Disclaimer: I don't own gundam wing. Any other characters are mine. Enjoy.


Fight of a Lifetime
Part 11
Written By Rae


Heero woke up the next morning and looked down at Releena. At least she'd slept all right. He still felt guilty about allowing Machiavellian to get away with this in the first place. If he hadn't been so foolish and had kept up his training he would have been able to stop this whole thing. Then as if that weren't stupid enough he let himself be forced into operating that darn machine. He should have known it was meant to cause Releena harm in some form, yet stupidly he'd obeyed Machiavellian and see what the result was? He'd promised to protect Releena at the end of the war with OZ and he'd failed.

"This is entirely my fault."

"No it's not," he heard Releena say.

"Sorry did I wake you?" he asked. To himself, "I said that allowed?"

"No." she sat up facing him.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah. Heero, it's not your fault."

"Yeah Wufei's right, she's too nice." He thought.

"You know, I used to think Millardo was way too over protective," tears threatened to spill from her eyes, "Now I know why he's so protective."

"Don't cry," Heero said wiping away the tears that had started to fall.

He made a mental note to thank Millardo for saving Releena from joining her parents in heaven.

Releena managed a weak smile.

"What do you think the next torture will be?" she asked.

"I don't kn-." He was cut off.

"Hello! Rise and shine it's torture time!"

Releena was handed her light purple skirt and white shirt. Heero was given his green tank
top and black spandex shorts. They were led into a small room. It was empty except for a pair of handcuffs that were apparently to be used for chaining someone to the wall. Heero was taken and chained to the wall so that he couldn't break free and couldn't move. Releena had a sinking feeling in her stomach; she didn't like this at all. Then two soldiers came in each taking hold of one of Releena's arms. Next Machiavellian pulled a gun from a pocket of his cloak. Releena filled with dread as she realized what was about to happen. Then, BANG the first shot rang out hitting Heero square in the stomach.

"Better me than Releena," Heero thought.


Releena was forced to watch as Machiavellian shot Heero continuously without mercy. She struggled to get free but the soldiers held her in place. 5 shots. Heero's blood was forming a puddle on the floor. 10 shots. Heero was losing consciousness. 15 shots. Releena kicked and struggled to get free. 20 shots. Heero was on the verge of unconsciousness. None of the shots had been aimed at his head or heart yet though. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,26, 27, 28, 29, the thirtieth shot was aimed at Heero's head.

"NO!" with one final effort Releena broke lose and intercepted the shot that would've killed the Perfect Soldier.

"RELEENA!" Heero snapped fully back to consciousness as Releena's body fell limply to the floor.




Author's Note: Well what do you think? Come on I need some feedback! If I don't get some feedback I'll commit suicide! Okay maybe not but you get the point. What will become of Heero and Releena? The torture isn't over yet. Sorry this was so short.
Email me with any comments, questions, or suggestions: raerenee@gundambliss.zzn.com
Visit my website: http://raerenee.tripod.com/gundamloveraeandrenee/