The main entrance to Fort Hold held two immense doors of some bronze-colored metal. Relena could not imagine what kind of metal it might be for the doors swung open and closed easily. The hallways leading past the immense opening cavern were too smooth, they were almost glassy. Yet another technology lost to the ages perhaps? There were also strange spiral staircases leading from one level of caverns to another, Relena had never seen anything like those. There were also complex patterns carved into the stone around some of the main public rooms, the carvings were intricate, certainly beautiful, but just too smooth to have been done by hand, or at least too numerous to have been done by the same hand. It would have taken a team of stoneworkers many years to have completed the stonework on just one of the caverns. The incredible intricate carved knot-work lined the arches of doorways and the odd little niches where strange things were set on display. Paintings of oil (a craft no longer commonly practiced among that Pass) and statues and busts of stone were displayed, lit artistically with glows. Relena would have liked to have paused to study the pieces, but she figured they would still be there when she was finished with the Council meeting, and it would not make a very good impression if she were late.

Relena and Heero emerged into the room set aside for the Council meeting. Many of the Lord Holders and all of the Weyrleaders were already there and waiting. There were still a few absent.

Heero lagged behind in the shadows, he really did not wish to be there. Several uncomfortable truths just might make themselves known if he wasn't careful.

"Come on Heero," Relena urged. "The Meeting's going to start soon." She took his hand and dragged him in after her before he knew what she was about. Heero swallowed. There was his mother, sitting calmly and collectedly at one of the seats in the table. Her sable black gown trimmed with scarlet enhancing her olive dark complexion and full colored lips. His blood father sat in another chair, thunderous expression gathered on his usually jovial seeming face.

It took Lady Avril a moment to recognize him but when she did, her eyes lit with carefully concealed delight, like a predator who's found a bird with a broken wing flapping around on the ground. Heero got this horrible feeling in the pit of his stomach, his shoulders were tense enough to bounce Half-Marks off of. He just knew that the Lady of Bitra was going to use his relation to her to her advantage somehow.

Before he could say something to Relena, give her some kind of warning about the woman's deceitful treachery or even about his own particular debt to her, Lord Treize and Lady Une arrived, along with a few of the stragglers and took their seats signaling the start of the meeting.

There were many faces there that Relena recognized, all of the Lord Holders and their Ladies were present.

There was Lord Tiran and Lady Zella of High Reaches Hold, the Lord Holder was a portly gentleman with a florid complexion, as if he had insulated his body in a layer of fat like one of the fish-dogs ((A.N. Pernese equivalent to walrus.)) of the high north. His Lady in contrast was a thin as a rail, with a pinched face and bottleneck shoulders. Relena took careful note of their expressions, worriedbut they seemed to regard the Weyrs in a positive light.

Lord Vanarr and Lady Hallanah of Crom, were sturdy miner stock, both of them, the Lord being stocky and muscular, the lady built much the same with thin, dexterious fingers. They both looked sullen and moody that evening. They were frowning in the Weyrs direction, as if the Weyrs were singularly responsible for the meeting and not a Lord Holder.

Lord Winner of Tillek was a sailor through and through, with a weather roughened face and callused hands. Relena thought he looked familiar. His light blonde hair and blue eyes reminded Relena of Wingleader Quatre, one of Heeros friends who had come to visit and consult with him about something. He had treated Relena kindly, Relena had thought then that he exhibited all of the mannerisms of "the Manner Born." Lord Winner seemed neutral to the proceedings.

Lord Meich and Lady Delia of Southern Boll, both sported tans from being out in the sun all day they also wore the turban and face scarves common for native of Southern Boll, as hats were said to blow away in the wind that constantly blew there. The two of them were frowning at the Weyrleaders as well. They didn't look very receptive.

Lord Gelveren and Lady Sindara of Telgar, wore the printed fabrics their hold was known for, the Lady choosing swirls in deep rose and light pink, the Lord a pattern of criss-crossed lines against a bold green background. Seated alongside Kereth in a small show of unity, they looked like they were against the Weyrs as well.

Lord Estren and Lady Metteal of Lemos, Lady Metteal wore so much jade jewelry (one of the things that Lemos Hold was famous for) that it bordered on gaudy, jade of many colors cut to pieces that tinkled together when she walked. Lord Estren had a walking cane of finely carved and polished wood, Lemos was also famous for it's trees. As the saying went "heard wood and hard stone a way by which Lemos is known." Those from Lemos Hold were usually genial and affable types, but unfortunately affability was not a genetic trait.

Lord Bral and Lady Tirla of Igen, wore the unusual costumes that those that carved their livings from the lands near the deserts were famous for. Dressed in robes and scarves of light fabric in a riot of bright colors they looked like brightly plumed birds against the duller tones favored my many along the seaboard. The Lord and Lady seemed to be neutral to the proceedings, saving judgement in the absence of information.

Lord Nistrom of Keroon, a Hold on the open plains most noted for raising herd-beasts, wore spun wool in brown and grey. The Lord wore a vest of Sheepshide and the lady a fine skirt of wool plush. Keroon, sitting next to them also looked on with neutral curiosity.

Lord Creld and Lady Salamantha of Ista, the Lord wore the badge of his rank with a large shining green-blue emerald with pride on his chest, his lady wore a cameo pin of scrimshaw and mother-of-pearl. They wore fine Gather clothes for their Hold hosted the finest of Gathers at turn-over. Ista looked as neutral as Keroon and Igen.

