Disclaimer: Do not own Gundam Wing or any of its characters ^_^

Dawn and Moon Wars

Chapter Seven


Sally walked a few feet behind the strange solemn soldier, her heart heavy with despair. 'My home...' She walked toward the nearly demolished wall and ran a hand over it. 'Gone... All gone in just hours...'

Someone moaned nearby and Sally jerked toward the sound. She walked a few feet to a pile of rubble and her eyes widened in shock. "Master Healer!" She ran forward and kneeled beside the older woman, watching in surprise as the usually stern woman cried. "Don't cry, Master... It'll be all right... Please."

She slowly raised her head and stared at Sally. "Ghosts! Even you haunt me! Begone! Leave me!" She waved her hands at Sally and began to move away.

"Ghosts?! I'm no ghost! Please--." Sally's eyes widened, "Watch out!"

The Master Healer turned slightly and saw that a spearhead lay behind her. She croaked a cold, bitter laugh. "Is that what you want, spirits? Fine!" She turned and lunged forward. Sally jumped at the Master Healer, but was too late and could not stop the woman from falling onto the sharp point...

"Mother... NO!" Sally knelt beside the dead woman, staring at the blood that welled from the woman's back. "No...No..."

"Shock." A quiet voice spoke behind her and she turned to see the solider. "Sometimes, people cannot handle the horrors war offers and they choose the path of death to escape."

"She was my teacher..." Sally whispered, "Such a strong woman... Stern, yet caring when I really needed comforting. This shouldn't have happened to her."

Wufei nodded, then paled as Sally covered her face and began to sob. He awkwardly crouched down beside her and patted her shoulder. "Don't cry. We must move."

"She was a mother to me." Sally cried harder and turned, burying her head in his chest. Wufei stiffened, then nervously placed his arms around her.

'Gods... Help me...' Wufei thought as her tears stained his shirt.


Duo watched as Dorothy's sobs stopped and she stared at the ground. Slowly she stood and cool eyes focused on him. "Well, slave, this lady is off to find her Dawn."

"My name is Duo Maxwell, not slave. Can you say that or is it beyond your understanding?"

Dorothy bristled at his tone, "I can say it, it's a matter of wanting to say it!"

"Well, you're better." He motioned for her to get up, "Let's go."

"Go where, oh mighty SLAVE?"

He glared at her, "Does being a bitch come naturally or do you have to work on it?" He turned and started walking and Dorothy spluttered behind him, before running after him.

"It's a gift." She hissed once she reached him.

Duo gritted his teeth together and the two trudged along. Silence settled for a bit before Dorothy smiled arrogantly at him. "So, Duo," she mocked him, "you must be a grand wood's man."

"How's that?" He glanced at her, her smug smile grating on his nerves. He couldn't see what Quatre saw in her, but then again Possessed Bondlings were possessed because of the psychic scent, though looks did help. And even Duo had to admit the girl had an exotic beauty to her... if only one could forever meld her mouth shut.

Her eyes danced with amusement, "Because, dear boy, you've been leading us in circles."




"Captain!" Hilde had barely even begun her hunt for the Reborn Dawn when she caught the familiar scent of her once mentor and Captain. "Captain!" She ran, nearly tripping, and fell beside Noin. Both women were covered in blood and muddy streaks decorated Noin's face. Hilde could tell the older woman had been crying, but wisely didn't say anything.

"Hilde..." Noin turned toward the younger female and slowly smiled. "You're safe."

Hilde nodded, "I was fighting one of those renegade free soldiers when the castle caved in... I was near the castle wall when it happened so it was easy to just escape through the gate and wait. I was about to go after the Reborn Dawn when I found you." She turned toward what was left of the capital, "I'm sorry to admit that I'm not truly all that sad... I didn't know the people as well as you and had just begun to live here, but..." Her voice became hard and serious, "But the few people I did meet I feel strong bonds with them. The Reborn Dawn, her Advisor, you, a young apprentice healer... I don't have any family so the friends I make mean a lot to me."

Noin nodded, "I lived here all my life... I've lost friends and gained friends. But you're right. It's the people we should grieve for, not the city... The peace and order it represented hasn't died with the castle, but lives on... The Reborn Dawn lives, as does Dorothy... Midii is following the trail of the Panther to find Relena." The Captain stood tall and proud, once more her normal self, and Hilde followed her example.

"What shall we do then? Go after the Dawn, too?"

"No..." Lucrezia Noin turned and looked toward the woods where she'd seen many of the Moon soldiers disappear. "We'd be of no real help to Midii..." She frowned slightly, as if not liking to admit that fact, then continued. "Instead we shall go after the head of this problem."

