Disclaimer: Do not own Gundam Wing or any of its characters ^_^


Italics when used excessively usely refer to the past, either memories or words spoken by another character---when used among regular font  then italics or bold is used to put emphasis on that word ^_^ Prophecies seen by a seer are in italics and underlines. Galea's speech is in bold, always. You probably already know all this stuff (excpet the prophesy stuff) but I felt like typing all of that, so blah ^_~ Ciao!


Dawn and Moon Wars

Chapter Eleven

"Cathie... May I ask you something?" Midii smiled at her friend; a year had passed since that time they'd run though the woods... Both had been separated far too much than liked by their new lessons. Midii was an apprentice to her guild while Catherine studied to take her mother's position.

Catherine returned the smile and plucked a nearby flower. She twirled it between her fingers, "Of course!"

"What is so special about Trowa?"

Silence echoed between them.

"Cathie? Cathie?"

"He's just a slave, Midii..." Catherine wouldn't meet Midii's gaze, instead staring at the flower she had crushed in her shock.

"You're lying..." Midii allowed her hurt to be heard in her voice. "We've been best friends as far back as I can remember and we promised to always tell the truth. I know he's not an ordinary slave. You and your mother both treat him so strangely... As if he is much more than a slave... You even allow him a name. What is it about him that makes him so special to you? Please, Cathie..."

"Midii... Please, ask me anything but that! Please!"

The blond girl turned away from her friend's imploring eyes and stood. "You promised, Cathie. All these years I've waited for you to tell me on your own accord, but it seemed you never would... So here I finally asked, gathered up my courage and truly asked, and you will not tell me. You don't trust me!"

"Midii!" Catherine ran after the other girl as Midii bolted across the fields and into the woods. "MIDII!"

The blond girl stopped and leaned against a tall oak tree, trying to catch her breath. Catherine stopped beside her and for a second all that was heard were their gasping breaths. Then Catherine spoke slowly, "I was sworn not to tell..." She looked at the ground, "But you're right. I promised you and I do trust you! It's just... I don't want to put you in danger."

"Danger? What sort of danger?"

Catherine looked up and met Midii's eyes, "Trowa... He is my brother."

Midii gasped as she escaped the memory by awakening to harsh sunlight. It was these woods... These cursed woods... The very woods that so many years ago she'd chased a different quarry down... She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. 'It seems that they are trying to force me to face what I have hidden from so many years... But I haven't the time now. So save your lessons for another day.'

She wiped sleep from her eyes and destroyed the remains of her fire. Midii stared straight ahead as she once again started her tracking.

"Oh, Midii, I'll miss you so much." Catherine hugged her friend close, tears streaming down her face. The blond shed no tears, but returned the hug full-force.

"I'll miss you, too, Cathie, but my training must be completed. I'll be back in a few months. Don't worry." Midii winked as they parted, "Be back before you even notice."

"I doubt that..."

"Goodbye, Cathie! I'll see you soon!" Midii yelled as she mounted her mare and waved before galloping after her mentor.

"Goodbye, Midii..."

The Spy Mistress curled and uncurled her fists as the memories bombarded her. The woods showed no mercy... After all, she hadn't.

A figure robed in black darted through the shadows. No features could be seen past the black veil she wore over her face, not even her stormy gray eyes. She slipped into the stable where she knew he'd be... He had a gift with animals...


He turned, green eyes searching the shadow-filled stable. "Who's there?"

She stepped forward, a minion of darkness. His first thought was this must be a demon of pure evil sent to kill him... For these are the thoughts young boys sometimes entertain...

"Trowa. You must come with me." She held out one gloved hand and he stared at it.

"Who... Who are you?"

"That doesn't matter. You must come with me."

Suspicion entered those green depths, "Why? Who are you?"

"You endanger the life of Catherine Bloom and her family. I will not allow you to. My identity is not needed. Now, come."

He took a step forward, "Endanger Miss Bloom? I'd never hurt her!"

"Not you, those that know the truth of your birth. You are her brother."

Trowa's eyes widened and the robed figure grabbed his hand. "Come."

"No. I-."

She placed a hand over his mouth and pulled her veil down just enough so he could see her eyes. "You can trust me."

It was a simple trick. For some asinine reason, people seemed to believe that if a person stared you straight in the eye and spoke with a straight face that they had to be telling the truth. The first thing an assassin learned was to do that very thing... and lie through their teeth.

But unlike any person she'd met so far, he didn't believe her and stepped away. "I don't trust anyone..."

"You trust Cathie."

He raised an eyebrow at the use of Miss Bloom's name, "Miss Bloom is different."

Midii sighed impatiently and removed the veil, revealing her face. "Look at me. You know me and you know I love Cathie. Believe me when I say your presence will be the death of her if we do not leave."