Lord Brien and Lady Kelira of Bendan, dressed in their finest silks and leathers, the lord with his blonde-gold beard trimmed neatly, and the lady with her fine dark locks tied up at the nape if her neck with a long streamer that reached to her ankles. They nodded in surprise and friendly recognition of Relena, the Lady raising an eyebrow at her bronze-rider companion. Relena shook her head, no, they were not weyrmates. They were certainly positively inclined towards the weyrs!

Lord Sillion and Lady Ristalla of Nerat, it had been a good year for Nerat, many of them were for Nerat was a hold with many rich sources of income (though not as rich as Telgar Hold was). The Lord and Lady reflected their Holds prosperity with brilliant new Gather gowns and suits of fine fabrics and leathers cut in the latest mode. The pair, cut a striking image together. Nerat looked negatively inclined towards the weyrs, they were glaring at the assemblage of weyrleaders.

Then of course Lady Ayvril of Bitra, looking very much like the hold-cat with cream on its whiskers, Relena didn't trust the Lady as far as she could throw her and that look on Lady Ayvrils face did nothing to reassure her. She was definitely not on Relena's side!

Lord Kereth of Nabol, Was looking suave and confident in his suit of cut leathers. Tall and muscular with broad shoulders, her reminded Relena of one of the men in her home-Hold that her warder, Darlian, had turned out for romancing all the servant women with promises of great riches, then once they were tupped and preggers, washed his hands of them.

Lord Milliardo and Lady Noin of Ruatha, looked surprised and delighted to see her again, and Noin had to visibly restrain herself from rushing up from her seat to embrace her sister. Relena noted that Noin was beginning to show visible signs of her pregnancy, and she looked beautiful. Relena had heard that pregnant women glowed, well surely none glowed more brightly than Noin.

Lord Trieze and Lady Une of Fort were sitting at their spot surveying the room. Treize looked calm and unruffled and handsome and well dressed in his signature blue and white. Relena noted with some small amusement that he had managed to talk his Lady into one of the "impractical dresses" as she called them, for she was dressed in a deep plum with beads of jet lining the ruff.

There were a few craftmasters Present, not all of them had chosen to come, Masterharper Corliss usually ended up representing those by default. Generally in a council like this one, there was not a whole lot that the craftmasters could contribute anyway. In fact now that Relena looked around, she saw only two other craftmasters beside the Masterharper. Beastmaster Gara, dressed in sturdy practical clothes that had seen wear, Relena could tell by the dust on his boots that he spent ample time out in the fields with his livestock. And lastly Masterweaver Lorith, who wore the finest clothes in the latest mode, probably more as a walking advertisement than anything else. There was a long-standing rivalry between the weavercrafthall and the tannercrafthall to determine the latest fashion on Pern.

Relena looked to either side of her, seeing the weyrleaders of the other weyrs. Wufei sat beside Jaccella of High Reaches Weyr, if Relena recalled correctly, Wufei was supposedly a friend of Heero's, her recollection was confirmed when she caught a friendly look passing between the two of them. G'Kan and Natolla of Telgar weyr were older in their years, but hardly past their prime, they were still spry and filled with vitality even in their late fifty's. D'rel and Ashura of Igen Weyr were thin as eating daggers and by the intelligent gleam in their eyes just as sharp. K'Val and Surya of Ista Weyr were in their early thirty's, and, provided they survived Threadfall, could look forward to many years of service to their weyr. C'Tel and Midii of Fort Weyr, she had met in passing when she was younger, and she was gratified to see looks of recognition from both of them. There was even a look of open amity from Weyrwoman Midii.

"What," said Lord Vanarr of Crom upon spying Relena and Heero. Loading every ounce of contempt and belittlement into a single hissed syllable that he could. "Are those two doing here. Do they not know that the serving shaft is to the rear?"

Milliardo leapt to his feet, to be restrained by his wife.

"Mind your tongue," he growled. "Before I remove it from your mouth."

"We have been selected by Weyrleader J'Tor and Weyrwoman Adirna to represent Bendan Weyr in their absence due to unfortunate illness," Relena said calmly, her voice ringing out clear as a bell. "We will be acting as their proxy to address all matters brought up in the Council until their recovery."

"As the chosen representatives of Benden Weyr, I bid you welcome," said Treize formally. It was his right to do so as he was the Holder hosting this emergency Council Session. He could accknowledge and welcome chosen proxies, or ask them to leave.

"I must protest," said Lady Sindara of Telgar. "The child is only a weyrling, she cannot be allowed to intrude on these proceedings."

"Here at my side is Wingleader Heero, the wingleader of the First Wing at Benden," said Relena. "He has been given the authority to grant me the authority to act on behalf of our Weyr in these troubled times."

"I see no problem with Lady Relena sitting in place of her weyrwoman for this Council meeting," said Milliardo mildly. "She is certainly of an age to take on responsibilities such as this. By the rules of our lands she has been fully old enough to take on a debt, enter into legal contracts, even start a hold of her own for the past two years. Relena is perceptive, intelligent and capable and experienced, she is an excellent choice for a representative."

"I concur," seconded the somber baritone of High Reaches Lord Holder Tiran. "Let the lady have her chance to prove herself."

"Please," said Weyrwoman Ashura of Igen Weyr. "Sit down. We were just about to call this Session to order and begin."

"So called," said Treize and he and his Lady took their seats, all the rest followed suit. If Relena was nervous about taking the chair reserved for the Weyrwoman at the Council table, she showed it not in the least. She seated herself with the grace and confidence of one who had been born to assume such a position. Heero for his part took his seat gingerly, seeming nervous and unhappy with his present environment.

Relena looked about her, Milliardo and Noin covertly smiled encouragingly at her from their seats among the other Lord Holders.

