Of Mystical Gates

Chapter Two

By Melville's Best Friend



They had set up camp for the first night's journey. Heero could hardly keep up with the dribble the elf seemed to pour fourth. He had yet to stop talking. They had traveled very little, noting where they were every step they took. Falling into enemy hand at an early stage was not a good omen. Their quest had not even begun. Once Queen Relena was addressed, then and only then would the final battle ensue. This journey was far from over.

"So, what kinds of powers do Dorna have, anyway? I've only heard legend." Duo questioned.

"I hear hey are doppelgangers. Shape shifters. These creatures are very cunning, and very magical. Unicorns and fairies bow to their whim."

"I don't trust anything so cunning. What's to stop them from changing into some tiny little creature, and killing us when we least expect it?"

"The Dorna are the most wise and thoughtful creature of our kind."

"Our kind?"

"Immortal, elf."

"You trust them, Heero?"

"I would trust a Dorna with my life. We are their humble subjects."

"I bow to no one."

"And you are a fool. It is no wonder your people are hated."

"I believe I resent that."

"I believe you are a"

"Quiet Wildoor. Did you not hear that?"

The Kings sat up.

"I miss like the feel of this forest. I fear for our lives." Duo whispered.

"What do you imply?"

"Goblins are among us. Get ready, Wildoor. Now we see how powerful you really are."

The two men stood up, and prepared for battle. Heero's sword shone in the abyss of the night, as Duo's sword guided him in the direction of the demons. Before they once again had the chance to speak, the creatures were upon them.

Hideous short monsters with dripping wet hair, and spines forming labyrinths on their backs flew at the two Kings. Duo and Heero fought with all their might to keep them at bay.

"What do they want with us?" Duo screamed, stabbing a screaming goblin to death.

Heero had no answer, and kept fighting the animals.

"Heero, am I correct in my assumption that," he hit down a goblin about to stab Heero. "these creatures are afraid of the light?"

"I believe so." He called back slashing three at a time through their stomachs. Organs of the filthy creatures made horrifying designs along the forest floor. Heero grimaced. If they kept coming at this rate, they would loose their lives. He picked up his pace, only to be hit from behind by a goblin arrow. He grimaced, and killed the satanic monster that had wounded him.

"I need you to keep them busy." Duo called.

"There is no way I can do that." Heero spat, fighting the urge to vomit. His wound poured forth his life.

"Heero!" the elf cried.

Suddenly, a screech was heard from atop a tree. Arrows swiftly darted for the goblins, and killed many of them in their tracks. Before the two fighters could question from whence the arrows came, a voice called out to them.

"Elf! Get rid of these creatures while we hold them off!"

Duo nodded. Heero took his cue and kept fighting, forming a circular barrier around Duo.

"Ancient power of light!" A cloud surrounded Duo, and forced back many of the goblins back just by the force of the wind.

"Come to my aid. I command thee." Heero watched as from Duo's hands, light emitted. The light engulfed the warriors, making the wood a brilliant shade of white. Every goblin that was touched by the light was instantly killed. Heero gasped in shock. His knowledge of both elves and goblins was minute. When the magic subsided, Heero questioned the elf.

"What happened?"

The elf merely laughed--a hearty chuckle that filled the wood with glee. Their savior dropped from the tree, and lowered his hood. "Elves have the power to manipulate the features of the earth. By using light, Duo has made the creatures of the night cease to exist." Heero finally saw the man's face.

"King Heero, I'm surprised to see you in such company. Communication with an elf is not like you. "

Heero looked stunned. "Trowa? What are you doing here?"

"I asked him to come with me."

Heero turned around to face Duo. "You asked him to come? How do you know each other?"

"He is one of the faithful few I had told you about. He is a friend to my people, unlike the rest of the Treelings."

"I had no idea, Trowa."

"Would it have made a difference, your majesty?" the young Treeling questioned.

"Consorting with elves is not the way of an honest creature. Only men would mingle with them."

"You are not man, sire."

Heero turned. Statements like these were not like Trowa. He was a loyal servant to the Wildoor people. The Treeling stood as tall as the two kings. His brown bangs hid his face, making it impossible to note his change in expression. He had noticeable eyes, however. His eyes portrayed all his emotion. Clad in green and brown, like that of a tree, the young Treeling stood ready for acceptance from his leaders. His elfin ears perked up, suddenly, and the occupants of the night heard him shout to a friend.

"Ani! Come!" A phoenix landed on Trowa's arm.

"She is how I found you."

"I don't mean to pry, Wildoor, but how do you know Trowa?"

Heero looked at the man. "He has been most faithful to my people. We have had so many battles with the humansHe has helped us through it all. Trowa is as loyal as they come." He stated all this with a steady face.

"Thank you, Heero, for your faith in me."

"I have found that things are not always as they seem." Trowa smiled.

"I'm touched, Wildoor. Shall I send you a fruit basket after all this is done, or will your faith in my people last longer than one of your smiles?"

"Must you turn everything into a joke, king Duo?" Trowa asked.

"I must for my sanity." He coyly replied. "Trowa, Why were the goblins here? This is not their territory."

"They've caught word of your quest. They will do all in their power to not have to face a Dorna. They fear for their lives."

"Then we will encounter many more throughout our journey." Heero stated.

"How far are we from the queen?" Duo asked.

"About 60 leagues from here. Her people, I hear, await your arrival." Trowa announced.

"We had best rest." Heero stated, while lying down. "You will journey with us Trowa, and aid us on our quest?"

"I would not have it any other way."

"Hold on, Wildoor. You're wounded."

"I will live. It's none of your business."

"It will be if you can't fight."

"We have no medicine."

"We need no medicine."

"You speak gibberish to me, Elf."