Now, he could see the truth in her eyes and slowly Trowa nodded. She took his hand and began to lead him outside where two other robed figures waited with a Driver. Trowa took one look at the Driver and every gruesome and cruel story he'd heard about their kind came to mind. He pulled free of Midii's grasp and started to run.

Someone shouted, not Midii or Trowa, but someone did... Maybe the Driver... An alarm went up. The ladies of the house were awakened and Midii cursed herself, Trowa, and the idiot that had yelled... She had been so close to getting rid of the constant threat hovering over Catherine's head... She had bartered and sold her very soul probably to receive the help of the two Dawn Assassins. They would help her and keep this quiet so that no harm came to Cathie as long as Midii joined their ranks...

She hadn't wanted to. Being an assassin wasn't what she'd pretended it to be during their childhood games... But she'd gladly join their ranks, the ranks of those that hid in the shadows to never be seen again, to save Cathie. The Dawn Assassins were the best, but only for one reason... They gave up everything to be what they were. Their identities, their names, family, friends... All thrown away...

She ran after Trowa who was making his way toward the woods that bordered Catherine's lands. Midii could see Catherine and her mother, Lady Pluto, coming toward the other two assassins with a few slaves carrying torches.


The blond cursed as Catherine had recognized her in the torchlight. She should've raised her veil once more, but now it was too late.

"What is going on here?" Lady Pluto demanded, her voice cutting through the commotion. Trowa stopped his wild flight and began to edge toward her and the other slaves. Midii kept an eye on him.

"We are here to take the slave called Trowa." One of the robed and veiled assassins answered. "Think of it as a gift that we do not arrest you and your daughter for harboring a slave of your own blood which is against the Dawn and her laws."

"I will not allow you to take him. He has done nothing."

"He was borne by you and law states that noble slaves are to be sent to other noble houses to receive proper training. You have broken this law by hiding his true parentage and keeping him here. We have come to set things right."

Lady Pluto stepped forward, "The law is wrong. He stays. By the Mother, I will not let you take him away from me! I will NOT!"

The two assassins exchanged a look and Midii rushed forward. "NO!"

But it was too late. Like lightning a dagger flew through the short space and plunged deep into Lady Pluto's heart. She didn't even feel anything as she fell to the ground... Catherine knelt beside her mother, shaking the immobile body. "Mama! NO! MAMA!"

Midii watched in horror as one of the assassins dismounted and retrieved her dagger. "You promised!"

The assassin turned toward her, "We promised not to hurt the girl."

"No..." Then before the despair could eat at her, rage started... A cool, calm anger that showed things very clearly... An assassin's rage. Now, she could not kill the assassins for they were stronger than she... For now, she could only swear to one day exact revenge on them...

But there was something she could do... Find the one whose presence had caused all of this. Her eyes went straight toward him and gray locked with green. He knew. But he was a fighter and would not just walk toward her with arms outstretched.

Trowa nodded once before turning and, with quick agility, disappearing into the woods. Midii bolted after him, not even noticing till it was too late the girl with auburn curls chasing her.

 "An assassin's rage..." Midii shook her head, "How many years has it been? Not that many... But enough for it to seem a lifetime ago... Revenge... It seems that is what spurs so many, including myself... Those two assassins met their ends at my hands... All for revenge..."

"But it wasn't revenge that caused me to return for him. Or was it? At the time, I thought I was doing what was best for Catherine... But maybe I just wanted to get rid of him... Maybe I was jealous of the attention she bestowed upon him... Maybe..."

She chased him through the dense woods, ignoring the branches that slapped against her face. He was so close... Just a foot... Midii lunged, slamming her body against his. They both went down and with the finesse of all her years of training Midii soon had him tied with her whip.

Someone crashed through a nearby bush and both jerked and stared at the new figure. Catherine's eyes, used to the darkness already, quickly took in the scene. "Midii! You can't... My mother... Mother... No! Don't take him away! He's all I have left! Please, Midii! Please!"

Midii looked at the boy on the ground and shook her head. "I must." She tightened her hold on the end of the whip and yanked Trowa to his feet. "I must take him to the others."

"Midii, don't!"

The blond walked past Catherine and once more the other female tried to convince her. "No! Please, don't take him!"  Midii paused and looked at Catherine and both knew what her face told Catherine. 'I must.' Violet eyes turned toward her, eyes that seemed to drown in despair and grief and pain at being betrayed. "How could you? How could you do this?"

"I do it for your safety, Cathie. Please, understand."

"My mother is dead because of you. My brother stolen away because of you." A harshness entered those once smiling eyes and Midii winced. "Do not call me Cathie. Do not speak to me. From now on our friendship is over. You have my undying hate for what you have taken from me."


The assassin and the noble lady stared at each other, then the assassin continued her walk, leading the slave to the Driver...

"I forgive you."

Midii stared at the boy she led in shock. "What?"

"I forgive you."