<How clever, we are all seated roughly by geography,> Relena noted. She took careful note of the expressions and body language of the surrounding Lords and Weyrleaders. After careful covert scrutiny she was able to draw a few conclusions.

<Seven of the Lord Holders seem to be in sympathy of the Lord of Nabols position. Lady Ayvril of Bitra worries me, and why is she watching Heero? She looks like the cat with cream on her whiskers. Lord Kereth also seems to be looking at himhow strange.> Futher speculation about that would have to wait for another time. <Four seem to be rather neutral about the entire affair, or at least seem to be willing to withhold judgment until they hear all of the facts. Milliardo and Trieze as well as Noin and Une are openly in opposition of all the non-sense being spread by Lord Kereth. Lord Brein of Bendan and Lady Kilira also seem to be in favor of the position taken by the Weyrs. As do the Lord and Lady of High reaches. If I can persuade those who seem to be neutral over to our side then that would give us a one Hold majority. Hmm, that's interesting, the Lord and Lady of Telgar seem to be quietly divided about the matter. Lord Gelveren seems to be sympathetic towards the Weyrs while Lady Sindara is taking Lord Kereths' part. I would not doubt that it was at least in part to Kereths' very potent charm.>

"Don't be nervous Heero," Relena reassured her partner. "You represent the Weyrs now. You're a very good wingleader, just think of them as being fellow wingmen and everything will be fine."

Heero muttered something unintelligible in response, but Relena wasn't paying attention.

"We've been brought here to address a very serious matter," began Lord Treize. "We Lord Holders have been charged with the duty of seeing to the Lands and to the people on those lands. Our constituents look to us for aid and protection in their times of need and it is our responsibility to respond to their needs and supply food and clothing and aid when their own resources are inadequate. This has been our sacred trust for generation upon generation, and it is the gravest of matters when a Lord Holder betrays that trust with his people."

"Now see here Lord trieze," protested Lord Kereth in his own defense. "You cannot simply start out making blandishments of oathbreaking and irresponsible behavior on my part without having clear and concrete evidence to support your claims."

"Naturally," said Treize smoothly, unperturbed. "I will present the evidence to my case presently."

Lady Une slid a leather-bound folder with sheets of thin hide, recently written on as Treize said

"Feel free to peruse these documents yourself," said Treize. "What my lady has gathered and is showing here for your convenience are depositions taken from the Holders who look to Lord Kereth, taken after a rather disturbing abuse of power that I shall go in to later."

"Oh but surely these depositions are open to interpretation," said Lady Ayvril smoothly in that oh so reasonable voice of hers. She addressed the Council. "After all, have not all Holders been dissatisfied with their Lords decisions at one point or another? One learns to make compromises, but not everyone can be satisfied at all times. A Lord Holder learns to make do with the best possible solution for all parties involved."

"But what I fail to see," siad Lady Noin. "Is how depriving a Hold and its holders of much needed aid, food so they wont starve through the winter for example, is serving the interests of all parties."

"The choices and pressures facing a Lord holder-"

"Are quite familiar to all of us," Lord Milliardo cut in. "We are here to inquire about the rather mysterious lack of funds from a man who, by all accounts, should have had the necessary marks to spare to assist his people as is a Lord Holders duty. I don't know how the rest of you feel about this but I am rather curious as to where the missing marks could have been siphoned off to."

"What are you implying Lord Milliardo?" asked Lady Ayvril od Bitra, with a steely edge to her tone. "If you are questioning the honor of one of your fellow Lords-"

"Not a bit of it, Lady Ayvril," said Milliardo with false amiability. "I'm merely pointing out to the Council that for a Hold who has, to judge from their accounts, done quite well for themselves for the past few seasons it is rather odd that they would be suffering form a shortage of marks. One rather wonders where the marks may have gone to."

"If you have an accusation to make, make it," challenged Lord Kereth.

Milliardo subsided but Relena was almost pleased to note the troubled looks on the faces of some of those who had been neutral.

"Furthermore," Lord Trieze said, presenting a green Hide bound ledger (*not the same one taken by Dorothea earlier.) "This ledger, seized from the private offices of Lord Kereth when he was arrested, will prove that he had made more than enough Marks over these past few turns to pay for the necessary supplies to see to the welfare of his people."

"It does seem a bit unusual, but there are always unexpected expenses," temporized Lord Estren of Lemos. "Those missing marks could very well have gone to legitimate expenses."

"If that were the case, and I do not believe that it is," said Lady Une. "Why are there no records of it in his turn-ledgers? If the expenses were legitimate then they would have been written down."

"They may possibly have been something that his people wished to keep discrete," argued Lady Ayvril. "Such as the support of a child or some such."

Lady Ayvril was far too good at playing the game to deliberately glance in his direction, but Heero, unnoticed by the crowd, paled a little.

-That evil woman,-Heero 'pathed to Zeroth. ­She's going to use me to get my blood-father out of this mess scott free.-

-But you have received no support from either of your parents. They did not even know of your presence in the Weyr. Besides, the expense was too great to attribute to only a single son,- Zeroth sent back, yawning in the drowsy heat of midday as he sunned himself out on the cliffs.

Heero realized with another feeling of relief that even if his secret did come out today there was no way that using him as a defense would stand up to careful scrutiny.

Relena momentarily stopped paying attention to the council meeting and looked over at her partner. He looked very worried about something suddenly, and he and Zeroth were communicating in tight beam, so she could not pick up anything of their conversation.

<I wonder what he's hiding,> she mused to herself.

"such as Miss Relena," Lord Meitch of Southern Boll was saying. Relena was dragged forcibly back to attention. She could worry about Heero later, right now, her Weyr needed her.

