CHAPTER VII-In which Relena and Sylvia go hunting and chaos reins

A/N: Hehehe….I can’t believe this story is already SEVEN chapters long…but I can't help it…

OOO! News! First, I'm writing and drawing a HyxRP doujinshi that will be a light comedy/romance…if you are interested in posting (completely for FREE, mind you) the DJ on your site, email me at and I will email you a sampler.

Secondly, I will be going to an art thing at Calarts in Southern California from JULY 14th-AUGUST 11th. Updates will be few and far between then, I will be attending classes from 8 am to 10 pm every day except Sunday. Gomen, ne!


The day was bright and sunny, and the garden smelled fresh and beautiful. The summer flowers were blooming in a large variety of colors, sending their beautiful scents to the two women who were walking quickly over a sandy path.

Actually, one was walking and the other was being dragged behind.

And the flowers were smelling sweet to attract insects to come so they could distribute pollen and reproduce, not because some girl decided she wanted to take a stroll in the gardens that fine summer afternoon.

"Sylvia," Relena pleaded, "We aren't professionals! What do we know about clues and traces? Besides, the gardeners have come already!"

Sylvia ignored her "sister" and stopped in front of the elegant sequoia. Its branches twisted upwards in a hauntingly beautiful way, and it was an easy climb for even the most inexperienced of Peeping Toms. The second floor window was easily visible.

"Aha!" she said in a detective-sort of voice, picking up a leaf fron a twig like branch near the base.

"'Aha,' what?" Relena asked leaning forward.

It wasn't a leaf. It was a small part of forest green cloth.

Heero Yuy was dead.



"Pause!" Duo screamed, looking over at the small video monitor.

"There is no 'pause' in 'I Spy,' Duo," Heero said smugly, "Either ask or forfeit. I swear I can get any answer in only three guesses."

Duo looked desperate, but Heero was wearing that annoying smirk that always rubbed the braided boy the wrong way.

Fine, two can play that game, you prick, he thought joyously.

He glanced at the video monitor again. The two girls were already heading out of range of the rose garden, so he leaned back casually, disguising his move to flick the toggle that activated the view from the beginning of the maze with a stretch.

"I spy with my little eyes, two blonde women heading this way."

Heero glared at him, "Duo, you know perfectly well that-" his cold blue eyes finally settled on the monitor, "Sylvia and Relena!"

Duo grinned, "Only one guess, perfect soldier. You lose."

He was silenced by a quick and hard braid yank.

"Duo, we have to get out of the middle of the maze," he whispered, not wanting to take any chances.

Duo grumbled something about the damage done to the roots of his hair.

"We'll split up and hide the equipment under the bushes," Heero said decisively, and it was done.



"Green shirt, eh?" Sylvia said to herself, rubbing the cloth between her fingers.

Relena smiled, "It could have been anyone's, Sylvia."

She shook her head, "No! It was the man who destroyed my maidenhood!"

"Uh, Sylvia, you do know what 'maidenhood' means, right?"

She turned bright red, "Of course I do, I mean, they looked at me in a way that only my husband is supposed to."

"So, you'll have to kill this guy."

Sylvia sighed and nodded, "Or marry him."

Relena felt a sudden burst of protectiveness fill her but she suppressed it. What Heero Yuy did with his spare time was of no concern of hers.

They were wandering through the maze now, and Relena was certain they were lost. Sylvia, however, was too mad to be worried about being trapped in bushes. She was still muttering curses under breath- nothing as vulgar as Relena would have used, but the venom behind them was warning enough as to her mood.

They were turning a corner.

It was an accident.

But Heero Yuy, who had been running at a full sprint had crashed into Relena.

Sylvia recognized the shirt immediately.




"Stupid Heero Yuy doesn't know how to sneak around properly," Duo was saying to himself. He dropped from the tree he had climbed satisfied that the coast was clear and that he was safe.

"Only, I, the great Shingami, the master of stealth, the greatest of-"


Duo Maxwell recognized that voice all too well.

"Wufei Chang."

"Lady Une said that this estate was Sally's new post. I didn't know you worked here too."

"Duo smiled carefully, "Well, not exactly."

"Oh?" Wufei's voice seemed mocking.

"And I didn't know you had such an interest in Preventer Water."

Wufei blushed, "Uh…well…I…don't. She's my partner, that's all. She just wanted some time to herself."

Duo grinned impishly, "Translated into woman's terms, that means she was testing you."

"Testing me?"

Duo slung an arm around the other man's shoulder, "You must be really inexperienced with women. I just happen to be an expert with these 'tests.' Let me give you some advice…"



"I swear, Sally, I didn't think you were the type to like controlling men," Hilde said, goading her friend on.

Hilde and Sally were doing their morning grounds check, a boring job. Sally tossed a braid over her shoulder, "Wufei can be very considerate."

"He also likes nothing better than to spout his sexist ideals." Hilde said, laughing.

"I don't like him for that!" Sally protested, "I was trying to change him."

"Prove it!"

Sally narrowed her eyes, "Fine, Hilde. I won't take any orders at all from Wufei. Next time we see him, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind!"

Hilde laughed even louder, "Girl power!"

They both had no clue that they would be meeting him very, very soon.



A/N: Gomen! It's REALLY short! Next chapter comes out soon! It's just so hot…