^A^ Hello everyone! I'm totally blaming all your readers for making me write this. How? Because you got me so pumbed up into writing, I don't even want to think about that lovely pile of homework, behind me.

I'll tell you this now... this is not that good. It's just a little something I whipped up in a day because I was feeling up to it. I hope you enjoy it and E-MAIL ME in the end. No this will NOT be a chapter story, so don't ask for the next chapter.^A^

Standard Disclaimers apply: All the characters in this story belongs to Sun Rise and company. I do not own Gundam Wing in anyway including pictures, but this story does, SO don't copy. That's plagiarism and illegal. This story is plainly for the reader's enjoyment.


Self Explanatory

Only God Could Understand
By Pixie^A^
Rated: General






Relena sighed and pulled her hair ribbon letting her hair cascade down her back. The meeting went well with the delegates today. That was good.

She stared back at herself from the mirror. Her childhood looks had quickly disappeared over the years of stress and hard work, just like her childhood. Relena had no doubt that she would have wrinkles before anyone her age before. At only 20, she was already defined as an elegant lady.

Gently she peeled off her office uniform and stepped into a cream coloured night robe that when to her thighs. She sighed again. She hated being alone, but that was silly wasn't it?

She was the richest girl on earth, she was the so-called prettiest girl on earth and the colonies, the most popular, the most known; she was even dubbed the Queen of the World. Almost every single girl she wanted to be like her. And here, Relena stood saying she was lonely but it was true.

Milliardo had taken over the Peacecraft Family, seeing that his sister couldn't handle both jobs. He and Noin had gotten married about 2 years ago and had 1 child named Darien with his mother's dark hair and his father's ice blue eyes. (I wasn't going to name the child that. It's just that the description just sorta clicked.) The entire family had moved out of the mansion and into the rebuild Peacecraft Mansion.

Relena hadn't heard from the Gundam pilots in the longest of time, but that was ok. It meant that things were ok on the colonies too. Last she heard, Duo and Hilde were getting married. Wufei and Sally were married and had a child. Trowa still worked at the circus with Catherine, and Dorothy and Quatre were just living together.

She hadn't heard a word about Heero. Some suspicious liquid began to fill her eyes. Blinking them back she headed out to the balcony. Yes she was alone in this world. There was no one to trust whole heartily who was close by, no one to cry on, to talk to. Pagan had died only a few months ago leaving her truly alone.

Relena could have not been lonely. She could have dated all those nice men that her brother kept on asking her to date. Yet she didn't. all because she was waiting. Waiting for Heero.

Why didn't she hate him? He had left her. Broke her.. He had only give her hurt and pain. Why couldn't she forget him. His eyes. "Oh Heero" she whispered as she knelt down with her head and arms on the railing.

She closed her eyes to hear a whizzing sound. She threw herself on her feet. What was that? She looked around.. an arrow with a note?

With shaking fingers she pulled at arrow and took the note.


Please give up. I can't see you like this. It just isn't right. I love you, Relena. I will always love you, just not in theway you do. Go Relena. Go find someone who will make you happy, knowing it won't be me.


Relena smiled through her tears. He loved her. He would always love her. Relena closed her eyes and took a deep breath in and then out. Letting everything go. All those years. All that pain. It was true.. he loved her. Just like she loved him.. and even though she was giving up on him. She was always love him.

That's what was special about them. They loved each other but wouldn't be together. It was an understandment. Relena opened her eyes and smiled. She had finally shed a burden on her heart. She turned and went back into the house this time making sure that the doors were locked. She wouldn't be hoping for any nighttime visitors anymore.

The lights inside quickly blinked off. There were two shadows in a tree. "Are you sure that you did the right thing?"

Heero closed his eyes and nodded, "I'm sure"

"Then why do I feel sorry for you and Jousan?"

"Because people like happy endings.. But in life they're not real. Don't argue with me." As the other shadow opened his mouth, "Let's go"

What was so special about him and Relena? What kind of bond was this? The braided shadow thought.


Only God could Understand



^A^ So do you want to strangle me for leaving you like that? I know it's not very good, but it's just a little something that is truthful, and FINISHED. I was trying to find a song for this.... but then again I don't like songfics and that's exactly what would be happening. I find that songfics are cute, but not enough plot to my liking. Oh well... if you find something good.... send it to me. I'm serious thinking of editing this. ^_^

Don't forget to read my story Wings of a Dove.... I promise you it's way better than this... not to mention more plot and LONGER. One more thing.... E-MAIL ME. Key words: Blackmail if no E-mails! What's my e-mail? It's pixie_angel_girl@hotmail.com. Well that's it for today, I hope to hear from you soon. OOOOOOOOo, XXXXXXXXXx and Cookies Pixie^A^