"You know for a fact Meitch, that a dragons choice cannot be affected and cannot be altered. She was no more "stolen" by the Weyrs than you were stolen by your own holders," argued Weyrleader D'rel of Igen Weyr.

"But I feel that I must confront the weyrs with their recent actions and demand an accounting," said Lady Delia of Southern Boll vehemently. "You have been allowed to patrol our borders to prevent Raider attacks, and you have had sporadic success. But now I believe, and I'm certain that my Lords will agree with me on this one, that you have overstepped your bounds of authority. In this recent incident, entire flights of dragonmen and their riders directly interfered with Hold Autonomy by directly intervening in a routine disciplinary action taken by a Lord Holder towards the people under his own jurisdiction."

"Disciplinary action?!" said Midii, rising to her feet in outrage. "I would hardly call rounding up innocent petitioners who were asking for help from their Lord Holder as is their right and hiring a bunch of vagabonds and ruffians to beat them into submission 'discipline'! and that does not even mention the lives we've saved on both sides from the grass fire sweeping across Lord Kereths land that night. Furthermore, as to the Weyrs 'sporadic success' with the Raiders I'm here to tell you that there is a very concrete reason why we have met with limited success."

"And what would that be pray tell? Drawled Ayvril, her voice laced with honeyed sarcasm.

"The Raiders behind the attacks had a sort of early detection alarm with them. They could hear when our dragons came and could beat a hasy retreat before we could fall upon hem and round them up," said Weyrwoman Midii. "They had a child, a little girl whom we found in the midst of the flames. She had the ability to hear all dragons."

Relena looked up at Midii in surprise, but clamped down before she could say anything.

"She calls herself Zephyr," Midii continued. "And says she does not remember having a name so she named herself after something she loved. She can hear all the dragons in the Weyr, and we've taken her in until she's old enough to be put to the sands. She didn't know that the people she was helping were using her for evil purposes."

There was silence at Midii's unusual report, but of course it only lasted a moment.

Lady Sindara of Telgar rose to her feet to address the gathering next. Relena noted that her husband did not look happy about it. So Telgar was divided on the issue was it? Useful.

"That still does not explain the latitude taken by your riders Weyrwoman Midii," said the woman with an air of chiding in her voice. "You did not go through proper channels, especially in your questionable arrest of Lord Kereth."

"I do not see how you can make that statement Lady Sindara," replied Midii. "I had everything necessary to place a lord holder under arrest. I had probable cause, plus a representative for the Craftsmen and the Lord Holders present when the arrest was made. Add to that the overwhelming physical evidence on our behalf and I do not see how you can doubt that we were perfectly justified in our actions. As you can see, we have depositions from his own holdsmen attesting to Lord Kereths abuses of power and privilege."

At this the entire table erupted into one large shouting match. The battle lines had been pretty clearly drawn for Relena to see. Four and a half holds were neutral, six and a half hold sided with Lord Kereth and his ilk, and four Holds were thinking clearly. If she could sway the four neutral votes that would make it eight to six, just enough of a majority to overrule the Lords who had fallen under Nabol and Bitra's influence.

However, while the shouting match was going on nothing was getting done. The Lord Holders were only screaming accusations and counter-accusations at each other. All Relena could hear was noise as each tried to make their opinions heard over all of the otherswell, not all. There were some who were remaining quiet. Generally the quiet ones were the one who actually had something worthwhile to contribute.

Relena frowned in concentration. She had not been briefed very well for this meeting, safer to say that she had not been briefed at all for this meeting. The matter at hand was very weighty indeed, and she knew that this council was likely to spend hours debating back and forth about whether the right thing was done. A lot of very delicate issues touched on this one and the entire procedure had the potential to be a powder keg. It would be wise to cool the hot heads down and start off on a quieter note.

-Zeroth,- she sent. ­Do you think you could do something about all of this? Let's hear you make some noise.-

-Heero doesn't think it would be wise to sound in any way threatening.-

-Heero doesn't know how long this shouting match will last if we don't get their attention,- she replied. ­If we don't stop them now they will not stop themselves and soon old enmities and disagreements will start popping up and everything will be in chaos.-

-And what do you call the free-for-all that you are experiencing now, praytell?-

-A minor setback. Just do it!-

-Very well then.-

The entire council jumped at the loud, trumpeting sound that seemed to shake the building on its foundations. It was swiftly joined by another. (Midii's Merith, who told Relena that she was only too happy to join in on the fun).

Silence reigned in the Council room for the first time in eternal minutes. Relena softly slid out her chair and rose to her feet, clearing her throat to draw attention to herself so that the room would hear what she had to say.

"I may seem young and inexperienced to you all, but even I am able to tell you that shouting a one another and trying to hold each other personally responsible for the many problems that all of Pern is facing will not solve anything. As Lord Holders and Leaders of the Weyrs, we must all work together towards a common goal, we must all protect Pern and each other. If we allow ourselves to become so embroiled in our own problems and small personal differences that we become distracted and stop caring for each other then we have truly lost our way as a people," she said. Relena made sure to meet them all straight in the eyes. It would not do at this point to show any sign of weakness or subservience. "So I propose that we each step out, take a minute to cool off and collect ourselves, and return here ready to work towards a satisfactory conclusion. I know that in a situation like this, it will be impossible to please everyone, but I know that none of you will forget just what it is we are all here for."

And with that Relena seated herself and looked at the Council of older Lords and Ladies and Wyerleaders and Wyerwomen expectantly.

