^A^ Hello everyone, my name is Pixie^A^. That's Pixie Angel, k? This is the first time I've written a Gundam Wing fanfic and I hope you enjoy it, but there are a few question I gotta askÖ First is it spelled Dorlin or Darlian? I used Darlian for this fic anyways but if I'm wrong, just tell me. Also, I've learned that Catherine is Trowa's sister. Yet honestly, do they act like siblings? Nope. So I think that you can live with them being in a relationship, right? Right. One more thingÖ.. read the story and tell if me you hated or loved it. Be gentle when e-mailing. It's my first Gundam fanfic. Thanks ^A^

Standard Disclaimers apply: All the characters in this story belongs to Sun Rise and company(People I don't know). I do not own Gundam Wing in anyway including pictures, but this story does, SO don't copy. That's plagiarism and illegal. This story is plainly for the reader's enjoyment. Also "I am a Rock" is not by me. The lyrics are done by Paul Simon.

(          ) - means my thoughts or comments
*        * - means more of a subconscious level of thinking
in italics - means a conscious level of thinking
(Don't worry, you'll get it as you read)

Wings of A Dove

Prologue: Goodbye with or without Regrets
By Pixie^A^
Rated: PG-13

            Relena looked sadly at her empty hands. She should have kept the letter... no matter how it was send, no matter what it had said. It was one of the last things she would ever have of him.

            Yet what it had said had killed her. He had wrote about their experience being on of the causes of war... and now that it was over, so was their..... bond. He had said that there was nothing between them... that there couldn't be.

            But why Heero? There could have been... we could have beaten the odds, if we had only tried..... tried together

            Relena's eyes filled with tears, but her training took hold. No. I have to be strong.... for my people. This will be the last time I cry about Heero Yuy. I won't regret what has happened between him and me. There are some things is life that aren't meant to be. Fate is cruel and will always has it's way. I take it as an experience and will grow from it, learn from it... cherish it.

            Wiping her tears away for the last time, she turned to the window of the plane. "Goodbye Heero. Goodbye without regrets" *Liar*

~Somewhere on the Colony L1~ (They're there because I said so. ^_~)

            Heero stood strongly with the other gundam pilots looking at the plane that carried Relena Peacecraft, Queen of the World, Angel of Peace. (I know that's not trully accurate, but just play along)

            Slowly he made fists. Him and Relena.. whatever they had was over... not that they had anything though. *Yes you did. She touched you, understood you...* Shut up. Past is past. *But you gave her a promise. A promise, a soldier.... no a perfect soldier shouldn't give.* What do you know about being a perfect soldier *You promised to keep her safe*

From harm. Not everyday problems, not life. I promised to keep war away from her. And now that promise is over *No. You promised to protect her. Protection lasts as long as she lives* Be quiet

            "I'm going to miss her" Quatre said glumly who really couldn't hide his negative feelings anymore.

            "Same here. She was a great person" Trowa added quietly. Wufei grunted in agreement, mumbling something about "woman" and "quite strong".

            Duo was silent for once... and when he spoke, he spoke for all. "She is something. She is really something else. She's like some angel send by the mighty God from above to earth."

            Everyone smiled and nodded. Heero clenched his fists tighter. His heart ached with pain. He was sad to see her go. Because the colonies will miss her *Liar* How could a soldier, the perfect soldier go with a pacifist? The equation just didn't work out, it couldn't be done. I don't need her. She makes me weak in missions. I should be happy she's gone.

            The pilots slowly walked back to the convertible in which they would be driving around for the day. Tomorrow the rest of them would be heading back to their home colony. Trowa opened the door for Quatre and Wufei (who ignored him and jumped over into the backseat). Trowa then slipped into the driver's seat and switched on the radio. Duo seemed to be a dark mood and didn't even complain that Heero took the passenger seat beside the driver. Heero closed the door after Duo got in and closed his eyes.

*And you're happy* You again?! What? *And you're happy that the promise is forever* He answered the voice coldly I have no idea what you're talking about *The promise. The promise of protection. It keeps you tied to her. Even in the weakest of ways* I don't need her.... and I most certainly don't need you *You're only human, Heero Yuy* I'm the perfect soldier, a -

*But you started as a human. Once human, always human*

~On the Radio~

I am a Rock,
I am an island.

I've built walls,
A fortess deep and mighty,
That none may penetrate.
I have no need of friendship,
Friendship causes pain.
It's laughter and it's loving I disdain.
I am a rock,
I am an island.

Don't talk of love;
But I've heard the world before;
It's sleeping in my memory.
I won't disturb the slumber of feelings that have died.
If I never loved I never would have cried.
I am a rock,
I am an island.

I am shielded in my armour,
Hiding in my room,
Safe within my womb.
I touch no one and no one touches me.
I am a rock,
I am an island.
And a rock feels no pain;
And an island never cries.

            It's not that I hide my emotions, it's not that I don't want to act on them... at times. It's just that how can you act on your emotions when you feel like you have none? I am the Perfect Soldier. I have no emotionsSighing deeply he thought to himself. Goodbye Relena. Goodbye with......

            ^A^ Interesting.... did Heero say with or without? Anyways that was the prologue, on to chapter one. Hope you like it. Don't forget to e-mail me! You don't have to e-mail me now, but e-mail me right after the first chapter k? And if you want to e-mail right sure. The more the merrier. Mail to pixie_angel_girl@hotmail.com That's it for now. OOOOO, XXXXXX and cookies Pixie^A^