And yet another for your singing pleasure, coreographed by Nightheart.

"Heero Yuy'y Coming to Kill"

(sung to the tune "Santa Claus is Coming to Town")

He's loading his gun, he's checking it twice
The Perfect Soldier he's colder than ice
Heero Yuy's coming to kill.

He's seen her when she's sleeping, he knows if she's aware
He promised her he'd shoot her dead
And he always keeps his word.

So, when Heero snuck in, she did not cry
when he pointed his "gun" (at her) and now here's why
Heero Yuy joined her in bed.


Sounds like it's going to be a very merry Christmas for the two of them! Honestly people, I don't know where it came from and I cannot believe I had the temerity to post this...but there it is. Hope you liked it and be on the lookout for my next three song parodies, they're already written but they need just a tad bit more refinement before they are ready to be posted.

Post Scriptum: You thought you could run you thought you could hide... you were wrong! It's *gasps and screams of mortal terror heard round the world* The Disclaimer! Run for your lives! Run for your lives damnit! All charactors and running jokes heard in this fic are the property of Bandai and Sotsu Agency and their original creators. I own nothing, not even a little bit. If you want to sue me, you're out of luck because I'm saying here, it isn't mine.