"You are correct, of course Miss Relena," said Lord Bral of Igen (one of the neutrals, Rlena noted with delight.) "In fact, that is the first halfway sensible thing that I have heard all day. Gentlemen, ladies, let us adjourn as Miss Relena has suggested and reconvene in twenty minutes."

The Council filed out one by one, her brother and Miss Noin couldn't afford to embrace her in public at that moment for fear of losing face or respect among their peers, but the glances they gave her as they passed by on their way out radiated warmth and approval. Relena felt warmed just by their support.

Heero had disappeared from her side in the shuffle to exit the Council chambers. Relena thought about asking Zeroth where he was but then thought better of it. He was obviously upset and nervous about something, he probably needed space and time to be by himself so he could sort through whatever was eating at him before the Council Meeting reconvened.

<I could use a bite to eat,> she thought. She hadn't had time to eat lunch and breakfast had been around dawn. Then again, she didn't really feel like eating at the moment. Her stomach was one giant knot, large crowds of people focused purely on her still made her nervous. Perhaps just a light snack so her stomach would not growl so loud and cause her embarrasment in front of the Council, although the thought of eating right at that moment made her feel queasy.

Relena went off in search of a small plate of entrees for her to munch on. Heero meanwhile was trying to dodge his mother who was seeking him out for a private council of her own. He was pretty well certain that he would not like what he had to say. Just as he was about to duck into a shadowed corridor, hopefully loosing the erstwhile Lady Holder for good, she spied him.

"There you are my son," she called out softly, hurrying up to him.

<Damn, so much for all that training,> he thought. <Fat lot of good it's done me if I can't even dodge one woman.> He'd better try acting like he didn't know her, perhaps she would think herself mistaken and go away.

"I'm sorry Lady," he said, trying to look as if he'd just noticed her. "Are you lost, the Council room is back that way."

"You are my own flesh and blood, how dare you stand against me in the Counciland condemn your own father as well." she said fixing him with her steely gaze. Heero steeled himself and faced down his oldest fear from childhood. The Lady had once held power of life and death over him and such lessons were not easily forgotten. Even when one was fully grown.

"I'm afraid you're mistaking me for someone else Lady Ayvril. I'm just a bronze rider."

"I know I am not, for I raised you and named you myself," she countered, her eyes were narrowing. "You are my child Heero."

"There must be two guys walking around named Heero besides myself." ((A.N. I just couldn't resist.))

"Don't play games with me young man, I still have the power to see that you are punished," a small chill ran down his spine and Heero suppressed a shudder. He did not like all of the threats of death and dismemberment her tone promised.

"Lady Ayvril," said a cool and collected voice from behind her. Heero looked up to spy Relena standing there in the entrance to the hallway, her siluette framed by the light streaming in from behind her. "I would not go about threatening riders if I were you. Your position on the council is by no means secure and I think the others in our Weyr and beyond it would take exception to you interferring in a matter of the Weyrs. And aren't you the one that is always prating about the Weyrs interferring in Hold matters, I can think of quite a few Lords who might become rather confused by your sudden change of heart if you should decide to "discipline" the bronze rider."

Lady Ayvril smiled a small superior smile at Relena and said

"My dear little child, you have it wrong. I am merely seeking to reclaim what is rightfully mine." Lady Ayvril leaned closer to her son an murmured so only he could hear it

"That's a lovely Queen Rider you have there, Heero. It would be a shame if something were to happen to her."

Heero glared at her and his hand automatically flew to the hilt of his sword.

"That's a lovely throat you have bared, it would be a shame if something were to happen to it," he growled. "Don't you ever threaten her again."

"My dear son, she murmured back. "I thought I had taught you better, you expose your weaknesses too easily." And with that she sauntered off.

Relena looked confused.

"Heero? What's going on? What's this all about?"

"Relena" he was caught between the sudden and almost overwhealming desire to tell her and see if she could accept him despite his blood, and the caution that had always prevailed. He had never told anyone, not even people who had been his associates for many years, since he'd Impressed even. Why did he want so badly to trust her, why did her opinion matter so much to him.

-Tell her,- said Zeroth. ­She'll need to know. Your blood-mother will seek to use your tie to her against the weyr, if Relena Knows then she can defend against it. Besides, it's time you trusted someone. I know you can trust her.-

-But I- Heero thought it over for a moment, adjust to the new and rather profound revelation that he did indeed trust Relena and that she mattered a great deal to him. He never would have dreamed of making a counter threat to Lady Ayvril if she had not threatened Relena first. ­You're right. I'll tell Relena the truth about me. Hopefully she won't be completely repulsed.-

"Relena, there's something I need to tell you," he began.

"Later Heero, they're going to call the Council back in soon and I haven't gotten any food yet."

"This can't wait," he said. He glanced around and pulled her deeper into the shadows with him. To any ordinary observer, it would have looked as if her were leading her off to a secluded spot to romance her quickly before the council readjourned.

"Relena" he began. "You know that I've always been reluctant to talk about my past with anyone, well there's a reason for that."

Relena opened her mouth to say something but Heero covered it with a finger, silencing her. "Let me finish." He was afraid that if he didn't tell her now he wouldn't get the courage to later.

"Lady Ayvril is my own birth-mother. And my father is Lord Kereth." There it was out.

Relena gasped. "But that's- That's notIt can't be."

"It's true, I'm their illegitimate child. Furthermore, they once intended to use me in a plot to take over the Holds of Pern. With the backing of their two holds, and the weakening of the other Holds defenses due to Raider attacks, they intended to overun all of the other Holds and bring about some sort of New Age. I ran away when I was a child and fell in with a man named Odin Lowe, he was the one who trained me in stealth techniques but he died at Benden Weyr, just before I Impressed Zeroth."