Understanding dawned in the blood warrior's eyes; "It's like when one cuts the head of a chicken off... The body runs around in chaos, harming nothing, then dies."

Noin raised an eyebrow, "Something like that..." She shook her head at the image that had formed in her head at the girl's words. "We go after the Moon himself. With your senses we should be able to easily find him."

Hilde's upper lip raised as she snarled. "I can smell his men's stench. I can lead you to him."

"Then let's go." Noin picked up her fallen sword and sheathed it as Hilde wiped the blood off her blade. The two women set off and entered the woods.


Midii kneeled beside a broken bush limb and nodded when she saw a purplish black cat hair. 'I'm on the right track then...' She stood and continued through the woods, following the Panther and Galea. It seemed Relena was still slumbering from the drug he'd waved in front of her.

She sighed as the wood's sounds of life echoed around her. It had been awhile since she'd been actively involved in hunting down someone... Ever since her promotion as Spy Mistress, she usually only spoke and relayed messages she received from her contacts. And these woods were rarely used by anyone except merchants who'd use the one good road that twisted through it.

And Midii had kept her distance from the dense wood...

Too many memories of a past she longed to forget haunted her when she neared the wood...

"No! Please, don't take him!"  Violet eyes turned toward her, eyes that seemed to drown in despair and grief and pain at being betrayed. "How could you? How could you do this ?"

Midii ran a hand through her hair, her mouth set in a thin line. "Leave me alone..."

 "We'll be friends forever, won't we?"

"Damn you! Leave me alone!" It had been years since she'd heard the voices...

 "Who... Who are you?"

Midii faltered and nearly fell to her knees as the second voice spoke up in her mind. The voice of a young boy, his voice so innocent... Yet deeply untrusting. His voice hurt the most out of the two that haunted her. The first was the sweet melody of a young girl, full of energy and life.

 "You can trust me."

And this third voice... Well she recognized it best of all... It was the voice of a child... A girl... A girl that had grown up to be the Dawn's Spy Mistress.

 "You can trust me."

Midii shook her head, steeled her eyes, and searched for more clues pointing to the Panther's trail. She didn't have time for memories.


'I have to keep moving...' The woman leaned forward, resting her body on the horse's long neck. It's hooves made a steady comforting rhythm and nearly put her asleep... But she couldn't sleep. Every time she closed her eyes she could see the fires, the magicks, the blood... So much blood... And hear the screams...

She shuddered and sat back up, ignoring her aching muscles. All her guards had been killed, but right now there was no time to mourn. She had to reach the Galaxy Court and warn them of the coming danger.

The Galaxy Representative nudged her horse slightly and soon she was speeding across the ground. 'I have to warn them...'


"For centuries now, men have suffered because of women. Why?" Millardo spoke as he, Quatre, and Trowa rode deeper into the woods on tall, strong stallions. Trowa snorted, he suspected the stallions hadn't originally belonged to the 'Moon'.

"We suffer because of a superstitious story revolving around some Mother! What Mother? Have any actually seen her, talked to her, heard her?! No! She's only an excuse used by the Priestesses and Dawns so they could continue holding power over us. And I know why they want us kept chained and caged."

"Why?" Quatre was completely enthralled by this Moon person and Trowa wanted to reach over and box the bard. Couldn't he see the obsessed gleam in this Millardo's eyes? Or... Were Quatre's eyes too glazed by a similar look...

"They fear us. They fear our power." Millardo waved one arm to the wood around them, "And they have right to be, for soon they shall know our power! Our Strength!" Around them other soldiers yelled agreement with their leader... Except...

Trowa's eyes squinted as he stared at a strange pair that hung back from the others... A solemn looking man with a young woman beside him. The man's eyes were locked on some object and Trowa raised an eyebrow at the obvious doubt and worry in the soldier's eyes. He followed an invisible line till he reached what he suspected the soldier was staring at. 'The Moon... So I'm not the only that disbelieves him. Have I found myself an ally or...' He turned his gaze back toward the woman. 'I do not believe Millardo, but I also do not want to be a slave. This fate isn't appropriate for any, but if he has his way the roles will just be reversed. Men will rule and women will become slaves... I want equality. I do not want to live in a world where I am called Master.'

His eyes hardened and focused ahead once more. He caught a part of what Millardo was saying and scoffed.

"We will show them true justice and their rightful ruler."

'Insane...' Trowa shook his head, 'I have to convince Quatre to leave this madman and his ravings.' He turned his gaze toward his friend and frowned in concern. 'But if we leave... Will I be leaving one madman only to travel with another?'









