Deceptions and Lies Chapter 11


Heero groaned as he lifted his head slightly to look at the clock on the nightstand. The light rapping on the door that woke him was heard once again. His only day off in over two weeks since the whole hospital thing with Hilde, and someone had to come and wake him at eight in the morning. Getting out of bed he yelled for the person to hold on for a second. After pulling on a shirt he slipped on a pair of sweats and went to open the door. Heero was shocked to see the person on the other side of the door.


Relena smiled at the still sleepy looking Heero, his hair by far messier than usual. Heero must have known what she was thinking about because he started to run his fingers through his hair as he invited her in.  

Heero watched as she reached over to the side and picked up a baby carrier and a bag. "Let me help." 

Relena handed him the diaper bag and smiled. "I'm not bothering you am I?" She asked as she moved into the apartment.

"No of course not." Closing the door he followed her into his apartment. Relena sat the carrier down and started to pull the blankets off of the sleeping baby before she took her coat off and started to look around his apartment. 

Heero placed the bag on a chair. "It's a little messy. I haven't had time to clean up much, Une has kept me busy lately." Watching Relena look at his bland apartment his eyes drifted toward the baby. When he saw his daughter yawn he walked over to get a better look at her. Taking one of her tiny hands in his fingers a small smile crossed his face. 

Relena turned and smiled at the sight before her. Walking over to Heero he pulled back, reacting as though he did something wrong. "Would you like to hold her?"

"No, she's sleeping. I don't want to disturbed her."

Relena moved around the couch to stand beside Heero. She unbuckled the seatbelt and looked at Heero. "Hold your arms like this." She showed him cradling her arms. 

"Relena." He took a step back as she handed him the baby, but surrendered because of the urge of wanting to hold his child. Looking at the tiny person in his arms he watched as she opened her eyes. A feeling of warmth spread over him, until she started to cry. He looked up at Relena getting ready to ask her what to do but she was digging into the diaper bag.  

Pulling out a bottle and formula she looked at Heero. "Do you have something to warm this up?"

Trying to point toward the kitchen with his elbow Relena forced Heero to sit down on the couch and she wandered off into his small kitchen. Looking down at the crying baby Heero decided to talk to her, and when the crying didn't stop he looked back at the kitchen hoping that Relena got back soon. After a few more minutes Relena appeared, she walked over to him and handed him the bottle.

"You want me to..." Heero glanced down at his daughter and back up at Relena and took the bottle.

Smiling Relena got down on her knees and showed Heero how to hold the baby while feeding her. After she was sure that he got the hang of things she sat down beside him.

"Heero, I heard about what you did for Hilde and Duo. That was very kind of you to stay with her."

Heero glanced over at Relena then looked back at the baby. "I did it because despite what happened between me and Hilde, I knew how much she meant to Duo. She's good for him. I'm glad that they were able to work things out."

Relena looked at her hands and twirled her fingers. It felt awkward, yet right to be with Heero. She was angry, but there was an understanding of why he took off. 

"What did you name her?" 

Relena looked over at Heero and her daughter. "Katelyn Andrea," She paused then smiled. "Yuy."

Heero looked over at her, a slight look of shock on his face. "You didn't have to."

"Yes I did. I still want people to know that she's your daughter."

"How are you holding up against the press?" Heero had to ask that question because of the growing number of articles that he read about the Vice Foreign Minister having a baby out of wedlock. It was getting quite ridiculous and he was half tempted to change a few reporters and paparazzi minds about following her around and asking private questions about her life. 

"My private life is none of their business and no one, including the hospital staff, will talk about it to the press. That's why their articles are based of skepticism and rumors." 

Heero couldn't help but smile. She had made sure to take care of the situation and he knew instantly who was in charge of making sure that people kept their mouths shut. "Zechs is doing a good job then."

Relena nodded. "It's good to have such a persuasive older brother."

"How did you know where I lived? No I can guess that, Duo."

Relena smiled. "He didn't openly volunteer the information, I...I asked him."

Once again Heero smiled. "How did you get here?"

"Millardo. He's waiting down in the car." She seen Heero's eyebrow perk up. "Despite his protesting I told him that it was important that we spoke." Relena thought about what she wanted to say to Heero. She didn't want to make things worse, nor did she want to lead him on. "Heero, I want you to be a part of Katelyn's life. I want her to know who her father is. I'm sure that we can arrange days that you can have time with her."

Heero knew instantly that Relena was telling him that there would be no ground on which they could get back together again. He had expected that and was really hoping that he could have her friendship at the moment. "I'd like that."

Relena smiled at him. "And I wanted to let you know that I'm glad that things turned out ok between you, Duo and Hilde. And about the paternity of the baby."

Heero was stunned. He knew for a fact that Duo and Hilde never told her about the possibility that Hilde's baby could be his. "How did you know?"

Relena shrugged her shoulders. "I have my way of finding out things. I'm not angry at anyone for keeping that information from me." Relena looked over at Katelyn to see that had stopped eating. "It's getting late, we should be going before Millardo comes up here and drags us out."

Heero shifted so Relena could take the baby from him. He watched Relena burp her then clean Katelyn's face and buckled her into the carrier. Taking the bottle from Heero, Relena packed it away in the diaper bag.

"What about us?" He knew that the instant that he said it, it was a mistake. She had given him an opportunity with his daughter and he may be pushing it by asking her that question.

Without looking at him, Relena pulled on her coat. "We'll have to see what happens."

"I love you Relena. I'm willing to do anything to get your forgiveness." 

Relena looked over at him and seen the sincerity in his eyes, and she couldn't think of anything to say to him. Grabbing the diaper bag she headed toward the door. Heero get off of the couch and cross the room, he slipped on his shoes and got his coat. 

"Let me help you down to the car." His hand brushed past hers as he took the carrier from her. 

Relena smiled and they walked quietly out to the limo. When they exited the apartment complex Millardo got out of the limo and came over to them. Glaring at Heero he took the carrier from him and Relena handed her brother the diaper bag.

"Call my office sometime when you have a day off and we can schedule something."

Heero nodded and Relena look over at the car to see that Millardo was waiting for her. Looking back at Heero she quickly kissed him on the cheek and got into the car leaving a slightly stunned Heero behind.