"Why didn't you tell someone any of this a little earlier, that information would have been very useful," she said, her tone was still so shocked that it couldn't have sounded reproving if she'd tried.

"The time was never right," he said. "Sonow you know."

Heero couldn't help searching her face for some hint of her feelings, some sign that she didn't hate him. He had been indirectly responsible for the death of her family after all. Relena seemed to be slowlt absorbing the knowledge, coming to terms with it.

"Heero, I don't care who your parents were. It doesn't matter what they had planned for you, you did not want to take part in it and that's enough for me. What matters now is not what Hold your parents come from, but what they intend to do with you now and how we can stop them. It doesn't matter what they plan, they relinquished all claims to you when Zeroth Impressed you. They can't use you because you no longer belong to them. You belong to the Weyr now, same as me."

Heero swallowed hard. He was unaccustomed to the strange surges of emotions he had around her. She was always doing and saying things he never expected.

"Butyour family-" he started but was unable to finish the sentence.

"Oh I wouldn't worry about that Heero. I will ensure that those responsible are called to account. But you, however, are not responsible for decisions that were made for you without your consent or knowledge when you were too young to do anything about them. Heeroit isn't your fault. And even if it was, which it isn't, I'd forgive you no matter what because I-"

"There you two are!" said Noin from the halway. "What are you two doing here in the shadows, the Council meeting is about to reconvene."

"Ah, Right. Sorry Noin," Relena was blushing in the dark, fully aware now of the implications of her private talk with Heero. Most would probably think they'd popped off for a tryst, and the only one able to confirm that they were not was unlikely to do so. "Let's go."

Heero followed her back to he Council chamber, feeling slightly dazed. She said it didn't matter who his parents were, she'd forgive him He'd gotten something he'd secretly hoped for but never expected. But that however did not mean that Relena was safe from harm. Now that his mo- Now that Lady Ayvril knew that Relena meant something to him she'd be a target too.

<She means something to meHow unexpected,> he mused as he pulled out her seat for her. Some thing were just so ingrained they were habit. He didn't really mind pulling out her chair for her because she liked the smile she gave him in return for his kindness. <I will protect her, she is the hope for the future of our Weyr.>

The Lords and Ladies seated around the table did indeed look more relaxed and a little more willing to listen to one another. Lady Une rose from her seat and addressed the Council first.

"My fellow Council Members," she said softly, but loud enough for everyone to hear. "I have reason to believe that Lord Kereth's offenses go far beyond his own Hold. Dorothea, please bring forth the ledger and tell of how you came across it."

The young woman with long blonde hair and a crafty smile stepped forward to address the council. She told of how she had been traveling with one of the caravans that had been attacked, making sure to mention how the Raiders had waited until conditions favored them to lay a trap and attack while the wagons were vulnerable. She also took care to mention how the raiders had sounded an alarm before the dragons were ever sighted in the air. Then she told of how she had heard of the ledger and sought out the leader of the raiders, killed him and took the evidence to a trusted source.

"After examining Lord Kereths own accounts, the hidden ones he didn't want anyone to know about but were found after we'd searched his quarters," Lord treize picked up where his Lady had left off. "We found that some of the entries matched. This suggests that Lord Kereth has had some dealings with the raiders of an unsavory sort."

"That's a lie!" growled Lord Kereth. "You're all trying to make me into a villain so no one will hear the truth! My people, don't be decieved by them," the Lord thundered.

"That will be quite enough thank-you," said Midii hotly. "Your rooms were thoroughly searched under the watchful eyes of several Lord HoldersLord Meitch," she turned to one of Lord Kereth's staunchest supporters. They had had him there so that they could avoid just such an accusation. "Do you recall us finding that green ledger there in Lord Kereth's possession?"

"Yes, I do," he replied reluctantly for while the Lord of Souther Boll was misguided, he was an honest man and would not bear false witness, especially in front of a council of his peers.

"I see. And can you verify that it has been in protective custody, untampered with, until this meeting?"

"It has."

"Weyrwoman Midii has found yet another ledger in the raiders possession," said Lord Treize. "The ruffians hired by Lord Kereth have been identified by some of the leaders of the supply caravans as being some of the same men that have attacked them and their family members on the roads."

Midii stood and addressed the council, bringing forth a slightly charred but still legible sheaf of bound hides.

"In this book, I have discovered even more accounts that match exactly with what Lord Kereth wrote in his hidden ledger. The Raiders on his lands have been in his employ for far longer than it takes to do a job such as the one they were supposedly hired to do. This leads me to believe that Lord Kereth has not only known about the Raider attacks but has had the Raiders in his employ for many years using them and their attacks to soften up the Holds."

"What an unbelievable crock of nonsense," laughed lady Ayvril. "Are you seriously telling me tha you think our esteemed Lord Kereth, a man who's bloodline goes back in nobilty to our founding Ancestors would be responsible for something like this. That he would not only abuse his authority, but that her would aide and abet a group intent on ruining our Holds. Oh, WeyrwomanI think you go too far. That you would blame a Lord Holder of such behaviorwhy it's utterly ridiculous. No Lord Holder would do such a thing, our bloodlines are untainted by a commoners immoralitypure-"

"Oh well, I suppose you'd know all about purity wouldn't you Lady Ayvril?" Heero suddenly said softly.

