Switching Lives Part 3



Relena walked along 5th Avenue with Hilde beside her. Sally followed closely behind her. Only a few minutes ago, she and Elena were explaining to Relena's friends about what was going on. They were actually pretty receptive.


"So, you see guys, we're switching lives for the week" said Relena.

"I think that it is so cool. My best friend can pass off for a supermodel" said Hilde.

"Us too" chorused the others.

"Anyway, I was wondering if you could help out Elena for the day. She needs to know the ropes of school. And tomorrow, you guys could come and stay with me for the week. If, that's okay with you, Elena" said Relena.

"It's fine with me" said Elena. A chorus of "Ya-hoos" followed her.

"Okay, so you guys go with Elena. I want some time with my best friend" said Hilde.

"Why?" asked Mac.

"Because I said so" replied Hilde.

"C'mon, let's go before she'd throws a hissy fit" muttered Billy.

"I heard that" said Hilde. The others got into the car and drove back to school.

*Flashback End*

Relena and Hilde stopped to look at one of the windows when 2 guys came out. One had Prussian blue eyes and messy brown hair and the other had long, braided hair and violet eyes. The guy with the Prussian blue eyes turned and looked at Relena.

"Elena!" he exclaimed.

"Heero Yuy" said Relena.

"Look, I know that I'm probably the last person you want to see, but all the talk about making the island shoot into our private blue lagoon was totally my publistcist talking. Anyway, I want you to meet my friend Duo" said Heero. But as he turned to look at Duo he noticed that Duo was engaged in conversation with Hilde.

"Who's that?" asked Heero.

"My best friend, Hilde" replied Relena

"Well, we have to go. I'll call you later, 'kay?" said Heero as he got into a limo that pulled up, dragging Duo by his braid.

"Wow" said Relena.




Elena was really getting into high school life. She was totally loving it. All the guys were looking at her with astonished looks on their faces. She loved the attention. She noticed a guy with light blonde hair and aquamarine eyes coming up to her.

"Hey Relena" he said.

"Hi" said Elena.

"I want to apologize for what I said at the party. I will never ask you to move again And I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me on Saturday?" said Quatre

"I'd like that" said Elena.

"Cool" said Quatre as he walked away. Elena just stared after him. A girl with lon blonde hair and weird-looking eyebrows came up to her.

"What are you doing talking to my boyfriend?" asked the girl. Elena recognized her. Dorothy Catalonia.

"He broke up with you last period from what I heard. Why don't get some wax and shave off those eyebrows and grow some new ones?" replied Elena. Dorothy's face paled. Elena smiled and walked away.