She bit her lower lip to keep from crying. She was taking him away from everything he'd ever known, from everyone he cared about, and he was forgiving her... Later, she promised she would cry for the strange boy she'd never really gotten to know, but for now all she could do was hand over the whip end to the Driver.

Both girls knew what would happen next. The boy's memories from his birth to this very day would be erased, others would take their place... His memories would be constructions of magick. Trowa would not remember any of this life...


"Thus the assassin cried a single tear for the friend she had lost and the boy she never knew... Then lost herself in sea of intrigues, where someone always needed an assassin of quick hand and wit..."

"The noble lady accepted her position as Lady Pluto, forever losing her name. She was a kind soul, but also one with a deep sorrow for the brother she'd lost... It was well-known that she held hate for only one."

A solemn silence descended upon Midii and a weight lifted... The woods were finished with her. They could show her no more. It was up to her now to do what she willed with these memories.

Midii frowned and looked upward. The sun shone down on her and she couldn't help but sigh.

'I used to think she loved him... He was handsome even then in his youth... Green eyes... I remember green eyes. He forgave me...' She rubbed her temples, 'I was stupid... If I only had spoken to him... Tried to understand him...'

She hung her head and continued walking... 'I am the Dawn's Spy Mistress... But what could I be had I done things differently?'


Running... Breathe... Run. Breathe. Run. Breathe. Run.


Hilde spun around to see the healer fall, tripping over a tree root. "Get up. No time!" She reached for the woman's arm only to have another hand grab it before she could. The strange male warrior gently pulled the woman to her feet and they were once again moving.

Run. Breathe. Run. Blood. Movement. Scents. Magicks.

"We've lost them."

Male. Enemy. Dawn.

Wufei moved to touch the blood warrior, but Sally grabbed his arm and shook her head. "She's bleeding." Sally smiled knowingly at the look he sent her; "She's a blood warrior. The more blood she loses, the stronger her senses become. However, I fear she might begin to lose perspective as to what has happened and who we are."

Hilde stopped moving and turned toward him. Her eyes caught every little detail and more... She could see through his shields of clothing, of skin, right to his very core... Strength... That was what she saw. Strength. Wisdom. Seeking... Seeking for true justice... Seeking for the truth... Seeking for something else... For something more than fighting.

Her wounds were beginning to clot, her senses slowly returning to normal. Hilde turned her still enhanced eyes toward Sally. She saw gentleness, kindness... A tiny bit of magick... An emptiness waiting to be filled... An urge to heal, to help. Want. She wanted something, but what? What?

Hilde stumbled as her vision snapped into normalcy. The healer was instantly by her side. "My kit, all my herbs, bandages they're all back at the camp..." Sally looked at the plain white tunic and light brown leggings she wore, borrowed from one of the smaller soldiers, and held out a hand toward Wufei. "Do you have a dagger? She needs bandages at least."

Hilde shook her head and reached into the small satchel hanging from her sword belt. She pulled out a roll of bandages. "Every soldier should carry some." She handed them to Sally and watched as the healer pulled off a few leaves from a nearby bush and tore them in half. Inside each was a small amount of green liquid, which she applied to the cuts. Luckily, all were shallow and Sally soon had each bandaged.

Wufei watched all of this with a wary eye, wondering whom exactly this blood-warrior was... He didn't have to wait long for answers as Sally and Hilde both stood. "Hilde, this is Wufei."

Hilde eyed him coldly, "One of the Moon's soldiers... Maybe not now, but you were... One of the soldiers that attacked the Dawn's Court. By the Dawn's law, I should arrest you or execute you here and now."

Sally took a step forward, but the blood warrior shook her head. "But I saw you back there. You would've died for her... One of the Dawn's healers and because of that I cannot kill you. You also turned against the Moon. Answer me these two questions; Are you a slave?"

"No, and I never shall be."

Hilde nodded, "And the second. Who is the rightful ruler of the land?"

"The true ruler is the girl you call the Reborn Dawn."

"He is not a slave, Hilde..." Sally spoke softly, causing both to turn toward her. "He takes cares of himself. He never needed my help... More, it was he who helped me. I cannot help, but wonder..."

"Not now." Hilde ordered harshly, "To voice any more of your thoughts could be blasphemy... But know this, healer, in some ways... I wonder the same things."

Wufei stared at the two women and thought about what they were saying. 'If only the thoughts of a few could change the world we live in... but it cannot be... I believe that there will still be much bloodshed before more realize the truth about men, the truth about slavery.'

"Storm's brewing." Sally pointed toward the sky where dark, black clouds were moving across the grayish white sky.

"Shelter..." Hilde looked around; she ignored Sally's protests as she unwound one of the bandages and squeezed the skin. Blood welled up and her eyes narrowed as her eyesight enhanced enough to see at a greater distance. "We're close to the Ice-Peaks... There are caves there, but we must hurry. The storm will be on us in an hour or so."

"We're so close to the edge of the woods?" Sally asked as they ran, following Hilde's directions.

