En Memorium- A Dedication

Many people have asked me: "Where did you get such a weird idea?"

The sad truth is I received this story from reality. As you read these words, a civil war rages in the small African nation of Sierra Leone. RUF rebels enter towns, kill all of the adults, and then recruit the children into their armies. These children are hooked on speed and other drugs, turning them into virtual killing machines. Brainwashed, traumatized, and hopelessly addicted, they are wandering the countryside as of right now, killing, pillaging, and turning into the things they hate.

The first thing I thought of when I heard of this was a bunch of Heero Yuys wandering around killing with the same intensity.

We are not talking about teenagers, we are talking about six to twelve year olds.

To fund for this campaign, the rebels trade diamonds with neighboring countries for weapons and drugs.

Why isn’t this on the news? Why aren’t the news stations tuned to it 24 hours a day? The sad, simple truth is that many nations do not care.

Perhaps you watch ‘Gundam Wing’ for the killing. Perhaps you like the battles. Think about the children. Think about what war makes people do. That is the message ‘Gundam Wing’ is trying to convey, and right now, I’m trying to do the same.

The sequel to ‘Masquerade’ will delve deeply into Heero’s training and brainwashing, using the sad story of Sierra Leone as an example.

A small nation in this world has empty classrooms. A small nation in this world forces children to kill their parents. In a small nation in this world, the pit patter of children’s feet is the sound of approaching death. As of now, the situation is being resolved. Read more about current news here at: http://www.sierra-leone.org/slnews.html

This is my message.

