Healing A Broken Heart

Chapter Four

By Melville's Best Friend



"Ow" "Ow" "Ow" "OwDang it! I'm stuck!" Duo tried to pull himself free of the branch on which he had snagged his clothes. "Errrr." He pulled the shirt loose, ripping fabric in the process. "That's what I get for buying cheap clothesHey you guys! Wait up!" He followed the train led by Heero. They had been walking all day, and the sun was about to set. Duo tried to pass the time by naming the various kinds of birds, but stopped when he thought everything was a blue jay. Actually, Relena corrected everything he shouted, and Heero told Duo to shut up. They had passed the last few hours in silence. This suited Relena, however. She was fighting a loosing battle with herself. She tried to assure herself that this was the right path. This is the right path. This has to be She looked at Heero. He's so devoted to everything he does. Everything he does is to the best of his ability. "We'll stay here for the night." He went to go get firewood. She was left alone with Duo. She watched him sit down, and start to relax. She sat down next to him. He inwardly smiled, although he pretended not to notice that she sat next to him.

"Have you given up?" she asked.

"On what?" he asked, not moving.

"On trying to help me," she stated. He looked at her. "I have, to be honest. But it will take a crowbar and 40 sticks of dynamite to make Heero back off" he said.

"Is he really getting paid that much?" she joked.

"Paid? We're not getting paid. Who told you that?" he questioned. She blinked in amazement.

"You're not? Well...why are you helping me?"

"Because we love you, Lena. We've been looking out for you since we left" he said.

"Hm. Then I guess you know what happened right after you left" when his facial expression stated he didn't, she smirked. "You never watched over me."

"What happened when we left?" he asked. She looked at him, and proceeded to tell him what she went through.

"Right after you guys left, I broke down. I cried all the time, I even stopped talking. I couldn't think anymore. It got to the point where the delegates had stopped asking me to make an appearance at meetings. They wouldn't admit it openly, but they knew I was dying."

He looked at her; sympathy was plain on his features. She sighed, and continued. "I refused to be kicked out of the world's affairs, so I kept going to every meeting. I was totally unaware of what I was doing to myself. Maybe I really did know, but I just wanted to keep myself busy so I wouldn't have to think about it." She paused for a moment. Her eyes glossed, but at the same time, became incredibly dull. "I was in danger of loosing my life. Noin tried to help, but she couldn't get through to me. When I started passing out on a regular basis, I was discreetly admitted to a local hospital. Noin didn't want the press finding out about my 'dilemma'. At the hospital, they had to force feed me"

"Relena" Duo whispered.

"Isomething happened, though. I had a dream. I saw myself from outside my bodyIwas so upset with myself when I saw what my stupidity had done to my body. I had lived through wars, deaths, and bloodshed, and I thought 'Heero leaving almost killed me?'- Yeah right. I realized that love had done this to me..love lostHeero's lost love. All I had to do was never to love again." She smiled. "I was really lucky the press didn't find out."

"But Heero did" he said.


"He always did like watching over you. I guess it was kinda' his hobby. I guess it was hard for him to stop, so he didn't. He wouldn't openly admit it, but he was so worried when he found out. He took a private shuttle so he could watch over you from a closer distance. You mean a lot to him, Lena."

She ran her fingers through her hair. "I don't believe this. Why didn't he just sayno" she smiled. "You're just lying to me," she got up and walked off, only to bump into Heero a minute later. She grabbed hold of his arm. "We need to talk," she stated, and drug him off to where Duo couldn't hear.

"Heero, have you been watching over me this whole time?"

"The whole time we've been here." He continued walking. She caught up with him, and stopped him in his tracks.

"You know what I mean. Have you or have you not been watching over me?" He looked at her. He realized by looking into her eyes that this may be his chance to revive her. She was obviously feelingsomethinganythingtowards him.


"But, you made me think you didn't care about me." She whispered, almost inaudible.

"I made a promise to you, Relena, a long time ago. I promised that I would always protect you. That was a solemn promise, and I have no intention on breaking it." He walked off, and Relena smiled for the first time in months. She turned the opposite direction to go wash in a nearby stream.

