Disclaimer: Sorry. Still not mine.

This is it, the final chapter. Woohoo! For comments, suggestions, flames or reviews, you can email me at raizenheero@aol.com

Gundam Legacy
by Neesah

Epilogue: A Family's Legacy

December AC 240

Athena looked back as she heard the glass tube opening and saw Heero, Duo, Trowa, Quatre, Wufei and Zechs emerging from it. She couldn't help smiling when she heard Duo complain, "I'm really getting old for that long glider ride."

"If you think you're old, then I'm older. Four years older to be exact," Zechs told him.

"I don't think 60 or 64 yr olds should still be doing that kind of exercise," Quatre commented as he rubbed his arms.

"Well, we wouldn't be doing that anymore. This is the last time we'll have the chance to do that so I suggest you savor the experience," Wufei pointed out.

Trowa surveyed the whole room. "I'm going to miss coming here."

"Hn. All of us will," Heero stated as he went to Athena's side by the main computer terminal.

"Are you done with all the changes?" Athena asked.

"Yes. We've uploaded the new DNA prints and deleted ours," Heero replied.

"We also finished checking if everything in the storages is in proper order," Zechs said.

"We did our final goodbyes too," Quatre added. "This is the last time we'll be seeing them, the last time we'll be able to set foot in this base."

"What about you, Athena? Are you finished with everything here?" Trowa asked.

"Yup. I already changed the DNA print in HAVOC's storage and I just finished uploading the files you gave me before I dropped you off to your respective storages. All the necessary files --- instructions, data on the former pilots, the Gundams, the experiments and the past wars --- everything that they might need in the future are all complete. I'm just waiting for you coz maybe you want to review the files or add something before I encrypt everything."

The guys flocked the terminal, reading the files and adding some things in them. When everything was to their liking, Wufei said, "You can encrypt them now, Athena. And encrypt them good. If the fate of the whole ESUN would lie on them then they should be able to open one lousy file easily."

"Hn." After a few minutes, everything was in its proper order. They finished all that they came there for.

"So this is goodbye, huh?" Duo whispered.

"Yeah. Goodbye forever," Athena replied.

"It's sad that we're leaving all of this behind. But I'm also glad that this part of our lives is over," Trowa commented.

"I know what you mean. It's nice that this is all over for us. But for them, it's just beginning," Zechs stated.

"Do you think we're doing the right thing? Isn't it unfair for them to have us place that great burden on them without their consent?" Quatre inquired.

"I don't say that it's fair but there's no other alternative. Besides, it's just a precaution," Wufei told him.

"We always say that we don't have any alternative but is it true? Do we really have no other choice? Sometimes, I can't help but think that we're just saying that as an excuse to justify our actions," Duo stated.

Everyone remained silent. After a while, Zechs said, "Maybe it's wrong for us to say that we had no other choice. We have other choices but obviously, one of them is the best one and we are always inclined to choose that one. It is foolhardy to opt for another. And I know that that's what we mean whenever we say that we have no other choice."

"I agree," Heero replied. "We might not like dragging our whole bloodline into this but what else can we do to secure peace? There would be other insurgents, we know that. It's a fact of life. It's part of human nature. And the Gundams will always have the power to influence the tide of war. Who else could we trust to ensure that the Gundams will be there to restore order and not cause chaos than our own flesh and blood?"

"Peace. And protecting peace. That's our legacy to them," Trowa said.

"Not to mention everything that it entails -- death, blood, guilt. Funny, we couldn't really run away from it. And not only will it follow us to our graves, it'll even haunt our whole bloodline," Wufei stated.

"It's funny alright. Downright hilarious," Duo muttered drily.

The 7 of them remained silent for a while, immersed in their own thoughts as they surveyed the room that became like a second home to them for more or less 40 years.

Athena then looked at her watch. "It's getting late. We better go."

The other 6 nodded and with one last look at the place, they went inside the glass tube that would take them out their forever, and to their shuttle above.

2 weeks later

The traditional Christmas Eve dinner at the Peacecraft Palace was splendid. After dinner, all the kids went to either the combat room or the simulation room to burn out what they just ate while the adults went to the den, wanting to exchange Christmas presents. Three hours later, the kids trouped inside the den and said their goodnights. They wanted to sleep early so they could open their presents early tomorrow morning. Lady Une, Carrie and Dean, Marimeia and Toby, their daughter Trina and her husband, Paul, Catherine and Ardy, Miles and Eevie, Ren and Arianne, Colin and Krisha followed their kids' example and also said their own goodnights. They were all heading out to go upstairs when Quatre suddenly called out, "Kahlil, Minmei, Dejan, Zeubin, Ilani, Lander, Qianna, can you stay for a moment?"