Lady Ayvril jerked her head over to glare at her son in outrage for interrupting her. Then she spied what he had in his hands. The brooch! It was an heirloom of her own line and given only to members of Bitran blood. It had been around since the first Lady Bitra and would be around until the last. But right now it was an incriminating piece of evidence. She had intended to tell Heero's great secret to everyone when it would be advantageous to her! Now the little bastard had the consummate gall to turn around and threaten her with revealing her attachment and illegitimate child to the entire council? She'd loose face! And that scrap of a usurper sitting beside him had the sheer cheek to appear to be amused at Lady Ayvril's predicament and approving of her own flesh-and-blood son's betrayal of her! That bitch! Oh she'd make them both pay But later.

"I mean after all," continued Heero. He seemed to be taking fiendish delight in playing with the brooch right in front of herkeeping It just out of sight of most of the others, occasionally a jewel would catch the light. There even seemed to be a small smile almost daring to hover about his lips as he toyed almost idly with the bauble. Lady Ayvril's eyes did not leave his hands. Was he going o reveal it? "Our dear, highly esteemed, Lady Ayvril seems to be a leading authority on innoscence"

Beside him, his little bitch seemed to choke back a guffaw, her eyes dancing with unholy merriment. Oh they'd both pay!

"Unless our esteemed Lady Ayvril has any dissenting views onmorality." Tap tap. Heero tapped his forefinger lightly on the side of the brooch, his expression as she met his eyes was 'I've got you, you know it and I know it.' And that golden haired little hussy seemed to actually be encouraging him in his blaintent betrayal of his own blood! That bitch!

"No dissenting veiws," said lady Ayvril, looking exactly as if she'd swallowed a trundle bug. She sat down rather suddenly and glared at the two of them. Heero had the nervethe consummate GALL to smirk back at her. It had to be that girl. Heero had never once dared before to interfere with his mother. Well, she'd just fix her later.

"Good," said Relena smoothly. "Then I think it's time we addressed the matter at hand. Lords and Ladies, Weyrleaders and Weyrwomen, I know how much the though of one of your own siding with the enemy must be. I know that the idea of one of your own being the enemy is a very difficult one to face. But You have been given the facts and this is th conclusion. Lord Kereth did indeed mistreat his own Holders. That's a fact. Lord Kereth also hard Raiders in his employ for many years before all of this happened. That's a fact. The ledgers of the Raiders being paid to take out a caravan and the entries in Lord Kereths hidden ledger also match each other. That is a fact. It's also a fact that Lord Kereth also did not want the ledger being found. These are hard proofs, butwhen faced with these facts what else can we conclude but that one of our own has been conspiring against us."

"Silence you silly child," said lord Kereth. "Now Miss Relena. That isn't the way we do things here in this council. One does not simply go about accusing trusted Lord Holders of massive conspiracies on a whim."

"I assure you, this is not done on a whim, Lord Kereth," interjected Lord Treize. "We have been gathering evidence for moths, simply because we had hoped it was not true. I like making this case as much as you like having it being made, but the evidence in support of our conclusions is simply too numerous and overwhelming to be discounted. I would hope you would help us by pointing out any others who might be assisting you."

"I can't do that because I am blameless," Lord Kereth maintained. "You can't get rid of me and my influence so easily Lord Trieze."

Lord trieze regarded him steadily. It was a good ploy that Lord Kereth had made, extremely crafty. If Lord trieze denied it, the Council would only be sure that it was true. There weren't any ways to get around it that treize could see.

"Lord Kereth you're wrong," said Relena suddenly. She on her feet and staring hard at him, there was this righteous expression of ire and determination on her face. Normally, this would have been about as intimidating as a six week old kitten hissing, but somehow Relena seemed to grow in power and authority at that moment, enough so that Treize himself would have listened to what she had to say even if he had not suppoerted her. Treize could tell with a quick glance around the table that that was precisely what had happened. Relena sincerely Believed what she was going to say and it was the strength of her convictions that lent authority to her tone and age and wisdom to her eyes.

"I won't be silent because what I speak is nothing but the truth," she said forthrightly. Her blood was up now. "You did do these things, I know you did. You used the raiders to try to soften up the Holds for an all-out attack. You are even now trying to turn everyone against each other, and against the weyrs, the one real chance that Pern has of protecting itself. Think about it Lords and ladies, think about what he has been saying to you all along. Has he not been trying to sow doubt and dissention? Has he not been trying to get all of you to fight amongst yourselves? Has he not turned many of you against your own Weyrs, those who offer their aid and protection freely to you, asking little more than support for themselves and their own? Why would he do these things if not to get you all so involved in your own problems that you look no further than the ends of your borders. That's what these Council meetings are all about. And now Councilors we all have a decision to make We need to decide if we can let Lord Kereth remain as Lord Holder to continue his treachery, or if we should all do as we must and vote him out of his position. It is not an easy thing to ask of any of youbut I ask that you all consider carefully what is best for Pern."

And with that Relena seated herself. There was silence for a moment only broken when Lord Treize said

"This decision should not be hurried. I recommend another recess for deliberation before we come back to announce our decision. Lord Kerethif you will kindly remain here with the guards?"

The Council again shuffled out of the chambers, this time the air was abuzz with the sound of chatter, and no few of the Lords and Ladies faces looked thoughtful. Relena was surprised when Heero was pulled aside by Wyerleader Wufei and congratulated on his promotion. She didn't know that hose two had been friends! Wufei inclined his head as Heero intruded them saying only

"You have a way with words." Relena simply smiled and thanked him for the compliment.

When Heero and Relena were safely out of earshot of anyone she muttered at him

"Could we go find someplace quiet for me to collapse, my knees feel weak." Heero smiled and led her to a small chamber to one side and Relena gratefully sat at a bench. It would have been more accurate to say that it looked like her legs gave way beneath her and she fell on the bench.