"The woods start near the Peaks then flourish outward... You have seen the maps, haven't you?" Wufei replied as he ran alongside her, his sheath slapping against his leg.

"Yes, but I never thoroughly studied them. After all, my teachings focused on healing."

"Be quiet. We are not the only ones traveling through these woods." Hilde warned. The other two instantly stopped conversing and began to watch the woods around them.


"Rain..." Dorothy stared at the dark clouds coming toward them and threw up her hands. "Rain! I don't believe this!" She turned toward where Duo was conversing with Solo and Une in low tones and glared. "Excuse me for interrupting this lovely little reunion, but we need to find shelter."

Duo looked over at her and smirked, "Scared of a little water?"

"If it rids you of some of that mud and stench, then I gladly welcome it." She smiled as his eyes narrowed and he made a move to step toward her when Solo placed a hand on his King's shoulder.

"She is right, cousin. We do need to find shelter before the storm reaches us."

"If we must travel with you, you shall show his Majesty the respect due to him!" Lady Une nearly spat at Dorothy and the two women glared at each other.

"I believe I am showing the exact amount of respect he deserves."

Lady Une placed a hand on the hilt of her sword and the blood dagger was instantly in Dorothy's hand. The strange thin sword rubbed against its sheath as Lady Une pulled it free.

Duo was at once between the two. "Disarm yourselves."

"You are not my king!"


The blood dagger fell and Dorothy stared at Duo in shock.

Lady Une sheathed her sword and watched as her king and the human merely stared at each other... A contest of wills...

Dorothy bent to retrieve the dagger, "If you ever... use that tone with me again I will personally see to it that you are the last of your family line..."

"Shelter." Solo's voice reminded them of their predicament.

Duo sighed and looked around. "How close are we to a village?"

"Depends on which village you wish to go to, my King. A village of that Dawn is nearly a day or two away while a small merchant village is, but a few hours."

"Then we make way toward the merchant village. What country is it in?"

Solo answered, "Ransik."

Dorothy shook her hands before her, "That country is a place for cutthroats and thieves!"

"You should fit right in..."

"Excuse me, you pointy-eared wench?!"

"How dare you speak to me like that!"


Dorothy hissed, "I told you not to speak to me like that!"



Storm. Rain. Ick.

The Panther, for once, agreed whole-heartedly with the catriffin. Relena stared at the clouds and raised an eyebrow; "It's going to rain."

Tell her we're almost there.

"We are almost there."

She smiled and he watched the strange transformation... It was as if her whole face lit up with that smile and her eyes seemed to glow. Strange... Did all humans go through this when they smiled? He had never been around humans when they smiled... They were usually already dead or terrified at the thought of the death he brought...

"I know, I can hear them..."

The Panther's eyebrows rose and he focused on listening to the sounds around them. He could hear the humans, but they were still too far for her to hear... Weren't they?

Man-cat, warriors! She hears soldiers!

The Panther cursed himself for being distracted by the villagers' noises and Relena's strange smile and focused now on the soldiers the Reborn Dawn had heard. They were close... The Moon's men... He grabbed Relena's arm and pulled the dagger he wore around his neck free of its sheath. He handed it to her and whispered in her ear. "Soldiers. Close. Use the dagger if you must. Now, follow me and be quiet."

The storm is coming.

Galea followed them, her little feet barely making a sound.




The storm hit the woods and the bordering villages with a fierce rage. The rain came down in curtains, beating at the travelers. In his manor, Millardo raged over Wufei's betrayal and the loss of both Trowa and the healer... And especially with the realization that some female had suddenly appeared to help the healer...

"Bard! BARD!"

Quatre appeared at Millardo's door and took a cautious step inside. "Yes, my Moon?"

Millardo slowly turned toward the younger man and smiled. "I believe it is time I finally allow you to help me... And believe me, bard, you had better do exactly as I say... You've already crossed me once." He snickered at the bard's shocked expression. "Oh, I know it was you that freed Mr. Trowa... But for now, I'll overlook that fact."

"What do you want me to do?"

Millardo's smile widened, "Something quite simple really. Have you heard of the Reborn Dawn prophecy?"


"I didn't think so. It's a prophecy surrounding Relena, the new Dawn... It hints of warriors that come to her, either to protect her or kill her it doesn't state. You are one of those warriors."

"Me? I don't know anything about fighting!"

"Yes you do. Just not physically. It's your magicks that will either help or destroy her. I fear, however, that the other warriors are there to protect her only... I can't let them help her... You are linked to each of them and her... And with a simple spell you will be able to sense them... You will see an aura around them, a hint of old magick... You will find her warriors and you will join them... Become a spy for me and when I give you the signal you will kill them."

Quatre swallowed, "Millardo, I am not sure I can do what you ask."

