Cracks In The Mirror

By: Tracie Somebody

Chapter Seven: Captured Heartache


Heero's hands actually shook as he reached for the door handle to Relena's room. Why was he so nervous all of the sudden? It just didn't make sense. And another thing, why was his heart pounding so hard, his skin feeling warm all over, and a big lump in his throat? He just didn't get it. Alls he was doing was entering a room with a girl in it. A very pretty girl, no a beautiful girl with lusciously pale moon skin and dazzling blue eyes that shimmered so bright you could see her very soul in them But that was enough of that line of thinking. Heero's breath quickened as if he had run a hundred miles, but the only action he had made was to turn the door handle. What is happening to me? The thought banged around in his head, but he had no answer to this. Perhaps he was getting sick. (AN: Yeah love sick ^-^)

He opened the door slowly expecting to see Relena's curled up form resting on the bed, only it wasn't. Panicking just a little Heero walked into the bathroom afraid of what he might there. The mirror was in fact shattered like the other times, but this time Relena wasn't there. Heero swore silently to himself, how had he let this happen? He looked around for a message and found one, a small note lain by the sink. If you seek the mirror cracker look inside of your self, there truth lies and innocence dies. Heero frowned at the note, deadly hatred engulfing him. Who ever did this would pay. Suddenly the aching in his chest became unbearable and he felt as if he were dieing. Why was he feeling so lost? So afraid? He pushed these questions aside impatiently, the most important right now was finding Relena, and finding her before it was too late. Another shot of pain ran through his chest. What was wrong with him?


Relena woke up barely and had the strange sensation of floating. The more awake she became the less sense the idea of floating seemed to make. Then her mind registered the arms around her waist and the labored breaths coming from above her. She tried to scream but her lips barely parted and her voice was strangely muffled. She had been bound and gagged. Still not fully awake until this moment, when she realized what all of this meant. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. This kept repeating through her mind in a panicky voice. 'What a day,' another voice inside her head moaned.

Suddenly aware that the girl he was carrying was conscious Simon dealt one hard blow to her head. What he really didn't need right now was complications in his plan, and her being awake was a pretty big one. So with that taken care of he tried once more to slow his breath and pounding heart which to him seemed to be making plenty of noise.

Only a few more yards to his van, once there Simon was almost positive he'd be safe. Relena, though seemed to gain weight with every step he took. He looked down at her unconscious figure, he had waited too long for this moment he wasn't going to give up now. She was the only blemish in his record, the only flaw he'd ever had. The only girl who'd ever walked away from him with out giving him what he deserved. She had haunted him those sickening nights when a big man named Butch was pounding himself into Simons ass, those long nights screaming into an empty jail cell and no one came to help him, no one came. Simon's already twisted mind had bent to unreasonable conclusions, that SHE was the reason he had suffered. He had received his punishment for letting her go, he would not make the same mistake twice. She deserved to feel his pain, she deserved to feel it through out the end of her life, which was going to be painfully drug out. She would feel his pain and then he'd be forgiven. He'd have his redemption. Alls he had to do was take care of her, then everything would be fine. He'd never have to worry again, never Simon put Relena gently down in the van his eyes were a blaring green, a frightening scene, because when you looked into them you could see the madness eating at his brain.

Simon slammed the door shut and got into the drivers seat, from there on he spaced out of himself and when he returned he was already at his own place. It was a place, not a house, a place. A house was something you went to to feel a sense of homeliness. This place was where you went to let out your anger, and feel your pain. Yes, Simon knew this was not a house it was a place, and never once had he thought of it as home. He got out and opened the car door and drug out his darling doll, because that's what she was, a very precious porcelain doll, with her chiseled face and painted lips. She was his doll, he deserved to have her, to make her feel his pain. Then he would be safe from all pain, then he would be saved. Simon repeated these thoughts as he hauled her to her new room. She would live in this room, he would make her feel his pain in this room, and then, and then.Simon chuckled, a wild giggle drenched in his insanity, she would DIE in this room. He unbound her and prepared her setting her on a slab of cement on top of two layers of bricks. She was ready for him, he looked at her content. Soon, very soon she would wake up and then she would feel his pain. He set a timer, he was a reasonable person, her friends would have four hours to come and find their lost dolly. And if they took any longer then that, then it was HIS dolly and he would break her piece by piece. His insanity seemed to be growing into more irrational ideas, already his mind had given way to repetitive thought, what sanity he had had was slowly fading into the darker corner of his mind. And somewhere, deep down, to far to really matter at all, what was left of his sanity was frightened by what was happening. Simon let out another spine chilling laugh and went to prepare himself.

Relena woke up, her hazy vision slowly correcting itself. She rubbed her eyes and let out a yawn. She had completely forgotten about her previous wake up call, in fact the last thing she remembered was crying herself to sleep. It took her awhile to realize where she was, and even then she was confused. She had never seen this place in her life. Which could only mean one thing

"Help! Help me!" She yelled the sound bouncing like rubber ball of the walls and creating an eerie echo around her. "Is anybody there?" She listened to her own echo yell back to her in hollow tones. "If somebody's there, please help me!" Relena yelled. She tried to stand up and get of the hard cement slab she was on but one foot wouldn't budge. That was most likely because it was chained to the cement slab, and seeing this Relena let out a whimper like a lost dog. She then squared her shoulders and stared bravely straight forward. She could deal with this, she could. She was no longer cowering 14 year old Relena. She was brave, strong Relena, the one who had been created out of the self loathing of her own cowardice. The one who had dared a young pilot to shot her by simply not moving when he threatened to fire. The one who spoke of total pacifism, no matter how insane the idea was, and had fought for it with every breath she took. The same and only one to ever fall in love with Heero Yuy the Perfect Soldier. She felt tears coming as she thought of Heero but brushed them away impatiently, there was no time for crying now, she would have to do that later, or never if she could manage it.



"So you are awake," Simon said grinning a smile that, like everything else in his being, was possessed with madness. Relena jumped at the sound of his voice and edged away from his figure. "Don't worry," he let out another insane little laugh, "I won't hurt you my little doll, not yet anyway. That may all change in exactly 3 hours and 23 minutes who knows what could happen? You see that's how much time is left for your precious friends to find you, and the clock my little doll is still ticking away." Simon had now come face to face with his captive and so he smiled another smile of nasty insanity causing Relena to inch backwards once more. "Oh I don't blame you for being afraid, for I suppose I have gone insane. Jail, and pain can do that to the soul. Or perhaps I've always had a few screws loose, it doesn't really matter. The point is right now, at this minute, although you have the right to be afraid, as does anyone faced with myself, there is not really anything to fear. For now. The clock, though, is something entirely different, the clock, my doll, is something to fear, because, sorry to say, lately, for 43 minutes to be exact, it has been working against you." Simon brushed his hand through Relena's hair causing her to shudder. Simon then set down a timer which had 3 hours and 16 minutes left on it. "Enjoy my little doll, I really do hope we have time to play, really I do." And with that and another wild smile Simon left her alone in the gray dark listening only to the clock's ticking.

Relena wasn't sure if she was shaking from cold or fear, most likely from both. She hoped and even prayed for the others to reach her soon. Please, she begged silently, please find me. She then huddled her self in a ball and stared at the clock. 3 hours 12 minutes to go.