Heero sat down beside her, saying nothing as her face turned greenish and she looked queasy. Reaction. Heero was surprised at himself for several reasons. One was that he had actually dared to stand before his own mother and coerce her into silence by using his own birthright against her. He knew that Relena had noticed, and he'd felt oddly warmed by the glance of conspiratory amusement and warm approval from her. The second was the odd feeling he had of release, as if a large burden had been lifted from him. It gave him a curiously light feeling, in fact he would almost go so far as to say he even felthappy? That was a foreign concept.

"Heero," said Relena quietly into the silence of the room. "I just want you to know that I'm very proud of you for everything you've done today. I know that facing down your mother like that could not have been easy. Shards, she scares me and I hardly even know her!"

"You should be glad of that Relena," he said gravely. "Lady Ayvril is not a Lady you want to get to know too well. I want you to promise you'll be careful from now on. The Lady certainly will want you disposed of, and she's more inclined to do so quietly. I don't want you taking any unnecessary risks."

"HeeroI-" She looked over at him, her eyes shining with some kind of strong emotion that made Heero's own heart trip up into overtime. He fought the urge to gulp as his throat had suddenly gotten dry. And when had it gotten so warm in here? He crossed his arms and bent his head down.

"After all, you are important to the Weyr," he defended himself hastily. "We have few enough Gold Queen riders and none that has your expertise at household matters. We can ill afford to loose you."

Relena just smiled a secret, amused little smile to herself and said

"Of course, Heero. Whatever you say."

Heero looked over at her and got the feeling she wasn't in the least bit fooled by his excuse. Oh well, that would have to keep for another day. Meanwhile, they had work to do.

"I imagine we should be getting back then," he said clearing her throat and trying to lower his heart rate from the speed it had taken.

"I guess so," she said. Relena still had that impish smile on her face as she followed him out.

Lady Bitra was trying to get the Council members that usually supported her and Kereth to listen to her, but now hat they were thinking on relena's words. They were less inclined to believe Lady Ayvril when she said she had their own best interests at heart and that they shouldn't be too eager to listen to the words of an upstart child who had no notion of what she was talking about. Lord Milliardo was right there to argue hat his sister did indeed know what she spoke of for in many ways she was as wise as any of them.

When Relena emerged at her brother's side with her escort making a very formidable looking appearance beside her, many of the council members showed their interest and approval for what she might have to say. Even Lord Shillion and Lady Ristalla of Nerat seemed to be in apporoval of her words, and they had been Lord Kereths allies previously. Relena was glad that she had gotten through to them. The ones who had been neutral were firmly in support of her and the Weyrleaders and ­women ringed around at her back lent a further feeling of unity and strength. Lord Gelveren of Telgar was in support of her, however his wife was still dubiuos about Relena's wisdom seeing as she was so young.

<Nine and a half as opposed to five and a halfI think Lord kereth is out of here. Now the question is, who's going to replace him? Heero certainly can't, he's got his own responsibilities to the Weyr to cope with. I think Lord Kereth has a cousin though>

The Council reconvened an hour later and the vote was exactly as relena had precictedwell actually, she'd forgotten to dismiss Lord Kereths vote and the odds were four and a half to nine and a half, way better than she had been hoping for. The Weyrs voted unanimously in favor of ousting Lord Kereth and installing another in his place and added that they would also be continuing their patrolls for a while to ensure that no further attacks were issued. Masterharper Corliss, Beastmaster Gara,and master weaver Lorith were in full agreement and saw no reason why the erring Lord Kereth should not be stripped of his rank immediately and exiled to one of the South islands.

And so, it was done. Lord Kereth was stripped of his rank before the council and his cousin Dessin, a minor Holder on his lands renowned for his honesty and fair-handedness installed in his place. Further, Lord Kereth was exiled for his crimes. Only Heero and Relena note the look that was passed between Lord Kereth and Lady Bitra as he was "escorted" from the chamber and tied to the dragonback that was going to take him to the secluded island. (Thankfully, Heero was not volunteered for the job, instead, Trowa got to do the honors.)

"That's it?" said lady Une to her husband and Lord Milliardo and Lady Noin. "That's all?"

"What more do you want Lady?" asked Treize as the councilors filed out.

"Well, I dunno. It just seems kind ofanticlimactic."

"I don't know about you," said Noin. "But I for one am glad it's all finally over with. We got the bad guy, justice has been served, it's time to close the book and move on."

"But move on to what," Milliardo muttered. He was glaring at something. Noin looked over. The bronze rider Heero was escorting Miss Relena out of the chambers with one hand, almost possessively it seemed, at the small of her back.

Heero tightened his flight jacket and hauled himself into place on Zeroth's back then reached down to help Relena up. She wrapped her arms securely about his waist and he could feel her resting her cheek against his back.

<We still have my mother's machinations to worry about, and I doubt that either one of them is going to let it go at that,> he thought. Well, it would have to keep for another day, for nowhe would simply enjoy the feeling of a woman he had come to care for a great deal holding him tightly, even if it was only so she wouldn't fall of his dragons back.

* * * *

Authors Note: Well there it is! Finally! It's finished! The scene finally wrote itself and I am satisfied, it's been weeks! I should warn you that in the next chapter there will be a time jump of about sixteen months. The story, as I'm sure you've guessed isn't quite over with yet. Almost, but not quite.

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing. It's the property of Bandai, Sunrise and Sotsu agency as well as its original creators Yosiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate. The world and terms of Pern is the sole creative property of the dragonlady herself Anne McCaffrey.