4 teenaged boys and 3 teenaged girls stopped on their tracks and looked back while everybody else continued on their way to their rooms. "Sure, Gramps," 17-yr old Kahlil Winner replied.

"So, umm, what's up?" Reina and Qintaro's 16 yr-old daughter, Qianna, asked as she looked at the serious faces of everyone there. Their parents, not to mention Athena, Heero and Relena, Zechs and Noin, Duo and Hilde, Trowa and Midii, Quatre and Dorothy, Wufei and Sally were all looking at them solemnly.

"Nothing's up, really. We just want to give you kids something," Athena answered.

"I thought we're supposed to get our presents tomorrow," 18 yr-old Lander Peacecraft commented.

"You are. But aside from the ones you'll get tomorrow, we still want to give you these," Zechs explained, showing them a velvet box.

"Yay! More presents!" Minmei Chang exclaimed.

"Go to your Grandpa Wufei, Minmei," Lee told his 15-yr old daughter.

Deity regarded her 16-yr old son. "That goes for you too, Dejan. Go to Grandpa Duo."

"I think you all got the picture. You know what to do, Ilani," Trion said, looking at his 14-yr old daughter.

Ilani nodded and went to where Trowa and Midii were sitting. Kahlil went to Quatre, Lander to Zechs and Jiiro's 15-yr old son, Zeubin to Heero.

Seeing that her cousin stood before Heero, Qianna walked over to Athena. "I assume I should be with you, right?"

Athena smiled. "Right. You really are a bright girl, Qianna. Just like your Mom." She then handed her the velvet box. The others did the same.

Reina and Qintaro, Deity and Sean, Jiiro and Alyssa, Trion and Maya, Lee and Irene, Kai and Sharon, Rhys and Lindsay watched as their respective firstborns opened the box, though Alyssa, Maya, Irene, Sharon and Lindsay didn't have any idea what those gifts really were.

Dejan and the others took out the rings and placed them in their fingers. "This is so pretty, thanks," Ilani said as he hugged Trowa, then Midii.

"Yeah. Thanks so much, Gramps," Dejan said. "But aren't these the same rings Mom, Uncle Jiiro, Aunt Reina, Uncle Rhys, Uncle Kai, Uncle Lee and Uncle Trion have?" Deity nodded and showed them her ring. Reina, Jiiro Rhys, Kai, Lee and Trion also held up their hands. "Cool. And you have one too right?" Dejan added as he looked at Duo's fingers. His brows shot up quizzically when he saw that his ring was gone. "Where's yours, Gramps?"

"You're wearing it, kiddo."

"Huh?" All the kids looked at their respective hands then at the hands of their Grandfathers (in Qianna's case, her Grandmother).

"Oh. It's like you're passing it on to us now. Sort of like a family heirloom," Zeubin remarked.

"Something like that," Reina said. "But so much more."

"Those rings will lead you to the legacy we'll be leaving behind. Take care of them," Heero told them.

The 7 kids looked at each other. They had been told all about their grandparents' and their parents' history so they knew that what Heero was saying meant only one thing. "We will," Kahlil promised. "But how can"

"When the right time comes, you'll know how. Just like we did," Kai assured them. "Besides, we'll still be here."

"We'll guide you, tell you everything you need to know. Then it'll be your turn to tell it to your kids, and our turn to pass on our rings," Jiiro added.

Ilani, Dejan, Qianna, Lander, Minmei, Zeubin and Kahlil looked at their rings, watching the light bouncing off the shiny square black surface as their brains processed everything that they learned that night. So, aside from their 'obvious' responsibilities to the ESUN because of their names, they also had the responsibility of being peace's last resort. And not just them, but their children, their children's children, and their children after that. It would be their family's legacy to the ESUN, the legacy of peace and keeping peace.

7 pairs of determined eyes looked at the older pilots, then at their parents, then at the older pilots again. "We understand. Mission Accepted," Zeubin told them.

Heero tousled his grandson's hair. "Time for bed, kids."

The 7 teenagers nodded and with a chorus of 'thanks' and 'goodnights', they walked towards the door.

The adults watched the kids disappear from view with sadness and pride. It was a great responsibility, but they knew that they would do well. Peace would never be in better hands.