"Heero, elves have the ability to heal. Let him help you. It doesn't hurt."

"Granted, I'm not as strong as a Pixie, but I'll manage."

With the same gentle speech as he used with the light, Duo called on the earth to heal Heero. A small energy flowed from his hands, and Heero felt his wound stop bleeding, and close on its own. Amazed, Heero turned to Duo.

"What you want to say, Wildoor, is 'thank you'." Duo chuckled.

"IThank you, Duo."

The mystics soon fell asleep.



The men resumed their search after a small meal of berries. Trowa sent Ani ahead of them to scout what might be coming. The three men journeyed in silence, as they had reached unicorn territory. Unicorns were creatures that were quick to kill if they saw anything unworthy. Any creature that laid eyes upon a unicorn that was deemed unfit, was instantly assassinated. The men had reason to worry, as elves were not popular with unicorns. They had almost made it out of the wood when Ani sent warning.

"Stand down. Hide your weapons." Heero whispered.

"Do no such thing. Show them what you possess. Don't be afraid." Duo said, and laid his weapons on the ground.

"Are you crazy, elf? We will all be killed."

"Your lack of knowledge of this world surprises me. Do what I say, and we will be spared."

They acknowledged his command, and the weapons were soon spread across the forest floor. As soon as they had thrown them, a unicorn stood in their presence. On her back lay a pixie. The pixie was a male, with wild blonde hair. His eyes and face were a gentle as a summer breeze, and he smiled when he saw the travelers. His clothes were rugged, as were all pixies, and, when he dismounted, he stood a few inches over four feet. His wings were gold in color, and a small horn grew in the center of his forehead. He was a marvel to gaze upon. The heroes watched him in awe.

"Stay away from them, Quatre. They are not to be trusted. They have an elf in their company" the unicorn whinnied.

"Ayah, They look fine to me. They look noble. They may even be of whom we're in search."

"State your names, trespassers."

"We mean no harm. We are on a quest to the queen of the Dorna, Queen Relena." Duo calmly explained.

"I told you they were the ones! Ayah, we must take them to the village!"

"Quatre, you jump to conclusions." The unicorn walked up to the men. Duo watched every move se made. Unicorns were among the top ranking magical creatures in the forest. They only answered to the Dorna themselves.

"This will not hurt, elf."

"I know."

Heero marveled at her beauty. Never before had he seen a unicorn. He had heard stories of their beauty, but he had never in his wildest dreams pictures the creature in front of him. Her long white mane seemingly played with the wind, and her tail flipped about idly. She was a wonder to behold. He watched as the unicorn placed her horn on Duo's heart. He quizzingly watched. Quatre summed up.

"She is looking into his heart, Wildoor. She will find out if you lie, or if you speak the truth." Heero watched the boy. He seemed to be of the same age as the rest of the group-- but then, who could tell? They were all immortal.

"He speaks the truth."

"I may run and hide, I do everything, but I'll never tell a lie." (I just HAD to put that in there! Kawaii!!!!!)

"The unicorn smiled. "We have been expecting your party, elf. Though I don't know why were told to trust you."

"We can trust an elf. Rumors are the ones that can't be trusted." Quatre said.

"Thank you, master Quatre."

The pixie blushed. "Come to our city. We have prepared generously for you."



The pixie city was amazing. Huts built in trees welcomed a homesick Trowa. Fireflies lit the city, making it appear heavenly. The men were taken to a huge room where they had new clothes placed on each bed, and fresh water for bathing. Quatre took this time to get acquainted with them.

"I have heard so much of you. Talk of your quest is all over the forest. We all can't wait for the humans to be destroyed." He spat.

"Are we here to meet with your king?" asked Heero.

"Oh, goodness, no. Pixies don't have rulers. We mainly follow Dorna principles."

"Meaning?" asked Trowa.

"We follow what they do. We're just copycats, is all." The pixie smiled.

"Why are we here, then, Quatre?" Duo interrogated.

"We have received word that queen Relena wants you all to be treated with the utmost hospitality."

"Queen Relena sounds like good people to me." Duo smirked.

"Oh, yes. Queen Relena is the nicest and most generous of all creatures. She is smart and fun and beautiful. She help everyone with everything, and she'd never EVER hurt anything."

"Sounds too good to be true." Trowa stated.

"Oh, no. Queen Relena is held up on a pedestal by all who hear of her."

"That's what I mean." Trowa said.

"If everyone sees her the way you do, she'd have to keep up that impression in order to stay a ruler." Heero stated. "Have you ever seen her?"

"Well, no."


"I think that sums THAT up." Duo said. "Now, what's there here to eat?"



The heroes had stayed the night after rejuvenating. They had full stomachs, new cloaks, symbols of the unicorn-in order to protect them from any other of the beasts, and their weapons had been sharpened and polished. Trowa receives many new arrows. They had thanked the pixies profoundly, and were about to head off, when they were stopped.

"I would humbly ask to join your party." Quatre pleaded. "I can be of much use."

Heero looked at Trowa, who glanced at Duo for support.

"State your credential, Pixie."

"I am the top fighter here. I also hold the most magic. I know many a spell, and can help when it comes to Dorna-followersyou know, unicorns, fairies"

"I would be honored to have you join our team, Quatre." Heero said. All eyes looked at him. The Wildoor held out his hand as a sign of welcome. The pixie humbly accepted his gesture, and shook hands with him.

"Good job, Wildoor." Duo whispered.

They were on their way once more to the realm of Queen Relena.


Disclaimer: I think I should stop with that. It's obvious they aren't mine. Anyway, that was chapter two! I would still welcome feedback, even though I'm gonna' be off for a while! I'll talk to y'all later!

~Melville's Best Friend