She had bent down in order to wash her face. The water felt good on her forehead, and cleansed the sweat from her brow. She smiled as she thought of it as a sort of baptism. She could start a new life, one with Heero in the picture. She was finally becoming human again. As she knelt there, she realized that there was no sound. The entire wood was quiet. No birds sang, nothing rustled through the brush. There was no sound or movement. Besides the stream, all was still. "Something's not right" she thought. Her eyes narrowed, and she quickly did a back flip, landing next to the root of a nearby tree. The second she touched the ground, an arrow hit where she had been. "Blast it.." she whispered before she started running. Whoever was shooting obviously had high ground. She had to hide in the foliage in order to escape. She had to make it to the guys. Arrows followed her path. She suddenly spotted a hollow tree, and dove in it. She started shimmying up the tree, towards a hole in the top. Once she made it, however, arrow met her. She reacted with the agility and speed of a cat, managing to flip onto another tree. "There's more than one" she said as she began to find her way to the boys. "They're moving way too fast...there has to be more than one shooterso, who's helping Talea? They're not using guns, so they're afraid Duo and Heero might hear. Good, that means that these assassins haven't gotten to them yet. I'll need their help if I'm going to beat Talea."

She somehow managed to get to a small clearing without any trouble. Not a single arrow fell. "It's a trap.." she whispered, as she realized they had led her exactly where they wanted her. No sooner had she though that, then another arrow was fired. This time, however, she caught it. "Quit these games, Talea. I've no time for such nonsense." A figure dropped out of a tree, clapping. As Relena had guessed, Talea stood before her.

"I was told you had escaped from prison. I thought you might come after me"

"Is that an excuse for your total lack of preparation?" Talea questioned. Her voice was hard and cold, and reminded Relena of how he used to be. Relena smiled.

"Before we start, call out your partner. There's no need for them to hide any longer. Your tick didn't work."

"Hasn't it, Relena? I'd like you to meet my apprentice" Another figure dropped from the shadows. Relena gasped. Her eyes narrowed. "Traitor" she whispered.

"May I introduce, Ms. Himiko Nayotaki, but I believe you two already know each other." This was not good. This was not good at all.

"I didn't know you needed this much help killing me, Talea. It's not like you."

"Cut the dramatics, princess. I don't need help finishing you. Himiko here, is my pupil. She'll learn what she can from me, and eventually be the most highly paid bounty hunter in the galaxy." Himiko never took her eyes off Relena.

"Do you have something you want to say to her, Relena?" Talea sneered.

"I have no comments for a traitor. I have nothing to say."

"Then let's get started." Talea screeched, and ran towards Relena. Relena pulled her earring off, and pressed a miniature button on it. The earring transformed into a staff. She blocked an attack from Talea. Himiko had resumed shooting arrows. Relena juggled blocking the arrows, by spinning the staff, and fighting Talea, neither of which left any room for mistakes. She quickly managed to knock Talea down, but was challenged with Himiko. An arrow met her gaze. Himiko had wasted no time in taking advantage of when Relena had her back turned.

"Mistake number one" Himiko whispered. Relena tilted her head. "What? Putting my trust in someone like you?" Relena used her pole to knock Himiko off her feet, and placed the pole under her chin. "Mistake number one" Relena sneered.

"Oh, the use of irony. How quaint." Talea stated. She'd gotten back up, and charger Relena. The two commenced in battle. Himiko waited for the right opportunity, arrow ready to fire.

"Isn't this a little one-sided?" Relena asked, dodging an attack. Talea drew a sword, and thrust it at Lena, who blocked it with her staff.

"Are you afraid for your life, princess?"

"If I were afraid to die, I would never have chosen the path I've taken." She blocked another attack. Himiko still waited.

"You're not afraid of death, Lena?" Talea asked, picking up the speed of her attack. Relena tried her best to block. With Talea gaining speed, Relena could only defend herself.

"You limit yourself if you're only defensive. Offence is the best defense."

"Wuffie" Realizing he was right, Relena tried her best to attack, matching the Talea's energy output.

"You haven't answered my question, Relena." Sweat poured over both of them. Himiko still waited. Opportunity is not a lengthy visitor, or a frequent visitor, at that.

"I am not afraid to die for what I believe in. I'll die fighting for the people I love." She fought on, overcoming Talea, bit by bit.

"For whom are you fighting, Relena? Everyone who cared about you is gone."

"I'll fight for the love with which they've blessed me, and I won't give up. I'll live up until the bitter end for the people I care about."

"Touching" Talea screamed as her sword came down on Relena. She fell back, hand on her stomach where the blade had cut her. Himiko would've fired if Relena hadn't gotten back up so quickly. Talea never saw it coming. Relena hit her weapon with the staff, knocking it out of her hand, and, simultaneously, knocking Talea unconscious. . Grabbing the weapon, Relena prepared to execute Talea.