"Your bondling is one." Millardo whispered and the bard froze. "You will be able to find her no matter how many shields she places around herself... And I will allow you to take her into your own custody. I will allow her to live... If you do my bidding... However," he leaned close and Quatre could feel his breath on his neck, "if you fail me, I can find her myself... And your failures will be her death."

The rain pounded at the manor and Quatre listened to its steady rhythm. "I understand, my Moon..."

"Good." Millardo leaned back and nodded, a pleased expression on his face. "Very good."


Noin pulled her cloak closer, cursing the rain that soaked her body. She wished for a horse, for shelter, for a warm fire... Yet, none would come till she reached the Galaxy Court and she was close... So close...

The bushes near the empty road moved. Someone fell into the muddy road, then slowly raised to their feet. Green eyes stared at Captain Noin. She backed a step away and unsheathed her sword. The rain continued to pour as Trowa and Noin locked gazes.

"I am weaponless." Trowa finally spoke, wiping mud from his face.

"All slaves are."

"I am not a slave. I am free."

"Only traitorous men are free."

He stood taller, eyeing her, searching for a weakness. "Then I am traitorous to your order as I am traitorous to the Moon."

"The Moon? You know him?" Noin yelled as the wind began to scream around the two.

Trowa nodded, "He imprisoned me for not believing in his ideals."

"And what are your ideals, slave?"

He looked away and toward the dark sky. "That everyone has the right to be free... To live in a world where women can keep their sons... Where men are not forced to lose their dignity to cruel women... Where freedom is a right reserved for all."

"This is not such a world."

"A few countries hold that belief."

Noin wiped rain from her eyelashes. "This country doesn't."

"Maybe it should."

"That decision is up to the Dawn. Do you obey the Dawn?"

"I believe only the fair and moral should be obeyed... Is the Dawn such a person?" Trowa asked, also yelling over the rain and winds.


"Am I slave, Captain?" Trowa recognized her from the day he'd performed.

"Am I a Captain, boy?"


"Times are changing, aren't they?" Noin slowly lowered her sword and Trowa nodded.

"Yes, but maybe it is time for change."

She sheathed her sword. "Where are you headed, boy?"

"My name is Trowa. Many of us have names... You just rarely ask for them... And I don't know... I don't even know where I am."

Noin raised an eyebrow, "Well, Trowa..." She shook her head, then continued. "Do you think you can change my mind as well as the world?"

"I do not seek to change the world. If you are correct, then the Dawn shall do that for me."

She laughed. "Then how about my mind?"

"Now, that... Maybe I can change." Trowa smiled slowly.

"Then we go to the Galaxy Court."

"The Moon plans to attack there. I know his plans."

Noin nodded, "You may indeed come in handy... Trowa..." She walked toward him, "Now, let us move before we both catch ill."

He turned and shielded his eyes from the rain and pointed. "The Court is a short distance from here."

"Then let us run."


The ritual of removing her gift and placing it into Catherine was not too difficulty. An exchange of blood, the right talismans, the right spells... And it was done... And now... Now, she could die in peace.

Jaclyn fell onto the floor and instantly Catherine was by her side. "Miss Jaclyn! Wake up! I-ah!" She placed a hand on her head and began to whimper.

Swords clashed. Blood. So much blood. People crying, screaming. A war-cry. Somewhere a horn sounded. And drums... Someone was crying. A woman... A woman was crying.

"I don't understand! Make her stop crying!" Tears streamed down Catherine's face and Jaclyn feebly and gently wiped them away.

"Do not cry, Lady Bloom... There are two sides to everything... You will find the good in the gift I have given to you... Now, please... You must leave in the morning... The rain hides too many secrets, too many dangers... But the morning... You must... Please... Find her... Find the Dawn." Jaclyn's eyes began to drift shut and Catherine shook her.

"You can't leave me! I can't handle this! It's too much! Seer! Jaclyn! JACLYN!"

The seer didn't answer. She didn't move. She didn't breathe.

"No... No!" Catherine released the other girl and cried. "I can't handle this..."

You must leave in the morning...

Catherine swallowed and wiped away her tears, but they stubbornly continued to stream down her face. "Morning..."

"Man the battlements!"

"They're coming from all sides!"

Screams. Swords. Fire. Magicks.

The fall of the Galaxy Court.

"All... Gone... Dead..." She began to tremble. "And I can't tell them because no one would believe me... Not a single soul would believe that I can prophesize now..."

To save your brother you must.

She stood and walked toward the door. Lady Pluto opened the seer's bedroom door and stepped outside. A maid passed her and she stopped the woman. "Please inform the council that the seer's apprentice, Jaclyn, has passed on."

It was Lady Pluto that left the shocked maid and went to her room... And began to pack.


"A few hours." Dorothy muttered as they trudged through the woods. Her long hair was wet, tangled, and had caught in almost twenty bushes by now.

"Shelter!" Duo could barely suppress his own joy at finally reaching the merchant village.