Dorothy's eyes narrowed, "I pray that your tongue rot and fall to the ground, eaten away by the mangiest rats!"

Duo raised an eyebrow and mock bowed, "Why, thank you, milady. I didn't know you cared." He intoned sarcastically.

"Argh! Leave me in peace and stop following me!" Dorothy shouted and Duo chuckled coldly.

"I can't do that. You'd run straight to your little bard and we can't have that, now can we?" He started to whistle and Dorothy watched him with cold eyes that nearly spat fire.

"I can't stand people like you." She hissed, "Flapping your mouth about all the time! Why must I be forced to endure this torture?! A parrot talks less than you... Earth-vexing minion from hell. That's the only thing you can be."

Duo mocked her and she swung a fist at him. He dodged and grinned. "Oh, come on! You can do better than that, an easy trollop like you must have some practice at all sorts of-." Duo never finished as Dorothy slapped him with the back of her hand.

"Take that, you-." Dorothy's eyes widened and she backed a step away. For Duo had begun to change...

It was as if something wavered around him and his eyes narrowed into violet slits, the pupil a flaring gold, and his skin lightened, became paler... And his teeth were a startling white with slightly feline like points... Then it was gone and she was staring at the regular Duo except he was still a tad pale.

"Don't..." He gasped for air. "Hit me..." Duo closed his eyes, as if increasingly tired, then he stood up straight and stared down at Dorothy. "Do not hit me again. It causes me to lose concentration and I may react aggressively if you're not careful."

Dorothy eyed him for a second, then calmly punched him in the stomach. She turned and walked away as Duo glared at her retreating back. 'Horrible woman...'


Dorothy stalked a bit away from where she'd left Duo gasping for air and glaring after her. She didn't dare bolt again, she knew he'd catch her, and she didn't use her magicks... She knew the reason for that too. He had powers just as strong as hers... Any ways, she'd decided to travel with this annoying slave for a bit since he offered protection until she reached Relena.

She didn't know what exactly she'd do once she reached her Dawn... After all, she had killed Relena's mother and could be considered a traitor... But if Relena believed her a traitor and wanted her dead, then Dorothy would bow her head and allow Relena to swing the axe.

Dorothy sighed and pulled the blood dagger from of its sheath. Duo had stolen the sheath off a dead soldier, whether Moon or Dawn she did not know, and given it to her when she'd calmed. She stared at the blood filled blade and her shoulders slumped. She was a strong woman and even now the shock of killing the Dawn and seeing her mother killed was fading... But the grief stayed, but she locked it away in the back of her mind. She had more important details to worry about.

Relena had not bonded... yet she was the Reborn Dawn... Dorothy had a theory about this, but wasn't sure if it was even possible for any female to be a complete element of feminine magick...

Quatre, for that was her bondling's name, worried her. He was Possessed and she knew enough to know that her running and hiding from him was hopeless. He'd find her and... Dorothy shuddered and pushed that thought out of her mind.

The blood dagger... Now this she could face. It was an ancient talisman that would need to feed on blood once the blood filling its blade was fully absorbed. It would either use her to kill for that blood or she could feed it her own life force. Dorothy could not part with it. It was a part of her and always would be... The path for the owner of the dagger led to either madness or death... Unless the bond between owner and dagger was somehow removed or dissolved.

Dorothy frowned and turned the dagger over in her hand. 'As if being bonded to that man wasn't bad enough...'

Her eyes widened as she felt a pull in her mind... It was like a shining rope had wrapped around her heart and tugged...


 "Dorothy... Come to me."

She licked her lips and stood, Quatre's words seemed to run over her and through her, and Dorothy darted a look around. She felt a tinge of fear enter her as his emotions ran into her, trying to force her to feel what he felt.



It was like invisible hands were touching her face and ghostly lips trailed kisses down her neck... Dorothy trembled and tightened her grip on the dagger. "No... Can't..."

 "I need you."

"Too much..." Dorothy choked, then jerked as a bolt traveled through her arm. She regained her earlier fear and her strength. Her eyes narrowed, "NO!" The blade jumped in her hand and she slashed the air in front of her.

The voice was gone, the invisible hands and lips, and for a second his emotions were gone... or at least not as intense. Dorothy breathed heavily, "When I say no, I mean no..."

Duo walked toward her and raised an eyebrow... Then he seemed to bristle and tense. "He was here." His violet eyes traveled over her, checking for any marks, but found none. "What happened?"

"Jealousy..." Dorothy started to laugh, "That's why..." She heaved the dagger across the small clearing and it embedded into a tree. "My bondlings were jealous!"