She was stopped by an arrow. Opportunity had presented itself. Relena looked at Himiko, her eyes were strangely soft. The arrow had grazed her arm. The blood form both wounds bled freely, as Relena lowered her weapons. Himiko did the same.

"You almost hit me." Relena stated.

"But I didn't."

"Did you know you weren't going to?"

"I acted before I knew she was unconscious, how was I suppose to know you'd already defeated her? I needed to make it look good."

"Well, you made it look gory."

"At least I missed you."

Relena looked at her partner. The two had been plotting against Talea the whole time. Himiko put her bow down, and went to examine Lena's wounds.

"It's deeper than you let on."

"It's okay. I'm fine."

"But you're not, traitor." Talea hissed. The next thing Relena saw was Talea's blade through Himiko's chest. Her eyes widened. Talea pulled the blade out, and started laughing.

"A proper death for a traitor. And she had such potential. Now, princess, it's your turn."

Relena had caught Himiko's body when she fell.

"I'ms..so gladhe healed.you, Lena. Now, I.Ican rest easier." She died in Relena's arms. She didn't hold back the tears any longer. Retaining her pole, Relena faced Talea.

"You will pay for what you've done" she cried.

"Now it's your turn to die, Relena Darlain."

The two commenced in battle.

"Her love can't help you anymore, Relena."

Relena tried her best to protect herself, but her wounds were slowing her down. Talea soon had her on the ground, weaponless.

"Say goodbye, Relena." Talea's sword came crashing down, but was stopped as Relena thrust an arrow into Talea's stomach. Talea retreated, stepping slowly backwards, and Relena, without blinking, grabbed her weapon from her, and stabbed her, ending her life completely. She gasped after it had all happened. Taking time to let the event sink in, she suddenly remembered Himiko. She stumbled over to her corpse, picked it up, and wept. She sat there for what seemed like an eternity, rocking Himiko. She heard Heero's voice in the distance, breaking her away from her reverie. She smiled at Himiko.

"You helped me gain my humanity again. I will always remember you. Thank you, my friend." She kissed the top of her head, moving her stray bangs away from her face. She stood up to meet Heero.

He took one look at her, and rushed over to her side. "What the heck happened?" The concern was overly evident in every one of his features.

"IThere, there wasa bounty huntershe kikilled Himiko." The words hurt her ears to hear. Killed. It sounded do wrong. It left a bitter taste on her tongue.

"Relena. I'm so sorry." He hugged her small frame. She lifted his head in order to meet his eyes. "It's not your fault. It would have ended this way no matter what. We're lucky she didn't get to you before she got to me." He smiled, a very small smile, but a smile nonetheless. He let her sit for a second, and turned away, calling for Duo. To his astonishment, when he turned around, she met him face-to-face. She grabbed the collar of his shirt, yanking it towards her, and kissed the life out of him. She had a lot of time to make up. He easily succumbed to it, deepening the kiss, and trying to make it last as long as he was able. They were still kissing when Duo found them. He watched them for a minute before yelling.

"Hey you guys! You won't believe it! But, I found a plane! It's loaded up with a all kinds of weapons, though. I think it might belong to a bounty hunter. We should keep our eyes open." He waited. They kept kissing. He sweat-dropped, and tried to yell again. When they finished, Heero moaned, obviously not wanting to let go. She kissed his forehead.

"Let's go. We've got a lot to catch up on" she whispered. He smiled, genuinely, and lifted her up, cradling her frail body in his strong, sheltering arms. She fell asleep before they got to the ship. He kissed her forehead as he laid her down in the chair across form him. Duo was in the pilot's seat, steering them back home. Heero took her hand, and whispered, "Mission accomplished" before falling asleep next to her.

They took Himiko with them. She was given a proper burial, with a beautiful memorial service. Her tombstone read:


Himiko Nayotaki

In life she taught us what it meant to love.

In death she taught us how important it is never to forget.





Disclaimer: I don't own them, at all. Yay! I'm finished! You have no idea how long that took. Ideas were coming to me in my sleep. I had to weed out all the bad ones. I was left with the works before you. I'm glad it's over. That was the hardest fic. I've ever written. So, anyway, I would appreciate some feedback. Thank you guys for stickin' in there with me! It's over!!better things to come?.