"Cousin, before we run to the first ready shelter we must discuss something of importance. The Lady was right. This is a place for cutthroats and murderers and we must be careful. This is also a country of free men." He stated this toward Dorothy. "Do not treat the men like slaves unless you wish for a fight, lady... Your high birth cannot be hidden, however. You remember the story we planned earlier?"

"Of course. How could I forget with this one preaching it to me every second?" Dorothy motioned toward Lady Une who glowered at the shorter woman.

"Good. Then, my King, shall we?"

"Gladly." The group walked out of the woods and into the merchant village.

It wasn't much of a village actually. The buildings occupying it were mostly taverns and gambling houses and bower. Duo glanced at the bower and Dorothy rolled her eyes at his expression. The village seemed to have three inns and they picked the best, after all... Only the best to suit nobility.

They walked inside.




Relena slipped and fell. She whimpered slightly as a sharp branch slashed across her unprotected ankle. The Panther yanked her to her feet and pushed her forward. The Moon's men were getting closer... They knew they were on the right track and Relena couldn't push the wild fear pulsing through her veins.

She's bleeding, man-cat.

Galea ran with them. The rain had soaked her wings; they were too heavy to carry her weight now. Relena glanced down at the meowing catriffin and once again wished she could understand the small creature. The Panther didn't answer, but continued to force Relena to run...

She fell again and cried out as her ankle was caught between a knot of roots. The Panther kneeled beside her and began to rip at the roots. Even in their peril, she marveled at his strength...


"Watch out!" Relena yelled and he turned, a dagger already in his hand.

The Panther circled the other man, keeping the soldier away from Relena. She pulled at her ankle, trying to get it loose. Tears began to join the rain streaming down her face. Others were beginning to join the first soldier.

The Panther struck. He moved like liquid, like he was part of the rain itself, and was behind the man. The dagger sliced through the soldier's throat and the Panther pushed him aside. He turned toward the others.

There were four left. They attacked at all sides.

He freed his sword and impaled one man while kicking another.

Relena freed her ankle and scrambled away as the body of a soldier fell near her. She stared at the dead body and watched as the rain washed away the blood...

He pulled his sword away from the other man's stomach and turned to the last two. One was holding a sword and he met it with his own. The other man kept darting in and out, biting with his dagger... Yet causing no serious damage as the Panther kept moving before the dagger could pierce any organs.

The swords locked together and the Panther smiled before slamming his head into the soldier's. The crunch of bone was his reward and the Panther stumbled back, blinking to clear his vision.


A movement.

The dagger man.

The Panther had let down his guard. Dots clouded his vision from colliding heads with the other soldier. He turned. The dagger came toward him.

Then stopped.

The soldier's eyes widened and his mouth opened in a silent O. He fell forward and Relena fell upon him, stabbing him with the dagger she'd stolen from one of the dead bodies.

Blood. It covered her.

The Panther moved away from the gruesome scene as the once peaceful woman continued to stab and tear at the lifeless body. She finally stopped and raised eyes the color of blood toward him. She tilted her head, then licked her blood-covered lips.

The blood rage.

He knew of it. In times of war, the Dawns would lead their soldiers into army... Because they were an army themselves... By taking another's life something awoke in a Dawn causing her to seek death, to seek blood. She wouldn't stop till all her enemies were dead... And once invoked it was always there... A dangerous power that could raise at the slightest hint of anger or hate...

She lunged at him and he caught her wrists. She snarled, but he merely stared at the woman.

Slowly, her eyes resumed their normal blue coloring and the dagger fell from her fingers. "Panther..." He released her and she fell to her knees. Relena stared at her blood-covered hands in horror, "What have I done? No... No!" She scrambled toward a muddy puddle and began to splash the dirty water on her face, trying to wash the blood from her skin.

He handed her the canteen and she used the water in it...

"It won't come off!" She sobbed and he stared at her hands... They were still covered in blood... Every speak of skin from her wrist to her fingertips was covered in blood... She grabbed a pinecone and began to grate it against her skin, but he stopped her.

"It is to warn others."

She stared at him, realizing what he meant. She pulled her knees close and began to rock back and forth... Till the Panther tapped her shoulder. He handed her his black gloves and Relena stared at them. "Put them on. We have to move."

Numbly, she nodded and covered her bloodstained hands with the black gloves. He helped her to stand and they were moving again...

Neither noticed the absence of the catriffin till much later.


The inn owner looked up as the door opened and a group walked in... A young man with a long braid wearing clothes of obvious nobility though they were soaked and ragged was supporting a woman whose face the innkeeper couldn't see. Her long white dress was in tatters and her long blond hair was tangled and matted. Behind the two stood another couple of noble birth, a pretty woman with brown hair that clung to her face as she walked beside her husband, a tall man dressed in black whose eyes coldly surveyed the inn and its owner.

"Hush, darling. It's all right." The braided young man crooned to the blond woman as her shoulders shook and she sobbed in his arms.

