Disclaimer:  I don't own Gundam Wing or any of the characters in this fic except for Heero Maxwell.  Please don't bother suing me, between college and car parts and insurance, I don't having any money.  I don't get any money from this fic, writing's just a hobby of mine.



The Grave


by:  Selena Barton



The sun was starting to set and the sky was a beautiful red.  The shadow cast by the tree near Relena was dark and long.  She just stood there with a single red rose in her hands.



"Heero, I know it's been a while since I was here last.  I was on one of the colonies for yet another diplomatic conference.  You've been gone for almost five years and I still miss you. 



Quatre's been with me.  He does seem to be more comfortable at those conferences than you ever did.  I guess that's because of his social standing.  He had to be used to it, like I did.  He goes almost everywhere with me.  He's the perfect gentleman and for now the perfect escort.  He tries to fill the loss in my heart because of you.  I don't think he'll ever succeed.



Trowa hasn't changed since you left.  He's still silent about what happened.  I know he could tell me more than what he's said.  He knows.  I can see it in his eyes.  I begged him to tell me.  I've gotten in the habit of asking him daily.  You'd think after five years I'd quit asking, but I'm not giving up.  I'll get him to tell me what happened to you.



Wufei disappeared not long after the incident, but I saw the reports about Shenlong yesterday.  He's near by again.  He shows up periodically to make sure everyone is all right.  No one seems to know where he goes.  Well, Sally, but I'm not going to ask her.  She has it hard enough with him disappearing for months on end, just to return for a couple of nights and leave again.



Duo spent months looking for Zero.  He only found the one scrap I mentioned last time.  He swore he wouldn't give up until he found Zero, but I think he's about to give up.  Hilde begged him to stop obsessing over Zero.  She and their son, Heero, don't see him a lot anymore.



Heero Maxwell is four now.  He asks about you.  He asks why his father is so busy that he doesn't have to time to play.  I feel sorry for little Heero.  He reminds me of you.  Duo and Hilde both agreed to that the second he was born.  That's why they named him after you.  I love to watch him play.  He's so carefree, but the more Duo's gone, the more little Heero starts to remind me of you.



I have to go Heero.  I'll be back as soon as possible.  Quatre's waiting for me, and the groundskeeper wants to close the gates.  As always, I will leave you with the same questions I have yet to find answers for.  Why did you leave me?  Why did you do what you did?"



Tears start to streak down her pale cheeks as she lays the single red rose on the ground before the tombstone:  "Heero Yuy"



She turns quickly and runs to Quatre.  He wraps his arms around her, holding her close.  He escorts her to the limo, and the groundskeeper closes the gate.  As the limo pulls away, Heero steps out of the shadow of the tree near his tombstone. 

Heero kneels down and picks up the rose.  A single tear makes its way down his hardened face and lands on the red rose petal.  "For your safety," he whispers.






Okay, this is my first fanfic.  So please no flames, but all constructive criticism is welcome.  Just send it to Sel_Barton@yahoo.com.