"Right..." He shook his head, "My luck to be traveling with a bitchy sorceress with two jealous bondeds... One which is a Possessed bard and the other is a dagger... A freakin' dagger." Duo continued to mutter.


Quatre stared outside his room's window, glad for the privacy the large space offered. They had reached the hidden manor an hour ago and he had been positioned in one of the more... upper-class rooms, as had Trowa who roomed beside him.

The wind ran through the trees, causing the limbs to shake lightly. A bird sang a cheerful tune, calling for a mate. In the distance a wolf howled... The moon began to shine in the velvet sky... He noticed none of these things. His thoughts were focused on a figure that danced in his mind.

Blond hair that came to her ankles... Long, pale slender legs... Fine, noble hands... Blue gray eyes that shone...

He thought of her.

Quatre could feel her through their link. It had gotten stronger now that he knew who she was and she knew who he was. He closed his eyes and focused, calling to her through their bond... Summoning her... He could see her!

She was standing in a small clearing, holding a dagger in one hand. Her eyes were focused on the blade and he envied it for having her attention... Then he called to her...

"Dorothy... Come to me."

She stiffened and he saw her tongue dart out to lick her dry lips. And she spoke... She had such a sweet voice.



Why was she resisting? They were meant to be. He focused harder, pushing more elemental power and his emotions into the words.


He could almost feel her skin under his fingertips and his hand twitched and Quatre so badly wanted to be where she was... To be with her, near her...


"No... Can't..."

Can't? Why couldn't they? She was his and he was hers. That was all they needed.

"I need you."

A tiny part of him knew that he was pushing too much into her, that he was forcing too much. That if he continued this would be close brainwashing because it would be his emotions she felt, not her own. But who had time to listen to such a quiet little voice when everything else screamed at him to summon her.

"Too much..."

 Maybe he should lessen it, but... So close... Soon...



"Ah!" Quatre jerked as a dagger the color of blood slashed out at him and he stumbled away from the window. The blade seemed to mock him and it terrified him and angered him.

 "When I say no, I mean no..."

Quatre snarled as the image of her and the strange dagger disappeared... But not before he saw that violet-eyed gladiator slave enter the clearing. "NO! Damn him!" He turned and shattered a nearby vase. "This is all his fault." His eyes narrowed, "And he'll pay for taking her away from me... I'll make sure of it."


Relena stretched and waved a hand as the sun temporarily blinded her. "Oh, could someone shut the curtains?"'

Mrow! Mrow!

Relena blinked and stared as she realized she wasn't in her room, but on cold, hard ground and Galea was pleasantly sitting on her chest, meowing at her happily. The woman slowly sat up, carefully removing the catriffin from her chest, and rubbed a temple as memories flooded her. "Mother... Oh, Dorothy how could you?" She pulled her knees to her chest and cried silently, the tears soaking into her torn dress.

She didn't know how much time passed before Relena finally noticed that she wasn't alone... Relena slowly raised her head and stared in shock at the young man sitting across from her. He stared back at her, unabashed, then looked away as if she held no real interest.

Relena couldn't help, but stare at the man. He wore black pants and a black vest. A scabbard lay next to him, a black hilt revealing evidence of the sword hidden inside. He wore a dagger, also sheathed and black, around his neck, hanging from a necklace. He wore no shoes, but did wear a pair of black gloves. Two smudges of black paint were on his face and his unruly brown hair was streaked with black...

He seemed to notice her gaze and turned to stare at her again. He had the most amazing eyes she'd ever seen... They were blue, but it wasn't the color that interested her... But the emotions, the raging emotions locked underneath them... They were so intense, so caged, so wild...

"Who are you?"

Galea purred and he turned to stare at the little catriffin. His expression softened slightly and he scratched the little animal under the chin.

Relena's forehead furrowed, "Excuse me... Are you a mute slave?" She sighed, "Smart, Relena... Truly smart... How is he to answer if he's a mute? Can you hear me?"

He raised his head toward her and the softened expression disappeared. He snorted and stood, a smooth graceful motion that made something in Relena rise... But she shoved it down, not understanding, and also stood.


Galea hissed and clawed the man's leg and he looked down at the catriffin. He bared his teeth for a second, then seemed to sigh though she didn't hear it. He turned around and faced her again.

"I am not a slave."

His voice was monotony, but seemed to rub against some sort of nerve within her and for a second Relena felt something pulse inside her again... But once again, she pushed it down. Instead fear rose up. "W-what?!"

He glared at her, as if he didn't like repeating. "I am not a slave."

Relena began to back away, slowly then quicker as panic pulsated through her blood. "Then... What are you?"