"We would like two of your best rooms." The man dressed in black addressed him.

"What happened to you all?" The innkeeper asked as he motioned for one of the serving wenches who was we staring at the four curiously to go and ready the rooms.

"We were attacked." The brown haired woman answered. "We were visiting the Dawn's Court with gifts for our honorable Reborn Dawn when we were attacked by savage men yelling something about the moon..." She swallowed and the innkeeper watched as one of her hands began to tremble. "It was awful... My brother's wife is still in shock from the events. We were lucky to escape with our lives."

"That's enough, dear." The black man placed a comforting arm around his wife. "My wife is also still quite upset about these events..."

The innkeeper bowed his head in understanding, but with one hand made a gesture known worldwide for its financial meaning.

Solo nodded and removed two gold coins from the pouch hanging from his sword-less belt. "We were able to hide a bit of our money from the thieves... Thanks to my wife and Lady Lina."

The innkeeper pocketed the coins quickly. "If you will follow me, I will show you to your rooms, my lords and ladies.

"Oh thank you ever so much." A whisper of a voice reached his ears and he turned to see the blond woman called Lady Lina. Her face was streaked with tears yet he was more stunned by the sheer paleness of her skin compared to her companions tan complexions. An exotic face... In the Ransik slave market such a face... He shook such thoughts away and led them up the stairs to their rooms.

The black dressed man waited till the first couple was boarded away before turning toward the innkeeper. "My name is Lord Michael and my wife is Lady Rose."

"And the others, Lord Michael?" The innkeeper smiled a greasy smile and Une resisted the urge to glower at the pig of a man.

"They are Lord Bryan and Lady Lina." Michael leaned down and whispered, "In the morning I and my companions will be wanting breakfast waiting for us."

"Understood, my lord."

The innkeeper walked off, whistling to himself.


"One bed?! ONE?!" Duo removed the illusion on himself and knew Solo and Une were doing the same... The illusions of his clothing and Solo and Une's lack of weapons all disappeared... But they remained human looking, after all they couldn't take the chance of dropping that illusion. He sighed as he watched Dorothy drop her innocent act and start to rant. "I'm not sleeping in the same bed with you!"

Duo leered, "Oh, it's not that bad after all." He took a step toward the bed and found himself facing a dagger filled with blood.

"Do not test me, King." Dorothy sheathed the blade and pointed to the floor. "This is where you shall be sleeping. Now, good day for I am tired and have dreamt of sleeping in a bed for weeks now."

"The floor?! I have as much right to that bed as you!"

Dorothy squeezed water out of her hair, for once cursing its length, and began to pick leaves and twigs out of it. "It is too bad her clothes wouldn't fit me... Those pouches are remarkable. She had four changes of clothing, food for at least a week, two silver daggers, gold and silver, another pouch holding some strange powder, and a gold rose! Remarkable..."

He stared at her in shock. It was the first time he'd ever heard her truly talk without insulting him, other than that time she tried to comfort him... And he'd ruined that. "They're quite common in Elysia. I have a few, but wasn't allowed to bring them with me..."

"What about those swords they're caring? What are they?" Dorothy turned curious eyes toward him, still picking twigs out of her hair.

"They're swords for the highest ranking noble soldiers. They weigh close to nothing and are faster than the wind in the right hands..."

"Do you have one?"

"I am no soldier..."

Dorothy nodded slightly. "Do you have a weapon similar to them, though?"

"Yes... But it's my own weapon. I created it and always carry it with me, but its more a symbol of my position as the Royal Prince or... King..." He ran a hand through his bangs, then flashed a smile. "I rarely use it and especially not in these human realms."

"Why not?"

"It'd be like a beacon to any mage or sorceress, also it's too deadly..."

"Meaning you can't control it." She smiled smugly as he glared at her.

"I didn't say that!" His eyes widened, "You tricked me!"

Dorothy feigned innocence, "I, trick you? How could you accuse me of such a thing?"

"You changed the conversation so I'd forget about the bed! I will not! I am not sleeping on the floor like a common dog!"

"You. A common dog. I don't see much difference except the dog has less fleas."

"Why you little..." Duo seethed, unable to figure out an insult that would suit his anger. He shook a fist at her.

"Floor or out." She stated calmly and he crossed his arms.

"I've decided the floor is a much better place than sleeping with you. I do not see why that bard would even wish to bed you, an ordinary whore has more decency than you."

Rage flared inside the woman and Duo found himself being shoved and kicked toward the door. "Out! OUT! Get out!" Dorothy ripped the door open and shoved him hard. " And stay out!" She slammed the door shut and he could hear the lock being turned... Then feel an additional magical lock.

"Curse the woman." Duo stood, brushing dirt off his pants and the shirt he'd borrowed from Solo. He made his way down the stairs. He sat down at one of the small tables that adorned the inn. A pretty serving wench made her way to his table, squealing as a drunken farmer pinched her.

