, is to heal a broken heart.



Heero looked at the small piece of paper once more before he threw it away. Walking out the door, he muttered, "Mission excepted", and turned out the lights.



Disclaimer: I don't own them. Never did, never will. So, as you can see, I'm in a sort of slump. Chapter three, should anyone care to read it, will be much better, and I'll use much more imagery. I'm going to draw a pic. Of Himiko, and try to send it in. If not, oh well, life goes on.  Yes, well, comments? Suggestions? Anything would be welcome, except for flames. I don't do well with hate Anyway, lemme' get off the subject for a minute. Does anyone know what it feels like when people who have graduated come back and tell you how sucky everything is, and how glad they are that they graduated? I had those freaks. Anywho, you want a third chapter? Write me, and you'll get it.