Of Mystical Gates

By Melville's Best Friend



The wood was quiet where he stood. Bowing, he placed his hands into the crystal water, and doused his sweating forehead. He quenched his thirst as he avariciously drank from the stream, allowing his tongue to become moist once again. He never once paused to apprehend the magnificence of the world on which he stood. This world was filled with hate, and battles-- with bloodshed and fear. This world was no place for dreams or aspirations. Finished with his drink, the boy stood, allowing nature congratulate herself on the beauty of the creature she beheld.

This boy was a Wildoor, an immortal creature with no magic. The Wildoor relied on their skills as huntsmen, and trackers; they were cunning, skilled marvels, who stood as tall as a human.

He brushed the chocolate tresses away from his brow, revealing his illustrious eyes. The entire forest glimmered in his dark blue orbs, allowing a passageway into his thoughts. Focusing on the problematical wars of the human race was the single most important dynamic in the minds of all the Wildoor. The humans were ignorant, supercilious, imprudent mortals who relied on science to comfort them. Every creature loathed the humans, both mortal and immortal creatures. Here stood the Wildoorian, silently asking the question no more than time could answer: What would become of his kind?

Humans had vast villages throughout the planet, and were under constant attack by despicable creatures of the night. Goblins and dwarfs nest near the humans, so that they might feed on the richness of the cities. Food was vast, and alcohol, for them, was free. They had their pick of maidens and children, devouring both, and ruining the foundation of each city. These creatures were death to men, and the Wildoor's loved that. However, man had placed all blame on the creatures of the forest, mainly the Dorna, who were the most powerful of the forest creatures. The humans targeted all of the magical beings, and forced a war upon them, the War of Aria.

His people were at risk every second; humans hunted them daily. They had not the utilities or power to fight back. This is why he was on this ground, a place foreign to him. He was in search of the Queen of the Dorna, Queen Relena. The Dorna were obdurate, however. They had not lifted a finger to preclude the spate of war. He was journeying to change their minds; he was on a quest to save his people. The King of the Wildoor was on an expedition to rid the world of humans, and smite the demons of the night that had caused his people such heartache.

The goblins and dwarfs worked of their own authority; no one, no Dorna, no Wildoor, no Unicorn or Fairy had any responsibility over the measures of the monsters. And yet, this war could very well kill them all.

A ruffled bush awoke him from his repose. With the elegance of a panther, he had aimed a bow at the heart of the noise.

"Reveal yourself," he commanded.

"I will! Just, dono shoot! I swear am nice! Swear! I's you friend, Wildoor!"

He lowered his weapon and groaned. The creature to which he'd threatened was no more than an elf. "Come out then, and state your business. I don't have time to mingle with an elf."

The creature showed itself. The frightened being was not as horrid looking as the King had expected. The elf stood somewhat taller than he. A long gold braid fell down his back, a characteristic of most elfin men. His ears reached for the trees surrounding him, seemingly unending in length, and his unruly bangs fell in his face like branches would a tree. His apparel was too horrid for that of such a miserable animal, and he smelled heavily Cedar Forest, the resting place of many of the elves.

"Me so sorry, you majesty, but I am sent on a quest for find you."

"I have no business with so lowly a creature." The King replied, turning away so as to leave.

"Sir! This is very important! I am represent King of elves, Duo. We in need of Wildoor help."

"I am not required to aid you."

"We pay for assistance. King is around corner. You help us?"

"I will speak with your King. He had better make this worth my while, creature."

They journeyed in a line. The Wildoor king kept a stern eye on the elf. Elves were known for their trickery and cunning; they could not be trusted. Their major power was the ability to manipulate the spirits of the earth-water, windThe Wildoor King saw it fit to watch the animal most closely. They came to a small clearing, and the elf clumsily walked over to a tree, whispering some elfin code once by its side. A door opened from within the tree, and the King of the elves stood before the King of the Wildoor. The messenger scampered through the opening, and disappeared from the Kings' eye.

"You've not been easy to trace, Wildoor. I have been in search of you for some time."

"I would have you get to the point elf."

"My name is Duo, the King of the Elves." He bowed. His long brown braid fell over his shoulder. Magnificently clad in a camouflage-fighting ensemble, he didn't appear as lowly as the Wildorian King had suspected he'd be.

"And you are the King of the Wildoor. King Heero. It is a pleasure to finally meet you."

"I'm sure you're pleased to be seen with such austere company."

"I did not track you to be insulted. I came to ask for your help."

"No honorable creature would help you. Elves are only seen as traitors and feasts for Goblins and the like."

"You're mind is petty, Heero. You assume the rumors of my people starting the countless wars years back are true, don't you? Ignorance. No one has the proof to make such a statement. If it had not been for the elves, many of your people would have died. We were saviors in those wars of the past--not provokers."

"Watch your tongue, elf, lest you wish it ripped off."

"You don't believe me?"

"I believe your people are too crafty to be trusted. What is the meaning of this?"

Duo smiled. Getting through to forest creatures had not been an easy task since they were branded for the wars of the past. Only a few had remained loyal to the elves, and the rest of the forest shunned those few.

"We must stop the humans from their attack on this place. You are on a quest, I have heard, to see Queen Relena."

"What you speak is true. How did you come about that knowledge?"

"We are elves, as you stated. We are cunning and tricky. We have our ways."

"You wish to accompany me in my quest?"

"I do. I will do all I can to stop men from destroying our home, even if it means begging from hypocrites like the Dorna."

Heero said nothing. He turned and went on his way, allowing the Duo to follow.



Disclaimer: Don't own 'em. I know this is short, but before I spend any more time on it, I need to know if people wish for me to continue. If you want a second chapter, I'll be here. You know where to find me. J