"Good day, milord!" She smiled at him, fluttering her eyelashes as her eyes traveled along his body. "What will you be having?"

"A cup of strong ale, the strongest you have."

She giggled, "Wife troubles?"

Duo winced, "Always."

The wench leaned close and smiled at him, "Ale's not the only thing that can make you forget her, milord." She turned and flounced away and Duo watched her go.

He leaned back in his chair and grinned, "Maybe this night's not all that bad..."


Une returned from where she'd been spying on her King and glared at Solo. "His stay in these realms has affected him! He's down there flirting with a common harlot!"

Solo shrugged, "He was doing that in Elysia... It's his way. He'll settle down when he finds the one for him."

Une grumbled as night settled early...


Awaking wasn't a pleasant thing for Relena... She was wet, cold, warm, hot, and tired... And guilty... And terrified at what she'd become. She blinked as a drop of water fell from a branch above her and splattered against her cheek. She shifted and turned to see the Panther curled up against her, one arm even circling around her. She vaguely remembered him explaining that they would not be able to reach a village, that other soldiers may be waiting... He had pulled her under a large oak tree and they had stayed that way... Till she began to tremble from exhaustion and cold... Her mind had been too numb for her to think about her hands...

The Panther who at the time had been muttering something about half-breeds abandoning them when he'd noticed her trembling. He had no extra clothing for her; he barely wore much himself and could only offer his own body heat. If she'd been thinking straight, Relena never would have allowed it, but in her haze-filled state she'd agreed and had slept curled up against the cat trapped in a man's body...

She stared at his sleeping face and smiled as she stifled a yawn. Now, he couldn't hide his tiredness or stress... He slept soundly, his face for once lacking its usual frown or impassiveness... He looked peaceful.

"Panther..." She whispered and suddenly found herself on her back with him over her, a dagger in one hand.

Sleep left his eyes and he stared down at her before slowly backing away and allowing her to sit up. He sheathed his dagger and stood, eyeing their surroundings while Relena stared at him incredulously.

"Not even one I'm sorry? You could have killed me!" Something stirred.

"Yes, I could have yet you still live."

Something rose as she stood, anger in her voice. "You could at least apologize!"

He turned toward her and his hand went to his sword as he watched red lights dance in her eyes... Red the color of blood. "Calm yourself or the blood rage will be upon you."

Instantly, her face paled and she stared at him with wide blue eyes. "The blood rage." Relena lowered her gaze toward her gloved hands and couldn't tear her eyes away. "I invoked it..."

"You saved me from being wounded. I thank you."

"I saved you... And have lost my innocence..."

"Do not think of it as losing something. It is a weapon you can and shall use to regain your lands." His eyes narrowed, "This is a time of war. Peace comes after war, but first you must win the battles."

She was silent and the Panther shifted his scabbard before speaking again.

"Every being has a battle that they were borne for... This is yours and you must use every weapon available to you."

"And what of the price? What if I cannot handle this... weapon?"

"Think of your people... Of what it will do to them if you cannot handle it. You must learn control."

"Like you?" She looked upward finally and stared at him.

The Panther turned away, "Never like me..."

"For now all I can see is what I have lost in gaining this... All the rewards are in a future that may never happen."

"Then here is a reward, Dawn." His tone was impassive, but she caught a hint of anger and impatience lurking in his eyes. "I do not and will never know for sure, but you may have saved my life yesterday. In return, I shall tell you something no man or woman has even known. When I was in my true form I had two names... One by which everyone knew me by and one which was given to me at my transformation. My human name is Heero. Now, let that be your reward for now." The Panther started to walk away and Relena rubbed her hands together, trying to fight the cold that was both outside and in.

"Heero..." She hastened to catch up with him. "What is your other name?"

He glanced at her harshly, "That is for no human to know, not even one that has saved my life. It is a name long gone..." Heero frowned and stared straight ahead, "When part of the family reaches manhood or womanhood their first name is left behind and a new one is chosen... Thus the first is forgotten over the years till... You find a mate then you offer both names for our names hold power... Or they did... Heero is my second name... A cursed name..."

Relena glanced once more at her hands, but for now forced them from her thoughts. Instead she reached out and grabbed his arm, "Pan---Heero," she liked the way it felt on her tongue, "I promise I will help you and one day you will find your mate. I promise."

He said nothing, just stared at her for a second... As if pondering this strange human and her actions then he gently removed his arm from her grasp and began to walk again... Leaving the Dawn to her thoughts...






Extra Little Note: Jeez, this is gonna be a long fic---just think it's already this long, only one real battle has been fought, a 2nd is on its way, and this is supposed to be a war... Wars usually consist of more than two battles... Eek! Oh well, as long as you, the readers, don't get tired of reading this story then I won't stop writing (No way I could get tired of this story! I love writing it ^_^)