"You humans call me the Panther."

That got her. Relena turned and ran.


He hated the way humans acted sometimes... This was a fine example of their strange tendencies. The human woman heard the name her people had given him and ran! He seriously didn't understand how her species had survived as long as it had.

 Don't just stand there, you idiot! Catch her!

The Panther stared down at Galea who hissed at him. "You catch her. I was sent here to kill her. I doubt she'll survive in these woods."

 Where has your honor gone, man-cat?

"Honor didn't help me when those bonded changed me, now did it?"


He snarled, but ran after the young human. The Panther leaped over a fallen log and didn't even hesitate as he landed on his feet. He could see her. After all the time that had passed during his talk with Galea, she had barely gotten anywhere. Couldn't the foolish human at least run?

The Panther easily closed the distance between them and grabbed her arm. He swung her around and her face was shoved into his chest. Her cheek brushed against his bare chest and the Panther quickly pushed her at arms' length.

"Let go! Let go of me! I'm the Dawn!" Her eyes narrowed and he watched, with a tinge of surprise, as a war seemed to rage behind those blue eyes. Golden flecks seem to swirl in their depths, fighting to be released. Then he felt it...

She released her pure feminine magick.

The Panther dropped hold of her arm and stared at his gloved hands in shock. A golden sheen surrounded him, but it didn't hurt... It tingled across his flesh and slowly his hands began to flicker and a soft, velvety fur began to travel up his arms...

Then it was gone. The sheen disappeared and he was once again staring at a human hand in a black glove... Trapped... Again...

"How... Not possible..." He looked up and saw his shock mirrored in her eyes. "You..." He grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. "Change me back! You have the power! Do it!"

Relena trembled under his frantic gaze and shaking. "What do you mean?! I don't know what just happened!"

"Then... How..."

Are you happy now?

A smug female voice asked and he looked down at Galea. "You..." He snarled, "You knew she could! I could've killed her!"

 Could've, but didn't.

"I should kill you." He whispered, low and dangerous.

Relena stared at the strange man as he talked to the catriffin. "What are you doing?!"

He glanced sharply at her, "Change me back."

"I don't know what you mean!"

 She's telling the truth, but I promise you this. She is the one the prophecy speaks of. She can change you back... Once she learns the full extent of her powers and the truth.

"Don't speak to me about that damn prophecy." The Panther hissed, "It's a lie! A lie! It won't happen!"

"You know of the prophecy?" Relena grabbed his arm, "Who are you?!"

"I already told you. Your people call me the Panther." He breathed in deeply, trying to calm his roaring nerves.

"The Panther... The freeman assassin." She dropped his arm, but didn't run this time. "The Panther..." Relena was deep in thought and the Panther stared at her. "The stories are true?"

"Stories?" The Panther blinked. Bad luck had to be following him. First, he was changed into this wretched form. Next, that idiotic prophecy. Now, the one person that seemed to be able to change him back appeared to be crazy.

"The stories about you truly once being a panther?"

He growled and she took that as a yes.

"You want me... to change you... back into a panther?"


"And if I don't?"

"I'll kill you."

Relena's eyes narrowed, "I'm the Reborn Dawn and men are slaves. How dare you threaten me!"

He bared his teeth in an animalistic smile, "I am no man."

She swallowed and moved away, "You can talk to Galea?" Relena decided to change the subject and the catriffin purred at the mention of her name.


 Oh my! Was that a joke?

The Panther gritted his teeth together and turned away from them both. "You have two choices, Dawn. You can stand there and eventually be found by those soldiers that burned your city or come with me. If you come with me, I'll protect you for a price." He looked back at her, his hard eyes holding her in place.

"Price?" Relena was just too confused. Here was a man who wasn't a slave. He was one of the most well known freemen because of his occupation as an assassin. Yet, he wasn't human. She believed that after seeing him change for a second... Did that mean she could go with him? He wasn't human, so he wasn't a slave. It was much easier to think like that. It didn't go against everything she'd learned... It merely... twisted the rules somewhat.

"You will change me back once you learn how to."

 The prophecy...

"Shut up, half-breed."

 Name-calling? Do you really want me to start, man-cat?

Relena tried to ignore the fact that he seemed to be arguing with an animal that didn't seem to be responding. She nodded, "If I learn how to, I will change you back... If you'll protect me."

"Then we move."

 Why, aren't you the smooth-talker?

"I could easily snap your neck." The Panther hissed and Relena followed Galea and him with a sense of worry... Make that extremely worried...


Reviews are highly appreciated!! ^_^ ciao!!